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<br /> � _. - -� -_— .T ,_._._ . .. . _-_ _ - ' _ _—T._._.
<br /> �''�a'' � t?' ?kZ�e.'�1y�,4�i� � , • , �, '. .• � � . � ` ` , . . � . + `�� --—_ K—c— -F� _- --
<br />�����_ �. � •. . ` . , , ; . � ��3�3� ��,�,�� - �
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<br /> ���� , � • . • . ,' ,. , . .. � ..,�:,.,: __ ..a.,_—
<br /> � . 'i'C)d�fl�lElt WITH a1!tQo improvements nuw ar 6toteafter etr¢ted on t4te property.alx!ati easements:qPP�artenaaces, � -.� -_--
<br /> � " � � and ff.jwn.*a rt�w t�r t�rcafisr a p�t o!tt�a praperty. AU rrplt�ments und isdditioas slu�11 atsu be covered by this Security ��r
<br />�.��;Y --
<br />- ' �`'���• It�lltt�tut��.A!!a!t��c fa�g,4��g�r�fcrred to in this Sectuity[nse�ument a�the°Ptogerty." . ��.,,;��-::��=..�:—_
<br /> t � - -
<br />�" ��L�= BO�A1�Pt C01�NAI+��.thnt��arawtr is larsr�-t��:scised af the e�t�sc d�e�Ysy canveyed uad h�s th�rinht ta grartt ��,�s;�.,.o., _
<br /> �;.:�;�;.� a�tl ca�►�ey a��ty�std tLae tit�Yro�ny is imQeeumt�es�#;e�tcept tbr encumbra�s�s oi:ecotd. Hosmwer�cvanan�s and ° : n�` -
<br />- �._ rr�l�dsferc�g N�atte w u�e�+npc�cJr�ga�e�lt ci�ims a�d�ma��s.s�bjecc co-enp Qnsum6rae�otrecord: �' .+�s���;�. �r-=--
<br /> — tt`:: :,.. � � TH[s SE�URPI'Y tNS1'RU�ENT cam.bia�s uni4'cum w enants f ``� ',< f~{t ���-
<br /> -�;': ;.7;; , v er nttttanal�usa and r�n-uNform caveaants�eith ,: r�.{; tF
<br /> � "^ dt � 2��y � c�°'-ir,E .
<br /> �:�.;; ' IimIted vai��tions 6y ju�Isdictiaa tacar�wb:a uniform security iasuumept covering rez�pmpert�r• , , , r•� .
<br /> �r _ s: .! 4� ..�-�*� °-.
<br /> -� _ � tJNt�02�M COVENAN't�. Bo�mwer aad I.t�der covenaat and ag�as fotlows: -- -
<br /> � L I3�ypua�tat aiPrfu�tpar E3IId In�ti�FsS�'�nt eII�Late Char�es. Bmrnwei shall a�ptiy pay aheu due the e� ,�;� �'` ��.
<br /> aa
<br /> ?" : ' � priasipal of aad ia�aa the debi evideaced hy the Norz aad tu►Y P�Yment and tate charges due�umder the Nota. -
<br /> :;��rE Z. F�ads l�13tao�a�n3 fns�rau�Subject w applirab2e!aw ar tv a tvritten waiver by Leader.Bonower shall pap to `_
<br /> �'=• - - `: 1 ea.d�er on th�e day month2y payraents are duo auder th$Note.mitil the Note is patd in•full.a svm t"�nds")for.(a)YPar1Y ` ... �`�
<br /> ��.
<br /> s; •..
<br /> - �', . .. taxes�d assessments which may attain priorhy over this S�auity ias�vmenc as a iier►on thQ Ptoperiy;(b)Yeariy leasehotd �' t
<br /> pe�}�nts nr gxaua�rents oa t1�, Pro�cty,.if any: (Cl Y�Y ���F�Y inanrance p�emivms:fd)Y�Y fl� �;- - --,---�,'�
<br />;�":�. .� �T. .� � iasurauoe p�ni�s.if any; (e) Year1Y mflstgage ia5uranse premivau.if any;aad(�anY saa�Payable by Bamawer W �-� . ;;�g,.
<br /> = - Leadgr.in acoordan�ce witP�th�provisioms oF para.graph 8,in lien of thepaymsnt of mortgage iasivarnoe premiums. These i':- :_ ;,• ::.
<br /> it�ms ara calIed°Es�ma�It�ms" Lendsr may.ai any time.coltect an�hold R�nds in an amonnt not w eaoeed the moximum . 'J:,:,;;°.,, :, . _. ;3:.
<br /> `: .,,,, :r:.�..
