��t�°%£��.,�f �� � :i��:^F�fj"�'��c'�'��,5� c ��os� �-• . _ ' ' . .. .' ` _t": ��`.t�;'•,'y.�Fv.` ------
<br /> '� .y���:i e u..� .1`'�' �,�..s � _ . . - ' <.<<'>�,�, -._ ----
<br /> � �'t��� .� ;:�r..,. i �Fsi'+
<br /> �
<br /> '\ �?wa`'�� :�:, �`� 'e •�•J.�''.5
<br /> ' _ ..--� . ' • "' ' ' —. '__ _ '_..
<br /> � �- .� � . :r . . . , . — — __
<br /> I:.t : .- . '. ;-. ' . '.: -i�c�: ,:\:.. :� . :. . "s.3.l��`.:�c'6r:.k:fi?,',.. }�_ _r.n 16iP.,�-!.:�,�a ...- - -_ .___--.
<br /> � '�� ` a -�.:..iWWtilf�l`�.5�.�..w . ' __ .
<br /> , - ; � -
<br /> - t��. ' �. ,i ` _. . . __ __ _ _ . . . � , . 1_ . -t 1 ..; _,��:5. � —_ ....__._
<br /> -t. 'J��, �ypf-`. . , • . ' : . 'c7+k _ _' _______
<br /> — �sY>,�'f�� } t� 'ti{��� � � . � � . ��''�����I�� . � yf rc�r — _—_
<br /> �-"� $ candemnat�os�as c�a mking�:iny p�of the Prape�y:ar fo�wmreyanoe�iiQU uf ca�►tr�ada�dre l�xiry a�sigaed,aa�d�� _. �. ----
<br />_�"� _ � shalj b�p�td to irend� `. . - . ' ,�. - '• . . — -
<br />'`�:, � Ia i'�e event Af a'wtal ta�sing ef the Propesty�ih� pi�oceeds shal!6e'si�a�a'zd ta the sum,s s�ued 6y ttils Seciu�fty ; -----
<br />-s"' ynsasyinenl,�r•het7�er or n��them d�+aritt�any ex� aid to Barrow�er. En tfi��ir�at a�f sl partIs�,tak,irQx�FropartY in , ..
<br />�-`•� • � which the fair�t vaIue af the R�op�ty i� '�y.befmle ths taldng is eq�,t ta�os gre�ier tb�tfla of t�su�s ' , -
<br />=r � ��..;���� � secu�3�tliis��ity.In.c�r�ra�at immedisiely�iie�ae�sking.un2ess�oaawer andl�utDertvls�ag�ee in writiifg,, -
<br /> .;i.;:.4r,: .
<br /> •�.:.�.' .�i:", r
<br /> �u�, r a,..�.t,'<�,t�_•. ���. U�sutrjs:s�uied by this 5�iutifry i*+ �*�i sR�Lt be re�teed b3+tTe amamit of tise�OCaids t►�aldpiied by tk�fo�fthving ----�._�
<br /> a,�.�...�.: .�: '��;.';' fiactiomc (a)ths total aiaount of th�sums seciued i�m�d3ateIIg befate thE tak�ang,div�6y t�l t�ee fair market value o�t�e . _----
<br /> �-` _���',;r :��;..: �•.� � Pro Immediately befon t�as�ing. AAy ba�tace s�all 6e�a3d.to Roiro�er. Iu tb�ev�at of a partial talsin�ot tYte �-=---------- --
<br /> �V�,��� � �`' "'�, P�Y - - -
<br /> -,— , :: � ;�',� Frogesty�n Evhich tho fair m�et vatUe of th�P.apercy i�a.�iy tc�a�e tist taiing is�CSS th�a th�mao�t gf Rtse s�ms. _ _ -- _
<br /> � ',. seau�imme�ately before the tak�g un2ess Bomnwer aas!La�Ees a�iwis�agree in wriaing or unless applicabie t�vi = _ --
<br /> ;. .. . • othe.�wise prov{des,the pmoeerls shall be applied tav the sums s�i�d by thts S�nriry �m�++vr�ether or n�the sums at+e = _ —
<br /> NX.1 . . _ �^ . ' : . � . __—_-_.--.- -
<br />.._ _ 7'��_....: . : - .., `��.'� �Wyy ' - __ '
<br /> •'t�;�,.::' :��.:•:':'�:;;,�-:-�:.;.� If the Ptoperty is a6andonEd by Boao�.ar i�after anti�e by L.ender to Bormwer that th�con�mztor affets ta�3ake , --- —
<br /> _ '�;`, � �::;,? an awaYd ar senle a clair�for�arnages.Bonower fa�s w�ad to Lereder�vitbu►3fl days aRer thr d�,t��ce,is.gjvsa�. .. _
<br /> ;;� �%:�" :` l.ea�der is awharir�ro coUect and agg2y the proceads.at its optian,eitl�r tn c+estaiatiun or r�pair of thE 6�iopc�fy,aT ta#� .
