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<br /> � '4jS�6�,r�7, , - .V. . . .
<br /> � „��'�'��`^� . 19.Riem�rr oY!�e��+�p a B�rrIII!�$tn���ree.Ifalt or eny pzrc ttie Pmpelty as�rsy in�era�3�in,tt"�. _ _._� --
<br /> �sai�or trausafeared(or if a. al i�r�rest.in�omower is sofd�'�.q.aferne�amd Boaower is not a ct�uuN persu�}a�ItttQUf;;..•: ''�
<br />-- --- r ixad�r's piior a�rIits�conseat, �a a3ay. at its optioa,cequire;t�„���Are.P�ymgM ia full af nU sums se�m,.d b�S thtt�:.:. �:,`-.
<br />_- �ecvrity inssiument.Hs�+ev�er.tbis ap�4a�sftai�nai 0e exerciss��Sjr i.enaer if exercise is ptuiu'bited by fai�rai Iati�ac.of ttta dt�t� � :_____
<br /> °=� - - - of this Sewiiry insw�et-`� : . . -___--
<br />'�'� .. If Leedea,ex�ises thi3 ap�ioa,Leades shall give�om6wea aotece of a�eleratiun.lTie norioe sfra4l pmrid�a�aaod of�rnt: -
<br /> less thaoo 30 days fram�he date th�nodoe is delivetevt or mai[ed arithin i�hids Bnrrow�er muss�►y all sums secor��by.this -
<br /> - ..-KS;l.�:.'; ;,�� ge�vtityr lnctn�m�nt.If BomoVte�ft�i[s W pay these su�.s p11ox to tde�apir.11iotl of th3s�RUd.lE!�f'�':s m3y 3avuke eaJ�[emBd3tts -_- ___--_ - - -
<br /> � � � =�.�y ' ;�`� p e�m i t¢c i d b y t h i s�e c u ri ty i n s t n u m e�i c v i t h o u t f m n h e r n�ti ce o r d e m a a d o n H o r r o w c r. �,�.�,�f,,��, j�-- - ---
<br /> ; ' `�"'� .:� ` � �.i , IS. Borm�s Rtgi�t to EteFnstate:I�Bn�oRSer me�s oer�ain ooaditions, Bomawer sitali frab�the tig�3 to,bmr,� , ;�,�,.�� _
<br /> { �' r, �-� °._,,:: e�for�i�,nt a�£this S�auiry Ins�ma�t dismntiaued at a�+,tim$prior to I�'earlier nf• (a>S d�s s(or such a3her�€ad as ���� �`�•;;,�
<br /> � �' x �� _ ` applicabte taw ma}+ sp�cel�r for ra�,�r.;rc�,•�) befdrt saie af t�e[smgetty pnrsuant to�y povs�er of sate cna�t�tt in:ttt� ��f �-t r t���r
<br /> � .'v'Fz� Y.. .. Sesariry ta�ar�t:or{b)�yr af a j�tdga�ent enfo�t�tbis S�6rdty Ensaument:Those oa�itious 3re t�ts Eonower(oD p� t�' �'' �`� �
<br /> , F f;:`= 1�e n d e r a i t s Q m s�v h i c h t h�a i x a u t d b e d u e u n r t�r�3 s�ri t y Ins�uu aad tt:e Note as if ao aoc�teratcon b�oocur�ed:t�D �,s` ����'- r __
<br /> Jf" �.:.�:.`.:' y ' . ' _
<br /> �,z. . r, a�ees nny+defaWE of am1 other oo�remnts az ag�:(c)PaYs al!ex�enses inc+�rred in eaforcing i�is Secusity G�umQm. ��.�.x�s -_v
<br /> ?��,�: :.�:: '� �ciuding 8ut�tot limited to,rnasa�ahl,e agozueys' f�s:arsd(d)takCes s�ch action as[.r�det may ceasanal�ly��equiie to au;ue `_
<br /> t_,�. �� � ,r
<br /> �ti,...��� ;� �that the lien Qf this S�it�InsW�.Lendes's ri�ts in the Pmperty and Barmaer�obligi�ion w pa�.ths sums s�ecuned by. � -�,�--_� _
<br /> ne ;,.Y
<br /> r•;. : . . �� `,�:.,,�
<br /> �i : this Senuity i�utc�r,t sba11 oantinue�wxttaagad. Upan reiastaAemeat by! Borroaer, tLis Security..irts3mment arnd the w�,,,,�,,.�r.
