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<br />_---------- ------ 'i�. ���sttc�t�w- TA3e�� ag �'ruet eAet?1��:;�.§b�!e�ue� �y ehe le�Va of : --------- -
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<br /> ---- ttae st+a�e os"b aetce. m tha err�a�t ehat auy.���cu,�i���,`ox R2e�usa, of ax�y o� ehe --
<br />_� _ --_ �Y�oaA.I�aetr�ri�as3nie.cos�flicte vftit eppii�2Q.��s.;�tuG�-�:��lictd �haii not atSect =-
<br />��=�-- - � - �ot�s9r pravtefans of. eurb 2�caa Zns�uttt^.�tCcT„ccd�c3�.cFUa;�,g3v�rt eY�sct �it�out tho �-=_-==_
<br /> •. �can$Iicti�g;g�raviaiano; aat3 to this ead;. �b��Px�iefazte og t�@ �oa�a Itt�tsl�ten��
<br /> °�4 . �,; = ore BeClaxed4 t0 bo sc�vesabl@. T�f.� �S►atxu�,8n� crxa���t �e aPSiv@8, cla�sg@d, 4���L _
<br /> = _ ' ' _ " � �1�chax3e�t: oac t+3smfnated"oz�1�F,.,bu�_aa�y�by:nn,ia�p�Qati ' - -
<br /> ,�. „;�s"`����z�.. - ', an �rritia� signe� by the pssty aga3mez �atr��c�or�crt'sr�nt of any waivor, chtu�q�, i���:�-� �
<br /> '��� . ,, •df.schar�e or:tesmiaatian is sought. ��,�,:,m -___-
<br />���j' >.%--. ` ,-� 15. �38CONVl3�rAr7C�3•sx�tns7t�g. ti�oan vziteen.rsqueat oE 8eneficiary etating � ��_--..��--
<br />_.:y`: t&at alI suma secured bes�ab� have �een gai8,. an8�u�tait,su�zs�endse� of this Deed of,'. =__-----
<br />�� ��°� Trust auB the Rote to Truetee �oz caaasllatioa.aad,rs�eaCic�t�aud•upan•LaaY�a� g3t =_-_
<br />-=�' ; ��;.�: a'Ytastor of Tsuf3tee's fee�. Zxvstee eha21. ser.�vey,•to�Tsastaz, oz the g�saa or _-- -_�-- ; - -
<br /> I�°• ,,,� " pessons legal:].y eatitled theretm. �d#haut �asrteatg. a�• Pcxtian, m� the,Ttust.
<br /> :.� • B�tate then hald�hereimn8er. R�e reci.tala in•such reccxscveyance oE aay;�ltters �z• `� - --
<br /> s ;..'��.'�.'4�v«._:7 T:.i�.�ays____"'- _
<br /> -_ , :,,_;;;�.- faaC�•.slaall hs ccmcluefve prcof oQ the truthiFu3nesa thereoE. �he gr.t��ee ia�•a�"�:". . �:.��-�• �T��..
<br /> T. FIF.�'�'��:�"—"_�'___
<br /> � :eciis�veyanae mmy be asscriloQa aa °�ne gerson. o= gerscna legally,�,entir�d� <:::;. . : :_____--
<br /> J� r- 4 a* �1P.Z@t.0°. 1 J- . �``• . _- — ---
<br /> ' �����,�,f, < ::;,�' � ' fa..a�_
<br /> e..;?..: - klf'; � � ; �t�tr,}r
<br /> . ::..:• . 16. D�ATiCBS. V�euever Heasffciary, Trustor, o�c Truatee:shai2 d��#`to : � =-
<br /> ' ;:._.,
<br /> �:��;�,,f� :�:,�' ' ` .g�i,v,a�=ri�serve aay notice, demand, request a�c othes c�aacaC�t��;qrfth re�o��t�to " s� '; . _
<br /> � E�ii°$`,�eed of'Truet, e&ch such aotice. 8e�ad, regaest or c�x` c�uni�atian ` ��
<br /> `' ''..� >..� � . > , � ,t� __
<br />- `, �,.�r y' , •, ---.._._:��,..,,,-.---stis�I•_be_fa_writing_and_shall Iae effeatftve aaly if_ tke saaC,Q is 8elf�red by ' ----- .�
<br /> - ---�-� --
<br /> , ',�d �,�;_ �•'.�;,• �., ' !;> P�reaaal service or mailed by cert�3f�e���maf,l, pvet� prega�'id;--retnrn �ae3pt------- t•,� _
<br /> � }�:��;::r.'''�� re� sted, ada'iressed to the ad6resa set forth at tii� I�eg3naaag of th�� II�ed of f=_
<br /> - ;�';�,;��'.�`}},r.,�}y:��'�: '� �'�r �Y �+�Y may at tbis time change its a�ss foz such ubti�,�s by �'.��f,��_
<br /> ,.�;r} . . "�`��� o r m a i l t o t h e v t h e r a r t i e a h e r e t o s s•a f a r e s a i d a n o t i c��b f s�c h ` '�W�'��
<br /> . ,y:t?•' ��. 4,.��i,�`'-r£� � P • r �
<br />-. • �t����.�y; , .. � . . �St�.�'�'S'�..