<br /> •, •,, " �.sf..•- ---
<br /> 1; ' �: sums sacuied by this gectuity��q+I�ther or nniti�du� �. � _ __ -
<br /> . :; [Tul�.Lender snd�or�nw�r arber�rrisc agc�ee in wiitin�an�applicatiaa of grciceeds to prineipal shaU not e�mznd a� � . _ -
<br /> - . ,'=f:;���: pastpan�ti�duedateofthemonthl��aymemsiefemedwin�ca�aE6s I and2orchangetlieamountofsurhpaymenu. �°�_- -V4 ----
<br /> . f 1� ��ea l�a� ��rl�rance By ��r�t� ��v� Esi�rsiou of the time for Qayment ar �� --
<br /> = -` ��f.� � � -_
<br /> .?� .'t;�,1 ��, modifisation of�aottiaatiast of tbe.�iizs sQaued by t6is.Se�ii13e I�t�anffid by i:�der to eny succe.s'sor in interes�
<br /> =��� :�`�- --=�;�i j;�r-';:t .�. .�".. of Barrnwer sts�D�ae o¢�ete.t�r;cei'�t�e h�h�7iiy�of t2�e ctigjii�I Bo3ra�res o�8onmver'�,ss�rs�irsi�es�l�sder =_°__-- - _
<br /> e
<br /> L;��:�.,. s6all not be requi�.4a aru�rmeu��'Siaoeedin&s aga+ns�any snccie5sar en iaterest or refuse ti�extet�d sime far paymem or ,,R ,�. -_-=--
<br /> � ��. � otherwise modify am�t��ns seca�ed bJi this Ses�tit}�.�nstra�nent by�easua of auy de�and made�y ihe origina!
<br /> � r ��a �:� Bmsawer or Bamu��s�a,�c�s�interesi. Any farbea�ai�e i}�Ixnder in exe�ising an�rFgfnt or remedy shall es,ol be a � � . � :':a -- _
<br /> �..;�;,�.'� .�' • waiver of or precludeCii�+�eazise af any rig6t orremedy.. �, • . .. �- --
<br />- - .-,~_,,. ..�:-5acee�v�aa�di�#�s�8�nd-�oin!and 5everal Lta6il[ty;�o�g�eers.��e oovenaut�and-agi+�eats of.tl�is-..---.------ -
<br /> , t,:�;�;,.y� -. . .. . . _... � . �,,�.
<br /> ':°��s,r,:,�;.:••; � _ . SeQUity insnume�t�k.�d and benefit the successo�s an�ssigns of Lender and Borrowe�sub�6ss�:�rovisions of , ����.