<br /> f� >,-..`� obligatio�s�ecurea�y shatt�ernai�fulfy e5fective�if an aocet�cation had ooc�rred.Honrever,this nght�to ceimi�Se slu�il� ���'-�- -
<br /> • �ot apFly.i�tDe case of acoeter�tion a�der pa�agraph l7. , �J ,�,.���s��,.. --
<br /> ; = , > �, . ISf.�SaLt o�N� Ct�a�e o8 I.�ar�ServIx� The Noie or a partial interest in ttee Natc(tagcthcr with thia Secvrity. �,�� -
<br /> '.> T ,r rl>,',,.�1' �... Tnstttt�:ent)tmay�e sold o�or more�aitbout ptior�Iice[o SorroR�.A sate may result i�r a changa in tttc eniirj(6wawn r , r;,, _...V. �
<br /> ,", ` ' �ixs. as the"Loaun Setviter')tt�at oollects cnanthiy Qaryments due und�s ihe Note and tbis�rity Inst�umeut�'d'he�also may be oae " -`�`'�
<br /> - � ,, �s r�� ?� or moie cdangea of tHe/�n�viser unre�ated to a saIe oYtbe Nate.If there is a change of the Imn Se�vicer.Earmwer�'fI be � �" -
<br /> e �
<br /> � given wriuen aa�te of the change in arcurdance v�itl�patagrapl�14 above aad applicabt�law.7he rcotioe ivill siaie the nam$an� _f�_ .
<br /> �•�. � � �� ; ' address of the new Loan Serviaer and t6e address w avhich paynaents should he made.T[se aotioe will atso caIItain•amr utGar • �.��h,_u=:
<br /> '• ..�,�,�.� --
<br /> 5 + .�,;.s�.-.�,. iafprmatioa:e�ecpu'srad bY applicable E�w. � . . � . �, ` . "�:
<br /> �- �rfF,' `' ,",;;��•.. 24 Narrsd��5�taaees. Eauvwer shall not�os�e�awit the pnesenoe.ose, dis�msal. storage.or release af a�r ' r f -
<br />-: ,, �� , . Har�rdous�Subst�oes�aa.�r�im-ch��►vperiy. 8orm�rer shaU flot-do: aor�allow�aayone�elseto-do.�anyti u�n -affecting.thc. ._. � � }�,��,;_ �
<br /> �
<br /> '1 1 P r o p e r t y t h a[i s i n v i a 1 a t s a�i�f a n y F a n r i m n m e n r d l I a w.T h e p r e ce d i n g r w o�s�r m c e s s l�a a l l n a t a p p l y.t u t f i a P n e s e n c e.a s e.or �f��•-t,,{�f ��—-
<br /> ',£: °9t>• staiage on the Pr�seriy���nall quanrities of Haz�ans Sut+stances that are�lly recogn'rrEd W be spN!nPriate to aormal f�'1}:�. ,�.�_.._---
<br /> ., r, f, . . , ?��i,',f< � ��
<br /> r e s i d e�t i a l.usas a n d t a m a in t e n a h o e o f t h e P r o p e r ty. . ,.:,.:.;::f -
<br /> j.
