�;�.t1-��.'�'°�i.'�� S'Y:`sZ.'�T._t.t � � � rs�uc?�' _ . ---
<br /> J w+l, i �4� .:� l � �` � t . � � � . �_
<br /> �i .,�� �,,� '�.i�: 5,� i 1c � `�I .. ' ' ' -a _ -
<br /> ��_
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<br /> yi-^�' ... � � � :. ' ` . — , .r.� . _ - - _ .
<br /> . ; °i, ; „ j' . � ��.�____-_-
<br /> .t� : ,
<br />`�,�y r.• . . � f . '� ._:- �. '' s2�f.eiuy^�''3.u[L-•scs+?� :.k-.'•y,.ii. T 'Z:'. — — —_ :� - -
<br />_'��.':f �S,�ffl`.\f� /�h.r � •• .. ' . . . , ' . __ I- _'__ . ... �, __ '_���_-amd___� , `.t:^ ' _. _. __—'_—_'—_
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<br /> :�:_-�:` �E:�`� �:��� � � _ , - . ' � ��� . -�_.,z.,__�_-���...r
<br /> � ,;�.�: .r� . ; .. . . . :: . �,. � � �` .. :. •..
<br />� .�.,f,. ° ,.. _� •�.' . appli�a6Te iav��t:�i�Y fo��einsiatemeai)hef�sslc a�f'4h�.Yrop�ty�gu�sua�t�.o any @u�ti�a of s€�co�teit�iti't�iis .
<br />_ �`-:<`�4;:�`�' ,:.r . Se�urity Inswmeai;ar tb�em�t of a jud�t enfoming tLis S�curity'1nsEm�cen� '�qsa c�n�3i6�ns ece t3�t l�ssps�r: CA) . .
<br /> - ���r�.:�: �� . � . .
<br /> F � pays l.ender nri�which t�e��a�u1t1 b�due untt�r tb�s S�uiq►Instcuasent a��thc�i4�te t�i£:�ta'�te�tlou fr�d
<br /> _ -�-:�. "; ';;:: , occuared:(b)�urzs arU►defauYt of a�r:aitter.covenants or�:tc)pays aII expenses fiaitit�sia in e�onin�this Sec�rzsY . _
<br /> �....,__ . , ins�mett�inciudimg,6ut ant timi�l ta.teas�able.s1�an,a.gys'f� and(�mYes siccA�aa os I.endet.may reaso�b�Y ,
<br /> >^'���:.}�" " L- ceqni�e to assure ti�tke lIen of tbi�5�trity Inslp�ent,l.eader's rights in the Prape�ty and�latmwer�abligatian to gay t�e �--- ------
<br /> .n: _ • ,
<br />-' '.�,� sums securad by tbis Secanity.insbum�at shatl coatinue uad�anged. �Tpa��2���.by Borrouer. chi'� Secnre3�r.: .
<br /> �
<br /> =t' ��.:'"`,�, `� •�:�� U�sa�u�ent afid tt�abb$�tioas secu�hcaeby st�ll cenaaia fuiiy ege�9n�e a$if no aco�l�ion 6ad ooaime0. However:ttu� —_ -_-_ =------
<br /> � - . . ,right tol�tate bt�all uol?PP�A!�case of accele�a�ian ua�et�ua�h 17. -
<br /> , ., � ���nlc o3Y1`ote;�ian�a�I�an Servts�wG 1i�z i�nie a�s a al inte�t in thx Not�'Em�witi�t�is Sa�rity ,��,�-_ - _
<br /> '' ' :' Ta4unme�i)maY be soid csne or moi�times cvithout�ior ufliu�e co�nrmarer A s�ie a�ay r�It in a c5ange�ta�a endty � - ---
<br /> f'IC , ` 1 F —
<br />' �;N,i , '�,:5�. !` . �pOF�r SS t�°�313 SY.IViCP��ttl83 OOuECZS IIIOAt�y�18jt�?.IItS hclC lAII�bT t1iE�Q20 8B�t�5 SE�UIIt}/TOS2liIIQCIIt. �$3E'd150 - - _ -
<br /> �.:�: �" m�y�e o�e at more c�bangea of tP�Loa�o Ss�vieEr un�late�w a sale of t3�e N�. If t�ene is a c.aange of the•Laaa S�vicer,• - --___�_
<br />_ . ��. ':,-�� .'. B�trowe��vill ts�given fvrit�a natio�of the c�amge m aocanda���vith pazagt�ph 14 ahove a�sgp ca6k ta.cu. The notioe ---
<br /> �<<',f:'�?ri�:;+."�"' payme�s ==='-
<br /> 7 - �wIl1 state tAs natue aad add�of the Qaiv Loaa Secvcc�aad the address tu wtuch �an1d ire in�d� Tlie uafu:e m�l _-__
<br /> :: ,�;;<u-i;.. • >., ---
<br /> � � °,�:.i�5;,�f ��. aLso contai�any other info�arion ceguit���r aPPlicable taw. . ' . ` _ _--