<br /> � ;��i ; paragraph 1'F.�ar�o'sv�r�cavenaats and ageeraenrs shall b�,�r�int pnd several.Any Bomnwes whu`�`this Secauity ` ��.---
<br /> ° � L�sbrunie�'�azs c►�es noi e�cesute ai�:Li�ate: (a)is co-sigiting dt�'�,�SUrity L�suument onIy to ctro�',�'s�cd convey tbat �
<br /> �r P�ie.�,�`:; �.k g'�n ' -
<br />- ' ° Y .r, �•s.:.. Bmmw��" m the uitt3�r the temis of this Sec� ��Ipsaumen� (B)is aot p���ligated to pay ths suras t�•-:-
<br /> �' �::.:... . ��. �w---
<br /> '-, secused byi�is Sscurity�Io�en�and(c)ag�ee.g t1�t l.etrdei'i�any othec Boirower may"ag�io eataid,mod'►fy,forbear __ -- --
<br /> . .. • ,.-..�.
<br /> �r� x f��"` ; ,' o r m a k e a n y a c c a m n¢o d a t i o n s w i t h i e g a r d t o,t t z e't,e�m s o f t b i s$e c v r i t y�.L u tr u m e n t o r t he l�t ote without that Bormwer�s ;; ,
<br /> ,�,� .°; r • � ,..,. .. : . .
<br /> ' ��f.,`.'." .,_. :`.. . -,
<br /> - •:'�, .� "�`.> . 13. l.oan C��: 1f the I secured 0y si�is Secuufity Insmimez¢is�siiblect to a#�a�r eutuch sets r.�cimum loan • ` ;,°::':�'
<br /> `S`�- £,`',?. ,�. �. charges,and that!aw'is fmally int�i�ct so that the intemsc ar�}ii� ioan coIl t5r`.' be coIlected in oonnedion � •
<br /> . �:�f:.. ,r - e€ ch� �. �'
<br /> - - r•�'"•�', :�{ - with the loan exceed the permitted i�,+�s,* then: (a)any suc6 Yaahi�ilbige sh�ll he�ed�tCed 6�:i�iti.�+.�tlount neoessaty to reduce �'+'-��'i
<br /> `': •,'�,"`;''y,�� the charge to the peimiued 1imi�and(b)any sums alr+eady co�fi�`t'rom Bomower w6ic6 i�ded permined limits wiD be ''`� .
<br /> �`�°,'
<br /> ,, .t�::;i�1,i
<br /> �'s''� � cefunded to Boirower.:�;ender may ehoase to maFal•rJiis refurtd by iedacing the pdacipal owed underthe Na��or by making a . ?�4�i,•.,,;,'
<br /> - , :ct: �:: „•a�:r.�.n„r<
<br /> . . •, ,,,,�;,' _ ;'� �: dir�et payment.to 1g4»nl�er. If a refund redaces�p�i:r�,;i�al,the reduetion wil!1`�er�ted ac a parual PrepaYi�i without any a�,'.;..
<br /> " `�`'�� ' � I PrePaycn�t�rh3rgennstertheNote. '`� . �. � ,; ;,,, ;• .
<br /> _ �>;'::'•'�;-`�.'.
<br /> :� ---- --�_:;i1:,•:-;: .fht> ' g4::;:Npt#oes. My nodce to Bartower provided for in th�;�ecurity lnsuument sitalb;Cx��given 6y deiivemsg it or.6y �r � ;
<br /> �' • � `�'',�'"'-`•`�'" mailin�'�Cnl first class mail anless applIcabte la+v requir�s use of�vther method.The noticae's�fii�til be d'uected to the Property �`�: �.,•," �
<br /> ' ..,t'J
<br />_"�l." .��r.�r .
