_ << u . �• -�-�;�' "!'- �`��, t � _ -: ..,.. - ; ` ;r c�"''<,: `,�*r ---
<br /> � •�.• • '# � '.�•.:"- 2` .^� �.t s :1; , ti;j�,. .t .
<br /> �`� ���� .: �ti,��<<,�.: . �� ' � J : . �p,` _ _ —
<br /> .i ' }- '!•: t, c t . :c ���.T.'r�
<br /> 4� , _ ..?", . ., �` - . - .i ` -- - —j; ^.. f.� _�.��. '-f --
<br /> �! .... .---+n-�;.wl-�ra.L-' -�_ -. _ . —�-
<br /> - , .. . ,� n�' � . Y . ,�. ' . . , —__ � _'
<br /> '— � ` .44•.T_' ' ( ` • - - Y�y�ai►� ,.i���� ` _— -_--
<br /> : ��� , ti�
<br />� - a��: ��� � , '. - . • ` ' ; �2 . _ .. .__ .
<br /> `r ? �. paYa�cnts may no tong�b�reqt�ired,Qt the aptian of Lender.it mort�e 3nsutaaoe covergge(3it�t1��eunt sud fos 4ha per2� _ —_ .-------
<br /> - . t6at Lenider �equires)Provided{�an Insuter�proveii by Leader agai�,becomrs av�rlabls arrd�in:q�t�iaed.�orrawer sb�1!pay � _ - --
<br /> .`��a qhe preaninms ceqiii�d to zaaimt�in cuortgsge insurance in effect,or to p�ovide a toss res:rvc..umif,:�raqulreemeent for�aartgage ----
<br />_ �"�����.�:ti z' ` ` , — —
<br /> > � insurance��s in a000rdence with any written agreement between Born�wer and I.�ndcr ar.u�g�b�law.
<br /> _�. • . . , .°9.�ns an.��I.eadec ar its agent may malce reasonabte euuieasugon and insg�cttans Qf.th�;�ro,perty. I.ender shall�ir�e ---- - -
<br /> ��-•���2�'� �Boaower no�t the time af or,prior to sn inspe�ion specifyino[ess0t1ab18 c�vse fot�lf16 I�8}1P.Ci�O�. . .. ` -- -
<br /> .��.".��,: ,
<br />�J `''',r��c.��'..:`z; , 10.Coademnatio�11►e`proceeds of aay award o�clainn for d�rAages.dlsect ar con�,°queclQial, in wnn�cian witti aay ;� �_,�____ ---- -
<br /> —`}''� ' .�,,.., .•.< .;� f wndemaadon or other tagin of aqy part of the Pruperty.or fur conveyance in liea�of condsnnrufti�n.are hereby assigaed aad �,-N��_�
<br /> f: c . � : �. �� _
<br /> _� shaU be paid to Lender. � �`�
<br /> •" . , -. , �: -• - --�� rKrr F ��.
<br /> - �Iu the eveut of�total taking of ihe Pmperty.t4e pmceeds shalt ixiapglie�to the sums seetttx��y tEus Secarity Insuume�t, �� � �^'»`��' .�.'�°'°_
<br /> � ', � ', wliether or not�then duet wit6 any exces,s paid to Borrower.In the evc,rtt of a partia!taking•uf Wii Property in w6ich the fair ; ,���
<br /> �� _ � markei vatue of'the Pro e unmediately before the�kin �s ual ta or thon the amguntl_bf the sums secared'by tIvs ' `�`* {'
<br /> _ .� ... P rtY� g� �4 �et �_ {-�' -
<br /> . �ty tmm,�rt immediately before the taking,unIess Borrower a�l Lender othenvise agcee in��rriting.t�e sums seca�ied 6y �;�:4�:;��'?s=-�'•==�-
<br /> - • .. d�is Securiry Iflswment shall be reduced by tke aiuount of the pru�eeds,multiplied it�the faA�=Hing fradio�: (a)the wtal - `�`��`''=��•'�'-
<br /> � ` amonnt of the sums seWr�d'immediate[y 6efare the taking,div{�5=6 (b)the faa market value_�f she�ropertY imme�iatety .: � ,`°�'�`�r�'=
<br /> �_ �; �� �t-t•r�'�, rc
<br /> , � befoie the�ta2Qn$.'Any ioalance shall be paid to Borr�wer. In�r3��:��i-af a�isfinI tu�ing:a�.h�i�PraFe�?r in whi^�;..��f,t�,'.r, � �� :r -
<br /> ., " <, ,�; <�`�' market v�u�e..ot t�e.�,��unmediately before ihe ta&ing is;iess;�had.t���vn�if�th�srims.s.tLured i����'�1i�r•�tt't'e': ` ,r.���1�
<br /> �;�: :s,;`'�'s�' ' fialceng,��'�f�oiv�r,�nck�sr otherwise agree in u�ar:�.�iii�§s agpxi�Ie!aw atherNis�:�srovides�•��e;.�s;s�t: . �� �% _
<br /> ������f't•�(.; .�., j � :.;;,,� � �' [n �mPnt VIIHC"W°:1�'.dtF,iiOt tI1C SUITLS S[C tI186 dU6 ' � -,'v� � "�.�'r
<br /> ° ��,?r�,>r.���. � �4'��9�sttie.��gs �$iI 1�3;�s�rity �>.'. ..' `- - • ,,.�
<br /> . 4f fp �j .�'.`� ` ''%t.-;:">s.�,. � � " T' � . � �
<br /> ,„::.���,•,: ,� . ,. ,- �,�4��!rdge�ity as`;t�ia�rl��ay�wer,or if,a8er not�;az��;i.ender to Barrower that tTis��a3�► �n�offers�Go��e-a� ..'�, � �
<br />_ .'``.,��'`�:`;>��'�• ,;� � •: ,� e` � • �s":It�,rrower fails to respond[a��:ender within 3m days att�r•,�� =-� =
<br /> � �,r,'�� '. '`:�'a`�'�',ai;s�L.a�c�a�au�i:5�:��`.��<< . the norice is g�ven, �
<br /> . "'� r. '`t`�en�ea�`�'.oriied to cbllect and a�p�the proceeds,at its option.either to restaratinn ar t�ain Cy the Pivperry or to the sums '`�""'�-�: •ri,
<br /> Y;ti,;f �` secure��ny�'is Security Instii�mert,w�cether or not then dae. �� ` ,•''�l�'` r
<br /> ��: �� , .
<br /> � � lication of raoeeds u1� nsi shall not eatend or ., ,':�•;���
<br />�,:- . . :'.,:.. '=?:��,..� Unless Lender and Borrower�otherwise in wri6ng, atcy�aPP� P � � . �'_ �
<br /> _.x .t�.: -
<br />�,::.,:-,_:='_:.-;.-;:,:- -.- postpone�tha�iue clate of the monthly paymenu referred to in parag�ap'h4 I.ancf 2 ar cbange�Its am��unt of s�Ch paymenu. . : -:�,�,•�-��..
<br />���•� � . - 11.Borr�wer Not Reteased;For6eaaattce By I.eader Not a:Wialver.Extensionaf t�c dmc for payment ar modification ,,. . r<•
<br /> , of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instcument granorad by Lender tu�aa�successai in interest of Botrower shall '','`� ''
<br /> - ` � � ..Y.. �
<br /> nat operate to release the liability of the original Borcower or Borre►vrev's successors in�ininresi: J;ander shall not be reqUired to ; :� . ---
<br />�,'. �"`',:` •: � -.'.:�.� rn m mence iaceedin s a ainst an succe�soF in interest ur re[use t�i�eate�ul timc fur.paymeat.Qn c�ttenvise rnodify amnrtizatian ... �`.
<br /> .P S g Y . ,,.�
<br /> ��• .'�, �: � �; .'� , . of the sums securcd by this Security lnstrument by reasnn oi arty dCm�ncl mada By tha ari�mat Scsrrower or Borrower's �. .- , �.,•
<br /> � r � successora in inte�est. Any forbearance by l.endcr in c�cercisireg a�y�•dght or remedy shull�nau 6c a waiver of or preciude the ' "
<br /> - ':.....` . � • exerci+e of any right o�nmedy. � �.';
<br /> .•':,;:;__� �::. : __ � � � lE.Successors and Assigas Bound;Joint amd Several L�3ltiy; Co�s[gaecs. The cavaoants and agreements of this ;,;• ��,��. ` � _
<br /> � Securiry [nstniment shall bind�and benefit the successors and assign9 of I.endcr and�Bur�wcr;sub}ect to the pravisions of n'�`+' .
<br /> t' ` � ' � paragraph 17. Borrower's covenanu and agreements shall be join4 and several. Any. �nra►w.z who co-signs this Security .; '�';
<br /> n
<br /> - � . Instrument.but does not execute the Note: (a)is rn-signing this SECUrity Instrument�anly.ur,maitgage,grant and convey that ' `• `� �' �
<br /> • �� Barrower's interest in the Property under the tecros of this Securit}tiInswmens;(B).is noc pe�n�ily o bl l g a t e d w pay the sums '� " .
