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<br /> �•S'�i 2�-' - . � � � . ' . . . ` ' ' ' ' �i.i',�+ ` ` --'—. _ _ __
<br /> : '` ="' ''`'!�. . .. ' ' ' s . , ` SnII1EL �Ri'i�� f�E211iSti�B�S��`i Ea���"��TY¢W�'Sii'�jt�4 t4�EIII�Cl�B`�` � , __—_—_— .._.
<br />–�- -- ---- °�(OQS!�L�.Ct�QP JfCQU�C3.��fP�UcISCAx �3 u1$ � i
<br />-� .• fl�I[1Y9�tiV�1�1C11&11ii�Yi4t�!2 t➢li�:d�$tt�i W1�I�iE�(�. �BOT[O�YEF�S E�D IqRY�B1?�A L7QV a i;P.3SYl��i���.CIil�f f11�j/s.A1,.:::_;!'r':'-,.`
<br />�"�� Leaderh.aptifm�abtai�coverag�w p�irct i���r�his in�e Rro ir�'a+cce�+�ee�����'� ' . .: � ''�'
<br /> �:.
<br />�ti: • All insn�ace pQlla�s aikTr�swas 8�?�.�e as�eguDte¢o l.en�a�i?�s1fr�U iacIude a st�.�ard auBg�,,�`ru�se: !.#�ci�e�; .
<br />�`: - � , sHail6ava the right to�ot�the polici�s aa�d�wa1s.IS Leader 1�iies;Bomrs��r ahail pz�o�apc3gr 8�nv2.�Len+�t 'ts�.�.�:sei�� : . �; .::`
<br />- . a�pa'sd�Sniems attd ceiee�ia3 r�nti�. In tie eVeaa of.Inss.Bstmower si�alt givc piom.pt aot%x to the insur�.ce��taf� . ' ,' --
<br /> •- , "�, � 'n . _
<br /> � � -' L�4er.I.�asffrx moy ma��n4'oS tu�s if uot ctcti�promg�iY 4fY Barmwer. ,
<br /> # . '�°��' a,'�x�i� . Un��ss l�er and�to��ea oa�nvise a�ee in wriang,iiisu.� s�ll De applied t�r2stsxttion ar�epair of � �i - --
<br /> n�
<br /> ' ` � '�~ ' . �f t��oaatena o: air is ecoao�a i c�l l l�fe� 4«stt d{.e a d zr's s e c u r i ty is n o t t�e�. I f t P�s --____ —
<br /> �- h •,�� =.�_ t$e,�A�upertjl damag�d. reF < <
<br /> t T�- � ;. ' rest�o�txpalt!s uci�IY fe�st'b2s aPi I�ea�s�y�tld be te:s�ned,,the� ��r�!'Y'—^ce sd�all6e ' ,
<br /> ` S� '' appiix�to tb�sn�ns sectcred ir,�tLis S�c�ity Insnumen�wdiether or�at�..�n d�,with any exce.ss'pai�e�8mrenwer. If ` . . __- —
<br /> '�'" " ` '-4` �o3mn�r ab��s t�e�3ljr'.OI�OPS Qat 3bS4VCt NritT31?I�ZI t�S II II4$2�¢fiUID�'tfli3l tp1L�DSIilQ110C C8171�f.11a3 • — -
<br /> � ,Y'; "-;",i as::".�i�'.� pfffllE�t0 S��C�CISITlI.t�11��IIU1�I OOuECt t�IC�TLSW2II�QIDi0�5. —_-_ ----
<br /> ' Q�-i�!�"i v;?I�� i �PT 11I13y t1�.P.�?.ESIOC2CQS.LO�.'�l�S YB320�.
<br /> .. �t„�:5.;,.-•,- .�s�,a�.0. Tncmm� T
<br />-;l�. y y�.�•_-:-. �:.t^,..Y� ttro�va to pay su�s sxcxued by this Seciniry �.3,�vh�tiru or aot t�d�. �e�30�day period wiU b�n w�a . ------
<br />- �" . ��',. , t�nofioe is gi►vea. ` �
<br /> ;� ..-" � . --•: . ... .