<br /> • _ Addness or any otlter addmss Borrower desigr�ates by notice to T.ender. Any notice to Le�de�rshall be given by first ctast ;.�;(;�;.;,. '?��;,'
<br />- , • ' . mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower_My natice provided for •':;�tj ti . ' ;
<br /> . ' in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowe�or Lender when given as provided in this _:,�;:_.,�s �
<br /> 11__.::
<br /> _ , .. . ParaSraPh• � �`��;;ti=:; --��---
<br /> � ' 15. Governing Law; Severabillty. 'It�is Security tnstrument shaQ be govemed by��"rai�al law and the law of the : ;'(;�;{.{ '"`
<br /> � 11,`.���
<br /> , - jurisdicdon in which the Propeny i�;tixated. in the event that any provision or clause of this!t�'isurity Instrument vr the Niote ..':�fTy�}�{�`s�
<br /> '' � '' rnnflieis with applicable law,sucl�.t�i�utiict shall npl affect other provision�of this Secnrity Lci's�ent or the Note which pn • r�rtt r :
<br /> �;�: � . be given effect witftoc�t�t�te cor.tT'rixai���rovi,cion..'�v�his end the provisions of this Security'�'tt�urrter�t and the Note are � t ° �''�`�'''' •
<br /> �`'y � declaretlta6eseveradsl�:::.:. : :�:f � .�; . , • � . ��� �
<br /> +N14h�i • ' . ' •,..� ;- i�' , . • . }: ' . . .i.f r,�F'-
<br /> :�Ef- ' • • 16. Borrma�¢n�'�(:ay��;'�3��in�k��r�,all t�e�"u)iine confortned copy of the Mote azcd of t4iis;S�;i�y;t�irci.*nent. r. ., • r��:t t�".;::..;;
<br /> ,.�, en• ,
<br />- 14::. . , • S':,
<br /> !� �asLr.�mQ49i�i.�r�ii�'�u"rsc�BeRPt�itati4l�terest c�ro�arower. (f all or any�art,c�i'11j4.�'fiipe'rty os any interest in ±.,�'.��;'�i�;.:;��''
<br /> r i� .:,.:.:�%S�� ,• r �
<br /> ''.•'c ' . • it is soF1��r transfent���(ar if� d��.sal iaterest sn Borro�ec`fs;�Ald or transfened and Bi�iri���^�r is not a natural erson) . � �{:`ta'' �-
<br /> ', t :ti..:.,• • . �•'.~' P :�•'(�i ��1�,.:.`'�.:
<br /> withuut lxnder's prirlr,)v�i,:en conse7tc.l.ender may,at its optio�l,require immediate payme►n�li:fuU of all sums secomA by •�:,�Sj;��,��,,:
<br /> , ,`k �,�; - � �: • . ,;.:
<br /> �i<< this Security lnsaur�_ta��s_•i#owever.this option shall not be exercised by LencfGr.if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> ' - ��fi,: . . . thedateofthisSeeurit3�-liselr�.�rttni. . � - ',��_,`'. ..;. .;
<br /> .�•,,,; . . [f Lender eaeri�.�:�1ii�a o�sii'nii;.d.ender shall give Barrower notice of accel�rsnon. 71�e notice shall provide a period of :,-:,;,;!,•�- : ' . �. .
<br /> •'`'"``��ra��• not less thar�30 days from tSc�Eia��ii�i�notic�is delivered or mailed within which Borrowec must pay aU sums secured by thts : •,.:,;�`;,:',�f;{:;, , , .�
<br /> �,,:,
<br /> . . • .�.....p. ' f.y, ..I<��i . '
<br /> �•.`,� . :�•,`� Security ]nstrumen� I f Bo�rocr�r'(z u ts to pay t hese sums prior ta t he expiration o f t his ped o d.L en de�may invoke any ' ' ,
<br /> , ;�,;:,
<br /> ,..�.,�� .
<br /> � ,. � remedies permitted by d�is Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. . ,,
<br /> ' �.' • 18. Bortow�rr'I�kght to Reinstate. If$orrower meets certain condRi:ms.Borrower shall Face the right to have ;' , •
<br /> `' �'`� ' enforcement of tftSs s�uurit instrument discortt'viu�at an time rior to the.ii�tlter oi: (a)5 da s(or suLl't other nod as � ' `+;; �
<br /> �1;� Y Y P . y� ' � , ,t �,. . '..
<br /> . • 5ingte F�m;ty..Faante A4arfFreddie ntae YJ11(FAR11f 11l5'fl�li?1N�!J9'-l.'n�fomi fi�uvenants 414b /pagrs nj6µik�S�..,.,.�i ' .
<br /> .4 . .: � . •_5�'j . . ' , . � , -
<br />_ i � '.
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