` 4.y.'-��( '�c. �'iesis... '-, F.?�xr� 'jt' �Y �-�- . . _ .. .i.�. ' i r f'`� l _
<br /> _r. i' � '.'y /Q1�e...�,,''�'.E, - ,.z .¢ . � ��I .- . ' . ._ . .• �i ti � `' -
<br /> ' , '� dr�� `�- ' , ..-.iy.i'est, . . � « '1 -
<br /> � , .�.,2sf :'l. �'K�f- - - ' � t". �_'.� �- - ....
<br /> _ _ _ _ ' " ' ' ' _ '_� _ _ -_
<br /> _ � T� - .,._ �.. . _ ` . . _ ._. _ 5. .... '"
<br /> .- . . . . . .. . .. —.
<br /> � , , . , _ .. � ' . , .
<br /> . .
<br /> .' � - � . . r . - ' - ' ' —_
<br /> • -. ,-�:. - ._. _.__ .__-__'_" _... ... .—'_ . . . . _. . !�� , _
<br />_.s i �r� ' �' ``lrt � . , �' ����L7�� . _.
<br /> . sn s.z.�.:_ '
<br /> . .- - a..,:.�,��� r� , , � -
<br /> . . ..�-:.-.e._:. - . ---___ ___
<br /> � ':.'��` �I.l..l.i«. " ._.. . �• hii' ' �' �� ' ,":�' ' ' ' . ': ... � w-r=...-.�..,.--:
<br />_y,•i• � �'C3iQ�lt tltA� '�" 11�iT��,• �C����YI(�3I{��It1SUTdII4�%S�.f7C�lOSCA�BdTI�'4�f.�=SU��2�0�{.'II�.3��:. . .
<br /> � �a. .�:. a�gz�a�'wbf��t:�.�s�it be an�asa�3y zvithhsld. t€•Bo�rawer faits ta.masnzai�t ooverage descn'6�ubav�L.�t�er�Y,3sts. _ ----
<br /> "-_ t .:. • Le�tde�ts a�tiA«�:;�i� coverage to�a�t Lenidr�'s tights iu�tlt�Fmpe�y iu a;ocorda�se aaith'paz� fi 7. ., : ;:
<br />�"'� A,�ll;irlaa�r�Po�cies and�IIr�ts.a�l h��ep�ible m Lr,�de�and s�aU include a stalqeax��a�gage cta�se,.l�e�, .
<br /> - -` ' shati:ba?fa f��:�,,.'��W hold the go�ici�es ana�."if 3:endex cequi�es.Ba�rmaer shall'�SZ'amPSY FAve toLeazdes a�t�i�ts:
<br /> ;:,,;=.�r ��..�r mf Fait�;As:ttttt aaa ieaewal nosi� �1a.tfle eveatt af toss.Sorta�ver sbiall give pmmp�notsce to.dte msa�rauce cames�ttdt ' --
<br /> F� � .. Lr�a+ia�:.�qd�tmay malie pmo€of t�ss if tta�i ra�ds ptomP�Y�+Y Sosruw�s: ' • . : -_-_—
<br /> _ �..:. . . ..,__. _ Cil7tti&3'Leudet and BarrOtivCt ot�ernist2 ag[ee m wI'iting,itlstllSr.Ce�aoo�S Shail�e aEspliCd i+U I�.StflTatiQA Oz cepeit ofi —
<br /> cfi�Ftcr�i�ity�amaged,if t�e zest�diam ox r�ir is�unamicaity feas�'M�aad Lendes�s:s�tui�y��s aot�les�eaed.: Yf�t�fK� tf�..�� �_--
<br /> - -�' --- - t-�c�r;�ti!�or.r�pai�:is aut�Iy f�e or I.eadec's sec�nCy�rwttd be-les..���.',`'�£����s.sltalUlo�o�. � .-
<br /> ap�rli�ii:w tk�:snms secuced.by;:thes Sc�.arity,,t��,�w4�:�.�ther ar nn�t�dus,witti;a����,i��.�ta�earoaver..�If� ��� z
<br /> BoarAwer abandons t�e PruperiYr or da�s r�t�`�'��.�Q.days,.r�;fi�e from 1:eseder,tt�a�6��'(C�r'�a�e.��� -
<br /> �$ , ot�t�d to seule a claim,c�ea i�r may. �.�e��tt��'��roce�''�der may we the pm��l����:s;;q�:�i�e, �----—
<br /> :i= --� .. ' th�Fc�perty or to pay svms se�iaed by ttiis Se�t�ay�nsti�.;;whetheroi aot thead�. 'Rt�e 30�da�y p�!`dri�l�i;a�ea ' _----
<br /> 'y -' _� - iJieuoticeisgven. ', : . -_-- -
<br /> ' , LTnless L.eader and Bonovrer othe�wis.e agee in v�ritin8��Y aPF�ration of pmceeds ta prinsipal shall nnt.exteiad:aa��.
