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<br /> �, � �— _r' - — . .. _.— ` _ _ —,. �C-- ,t- ( .. -----r--.T., . .—�:-.._.:�.�_.._ , Y — * , . . . . _ . �_.—
<br /> � y ��zxi"��� c � - . . . . , . � � - � — -----
<br />—c�-�. '-- - . .. __ . , ` . . , ` . � `����a���`�( ' -. ::� --..
<br /> �^'�"",.�` —,n'�sa��a<0 ` ` ' � • � • , � � . �� '�`� - — -
<br />�" - ` ' - . �.. _.... _. _ ._ �� . _ .. _ . ` • ` -
<br />—_ �—_---_-�, +�a�sdamnutioa or atiser t�s3i,g�of nl►X parr af f3��pprcy.ar€airraeiv�yan�in�iev ar��c�a�on:are he�by,&ssi�9 a*id .` ,_ ' �
<br /> � �,o�s: shr�Ua psais�ta Lender,. � ; -;, . _ � . ` ..• .. .
<br /> a.
<br /> -?��� W Q�a ev�nt`af a.�at� of tpe Fmpeaty,tha -
<br /> t�in$ prr��s shall t�appliei�tn t?re s�.2a�s�urEd by�chi9$er�uiity
<br /> - -- �; Ins�n�me�t"vhcthc��di.n�t ttcen�dmz.with a�y e�o�ss�tu�aimwer. In tIfa ev�nt a�tt�a�ial:taking of tht PtQpCity ui . � .
<br />- - .. wbidt tbe�v np��tks�watuc�f ttte Prnpezty#,fitmediatety bef�rra tttc talring is ei�aal co er�azes lhure th�amaimL vf t�t sams ,
<br /> - - . secundby�is Secvrity Ir�tr�m�at`is�in�at�ty bet'oie d�ta&�g,ui►Iess Bosra�yer�aa��r;nd�rother�uise ag�ta�ritin,g, ' __-----
<br />�j�� ' the sums s�su�ed by'this��};Taspament sitaIl be�uce8 by tlte a�wntit of tt�a pmcceds m�Itiglied 6}r tlte�olIowing., . .
<br /> �,;� ' iracu�i: �a?t��tatal a�munt bf ti}e sums s�cr�t imr��zy before t8�tak�ng;divided 6y(b�th�fair m�igei�va�`ue of ehz _ , ---
<br /> #; ya����.���� ` Fcsrperty imaite�i�lg i�t'a�`t4te'ta�.ng:`firay.�at�4e s�a116e�aid to Boirower. in s�he event of a partisl.rat�a oF tt�e ° _—
<br /> -�- , = '��Sap�tyirt vihloHiPit�fa$r atarke�vaius of t���y ijnrt�ediute3y i�fnce t�e takimg 4s tess thsn�its�om�t o#t�e�s
<br /> �r '� �-�J — ---
<br />-_: ..T�:::.,. .,��+``,,:.�• sec�d ifime�dittteiy,�efete the taYi�g,ua(esa Sormwer and Ixnder oth�cwise agea in wr's€ia�oa uuless ag,plicaii�e�taev . — - --
<br />- �,<��„_r;_,t��,��:;.' athe�rise prv�rides.the�cts shal!i�e applied.tQths spms secured by th�s Security Ins�t wt��tit�er or�ot t�e scut�s ara —_--
<br /> '"f` ��' �,aZ 111R31 d11Q: ` �
<br /> . , ' • IE the R�erry i.s akundaae[I:ls�Harcacver.or i£.after aati�x b5►�ender to Bormwz�r th�t�e voademnor offers ta atalre � --
<br /> - � '�s= an aws�d as settle a ctann for dsmn�es,Amrowea�faits ta resgot�d to Latdes wi¢hue 30 days efter the date ttcs notiae ig giv�a. ,
<br /> �"�`� "'�`'- Learder i�authom.etl.to cuQ�cs and h tite at its on.eid�er w�a or of ttr�Piro ar to the '
<br />-- >r• , n;-�'.�L.�, �P.! P.�+oe�ds. � � �Y
<br />_ .. �, .: . .
