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<br />��S�.iltsw�:ieit�_ b��,:_,� :a�,_ y' -_ ... . ' . . a . .,. _ c .. . . .` Y _
<br /> ��.n �3�5� ` . � . . `� ` 1 : � �.f-. ,. - ` ` ' . ` c'���� �� � .� . ` _ _ _-_—_'
<br />=^ 4�$rc,F�ood eitc�Ott�ea�Ir��a�ec�8orrasvea shati insurz all-�rcivame�ats 6�a the Pmye�e�tcr eiowu.ia.-�: . �;�:
<br /> �"_,- ------_-- � ��cxisters��o�t s�lt�seq�ent$y ems4ed,against any haia�ds.casualties.and cout�ngensies,iaciucting��'ire.far rrhicdi L�nder te��4aes `����
<br />=-- -- -- „ i�snin$ce� 9Yus ia�iva�ice sha116e,ra�intainad in tlie�nx�rAts and fdr the pe�iats ctiat Le�i�ir r.equires. Snrtaiver�slizt�1�0 ��;;::
<br />_�� _ insure a11 unprovem�ets on tite Fmgerty:whetfier�naw in�xistence or�subsequently ere�.�ted,against tass by Aoods m the extenL ;��f::
<br />;�:N ,: required by the Secreta�y.A!I'iosuranae sh�lt be carriG��it�oomganies appmved by.Le�der.�The insura�e paFisies�auy '.":i;.' �_ ------
<br /> �•- , rene�v�Is"st�ail t��hetd tsy i�er and sT�tt isictuds toas gay�bie clauses in f�vor flt,and'un t�form aoceptable to,LenaeY. �.
<br />_�S�r •.'.�` � L i�; , �' � ` .' ` . • :�� ------
<br /> • `:�a.. .` te�the everrt of loss.Hurco�rer shall�ive�ssPer immediate noaee by mail.I ender may matcc�raaf af tass if aot u�de ��-�.;, :
<br /> �' *-s�.�``..�; ��=�
<br /> '.` �` f �,_. ` P��%P�Y by Borro�rrer. �ac�insuranee�sampany concerac�f is 6e�eby authorized aad di�ted to make payment far su�tiss`ss `�'.' - --
<br /> �`� ' ,�; . .'�, ..�:������ d'er�xty to L�nd�r,instead of to Eorrower an3�to Leadc�JoiaHyr All�ar�y part oF the�arsoe praa�ds tnay,be ag�pli�by ,2,.` ---
<br /> : ��,::�..�;.;.. r;.,.. . p
<br />--=� .tx;,,�:, � � � Lender.ut its aption,either(a)to the rednc�ion of the indebte��er the Note and tlus 3ewrity Insavm�ent.ficst tn aa�j;;..
<br /> . ,xa ` .���� . . delinquent amounts applied in the nrder in para�b 3,aad then W Orepayu�n�uf p=inriAal.or.(b)to the restotation or repai�;;., -
<br /> �,.� inri
<br />_ ;,��.�,,�"�s�';,? of the damaged Propeny. Any application of the proc�ads co the priati�rat sh��at extend or postpone the.due date of�dce;;:::
<br /> - ���`c�'�'` •;`�: m,ontb2y payments winch are refe�reai to is�paragraph Z,or cha�ge tfie amotmt of suatt�ayments.Any exoess iasuraaoe prnc,eedsr``
<br />'� .4" ..,',:7e.�,` t /�',�
<br />"..� � :�. :',�;����,�- � over�.a amouat recl��P�Y afl outstanding indebtedrtess uader the Ncsta and tI�is Seauity Insuument shall he pa"sd w
<br /> cst thr�;�'.
<br />�;;:. `",��`t'�?��:� , :y � eatity tegally en4itled thenio. � ' � �
<br /> _ '�;r4r"(,, ;.r,r; , . -----
<br /> . ..• � ' • :.�'..
<br /> :�' W"." _�':� � � .4:.