<br /> amo�mt a tender for a fedrrally related mortgage laan may requue for Bmiowe�s escrow acca�t�der the fede�al Keal ; =', �,.,:.:, .. `
<br /> �•'F Fstate Settteuseat P�uies Act of 1974 as ameaded from time m time.l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another ` �. ,.:� .,� -'`
<br /> law tbaf applies W the Rmds sets a lesser amounL If so,Latd2r may.at any time.coIIect and hold�ds u�an amauat not[o �z•' �':: � : _ _
<br />� - — euceed t�e tesser amou�. Lendec may estim,�}te th�e amonnt of Fi�nds due on the 6asis of curreni data and reasonable `� �'�= �5�'� "�
<br /> ;. � ` :�, estimates af expeaditattes of fimme Fsccow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. ; _� t ^�
<br />�0'� ',<'�'; ` 'The FLads shall be�etd-in aa instituriam wh�se d�pasits aze'�.�ed by a federal agency.insuumentality,or endty . f`�:. ,�
<br /> _- =:;��r;n<'=�-:�'::::-i,�:;,� (inctading Le�n.@cr.if Lender is such aa�aa),.or is�aay Feclerb�i�Loaa BaNzt::b.ender sball•apply t8e Funds to pay. ''`:,,�':'.-{',�.:t��;�,;:
<br /> � • , . - _ -��� ',
<br /> ; 1 , � ' .'r.'.......... ....t1s�Fscraw�� i�d�r�may�[arz1��3'�??���i�oiccti�ug,a�;.3�tYmg�:`��nd�annuaity..anaiYzmg ihe essrocv�- , !�jt` � n;�.::�� -
<br />-`�.f�.;f� , , .t..hi'`�w': 3txomui.ur�. tlie , '`" � '��isys g I �� aPP Pe� � ' ��'e.e a.! :
<br /> Fscrow I ��3 • Borrower interes4,s1�ti3i��'Funds and Iicable 1aw ts � .,;�;.-;,"f����'�`_
<br /> ���F, , � �g � �:, �.. > . t� ��' F ,v� =
<br /> •�• #;eadXrco ma�e suct�a�i.� However,� �v�:��,tisre Borrower to pa��u�..,"h�e charge for an independent real . ! �,��`ilkx<<i�j�,b��
<br /> ,r, "�c�• • •
<br /> E F '.�te tax i�p�rtiang servic�,r,�by Lender ia ce�i�}i.�k's`�t6is loan,unless ap�!aw provides othenvise. Unless an '}`,,��� r�'�,<'Yi , _
<br /> r ii:�� �;,a,��s��-,;� •
<br />��• . , .�,,. sgreemeat is irade o��#�,�'ciTe taw requit�s�1��`tu,�'�aid,Y.ender shaU not 6e`r;�uired w PaY:Bamnwer any interest or , ;k�,��,y�,F ����:�,:-
<br /> . -- - -eamings oq d'z��'rz�;r,�wer and 1�;.�ay a��s�wridng;however,that ia�t shall 6e paid aa the Fuads. Lender _ , :��° ,: `' �, }•�'� -
<br /> � ;� -.�+�z,•,,;�.<,•y.r;, „-
<br /> .� ° L •" i„ R�` �,��,'��`' �1•!:
<br />��:�., ° ;� ' �:s�TaU give t��f�isr r�e�;-M�ont charge.an a.naal arcq�tg of the Funds,showi���nedits and debits w the Fuc�s Y�1d the;s ;� ; �.r��"*' 4,.,;�����• ;;`:
<br />�� '. �,:�.�u ose�;�.�s 4.��°i�tn the Fands was raac�•'�L'�ciads a�e ptedged a�s�ifirunal secimty far all s�n5��s�_b�i,;i'..�:�. s� �,7 •
<br /> �,' i , :'' � r��'� �°�t l��r
<br /> �'.'4t .,�. :;. i�3�:s,�cerrit�:�r',"�. ::; , ;�; ,,.`.;::;;:,: � 1 � -,
<br />-- ,r#.' -�L.. �:;: `�:.,;�; ,�',�e'�����,��de�exceed the aruom�t�'�•to:t,rr.�Ed: ,a�glii�ablalaw,�..ender ehaD�aonunt�a::;,k: 'f.�'�i'E��r. ' � ,� '•
<br /> ]s !��''.� E. �,,.�,� y.
<br /> 3'�'� 5 � ��?;�'.;:`�:�}:+i�`#.,.ir` �� °'�� -.1�:+'�`iv���`vr�3�:�ssess�"�Eis in accordaace witb the rer�uii�r��t�'�f�lirb�'�SSSii:'�if the amount of the�iwd's�Netd by `.. ���;':
<br /> '�f �`f°�' �fri`��jl����� �.f.�� �. `�`'+eY� ftt�e is not saf8cient to a the Fscrow Items when�u�Lead�fr',i �c�s�tify Ba�r.i�?er in writiag,and.in 1',F� ' $�,i+.
<br /> �°F,���,y�� ��h;�tr� , . �'S�. , P Y �?'
<br /> : ;;:sf•�,"��.,°•`'i.,?f%����. ' . s�h case Sbc�rower shall pay to L.eader the amount n�ecessary to make up th$d��ci�y. Bam�►vPr shall make�tp the � I, � .
