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<br />������� . ---
<br /> � • Secvrity tn.��at;Qitb)e�a�of n ju�t e^igoscin$this 3estiti�y"2:9sttu�aent Tliase cnndltions�t+e that BbYroarer. taj. �.. .
<br />-`;��.� '.:._ . pays IR�tfet 81l&t�1.5]��'1tC�1 Ehel!wottTcl E�d�a unc�tRis Secaaity Insc�sment�nd tPte Note as if°ao accetesati�tfad� ___—
<br />_-�� � ' • accuered;@)ct�s�y dsfa�I3�t any�r co�cear�nts or��eemea�ts►{cy Pa�ra all cxpcnsss incmred is�eafflsciag t�►is�eixuity ..�, .
<br />_ °""�"`�"' T�tun�at�3nct�ding,but aot tisnpsed ta4 c�3$att�ys'gees:and(d)IaYes such acdon�q�+��d�m�y reasannbly . f ;
<br /> ,�.�..,� Q,
<br /> - �,: . ' t�qt�ire to�ssuae that the tien of this�S�iiy I��s.Lxa��r's r�gkts tn thse Prapeity' and Bosm�a�s��ti,gadoa to pay the ` . _--
<br /> R,L.V>a ,. �;•�� � ---
<br /> �,.,.,;, s� secaued��y e�iis S�cm�Fty tastn�sn�t s'�U oontinux uncbaagQd Upon reiilstate�at �;B�er, t��s Security` � - _
<br /> —� �' ' �e�tt t�r$obligatiuns secuced hezeby sLaU nemnin fuliy effec4ve a�if ao ercel�ation 6a�c�retl. l�ioNever.tbis
<br /> � � ' `�; eight tor�nstnte sir�ll n4#e,�pBy ia tite s�se of zoazte�ian u�i garagrapb 17. , � � � �" �„� — --
<br /> .%`�� ��`� �.3'�3e t�T?�03���ts3�as�s �I��or a�atti�l inlr�cst ia t�e Nute tio�eth��ith t�his S:surity _ ; �ra��
<br /> ..R .� . . . . . �y x�A43� .14 ���� _.�_
<br /> � _ �t)m�y b�sal3 oas�or m�fi.mss,wtthout prior ntitice to Horrower. A sate aiay msutt in a cha�nge in thx entit�i �,��<
<br /> :� Qc�owa as the'Loan Seivioer")tital e�.l'�s�ianthiy Qayments dui�der t�e Note and tbis Security Instiumeat 'l�ESe aiss� : �!� 3�,..�,.�� • ;:._
<br /> - �: , :. s. -�` may b�oae ar mo�ct�ng2s of f�e La�r►Sr��Ioer�mrelated ou a sale of the Note. tf there is a cbange of tlie Loan Seivicet. . �3*++f � _
<br />- :til+r.��:.�=-=,_: :,':.;�. Bmmcver tviU bE g�ven written norioe af Ehe ohange in a000rdance with patag�aph 1�ai�ve and applicable law. 'I1�e notire . �-?����s�::_:
<br /> •FC'.:. :. -; h� .: .