<br /> WJ'•T*97.';f'.i � ' �=-'-
<br /> y .�!T4 . - . .. ' ' ' '_ . . . !�!��.r.�._�.,.-�r.. . -.. ` (-., . . . . . ,. . , . � . . ��t,_,,.�_ _
<br /> :�; f}��'� ��+ �-��= t; r; ��., �i��SnLB. Ia the event tt:at Trustor sells the reai es�a.f�,�bicis `, "
<br /> rr;��. it�:.p�fss3�it�;.�v�:.this Deed of Trust, the Pr�issosy Note aad thfs De�eB a£�:ctrust
<br /> . ,�1i'��;,'.i�scq�s•=�celerated and the total amouqt oY priacipal a:sd accru�i�: i.i.i��rest' . � � ".� '=
<br /> .- '-, �',� ?':
<br /> � . ��9tiri�i�:��'.�ue>�(ssd payab��:at once. Sale q£ Ch"s zeal estate eha17::u�r,�13a'�ale by�
<br /> '. DBedK�:zustaf.imant Sale:'ConcracC or Lease_�ti.oa Agreement. :;.; ' . ' , •;
<br /> -,, � , _. .
<br /> , ,':; - 18. nCGBtprAl�CS sY T1tIISTBS. Truetee accepts thze Trust when thi8 IIeed of w,k�� •�,'
<br /> ,•�..
<br /> . . Trust, 8uly executed and acknovalc�dged, ia made a publfc record as pre�vided by 9 ��
<br /> {.., ' ' law. �:'•t�' '�
<br /> ._ .�'':�i
<br /> . , i
<br /> `��.. ° � n� wITlvBSS �r�itsoP, Trustor has execuitQd ttu.s aeea of Truat as of etie aay. : . �
<br /> .% ,� . • and year first above mritten. � •, �`-. �
<br /> ��i��r.(' �.�, . ..w: .'`'
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<br />. ,.�,' . O�e_. _ �roA �if✓ ; �:;_*.����=
<br /> •:,�;f,°t..'" �; �r � DAN L. GOODN�N, TRIISTaA • . . °'���--�,,:;
<br /> �.�. ': . ._ '`�s.� ---
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<br /> �4�,` :�;`�,�"���. STfi� OH NSBRA4K31 ) l�IL��� ;. • ::��;, .'� . .
<br /> �.r . ' ss. ers.'�ot�o.a�: . "'1;'f���`���f`.. �
<br /> :.41;, .... . . COIII�Pi'Y OF HALL ) � ����p.! �' ���ti"'�'It
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<br /> � •"� �'..tr.:...i :..r_�
<br /> " °` � The foregofng instrum�nt caras acknamledged beEQSa s�a thiS _� day of May, "
<br /> �< 3r.: ' .: . Q ,,
<br /> ':�, Y�1 . � ;'` ,. 1994, by DAN L. GQODMAN and LINDA L. GOODI�IP, huabnnd•and•vr�,fe, Ear t#ie pusposes .. . . .,�., ..
<br /> , `.`�.�,f; ?��,. �her�in stated. n � �. � .;.;�
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