<br />-- . -?�;�,�� �. .�;;���. In t�e event of foreclosure of this Security Insuvmsnt or other trtasfer of titie t�the Ptoperty that extinguishes t1i�e
<br /> ::t ,`1IF.•• "�ri::•c;' . . , _�!•;
<br /> �:;;.:--•:;_-.:.:�.�:_-- ir.debt�.ali right.tide�uueaest of Boriaer�in aad to iQSUranca pol�cies in faroe s1�aI1 pass to the purchasen: -. --- --
<br /> aF' , r.f�� • , �J 5: Qocn�Ry.. �r�vation, AqaEni�ace and Proterita� off t�e Property; Bormw�s Laan �ApP�tfonf, ��� �-
<br /> � � w __
<br /> , �: . � . Lease�totds. Sorrower sbatl vccvpy,establish,and use the PmFerty as i�onowe�r's principal resid�enre within sixty days aReii —
<br /> �:.� q � . .the exec�tion of this Sacurity�nm�ent and shatl conriaue to axapy tlte Property as Borrawer's priacipa!restdertce for at lea�l.
<br /> -ti:.. .
<br /> .,_- ..._,
<br /> ,� _,... . .
<br /> _.�,
<br /> - ;. ; .;:, : • : :: --- �---- ------- - - ---- -- ---- -- - ---- - - -- - ----- --- - -------- - - - - - - - _.. ._... _
<br /> . .one year�tiie�ate o�"��tieyi.unTess tTie 5`eei�ary d�eiermiaes tl�is requis�t�nt tvilT cause uadae � '��S Boirower�;:...
<br /> - ar unless extzawating ain j�nces exist wdich are beyond Bunueaer's coatra�t.•Botrower s�all•andfy tr�,-nBers of anj<�
<br /> ' exteisuatiag ci�acGS: , wer shall not oommit waste or destc�xgr�;;damage or substantiaUy cha�uge the Prapeaty or alta��ti�
<br /> 'r` the Progerty to deteriorate, reasona6le aear and tear exoepted. I.en�r:may inspaet tiie Property if the Property is vacant om �---
<br /> , .,.,.
<br />- ...._.__.... . ,
<br /> . •,:� .,. : .'. ;.'• 1. abandaned or tfie loan is.ur.�efaul�-Lender may take reasonable actioA to pmted and preserve-such varant or abaadanei�i -
<br /> .. , ,�. � ` � i Prapecty.Boaower sUall�:£s�in default if Borrowec,during the loan application pracess,gave materially faEsr�,or inaccurat�i!: �,
<br /> '. _' . . �. � informariun or statemeants tia-�eader(or faited w pmvide�.eader witIe any material infom�ation)in ooaneetiet���ith the ta�iii. ,� _
<br /> t�� �, _ evidenced by the�iote,=iariiic�ing. bLc nnt !er.�i*�[o, representariqas i,�iaceming Borrower's occu�anty of t��'inpeny as;e�
<br /> c�in
<br /> ,, -, --- `�"��` principal resIdemre. If this Se�uriry Instrument is on a leasehold.&.+i�i'siver s�ll comply with tY�ptovisions,4�:the lease.Tfl
<br /> , �.. I�
<br /> .
<br /> Y'
<br /> . a
<br /> -. 'a . W
<br /> ��� • -` •.. Barro er acqwses fee s�tle;qr?�e Property.the leasehold and fee htic sfialt not be merged unless Leade.c agree.a•.:u�1�.merger ifii r
<br /> . � J...)tli�Vjr�,a;'C''•� w-citir.�. •.;. , t;;..', .. •�,.J:•
<br /> '; ;"��'ti�`Y,i�l,-�+"�,�,; , ;{,;. .. , .
<br />=.,�:t .+.��?{1• �r . '�• , '•J'"��'r+� ��` . ;''� .