<br /> ::, will state We�and add�ess of tbe Qezv t.oan S�rvices aa�the.adid�ss w wEiich paymer�ts shouW bc m,�de.1�ao�ce w�l • . -- �:fi�f".�
<br /> �'' ;f; 81Sfl OOIltSID�y Oi��II�dI�3hOQl i0Ij111i2d bY ApP�tt�}1tC 18W. � ' ' ���V
<br /> -�: ..�tnr s�v�- _
<br /> _ �i'-' , . ?A. H e�d�s S n 3 u t a n�s. �omnwer shaTl`aot:cause ar p e i m it the p t e sence.ase,d i s p o s�l.s�ais g�vr ielease of a t ry `'
<br /> .r ft�T ��� -
<br /> � Ha:ardous Snbstances on ar in the 8armwer st�alf not do nor allaw an one,else ta cio�.an affectin the �.� .%��'�`'
<br /> - •!,'r:•.:��� ~,' PcoFem'• , Y Y�$ S �.,.x : :.. --�
<br />� ,�: ,, �, Fmgerty�at is iu viNatiaa of at�r F�v�+n�tal T�w. T3�e p��ng two seatences shaU uot appIy w t�Qn�ce,us�oi . ..:, +� � r�,:r`
<br /> ';�,4t:,.. �`�'• < �mrage on the Pcopeny of s�ll qa�te�of�aZardous Subs�{+noes that ate gemesaitY ncognized t�6e aPP�apreate m nammal � �,�±-�:---_._=
<br /> 'r�� ,�; '•r c�id�n6at ases and to maontenauo�e of the Prngeity. . . '. �"` s`` e= ���_
<br /> � ;;, i
<br /> � '� Boaawec shall Pm�StiY give Lead�wriveu uotice of aiiy iavestigAtion.cTuiiir..demand.lawsuit or other acdon 6Y�Y ry`� ^�
<br />�; `r,: , ;: gov�l ar regolatory a�y ar pavate FartY iuvoTving tiie Pcvgerty and aay ETaaandous Snbstanoe mr Envir�I: ` ,s
<br /> /`'``>,'R Law of wbiciR 8amower has acneaI lcaowIedg� If Hormwer lea�ns, ur is u�6Y anY govemmental ar tegiilatory �� . r�rs���� _ .
<br /> y �•� r
<br /> `� E.;..r,.' ant��ry.that aay removat aroticer�iarion of any Ha�aiduus Snlsstense'affecdng the Property is aecaessary,Brnmwea' . ` ..,::;;• ° �s��
<br /> '�`��°''�•.'< . �1 Pm�Y����Y remediai actions�acs:or¢ance arith�viionmenrdl I.aw. ' •- :t r�� ��,.-
<br /> � .; ' _ .. . -�-�s-ased-in-t6is� h�A."H�rdaus Su6s�'.'�at�e those snbslancesdeftnEd as touc os ha�aniin��subst�ces hy _ . .. �: .. —,
<br /> " Ertvh+anmental Law an��aIIowin sabstaaces: kemseue other flamm�able or tonic leum mdncts,Wxic . _; ,..�.�,,s,��
<br /> ��. ,, g ���tiiire. , Fetrn mP '`' ';r:" �'::....r:.--
<br /> , • `� des and heibicides.vutan'Ie solve h�aiaia asbestos or formatd de.aad ra�ve�atetials. As -'- �':;s:' `-"•�••�,
<br /> n�.�&��9� S �Y
<br /> •� ,`" �qs��t6is Paragaph Zi1,"Environmental Law"me�i federal laws aad laws of We jurisdiction where the Property is tocated -___-
<br /> ` t• .v " t-.'';,i
<br /> � �, .` that relate to healtb,safety ar environm�ntat gnotection. �;4 , --
<br /> :.�,�� ;. r NON UNII�ORM COVENANTS..Haa�werand Lender fiuthet coveuant and ag�ee as follows: " '��:'�� - _
<br /> �,;��;r;, •.; ' Z�. Aooelerattnn;�rs I.ead�r s6aD giFe notice to Borrower pstat tn acoe�eratlon foIIowtng Bormwei's f a,..• ;
<br />- �;.�, SjJ/, , •; � •�: •:4 breact�oi a�cave�ar u�em�T dn.this Se�f3y Ins4r�ent(but nat grtbs-ln aeoeieration ander parageap617 • �y
<br /> �� Sa��fii� � f Z,_if , ..