<br /> ..= ' -`�:,.€< UnIsss Le�s�r aad�armwer otitenvise�in writing•anY�PPlis�sian vf prvc+eeds to priacipal sP�all�rni eatr�►�ar ..
<br />-- ''�' ;�,�,�!'1;��'s!`%�` post�e the due d�te af tfle monthIy�y�ncnts.�efei�d�tr in�azagtapbs 1 and 2ac dtaage dze amount of ttr��ayu�zmis. If --------
<br /> �"�,r ��::��.,f��
<br /> ; ��,°!;�,Y. ,'��r;,;;;.,�� uader paragra�h 21 t�e Ropert�/is aa�uurd.by fi;�aidr�^,.Doamver�rigt�t o4�»y.msutar�ce policies end piqceebs fesutting =___-
<br />�;< 4 I s�n��Jr�t,<<`<«r �'� ' ` fmm dam�g�to tlte Pmperty-�snor:to,i�acq.aisi6.o��iir3lI pass tu l.eadea ta!ftiecx�cn�of fhe sums sseured Ky tijia��uity --
<br /> -'''' ' , ' Iastiumentitrnnediatelyprlarwt�i�ear�quisit}nrt.; , ,, •!; ;, • —�
<br />='�*���Y y�j4a` r k���, .: 6►- ���F�eec+sl� A3'.et[tltez2�nt�end Prote�teIIit"al�(ite LTtY1t'�Yi.:IioKi�ee�'s.�T..tis.R..��►p1[catl6�
<br /> .a�� ° � Il�aS�3c'Sarmwe�st�nll.oc� estabU�,and use the Ftoge�tg as Bom�wes's�risrcfpal.�s�e•wst�►qn'sixty days after — —
<br /> -- ' `.,f •,��ii , BYe:. a
<br /> . . tiie tii�ution of this 3acuritp Imsbtm2�t`.ri�d shaU oonwt�e to occc��tfte Ptapec`tg as BmioEUds pfiacipal t�sideuce for at
<br /> `, �., ` _ '�, �.���,;. . .,.is�st o� year after` the �ate of a+cc��ancy. untess L.end� ot�iviise a�eees i� wriiing,. whis�.canseat sball not be �r-�"°=-=-
<br /> �• . anreazoaabfy witbheld.ur imles5 e,�nuating circumstanoe.a exist�fi�li are beyaa�Bomiwet's coatml. Bmrower s&aII not =
<br /> , , ,-,
<br /> , ` .
<br /> r , . �..:. ` . —
<br />_- `�:;--.,.._...,�..:,:_ desi�ay,dama8e or imgair d�Ftoj�tky,altow the Ptapeny w deteAUCate.c�r commit waste on tfre Ba[e+ower shall --- -
<br />_ .,. . ., �� �
<br /> ,... , ..., . ._. ._
<br />_•� • -- - --- �-�e-in-defauit-if-any-fo�feituc��a��axpinceedmgt�vhethet-civ�_or: •is�begar�.tBa�i� �g.a�__�d�'aith judgqten.t__.._.---._....
<br />-'� �`� " could�snit in forfeituce.of the or otherwise materiall ` f�ie liea cieated ths�S�+ui Instiumeat ar ,
<br />��;'' ... . ,.�:,r:�derb mterest: Borcow�cure such a defaWt and �fi�� vide�in patagiaph 1 by wusing the action ` �_-
<br /> secaiity• Y `. t� 8•
<br /> , ecari �
<br /> • , •. �+dir prucee�ng w 6e dismissed with a nrling d�a�in Leuder's good faah ���ae,Lr�udes forfeiriue of the Bmrower�s .