<br /> ...y.� .
<br /> _ �— ._ _ _:____ __.._ secured 6y this Security Instrument:and(e)agrees that.l.ender artd�any other Borrower may.agrae.to extend, modify.forisear or _' ;��''
<br /> ' _ ,;:, • malfe any aecommodations with regard to the tertns of this Securit}^.i�.strument or t6e Nata wid�aaC t6sit Borrower's consent. :�.:
<br /> '1..�.:. ,.
<br /> � .. 13.Disan Charges.If the loan s:,cured by this Security Instnm�ens is subject to a l�w whic6 seu maximum toan charges, . �. ,. ��'Sr�,; . _'
<br /> te !t�
<br /> '����x�:;��,��'
<br /> - • loan exceed thef nrm,tted I mrit�hen�(a)tan'such loan char e s6at�be�redu�b the amaunt�tit�ecessary to redu�ce�the char e �:• �;i"�}��'.�`^���':"�'�% �
<br /> � . ,':. �'� , Pe . Y S Y g `�'is �',tA;F�1���{,�;';� �,�
<br /> . ' ,rr,l�,: '., ; so ch���mitted limit;and(6)any sucrs already collected from Bori�wer tiv�iic�t exceed�d�pe�rnift.ed limits wiU be riefitttded tu ;:.r�.�j��.;
<br /> :�:�;F;���.`� Borrar�,ar.?.,:ender may choose to �sa� this rePond by reducina t3�principa� o�ved under tbQ.Note or by making �:��t �,�•, ;.'r"�,
<br /> , '.v' �.;,., . y '
<br /> _ : . jC•:- paym�;�r;,,�orrawer. If a refu�r� m�aces principal. the red•:�ctian wilf be tr�'�� a.s a,partial prepayment with�:at �er.p . �;�e;i�:.:,
<br /> .. , -;�'Y s:<< �
<br /> '`,�1',;,.::'r ";••,`��: prepayrr�ii,�:arge und¢ff the Note. �;� ' : }' -.�' ,
<br /> ;t�ai;s�;;'�;��i::i�?;.:`.' - 14,?4rr:scCS:Any�:otice to Borrotver provided for in this Secuziuy Yns¢rexme+:t s:1ftJl�b�gi�l:qiby delivering it or by r.'�.:-g -. - ' -
<br /> ;-.` ' " �"`�Yra, it by ff�n Ciass mail unless applicable law requires use of another cre'r�. Th:�otice sfiAll�6a dizected to the Property,R�S-ass � � " : �.
<br /> .'. -, '� •�'(7<4 or an�, �r':��i address Bonower designates by notice to Len�er. Rn,-r�nntice to l.ender shall�He given by first class m��ra�to � ;���f_
<br /> •`}•r.:;., _. , . . _
<br /> � � I.endeP"�;b�dress stated herein or any other address Lender das6�d�:s by notice to Barrower. Alny notice provided fQa�y,this -,
<br /> - ' ' � � ; .� Security Instrument shall be deemed to have bern gi�e7 ta&�amow�.r�r Lender when given�u�pn�vided in this paragraph.' . ,. ••• •
<br /> � ' � . 15.Govemt� La�v; 5everability. This Scc�cv�t} D�.s�s�::7enti shaU b� governed�by fe�erat Iaw and the !aw of the • •
<br /> _ � jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In tt:e etient CFz:2r.y pFovision ar clttur�a nf thi�Security lnstrument ar the Note ', : • , .
<br /> "� ° ' ' � � ' oonflicts with a licable law,sach conflict shall not affect ot��T nn�i4ions of this 5ecurat .inxi�vment or the Note which can be ''%}f':��� �
<br /> pP � y ��•.�,.,,:,
<br /> ,f ; ; . '. ' , , - given effect without the conflicting provision.To thes end the pm�ti�lsions o!this Secur�tyn Instn�ment and�he Note are dedated . ..:�_i;��'`.' `
<br /> � to be severable. • '• , ,
<br /> '` ' ' , ' 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy af the Natv and eef tbi:►Security Instrument. • ' .
<br /> +�,�, , ., , .
<br /> . , Form 3023 9190 .
<br /> � ' va�ae��a , . • . :
<br /> " . • . . ' �
<br /> �" • . .
<br /> � . .• . .. •
<br /> i. ; , .
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<br /> ; . � ' - . .... . .. . . •
<br /> . . _ .
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