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200408422 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above - identified connection fee has been paid in <br />full by New Holland of North America, Inc. pursuant to an agreement dated October 21, 2003. <br />No further amounts are due and owing by the property owners identified above with respect to <br />Water Main District No. 446T. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, August 24, 2004. <br />u SEC. <br />to it" � <br />.ke" �c• <br />-2- <br />Qf_ACLQ_� <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clerk <br />Five (25); thence northerly along the westerly line of the <br />Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the <br />Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4) of said <br />Section Twenty Five (25), to a point on the northerly <br />line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1/4, SE1 /4, SW 1/4) of <br />said Section Twenty Five (25); thence westerly along the <br />northerly line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1/4, SE 1/4, <br />SW 1/4) of said Section Twenty Five (25), a distance of <br />two hundred fifty (250.0) feet; thence southerly and <br />parallel with the easterly line of said Marylane <br />Subdivision, a distance of two hundred twenty <br />(220.0 + / -) feet more or less, to a point on the easterly <br />extension of the southerly line of Lot Twelve (12) said <br />Marylane Subdivision; thence westerly along the <br />easterly extension of the southerly line of Lot Twelve <br />(12) said Marylane Subdivision, to a point thirty (30.0) <br />feet easterly of the southeast corner thereof; thence <br />northerly and parallel with the easterly line of said <br />Kentish Hills Subdivision, and the easterly line of said <br />Marylane Subdivision, a distance of four hundred fifty <br />(450.0) feet, to a point on the easterly extension of the <br />southerly line of Lot Fourteen (14) said Kentish Hills <br />Subdivision; thence westerly along the easterly <br />extension of the southerly line of Lot Fourteen (14) said <br />Kentish Hills Subdivision, a distance of thirty (30.0) feet <br />to the said point of beginning. <br />TOTAL <br />$ 21,612.11 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above - identified connection fee has been paid in <br />full by New Holland of North America, Inc. pursuant to an agreement dated October 21, 2003. <br />No further amounts are due and owing by the property owners identified above with respect to <br />Water Main District No. 446T. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, August 24, 2004. <br />u SEC. <br />to it" � <br />.ke" �c• <br />-2- <br />Qf_ACLQ_� <br />RaNae Edwards, City Clerk <br />