<br /> �.,...'. � , inurest in the Ptopeity ur e�er material impairment of[he uen cceated by this 3acurity Insmuneat or Ixnder�s secauiry _--- -
<br /> _ , ��.>;:�:=-,;-°. interest .Borrower slialt aIs+�be in defa�lt if�orrower.'during the tnan appticatio�_pmcess.'gave materially false or • , ,-,
<br /> � ��1��� inaccurate info�ataaan or sta�ments to Lender(or faited to psuvide Lender�WIItl2iljr Q13ICil3I IIIfOIII13h0I1)III COIIACCttBA W1fIl
<br /> `��t •" the lo�evidenced 6y Eise N�te,includ'mg, 6ut not limited to,representatioas coaceming Buamvreris occupansy of.the _
<br /> .�.��`?���s-t:.gi`. ",'%� • PtopenS+as a priucipal ces�d'�nae. if this Security Ira�°�uectt is on a leasehold,Baaaare[shall camply with a1t tYnegmvisions .
<br /> - �%':� �.;}?tr::`;.�� of t6e lease. If Boiradrer�q�iii�s fee tide to the Pca ,.t�e teaseho2d aad the fee w�ks=`s�ail not merge untess F.carder agcees�. .�.
<br /> :: ,rt ,, 1�3f`; . . •
<br />_ .;f:. ..��,"._'':,..�'-5 tothem�geriaaai�..'•;. •;:'`,,_ ,,,,;,":_, .;,, :�:
<br />, � t• �� Z �tra aCr',G,pl�s''s Rights in the Prop�t� If Bfl�ower fails w�i{"�rm the cavena�ts and ageements '
<br /> ;�_{ , ' �_',,,��� :• containe�im tfi'r.s' �nttrument.or there is a legat � ' . �tlfiat may signifcantly affect Lenders rights in the ,i� ., -. `'
<br />�.. . • t�w��,;, ,
<br /> y�'� � F'�erEy(sod�:i��,�pr+noeed�ng in bankruptcy,pmbate,for rr.0�rr»r�'orfeiture or m enfnrce taws or regulations).then , r�� �
<br /> � ��.
<br /> � � . �� r�� �der�ay ii.`v aa�pay for whatever is necessary to p�i:lhe vslb�:nft�e Frogerty and i.ende�'s[ights in the Ptoperty. �d
<br /> -- - -- .---..-- Ti:encE�r's actions may include Qaying any sums secumd.by:�:i�;whic�i�ias priority over this Security Inctrumeat.�a�pearin8 :,��_�
<br /> . ,• � . � , in cou�.paying reasonabte attomeys'fees and entering ori the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may tz[te action , •'�:�, .,_
<br /> . � ' tmde�this paragtaph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. " _ � ;
<br /> .. :�y?2' ; My amounts disbursed by•l.ender under this paragraph 7 shati�acome additional debt of Sotrower secured by this ,;, .'.�1 ;�
<br /> � �,�,,�� Securiry Inctrumen�. Uniess Borrower and Lender agree to other termts;»fnayment,these amounts s6ali bear interest from the _
<br /> , , � ' ;'� ' ' date of disbutsement at the.Nate rate and shall be payabte,with inte+c�1;upon nouce from i.endef co Bomnwer mquesting �n�,��f '� _
<br /> '- ,.ffs,�`c�r'er,.�.. ' payment �' �(�.`�:'• �_
<br /> t ,� , ,:�•�:. � ..
<br /> :i ,'.pi+i,<• :•it.' �Y!;' '' f :„- _-
<br /> .,,, . �,,,,, 8. Mortg,age/nsurbUmp�. If Lender required mort;_�te iri�c�.,�:e as a condition of making the loan se�uted by this , -_
<br /> � ,�4'.',� Securiry 1nsFauinent. Borrowei shail pay the premiums re�uin�.'tfr;itr�%.�cain the mortgage insurazec�in effect. if.for ar�y {f�,���• ., .
