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<br /> �� _�1�c�,�:' ` . . � , , .. ��°°' ��o���� r,�ewwr�.:.____ — =-
<br /> '���-rt�� .. I?.�ran��F�r oF,t�e P[�t�rty ar a��cial Intes+est im�rmtro�.If a11 oF�anY Varc of che�Pragarty oi sny intor.ss in it " -- ----
<br /> .�..r�,,���,,�� —---- -
<br /> -- as sotd or trsn9fea�(Qr if a�tene�c�!intec�st in Borrower is sald.vr transfemed and$maacver Is nat a uaturai-�s)�vit�o�t ,
<br />-,��„�`��,� � Lertder's priot written.co�nt, I.ettdet may,at its opiian. require �iate PsY�ent in full of a]! sums sPCUled dy this --- ----
<br />�. r�._�,. : ' St�curiry[nst�nt.Hawever.�his aFaon shall aot be ea�rcised 6y Leader i£exerr�e is pro�'bii�by fedeial taw as of the date < - - - - -
<br /> .�.F.,_ . . ----------
<br /> �- � � - of t(us Security'iashvmene:
<br />-� - If Lender exercises this optiorr,I.eteder�ll giv�e Bsrrocver nn`fioe af acoelerationT 1&e aotloe shall�rovtde a Qeriud of nat
<br /> �tf�;� ' - : lesa.�as 30 days from the date the aatice is detivereQ ar,�nsiGed within tvhicb Snrrower must pay s�11 sums,seaued by this --_-___
<br /> � ..<��.:::.'��,<k�F;.o- .', � S�turitY xnsdumenc.I�Bonutiver fuils to p�y these s�►�,s Pnar w the exp�rntion of this pexiod.Lender�ay invc�ke any reme�ie.s A � _
<br /> : ���;�e•�i�, t > getenitted'by this$ecurity Insuument without further notioe or d�mand oa Bomower. ` :-" � = --
<br /> . , '+ .r,���.��=�:.r� ' IS. Bon+��ver's Id�ght to �e�n�te. !f Borrower m.eets ceriain oon�i6ons. Borrower. shaU.�have the right.to have � ,s � i=
<br /> � 's:�s.�, � � ..�.� �� -��i���+� _-
<br /> enforceu�ni t>f-tbis S�urity-Ins2rumejtt disaantinued.at aag time paor.Lo:.the_c�'lier of (a)S day�(or such other perio�as ����:.a
<br /> :� � z � �. � -
<br /> k y s�pplicabte !aw tmt}t sg�eify for rein�tatetnent�before sate of the PropertY P�rsuant t�an'! Fawer of sale�contained i� tlns �� ���x�
<br /> �' ` �� h �' ; Securi Insttuntenr,or.(b)entry o.f a'u t enford thEs Seczuity insttument.�'dose conditians are d�at BaTmwer:{a)PaYs ¢�
<br /> tY 1 � � �, �r�s�._ .�.
<br /> �� _,` �,s-S.t.�'- Leader alI sums which thea would be due under tt�is Sewrity Insk�ertt attd thc Note as.if nn acceleration had oocrured;(b) _ =__
<br /> 1 , ��;�;i,�`';,.',�r Q aQ
<br /> tk,� �, cures any default of any other oovenants or agreexnents; (c) DaS+s a1I e�pafses incurred irc enforcin,tJus Securiry,Irsttument, �.
<br /> • '}�"��,�: .� � '� inclading.but not limited to,masonuble attome�s'fces:and(d)takes such action as Leudsr may reasonably require w assunz � _
<br />_-_ � ���f J _ __
<br /> �; +�;.�•'?::�• ;. ., .;:• that the tiea of t6L9 Security Instnunent.Leader s aghts in the Pcuperty and Eocrower's obligation to paY ibe sums secure�d by � -
<br /> �� ' _ .� this Security I�ment shtilll oontinue�urcehanged. LJpon reinstatement by Borrower. this 5ecarity Instru�aeaa�accd the =-
<br /> �C � :" .,, obli�dons secured hereby.shaU semain fially effective�s if ao acceleiarion had occurred. Howei+er,this righa to reinstate shall - --
<br /> *� �:;, .. � ; aot apply iA the rase of acceleration under paragraph l7. � -_
<br /> ,. . ., : �t�rs���
<br /> l9:Sale of Nate; Cht�uge af l.os�n S�vfcer.Tha Note or a partia2 interest in the Note{tagether with this Secvrity -��,�s���
<br /> ��� x> ���l%%��7�,`;?� � Insttument)mny 6e said one or mnre times vvithout prior noiice to Borrower.A sate may resvlt in a ch�ge in the entity{known �.�`a���.�--
<br /> - � �{�+ = as tha'L,oan Servicer")that oofleas monthiy paymenYs due�nder the Note arzd tlus Security Instniment.Ttierz als6 may be orie � �
<br /> � or mnra ct�anges of the l.oan Servicer�u�related w a sale of t6e Note.If thare is a change of the Loan Secvicer.Borcower will be ���.�-�_--
<br /> ` , ��y •� - given written aotice of the change in accordunce with paragcaph 14 above artd applicahle latv.'T[ie notice,�yill state the nacne and '� �� _ _
<br /> : r,'�r address of the�w Loan Servicer and the addcess to which payments sbould be made.The notice wi11 also ooptain any other , L�
<br /> '� �,�-�S, >-:: iiifatmatian iied b licabte law. , .�:,:, tl��1""
<br /> , ; � t,, �N Y aPP „ - .
<br /> _ ,..�':,;,��.�'�,«..::.,`=, � �0. H2rdrdous Su�stattces. Borrower sLall nat cause.ar permit the preseuc�:ii��:.�sspusal.stoiage.or rele:ue of any -. +�:'.__=---- -
<br /> � •� �
<br /> : �'J�.� , - . .. �Iaiardoiu 5utistaiices on 6T ui�die P'ioperty. Hoaowet stmit na�da,�rtar�allow��Else to�da:-anYthing afFeding-the - - .��q�°! _
<br /> SS.� � — ="
<br /> `••�r � Pro that is in violation of an Envisnnmental Law. The recedin two sentences's�a0 not to the resence.use,or r �� �____ -__
<br /> �.�:...,. . , PertY Y P � ��: P ._�..��..,__
<br />