<br /> '��fy.�,��,, ?A. �rdmss S�tis�►nc�. Boimu7et shall aot cause ar pe,miit the presenc�ys�,disga�t,sto:a�e,.ur release of anyr
<br /> �Y��Y:'`• ;. . ,ti�;``' Ha�dons Substances on or in the Rogeny. Boirovrer shall not da.no�altaw aayane efse fo do,anyth�g affe�ng the �-_--_--- -------
<br /> .;t�
<br /> :j;�?;..:. ,.�I�s``:`' , Proper[y that is in violation of any Fnvironmental Law. 7he p�eding two ser�tences shaU not apply to ilie pres�ce.as�,or ;��w=—_—
<br /> ' Ja�'n,t.� , .., ,_, sWrage on the Pmperiy OF snall qnan6ties of Haratdous Substaaoes that ar�g�uerdlIy secogni�ed to be aPPmt��to uam2at
<br /> �.:�i., � I � --
<br /> : yr ,-,j � r�: cesidentiatu�esaadtomaintenanceoithePmperty. ' " -_-----
<br /> , 8o�mwer s�all pmmptiy give l�ender writtea norice of any inve�igation.cTaLm,demaad,tawsuit or at6eF astina 6y��ay� � -
<br /> _ r _ - gavera�eu�or re�vlaDory agency or private�mty invahriag th�Fco�rerty and aay Ha7ardoas Snbstaace or Ecsvimnmental -. -
<br /> a � :��
<br /> ` Iam of wfuc� Barrower�as actual Imawied�. I�'13art�wer teams,or is nalified by aay govemmeni�'��r regWat�ry
<br /> � ��
<br /> ,` :.;:'�,,. :_ aathority,that aay reumval or othez remediation of auy,�ar�ndous Substaace aff�ting the Property is e�ty.Borrawer . � __ __-
<br /> ... , •• . ..
<br /> F > ..; < .. .. '��:- • . . . . ..... ro� �a11 cemedia!�stions in acootdance with F�vironmentai Law c:.::� ...-- --.- - ----- -----
<br /> ���� r, ��
<br /> _, _. �,.: - �.p. .P_�3± , _
<br /> -- �Y. - -- - -. .. _ .
<br /> .> As used ia ' pa�ap,raF�i 2Ci•''�amdnus 5ubstaaces aie thofe"svbscances�efin�d�taxir ori��ttous-su6s�ances by-� ----
<br /> , � � ,,} _ _ ----
<br /> .. . Environmenrdl law a�td ehe foIIoaria�substances gasoline,kernsene.other flammable�,oQxic penvIeom pmdu�s.touc �-•-�-------�-_
<br /> � �;F;' :, :' :; pesticides and Uecbicid�s.votaale soivents,materials containing asbestos ar faimaldehyde:aad radioactiys materiais. As �-
<br /> '` ;„ , { ,; used in this paragaph Zm'."Fnvirona►ental Law"means federal laws aaed laws of the juirisdictioa where the Property is tocated -
<br /> '�, c��';* ' ' �r t6at relate to healtt�:safety or envizaninental protedioa . � �.=��
<br /> �- f;-:�,'•. .� �_ .�f�-�••�; N�N-UNIFORPI COVENAN7'S. Bor�wer and Lead�r fimher covenamt and agcee as fouows: �%" `
<br /> ` .` , 2L Acc�elerattan;Rem¢di� Lender sLaU g�ive natice�s�ormwer prior to aooe(erattan foIIowiag Boreowe�s' . }; - �.�
<br /> '`�,`° .°'��'"�: 6reach af any oovenant or agree�ent in Wfs Secw3ty I�a¢�lbai not prtor to acceieratian aadec par8grapb'.47! ;�=v :;
<br /> � i.+',.�.�._..:�r'•�.. : ' ^1.'` �s;i
<br /> �.u1,5 a .. anles9 app11ca6Ie law provfdes oWerwLse) 7'I�e nael�se shaU spea�y:(e)the defanit;Ri)the act�on t�.W ar�QI�¢�`. . __
<br /> ���,� - � - detaul�(c)a date.riot I�tt�aa 30 days frur4 M�c�ate ehe notloe i�givt���orrower,by whicb tPe¢�tt mus#ime
<br /> t�t �
<br /> � ,�,, '�+: . c a r e di a n d(d)t h a t f a i l o r e t o c m r e t h e d e f a u t t u m a ff Q�e f o r e t h e d a t e s p e s�c Il H�th e eottce ma y resmER f�'rdr�-�erattos of , ` ,
<br /> ;:.:e'F7,1� `.