<br /> - ` }:,�� y� Boauw+er sha11 promptlY Brve lender wnuen notice of anj+ investigation,claim.demand.,lsRVS�ttt��as- �'her aaron b an �.f;•::�:.,� �t �
<br /> _.. .;--�z��+'Y,�.,.;: Q� Y Y• .,s..,, ��T�
<br /> ,.. .: �-•� .,. govem�l or negulatory aSe�►cY or private party invo lving t he P r operty a n d an�r H a r�r Q��s�t i i i,5 t a nce.E t�E u viro n m e�I L a w ,-.�._.r`�:;,�r
<br /> �,:�';�; ..• of whieh Borrower has acmal knowledge. If Barrouer leams.or is isotified by any govemmental ar r+agFilauir�.amharitv{drai ';�s;;
<br /> .:I . . ariy sr,moval or other temediation of any Elarardous�dastance afT'ecting the Property is necessazy.Bormw��t�alLpmmptly take '�';::,,•;;:>%
<br /> - � :;;',':�•, .,. all necessa,ry remedial ac�ions in_acaordanae with Environmentat Lass�_ t . �. : •;,+`,,'.';�.,.,�
<br /> . ��z,�f:.,"'� As i�in this paiagraph 20. 'Harardo�s Su6stanoes'a�ifiu5e substances defined ac tu�c or Gaia�doas substan�by .�.:'.�� ,:
<br /> _ . .. .s'•713., ... . •.,;:.�'.:,��riie�j�11 � ' '
<br /> � •:")����• Ertvironm�ar�law and the foltowing substances: gasolitte, keros�e, other ftamma6Se or ti�c petiule�m pmducts, t�sic � ;,sr..,,�
<br /> a.:.,�•.; ��,•:
<br />" � •• �` "��y � pesucides am��e►ticides.volatile solveats,snaterials containin asbestos or fom�atdeh de,and'r�ilioadive materials.As used in � ;�{��fi
<br /> , ```� '`•t. •;•' this paragra�iir�a. °Environmenrat lacv" means federal laws and laws af the SurisdictiaR�,�the Praperty is•tacated that �'•' �` I r:f��'�
<br /> .,r '."., : ., , r„ . . E .', a; .��� ,�- - ..
<br /> ';. ( �.
<br /> r,�: <<t,.;" .
<br /> _ �j,�,1 rr��, '.:.'�,.:. ;.,, relate to heaEtfx.s�fety or�vironmental Qratection. . : . .� '. .t;` ... .
<br /> :� `%.: < :�<.�;,,., • . . �t.. ..,.r
<br /> a�i=%.,:'' . ..'.`�.,;. NON-[TPSE�fJ,�.461��3lfENANTS.8orrower au�Lender funher covenant t�i+i�agee as�faili�svs:� � 'r r'��;.;:;{cs'r
<br /> '%��'�' '.� `'t=`' Zl.�a�et�eldeii;^•�edies.Lead�r shal�gSse nmt�ce to Borro�er prior w accetera$un:�'i�itocvia�8orr�ncser s 6� :'`�i::�� <,
<br />- - . ;"<<��i��.:-_ �.,. _
<br /> ,.:5^,at^ `, of any ca�r�mii��:'�mi;;,u a�'-�ement in tI�€s Secaurity TasYru�eat (but ttoi prboT to aeceteratE"nn Quder prira�grapd 17 unt� ��""'",•i;� ;
<br /> I�€ - :,
<br /> ;, :�...;•'� a licafcf.e{,����iifi�othenvtsel.Tim notite sha�. f • (a)the detault; ,•:� ,;�,` :
<br /> . _;.�....... pg speci Y• (bl ttne adto�require�fo wre tdie def'�att:
<br /> _ . . `;.;e;�,,A (c)a dat�,'is.�rt l��s�.30 days fman the date¢1�e notice is gi�en to Borroa•�er. 6y�ztnich ti�e defaait mast�Se e�ned;aad ,�-,���', .. ��'°r�'��� •,
<br /> '�� � (d}tbaL fa�'tuse tp ca�the defa�ds on os 6efoe�6i�dc�te speriPeed in the nottce mag resWt in ae�kr.�ifon o�r tbe svms " t� ': ::�'::'�_ `-
<br /> ',�, � � :��:•'":s,,'i;,� s�care0 6y tbis Se�%ty'Iastru�enE��sate of 1lte Property.The nottce shatl further i�Yorm Bot�si�ri�r o4 the rig{tt to . =. •'�," ��
<br /> �,'•:��:.'�r`¢4�;��`. ` re i n s t a t e.���a a�e l e r a t i o s a n d t h e r t g h t t o b ri n g a rn u r t a c t€o n t o a s s e rt t d e non�e x i s teace of a defaatt an am�;ofher '�+ ` ` ','�'%`_���
<br /> _�"- ..�
<br /> - +Y�s� ���...