<br /> -- - `� :: Fasq�oae the due date oY the montAlY PaYm�nts�fe�seG ta in�aragraphs i and 2 or c4�aage the anaount of the paymr�ts�.If i :. ----
<br /> - 1' ...• - under`paiagraph 21 the PUoperty is acquined by Lesuter,Bormwet's right ta.any insraance po?iCies an�d p�s tessulf+ttg�. -
<br /> ,., ;. .. .
<br /> frofi damage to the Praperty preot to the acquisition shall pass xo lxnder ta the extent of the suais secuced by this Sequity� ___- �°�
<br /> _ �..,._
<br /> - ,;. � [nsttum�t!irmmediaiety prior to t�e acquisition. . `_�:���`"---
<br />�_•,. � -
<br /> �,-_--:_.-.:°---..-,-_-:- 6. Occapaaay� Pre§Qev�ttaa�. Mstnten�nce t�l Praiectdoa a!the Propeny. Boi�rower� L�an Apglirnti�f �_� ----
<br /> - F � . A.ease�otds. Borrowe�ahalt c�ccupy.estab}ish.tmd a�e tt�e Pmperty es Borrower a principal�esIdence witi�in sixty days a�r _-.—
<br /> a
<br /> �. . � • the eaecutlon af�his Sec�uiay In.smiment and shail cant�ns�e to occupy�he Ptoperty+as Snmawer�ptlncipal residence far at� -
<br /> m
<br /> .; t.� tenst onc ycn�aftcr thc date of accupanry. untess t.ecvitr ott�er�vise agrees in writing, which consent si�all not•6e � ': --
<br /> ' unreasonably withheld.or un2es.�ezter►uatkog circumstances exist whith nre beyoad Barrower�s contral. Honuvrec shall tLa�:.
<br /> .. . � _
<br />_ �_., _ •...,.�:, destray,damage or Impaia ttte Ptaperty..allow the Pt+apesty to d2teriorute,os rnmmit waste on tae Pmperty. Barnower,sh,all i ___--_-
<br /> ���'�'T-:.
<br /> _ ..:_... . . . .�---. -.-. -�--be-indefault-if-any-forfeit�ae�actloa-orpcoceeding.-�y6ethecrivil-otcriminal,isbegiin.tt�t.inLender�s.gaod_faiti�.jt;dgnt�e�.c__._.. . _. ---�--
<br /> . cauid nesu(t in forfeihare of tCe Rcoperty or utherwise materialty impair the tien created by this Secunry Instrumr.cu�os: _—_-
<br /> � � � Lender5�security intemst 8onower msy cure aucfi a dsfaalt and reinstate.as pmvided in Qaragraph 18,by cansing th�actissn, �`"- -
<br /> �� � or pmceeding to be dismisssd with a tuling that,in Lead�r�good faith dsterminatiore,preciud�s forfeinue of the Borxowe8�. __
<br /> '; • int�mst In the Pmpetty'or ather material impai�tnens ai the lien cieated by this Security lnsuument or Lender's securityr �:-_
<br /> ..,. ... .. .. ; -_._ _.
<br /> - interest. Borrower.sT�ati a2so Be in default if.Burrower,_dwing the.toan applicaGon prucess,_gave_materially faL4e os� --_--
<br /> inaccurate infom�ation or statemeats tv Lender(or faited to pmvids I.ender with any matecial infom�ation)in conr.uxtian ivitti� �"'�'�`�_:_�
<br /> . ...j the toan evidenced by the Note,including,but�cot IimiteA to. cepresentations conceming Bonuw��s occapac�y.o8�tt� �:�._�_
<br /> ..;. . Property as a principal�esideace.If this Security instrument is on a leasehold.Bomnwer shall campiy u�h al!n�ge�visi4�s. �.-
<br /> of We tease. IfBarrower acquires fee ritle to the Propetty,the leasehold and the fee title shall not me�i3a..-�',iss.�:�i'.es ag�es =_
<br /> ; -. ._. ._� ._.._..,,� to the rterger in writing. . ;f•�,..;,�.
<br /> �' .•,:�j{: 7. Proiectton of Le�der's Rights in tdte Qro�gt If Borrower faits to perfamt the co��.'a'^�=�umcr�es. -
<br /> •.'"� contained in ttus Security Inswme.nt,.or the[e is a legal praceeding that may signifieandy affeci�det§rL�..� ia:t6e � .
<br /> `.;�n� • PropeRy(such as,a proceedinn in bankruptcy,�obate,for condemnation or forfeiture ar to enforce la�vsrsz"reg��;a.a�s)�t6en� .. -m
<br /> �. ° • ;�, Lender may do and pay for whatever is nec�.ti-a�y to protect the value of the Pt�operty and Lender's ii�'ts in t6e P�pFrty: • _, - _
<br /> � ___ __.___.___._-:��St�, Lender's aetions may include paying any s�cis secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security instntment;apgearing �:; _:.__
<br /> r��, � in court,payin reasonable attom s fees and enterin on the Pro e to make re Att}iou I.ender ma talse action� --_�____—
<br /> ;.. 8 e3+ � 8 P �'�Y P�• 8h Y ----
<br /> :��. . nnder this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. ���'=��"`'"�'
<br /> ga ;
<br /> . • �r.,' Any amounts dis6ursed by Lender urtu'�t this paragraph 7 shall become additioaa�debt of Borrower sect[�i by,this �:-==�-=_-
<br /> ' : ;_,,,-_•.