<br /> _ �. t .; . 1�����.::..�, . . . ,
<br /> f'�' � ��a:C6���C�r���irG.�v�se��and Protearton of Lender's-Riglits ttt�#ide�Fs�nper�:�3orrower shall pay aU governmentai ior�
<br /> �;:+�'- ---'� - . �-� =- ,-. ? m��:p�!c::�'-•fines and impositions that are not incinded in p�,�r,iph 2. Boaawer shalt pay these obligations on tii+�• r '
<br />- • r::��
<br /> ' ; . ' di.ri�Iy to the enpty which is owed the payment.If failure to pay would adversety afifect Lender's interest in the Property.upct�� `''':��, :x
<br /> ' � • ' � Lea�er's request Borrov►er shall pramptly fumish to Lender receipu evidencing these payments. ��' " '�
<br /> . . . � ...�;:.. �;�
<br /> ., Y. .: . �.',. �':. ,. ''. �-
<br /> „• ' • . ; If Borrower fails to make these paymenu or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any oiher coveaaatcti ..;;r:'-_„��-:=
<br /> 'i � artd agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legai proceeding that may signifqndy affect Leader's rig�116�, �'��-
<br /> ��`� � in the Pm such as a mceedin in bank t for condemnation or to enforce laws or� lations).then I.ender ma db, �
<br /> n � •:,:s�� ?:: PertY ( p g ruP�Y• S� Y's... ��r� ;
<br /> ,��`�������: +:,t and pay whatever is nec�f�i�r protect the value of the Property and Lender's ri�'ir.,��n the Propetty, inclading paymen�i)odr {`�;�`�!:��'�:
<br /> i i���.i,' ,. taaes.hazard insuranoe and,`ro]hw i¢ems mentioned in p�urb�-.��2. . _ . ;t,{�;'�:�'� -
<br /> i+'+n: ., , . �a5 k,`_{F�E' -
<br /> , '..,. � ,� , ��y;';'r'j�'i; _
<br /> � ' i� .. I , - y\�,lVfl... �.�-
<br /> �., " • ,� Any ama�uJ�.c�isbursed by Lender under this p�.;`rr,�:,,,�a sha11 b��in:e an additional debt of Borrower and be securedtl�y�. • :�,•,;:.;;,��;����_
<br /> , • , �,;!.�;,tt�e,
<br /> . � �,:: ,. � this Securiry Instr�,�ent.These amounts shall bear inte=�L'��'�e dati��t disbursement.at the Note rate.and at the optio'r��off: � . ��;?�'s��:�-:
<br /> _, . Lender.shall be immediately dae and payabte. . . � � � "`�•'. .�
<br /> . . � '
<br /> . , , t,r..,.�.. ,,,
<br /> � .. . • ..-F;:�:,�-�f�.
<br /> . �. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of any award ar,c!'�im for da�ages,direc[ or wnsequential, in connoction with t�ny�,�� , . ••�-
<br /> mndemnation or other taking af any Qart c�f t;�:Propeny,or for com:e�;,ance in place of condemn�.4��:s�,are hereby assigned.�iiial� ,. :s:�,;•�,:.. �. .
<br /> � • i�`.' � shall be paid to Lender to the extcnt af th:;�r11.F`amount of the indebtedrtess that remains unpaid ur�r.che Note and this Secueityr,' �;;7 j;:..:.• ' '
<br /> • , =��� �• Instrument.Lertder shall apply such proce�to the reQea•iQn af the indebcednecs unde�the Note and this Security�nstrumeni�,:,� , ��`,'��;�'"•.;: � .
<br /> .'::c�'� . .yi;t.�v;.,�., .
<br /> �-.;�,�;r.,; : first to any delinquent amaar.,�. applied ia the ordec �m}.i:�ied in paragraph 3, ;��.d'c�en to prepayment nf.�c+r�r.xipal. An}r:�� : :��,.•;%,��;;°�°: � � �� -
<br /> �..�� �' '> '�t�'. •,:.• � application of the proceeds�;�a da,:pric�cip.:3 shall not R:.n�:,i or postpone the due �fpte of the monthly paytl:e�J,s, which,�c� ��;�/r;;, -�
<br /> ,4•' ,i: ��4R(NE) � �:ryoaorg .:i'�' ' <j ' �
<br /> •:1�;'; O ' � j��� .. �
<br /> �. , � � . �� �, ., �i.�'
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