<br /> :..;:; �,,,��, detense dt:Aiarroa•er to aaceic�ti�r�aad sate.If th�defaolt is��ot cured on or 6efore t�ie ilate specifced in tEte hl�ltce, ''..;,.,}r��'� ,
<br /> ,'� � ��f�yl.' L e a d�,�p t i c opti o n,�ro ay rey a i a e i m m e d l a t e p a y T n e n t i n f a�f a Y a l l s u m s s e c u r e d b y�1 t i�'S e c u r i t y I n�t r�u m e n t�f 3 i�o u t� �:y,v�
<br /> y'�,:':`' • l. ..
<br /> �a'�''' ' •h�' f a rt h e r d e m a n d a n d m a a t n v o k e t h e u e r o i s a i e a n d a n o t h e r re m e d t e s i 4 t e A u I qW e l pcv.Lea�der sfiall�he �� � f�,
<br /> ,,.'��, a;;:r, � ,:,r�•y Y P� Y � �::, @� }� • • , . �
<br /> r i,yr� ;> y� • entittPd to oolle�all ea�rrses taca�rred in pussuiag the remed'ees proiidedGf�Hiir pa��a Zl,including,but aat�limited� •.�, -�. �,.Y
<br /> ��i �� <<, �;�;..� to,reasonable attorae�y`fees and casts of tit[e esi+ir�ce. �i� ;�. � '
<br /> y��,.,�• ;:,�. �be:� C� �fan in ��id��anv s��4 oftha • , .,•' �,
<br /> ,�;,.�;.. 1��'�.;�e: ' "• IP tbe po�r•er of saTe is imo�cer,�,.3'rustee sS� record a nottce of de�at�71. A t��U. �Y P ... :
<br /> . �'.t ��;y� • {lw6ie law to Bnrmo���erand•[o• i� �f;�';;- ':'•:.'�,'
<br /> Ptoperty k�Aocated and sball ma3i�t{�ji�s of such notice in the i�nnner pr�crihed by?�p �,�'�« �
<br /> • � � ; . . the oth���sons prescribed by ag�p9%ii:�ib.��c law.After the tirae 1m�ulred b3 appllrable lpw�.Truste�shnll'�tve pu6Na�atIQe . . ." t r; •��`
<br /> `� ;'F,; . :. ' . �,.` . of sale[r�'f�te pe�sflns and in the uratuier�Yis�ird!by aPplic�3e law.Trustee.aithout demand on Bo�,ro��er4 sfitill'�rl1�• ' '. :, -, .
<br /> r '`ry ' ` •- : the Pro�erty at pu6lir auction to the higtte�'Qi�iiur�t the time and ptace and uader the terms dctiqnated in ti�n nottce o� .� . .. ��-
<br /> . -.• .,, � �; s�Te in�ne.or moce parcels aad in any ccfidc'#`:`�i�,!�a�determines.Trastee mu�pastpone snte ofiall�pwteny�pan.�ef'of the - �`.;rs,'
<br /> �� ' ;i�y�a;� Pt+operaa;�iv pu61Ic annonuoement.�r33:�t..��:ii�'i place of�a�sc.pre�•lot�i� schedulu�°sale.Lender ar iir:dt�nei:;moy .. . ; � ,
<br /> ;.. .�. � E�� porcR�sr:tlsr Ptoperty at an}sale. ,. .` . ;,;`' ;'�"''. `
<br /> . . . . 'd�Q�v . . . . � . ' . _
<br /> i: . � . - - � . .
<br /> ,��f� .Y. .},t'.n ` . '. • • ,'1 fi�nfi.BUfiA'9i3A� �
<br /> � " , ���5�.' �� ; � � ,� � P»5ci6 � . , �• . ". . . - ..
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