<br /> "�. �. �- �� :���;�� the sa�s secured by this Sesartty InstrametaZ amd sale of We Properiy. 'i�2 t�oitoe st�ffcra�t��r ias(f'a�a lBorrower of :::�;,` � ,.
<br /> ; .�,. � . '�";,>�r,,; �,:
<br /> ` 3, ;. .F- ., .;'>�,�, the rigt�t to reimstate aRer aoce���and tQn�s�g6t W bring a court actfoa to as�sert tl���mce�Pa defauIt ar w, i' �, .
<br /> ,:•r;.,.
<br />_:F , ,;,�; ...'�.�;���� any other defease oi&�,rrower�a�.�Ecm�m and saie. If the defaoit is not cared oa e�r i�¢.'f�re tlE�daie sp�cc8 In _ '� •�;:;. ".
<br /> ������} _. .. ; the notice.l.ender a�ut`s m�atfan maq cc�n�fi�¢�ate payment in ful9 of aD svms secured by this 5�1'i(�+Inshument � �,f�; F:3�
<br /> ,;,����t a� w i U t o u t f u r t h e r d�t�a t i d m a j r i n v o k e�i t�a a r i�r o f s a l e a nd m ry oth�remedies p e r m itted t 3 y+�t$(p i i c aMe 1aw . •..;.�
<br /> .; � I.ender shaU be entit�e�'t w collect a11 expeases,titrs�trred i n pursu i ng t De rem e d tes pro v t d e d i n t h�lrm v s g r ap h 2 1, . �.. •.�,
<br />' • • incladS�but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'ffees aaid oos�fs of titte evtdeace. • . .
<br /> • : . p?M�power of sale Ls invokc�l,l�ustee shall remrd�cr.mti.as�of defanit in each connty in whEch any pai4 of t�e • ,
<br /> em
<br /> proge�i�Cvcated and shall mail ooptes o4such notIce[n t��ner presrribed by appllcable Iaw tb Burrower an�W . _ �:
<br /> � ' ' the oi��r gwsoac presc�ihed by app11ca6fe Qaw After the ti�uz•�eqnired by applica6le law,7Yustee shaD give pnb�ic : . ' °-
<br /> � � nottce of sale to the�a,�sons aad irt the manaer presa36ed by appflcable ta�v 1lraste�wit6oat demand on Borrower, . ': ,,r�:`-A�
<br /> • l —_
<br /> • ' .. shall se�l tQoe P�t�fv:u.�Qu61tc suctlon to We hfghesl bfdder at the time and pfa�e and ander the terms designated in :' t�,�`��..
<br /> ' ' �. .�.:;y,;�r the noLize aE ssde'��or more parcels and in any ordee 7tustee determines. 'll�astee may postpone sale o!aD or any ._,.�_�,._-.
<br /> „ ,;J j.;;-,,,,',;;;;�: pancel m�'L�nt��arL�'by pnblIc snnaancement at the ttme and place of any prevlously sshednted sa[e. I.�ader os its , ; �,'_-
<br /> .� �l "i,�3�:?� desi�mnc�s•�r�l�the Prop��any sale. : , '��•!��:�� �
<br /> ���7 �
<br /> � �f�,�ti.,, , .. ,��,,.ct��u'..
<br /> ' 1:;,,vY.�,1,. ` , �� (l arr�e+xa�d'�,�etf'�t�ent of the' rIce 6td,'llrustee shall delirer to ���itrshaser'4�rostee's dee�,conveying We � � ��'°�,�:
<br /> � � . P � °•.
<br /> ` ,',,fs:}n�}7 •. , Property. 't�rt'ir�;dtFi"tsche 7�ustee s deed sh�[ti 15e prtma Pacte evldenc�F,�Ft ue truth of the stateffier��ade tiierein. � . -
<br /> � :'SL-usIIee s��pp9y i9b��aceeds of the sate in thi•Ci��owing order. ta)to a�1,�oasts and e�penses of excr•�ng the Quwer . . �'�=_
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