<br />-- -�A��w;:=;'� - sumssecuredbythisS�ty7nstntt�ea�:wk�erorautdtendu8. ,
<br /> ��=°'�',':�• -.*�.� ;:: � Unless Leaderund Eoreow±�rottterir3�:agree n►wririnS,anY aPP�irarioa of prare�ds to principal shall�ot extend or
<br /> • t:�., . --__ ---
<br />_ . .��,,,��r•;..:; - ` .. . ppsSgona the due date of the manN�Ig paymeats c�efeaed tn in paragiapl�s l aad B ar clsan��e amrnim of such.pay7nenEs. ,
<br /> ara a _�_�__
<br />-�� �..�',ri�;i';�ti;' '' !1.Ban�oWer iolat T4e�t�d; Fa�aaoe By l.end�'Nat a WaIcer. Ea�t�s'sam of Ehe tnne f� pny�t or
<br /> - �����.�; <„�-:,.;;- .
<br /> ��j•;`,;_.�=:'%;i:`a�:; modiFCatiaa of amartezaYian of th�sums s�by this Securiry L�snvment�antea ti��i:eflder to any successw in'interest •
<br /> • n ,• ��, of Borrower sltaU:not�operaie to�etease�e�StiGty of the ori�nal Bomsvrer or Borrower�suooessors in�,i.eQder -
<br /> '. E�"`' '�,;; , f�•:i�. � at L��eqsir�d xo commens�e ' ttgs gainss saecessor iir iateiest vr c�fe�se ta�extes�d:tune for ayaient or ' .�,Z_F.�. _ _ ..____
<br /> shuD n graCeo�t � �Y_s P
<br /> ;�� `, • ,. ��` • atire�ci�se modifq,�nort�zatian.a€the.Sttms s.e,�ured,t+Y t�','�'i-�urity Instrainent by eeason ofany demaffd made by t!�niiginai . �
<br /> * • , .,;_.,,' ;�cr�wer ar�naower's succ�air.isr inteiest Any fiarbe�ance by Lender in.exe�ising any right or remedy s�all:v�ie 6�a == ------
<br />_ r`::�:::t=.�:;;;:i�.;.�;..:` . .�s�,"uesoforpseeludetbeea��.af"anyiigtttortemedy. _ ,�`'.:;, • � —
<br /> � . :�. ,:... . ,..,,:.,�,,,:: — --
<br /> • --�--.. .--. .-. -. -
<br /> ,,, . ,_.._-!2 S�rsaad� [� flil9•,-Co�iguers'Ihe�wvenaa�s�andag�eementsoFth�s-------
<br /> ,.;°r. ` . .�4,5 . ��'�s:�1L'SIId'S2v@f'dl$� $iE - -
<br /> � . :;<vi�,� ���` : �cauity Insut�ment shal�6ind arid h�e5t�saocessois�and assigns of,L.ender aad Bornower,subj�t ro the provisions of , __-__---
<br /> .'•'� {��r.�graph 17.Bmmwer's coveaanis and:a�nts shall be joint and sever�3.Any Boiroiver wko.co-signs this Seciuity ---
<br /> � . � . , Yris�tume�nt fmt dces rwt execate the Note: (a)is casigning this Security Uistnmtent onJ,�:�mmtgage,Srant and�on�eY t�at` _-----
<br /> • � •;:: • .
<br /> ,- .. �•� . ..�. �- B'�itowePs interest in the Pro under thc terms of Ehis Soc�eri Instrumen� (b)is iu,i:�e�sonaliy obligated to the sums '- -
<br /> ,_:_° ..,`:. :.:::. . P�Y tY PaY ���----
<br /> - .:.Y,. ; ' � secuced by tAis Seattity Inmumen�-and(c�agm�s that Lender and any other 8otrovrr�r:,��agiee to ei�tend,modify,forbear- - .����...�.,:
<br /> ��rf ... - or malce any acvommodations with regaN to the terms of this Securiry Jnsuvm�rt�l��the Note without that Borrower�s� �-
<br /> � , ,� cansent ;,. ; � , �•
<br /> -? ,�,,r> r��, `.� 13.Loau�$�iges. If thB loan secured by.this Securiry Insttument is subje��t:�Iaw whic4�sets maximum loan �,�
<br /> ,.� .f;! :, , ct�ges,and that law is��;n"si-�.�preted so thAt the i�ar other toan charges wi�1�aY to be ColIected'm co�eeaion .
<br />_ .. ,��,.x., . �'
<br /> ;,: `{ir�.;:.` . - �?A�ihe laan exoeed the g�lk�°�imtts.dien:.(a)unq sv,�!'�ean charge shall 9�e reci�iva�:ifi��.•ihe aspount n�aiy,fp�c.�dure ,: ��.