<br /> ,iti 1�.�;�;,;�;t,'.`.+�. untess applica6ie[aw prorfde.a uthesa�l. 9'De uotke sbafl spedfy: (a)the�rf'aa1�(b)tt�actfan r�qaired to cu�+e t�e. ;,„ .�,t�1;;;_ ,._
<br /> defanit;(c)a datt�nat less t�n 3d�.^y�&om the date the not[ce is�vea to i3orca�aver,.Gy tvTrich the defanit m�st.be: "'-�: �
<br /> �'� s� ,�i d� :. cam�3;and(d)t�t�aIlure to wie t�ae t�'enit on or befose the dat�spuciF�e�En the�at�ce may�resvlt in ac�eterr�Hon aF-,`: ;.,. , , .}�� t;
<br /> , �k',;. the sams secared bp fh�s Secarlty I�ra}i�sent and s�le of We Proq�erty: Tbe aa8fce shaD 6i�ar tafmm Bormv�er a�',:�. _ ` ��?�t ,,,::
<br /> �� • . ' the rFght to retnstate after�elere6ion sad the righx�brtng a court act�on W�at the aaa�cc af a.defavit��:::::%`� ,. . . :�
<br /> . �._ :'i.:
<br /> `� '' • � . ... any othes defease of Ean+mar�s W a�se�tfon a�:� If the defanit is na3 a�a+ed on or before the date�e�ig;:'.' - � ��
<br /> _ � �„ . ., • .:' the no8o�Leader at it4 optlon may re�pc.�Imm�payment in fiill ai aU s�s secur�!��t,�Security Iffinnmesbl,',., . -.� :
<br /> •� � witbout farther demand anrl ma f�tnr the wer ot sale aad an ofher remedies 6 a Hcabis(a � `
<br /> -. #�. . - -- -•� : : . �;:
<br /> Y Im Y �� Y PP �r 1.:i�„ �. .< r.. ;' "�;.�.
<br /> ,�, ;. � . l.ender sfiaA 6e entttled W coIIect�llC.+�penscs incarred In puisving t6e�smedies prmc�:�5n this Parag�aP�Z�,. • ` ,.:,' . ' ,r .
<br /> ll
<br />�� � tuclnding,bat aot llmtted to;ceaso��attorneys'fees and oosts of tttle evideno� �, . •;' . �`S•1: .
<br /> . � ,. .. : u . ...�•
<br /> .>t� , � : � Yf the power of saZe�im�oice�.7�cstee shall record a uoHce of detaaIt f��county in w6ic6 any pasi of tl�;' ..;�;.. -
<br /> _ }-. ._ ., .`....., Prngerty Ls lorated nnd s�-a�.r�ail copies of sach notice In the manaer prescr�6�L'sw•;appl�cable law to Borrotise�sa�!¢�' , • .t��.• :,,
<br /> �• ��
<br /> ; ,. the other pe�sons presm"Gi�ar�•1�q applicsbte taw. Atter the ttme require�bj s��s�la,:��b2e law,'Ifvstee s�al1 pive:pn+b�:':,,•:. ; . �.,i��; ,,,--��
<br /> !1 �
<br /> � • . • �otloe of sale to the persoffi�a in t1�te iteanner prescribed by appucabie�ar:'C3rustx�wbY,bi4m.f dem�nd on$cura�� • . � �,.'-
<br /> > ' � � . . shaD sefl the Prnpertyr at pub�lic auc`�'�r��tete highest 6idder at the time aac3.�e and u�tar�e terms d�� :• �."`.
<br /> ., ' We aotice of saie in one ar�ore pasoets and in any order 11T,stee determin�'.�`k�stee may�Sipone sal�+b8�nr a�`::• , :.;;,,,:.:.,".�
<br /> . . � .•�1 oY the Property bg�Uc announcement at�e ttme and place of!a�`��ioasly scbedaled sal�•�dS�or i�s"�• • T ', � -
<br /> _ ..°. `. cAesigaee may puirhase 4t'�S;IFroperty at any salr. '. . ;��,. . - � . tr,,.,,:.. :
<br /> � . � � Upon reoelpt ot pa3yneat ot the pr�Ce b1d.7Ya5tee shaU de�aer to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed couveying t9�..�:.c , � ff�;.�:��'ii�''•�°�;�' ���.
<br /> . . ProPert9• �a redtals in the 71�astee's d�ed s6all 6e prima tacEe�a��lence o!the trntb o!the's�artements made therei�,.��.c; .:�`�`�, ��fk�`��, =-
<br /> � �,•:• �. .
<br /> • . . ' . 'I1r�stee s6uil apply the prooeeds oithe sale[n the foBowing order. (a)to all costs and e�enses�IexercisIng the power �`{� t ,�''�,�,.-�
<br /> . ,.�,±. �,s
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