<br /> •,� � ' ' ceasan,tke mor.tgage insurance caverage required by I.��:;i;i�.�;:�Ur ceases to be in effe€[„-�n1�?awer shall pay the " 'r-- ''�'"-
<br /> ... . . -•• . I.�`%�f ' raniums u�rtd to obtain covera e substantiall u�v�a�t�Its�'thi�,�nnn e insur�zce revio �1 m etf'ect.at a cost . . . ` '?�T s';�
<br /> p tet�.� g Y�1 8�S P u�:S��� S:,r°r::` —�,.� -
<br /> � . � .' . suba�tanda]Iy�:civalent to the co�t to Borrower of the ma^taage intiad�Kce previou�ly in effeci,fraiii�n altertr�,G:�_rtsortgage ����4 ��=-`-'�`
<br /> n s,,�b ` -
<br /> ' : ;Ehsurer approved by Lertder. If sub�tantially equivatent rttortgage in.curance covera�.:,as not available.Borrowc�`�,hittilG pay to f.•,?, �•'':��� --
<br /> . .�, s r
<br /> ;. .; � • • . Leader each month a sum equa!to ane-twelfih of the yearly mortgage insarance prem:um being paid by Borrn��rrhen the '�;,;�t t�� .-�;� ,_ .�-
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased ta be in effect. Lender will accept.t;se and retain thece payments ac a loss reserve in lieo • .
<br /> ,,;�:;., .•. :;:..:,...
<br /> � • � . . of mortgage inswance. Loss reserve paymenYs may no tonger 6e re5r}�ir.�d.at the option of l.ender.if mortgage insurance :,,L..., f „
<br /> - � � coverage tin the amount and for the period that l.ender requires)provitlzd by an insumr approved by L.ender again becomes ,4,., , ;:
<br /> ��:�Y �:. available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the prrmiums rcquired to mairtaio m»tt�e insurance in effec�nr to�rovide a �,'.«�j�'s,`�.. .;. ,; :� , .'
<br /> `� ;'���j;;4,. �. , � luss reserve,until the�:ibs:mi�nt for mortgage insuranee ends in accordanre�r7lt�atry�Mritten agreement betwc�ii:13t�rrower ,��� :
<br /> ,..�4�1,t�• and Lender ora lica6le in�v�.. "' . '•` � �%`: ,'�;.
<br /> },�..ys: .. . PP � •;,tnq,', . . ..
<br /> �. ,_:,�s;t;;��' , • . ' 9, prc�e�io�o. Lendic�r ar its agent may make reasonable enaries+�on and inspections of the Roperty. Lenifer shall • .
<br /> . �ive�brmw�:r;ht►tice at c6e time of or prior to an inspection spa:i'tyin�.n:ustsnable cause for the inspection. • '� . . .
<br /> '' • � ' ' [Q� �opdraititatiun. 'Rie proceedti of any award or claint fnr d�msiR��.�.direct or consequential,in connec6on with any .: � �
<br /> ,I�:�,;_�.�
<br /> �,; .b(`��., . . i'• Single Iamity–Fannte!11ae/FreGdtr.hln�,l?1t[�(Sfl�il;[TiSTRL'�1F.hT--Uniform Covenan�c 9l9D IP�Rej nl�6AaFesJ , ..:�ft�,e'. .
<br /> . �7�,� . Grtatlete�Fat¢�.Ux.■ t;���.;,y .
<br /> Y���f
<br /> ��� ., ' �'�'� •;�, ToOnkrCaR fElf6'.�P93'l30iAII8iB79td13t 1�'i5?'���;5�;��
<br /> ,'r..;t . . . . . �1�°�y. ` � `
<br /> � , r�..�a. • '.. .:;..rr;>:;.
<br /> , , • '.� ', � ����';`':��� 'i�?'� i':J,�:�ty.
<br /> � , �.1� .�t.�{<`�: ''Y4�: ���b
<br /> �`�t;j• �.`(t;� '+� ',[�i . � ' ._'.�.. ' ' . , �':�i�;�,� .',�;� ,��!{'�.�+et. .
<br /> `��� '�Yl. ' �-r.��.--�r.+ .��. ` .. .�'E.���..-.5..' w,t�q^t�.S�Ti/a , __f..,... . •�jsqry.� iiT�Y�t�µ!T"'•.r.-�,-?n�n, 4t :��^�+_^._.......--.•.._�-�-..�.-_._..r....-T, fi�l...• ,
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<br /> 't.,. ,�t,,•��,���' }t(��'I . �1�32; . .i,.a,r,„�.
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