<br /> •,-.•,��?�x���°�..:'� '";:� •�d�frciency in no more thau twetve montNY PaYaients,at I.ead�r�s sole discretion. � � � 1":�•' � : -'w .�
<br /> `. .� a�• ;: -�° `.�° . • UP�PaYment in fii11 of aI!sum4 secureA by this Security Instrumcnt,I.eader st�aU promptly refund to Borrower any � �
<br /> =:,;_: , ; - I�mds held 6 I.euder. If.ander ara 21.Lentfec shall uire os sell the l.ead�r.prior to the "`�' ~
<br /> Y P S�Ph �1 �P�Y• acqnisitian ar ,�.�;�,;__F;� . ,
<br /> ... �..' . , sale of the Pcoperty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisiaan or sate as a credit against the sums '�-� %l:���;' ,��<.a� .
<br /> � . '" ' secuied by ttis Security Iasuvmen� � . . .�.:.,,
<br /> , . .' . � 3 App�tcation o!Paynteats. Unless applicabte law provides othenvise.all payments received by Lender under
<br /> ' . . . :� p2ragraphs I and 2 sha116e applied:first,to any piepayment charges due under the Note;second.m amonnts payab2e under �y��•��'� ,:�_
<br /> � ,._ paragreph 2;third,to iatcrest dne:fourth,to principal due:and last,ro any late charges due under the Note. `-�t"�''
<br /> ' � ' 4. • L i ens. Bormwer sh all a a ll taxes,assessments,ch es. fines and im iuons attribamble to the •!`�'''
<br /> . c: �+ P Y ar8 A� � ,•��-�•.��:,.
<br /> • . Propeity which may attain priority over this Security Instrumen�and teasehold payments or graund rents.if any. Boirower '� �.�`'� ' °
<br /> .p.:S:':+��.
<br />- � : ,. .��•��. : ' s h a ll pay t hese o b l iga 6ons in t he manner provi d e d ia paragrap h 2,or i f na t p a i d i n t h a t m c u i n e c.B a r r o w e r s h a l l p a y t h e m o n• � �
<br /> , ';'�.�;`�:f,
<br /> ; �' ame directiy to the person owed payment Brnmwer shall prompsly fivaish to i.ender all notices of amounu to be paid under ,;�� '• °r;
<br /> . _..... ._ �s paiagraph. If Bormwer makes these paymeafs directly.Horrower sAatl pmmpdy fumish to l.ender receipts.evidencing `` � ,� �-. ' . : -
<br /> . ,r- .
<br /> ,:'`-.y<t-p;;,: , the a ents. . .. .. :� :, :`,.:.;;::":':: .. � ��:
<br /> ' F Y� ��:'.;F...:::.:.. .::• :
<br /> :=.*fr�N{<.�:. ' ., Bomuwer shall pmm p[I y dischar ge an y lien wfiich has priorit;+over this Sea�rity 1't�.-xrument unless Botro�ver.',(p)�ag�es • :�' _
<br /> ;:��,_.r ., :...
<br />_�� • :�� •.,;�, in wridng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner arceprat�tet+s i.ender.(6)contests in goad faith the , ' �,:�;;:;� '����.=:
<br /> . .. .;�t,�,.,,
<br /> . : ;�;��,h;; Hen by.or defends against enforcement of t�;�lieQ ao,Iegal proceedines mfush in tIIze l.ender's opimtrn operata to pievent the � � _ , �
<br /> . ' -`'• r a�;... enforoement of the lien:or(c)secnres from @ie Uu�af the lien an agreement szti��actory to Lender subordinating the licn
<br /> - .;•,,,,, ,
<br /> "; � :�-r.7;•� . :. -_ ., to this Secucity Insavment if Lendcr determiztes�,i;u:3i��part of the Property is su.bjcxt to a lien which may adssin priority : .
<br /> � �''' ��'�� •. • •. a�ver this Securi Insttumen�Lender ma ve Ba a�:-r s notice identiF 'n Uce[i�-L•�orrower shali satisf di�lien or take
<br /> '.,.,,��������� CY Y Bj � •;� t'ihe vin of notice.. y . , �
<br /> �, ;�;•, t •�.' nce or mon of the actions set forth a6ove withia 10�}_G gi g '.: . _
<br /> �.�.,�: ,• ': �,:;�.:�'�c�<,lj i; ., '.:';. ' S. ElaTar�or Pro�erty Insuiaucc�.�iso�ec.�'�keep the imptovesr�ent�i cow existing or hereafter erected on the t .., .. ..�. ,
<br /> i '� : ..�„ : .�:..f�;n�.)'�i' . . ': ptoperiy insn¢�d against loss by fire,hazznis i.�[¢�v:�hin the tertn:extended�ri•erage"and any other hazards.including '.
<br /> ';i,+,;�„��-� •, .���1 . . •�i�oods or flooding.for which Lender reqpSres msµram�:• This insurence shall f�•n�aintairted in the amounts and for the F,����,,.,.,
<br /> �„r;'���.r�,.,;. ��!'' '•
<br /> � '�i�f�v. • • ' ,Sjtf�;'f��; �
<br /> ' '�' - ' fotm 30E8 9l90 I p�Rr2 uf 6 paaesl � �F;�����t%��.
<br /> . • ,
<br /> .
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