<br /> _. • ;�,: .�:;� Security lnstrument. Untes.g Borrower an4��3er ap-ee to other terms of paymen�these amounis sha.t�I��zr inter:st from tbe ���'�-
<br /> ' „y,�°;_
<br /> : ��••• -�j_ . date of disbutsement at the Note rate and sc:.u��be payable.with inteces�t.upon aotice from E.endec¢o t3'+-�,^rawee seq�stir�g , � �_—
<br /> t - . . .i1' _ . ' . .' .•'„'.. � 6 rl.._t.�._
<br /> _ '�' :'���.. .: . Payment -, . .
<br /> °'��� ' t - • • & Most e InsuraacG (f i.ender:�s "�snon 3 e insurance as a condition of makin ��:'�.a�t? " b .th�s. �
<br /> � ,,... � P,�g ��. &S S.. ,�, Y
<br /> - �� ��� ' - • �i�t7�1L�1 Instrumen�Borrower shall pay t�'�i�ii.�-�::�:..s r�i:lred to maintain the martgage insura�:z�.mr,�2�r�t. •�ft,.for•�any, -
<br /> ` •�.;���N '� � ."' ''��� r�on, the mort a e insurance covera e i'e:LL•^�d b �der la sas or ceases to be in effect�.�ower s�':�+� the _
<br /> d..�'. ' � ,;� • 8 8 8 1,.. q p 19�Y• ---
<br /> � ''T�>" 'f, �' , '�:� • premiums requiced to obtain coverage sscCro�:�tially equivalent to the mortgage insurance prev�-�-7t�:•in effeet,at•a casi� _ --
<br /> ;�<<.:,;, -
<br /> ; %�:::,., ; .�. '� substantially�.atent to the cost to Bas�?�a:,,r of the mongage insurance pceviously in effect,fn,'r;�a��altemate mortgege -°
<br /> : �1'�n�15i��;' .. :• insurer approti�esiiby Lender. If substantiall r'equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is no{,a��:aT�:;Boirower shald:g,�y to� _
<br /> { : �L4;, ��° ,S� _. ; Lender eacb month a sum equat to one-twei�h of�he yearly mortgagc insurance premiur:a f�'�r�;:�by Borrower whan tbe � :
<br /> a�� �r r,<< ' >
<br /> -_ <<(�,�„ : • . insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be i�effect i.endcr will acCept.use and retain���;.:.;:..�as a loss teserve in lieu �. �� -_
<br /> � '�i:�,���;;�.. � . ' . o f mo r tgage insurance. L oss rese rve pa��r:i:�.^;s m a y n o l o n g e r b e r e q u i r e d,a t t h e o p ri o n a f i.e c:t s�r.:i f m o rt g a g e i m s u r a n c e ��
<br /> r.•,�;;� � '�, coverage(in the amount and fos the peria�di:�c_Lender mquires)provided by an insurer approve3 i��t.ender again becotnBa
<br /> �;';; '; :�;''� ' • • • available and is obtained.Borrower shaU�+zr�c��premiums required to maintain mort ga ge insurar:.r`i:s,�ffect,or to p�ovide a, ,�•
<br /> ' " 't'i`.��� � � ioss teserve,until the requirement for mortt�:.insurance ends in accordance with any writren a�`aa�r,�between Sorrovier� ..
<br /> • � and Lenderor applicabte law. ` .'�::
<br /> ' . ' . 9. Inspectlan. l.ender or its agent a�esi�str,�k�.r�s�*�ble entries upon and inspections of eEe��!�tapeRy. Lender shaU� �.,`;i'�t,;.;;,..
<br /> �� , � give Borrower notice at the time of or prioc::a.;r>:r�.pectinn specifying reasonable cauce for the ins�c:)7a: � .�
<br /> ;�'t • � :.<<';' ' . 10. Cora�,aa4ion. 'Il�e praceeds o,`.�.�} i�.arai or daim for damages,dircct or consequerr:.",:c*�connection with any �'
<br /> �'�+ . ,:�'"tS�; '. SinglcFamily..F'asr,n�e''fi�e/PreddieMacUNIPORINiNSTL4Ul►1F.NT--Unif:ir,���•:�arsy 9/90 (page3rJbpager►-
<br /> "'•t�:�
<br /> r .,;,±i�;�� Crtat La2a Bnvtnesn Pame.fm.B � .
<br /> '�.'•:� • , .. ,,, � toanfaCall:tE0b:r3a0399 O pAA0f67014131. . .
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