<br />- '+ �� . � ;�`rie ��arge to the pemiitted Iu�,�r�td @)any sums aliea��coUected from Bormwer a�i��i:"�acaeded�*xrcntted Is�fi,��x�l 6e �.;�,,, �� ��
<br /> . , ,• •����+..'� ,��' :� :y�nded to Horrower. Lendexwu�;;chaose p2 r�ake tlus nefund by m.ducing the princip�f i��ande�il�e�o4e or by making a r=:',
<br /> ,� < .
<br /> • � ` �.,�u�.-ect payrmnt to Borrower. I�.F���4'nnd.c�rpes principal,the reduction wiU be treat��S��partist'�sa.xment without any �:�;y ' L�'.�•
<br /> � < .,
<br /> _. r " � ��aynqp.nt charge under tbe fi�;tis�: �" , . ,;,;`� :�, _ '�'� :
<br /> - - �•=j 14. Nottoes. _Any naaax r�Borrower provided for in�this Securiry lnstrumeai':d�;s3:�be givCn by delivering it or by '
<br /> `'.. ':,`': , . .� mnilin�it by fust class mail u�u:ss applicable law requires use af anotfter method.'Ihe'nat�ce shall bz dir�cted to the P�roperty � :,.;:^'�:`''
<br /> ,;r:• . ..".,;-.,,,.. ..
<br /> • � ,wf,;;'��;.N' •... "Ea,;:y.
<br /> . Addtess or any other addc�.�fiorrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to�i.ender shall be given by first class , �.'
<br /> 7 � , ` mail ta Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lenderdesigqsi�.sby'notice to Botrower. Any notice provided for ,.-��` '= '�.'.
<br /> � 6 _ .,....... in this Security,Ln.�rr.�*nent shall be dePmed to have been given to Sac�;eier or L.ender when given as provided in this '�-
<br /> .... ,�.. ". ,. ' ' P�B�Ph•. , . �: � _.__—.
<br /> ` ;:',::;,,.,;�'•� :: � YS.Gov�rnrnt�g�.aw;�nerabq[ty. This Security.��ment shall be governed by federal law and tha��a�!�f the �'�__-_---'
<br /> ��''f�. ,:.-'. urisdicuon in which the Fr eca� �s lacated. In the event t11mt an rovision or c(ause of this Securi Instrument c�i�iaa Note �` ?=�'
<br />- !.; . 1 QP . � Y P tY •
<br /> -_ _ _, . �.. , cqnflicis with applicable law.saGh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnswment ar We Noie w+t�icb can _
<br /> i':� �' ' ' ` be given effect withwt the conflicting prosrsion. To this end the provisions of this Security InsWment and the Note ate `.� �<-�--_-_-_
<br /> ;;�� •r:�,.:�. . ::. - :„'' declared ta�6e severable. ' : ` � -
<br /> � �� }'".`� A� � • � � ' 16. Borrower's Cupy. B�rr.ywer s:ia�T�5e given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument -.��,�,��t�j=-" °
<br /> ���'�'����''`' '<���I'" �17. 'Ii�ansfer of the Prm or'a Benelicial Interest In Bormwer. If all or an art of the Pro y �������``�''A�'"'!
<br /> � �:• :�,::.. �,. . �Y 9 P PertY or an iqt�rest in r,..,,�c�_-
<br /> ;;,�';, ' ,. 9t��,,,,r• •��T
<br /> it is sold or ttansfened(or i�r l�eefcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naWrt�J.yxison} ;, ,,r F �k�.� '-
<br /> f �
<br /> .... �• .�,.. ' without Lendess prior writtert'runsent,Lender may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums st�red by ,; t A.�� _�`,�.,,,,
<br /> ��'_.." ' this Security lnswment. However,this option shall rtot be exercised by 1_ender if exercise is prohibited by federai la�+�1•as of "; � "`?�'��"'`
<br /> - , ,, . the dateof this•�rity instrument �� . � r�. ``;�;,;,
<br /> - .� • If Lertder c��rises this oprion,Lender shall give Barra�u�er notice�(rxeceleration. The noGce shall provide a;�s�siid of ' . � �`'�; '
<br /> :1:," . ��� � �,".
<br /> ;:,�;i�;. . not less thaa�30 days from t(�uwe the notice is delivere�#r.rr,r'ailed within which Barrower must pay all sums seeunai.l,�v this . � ;;,,..
<br /> `:(�-�i;f',� .. ` � Secwity lnstrumen� If Hum�+xer fails to pay these,s:sms�zrior to the expiration of this period, l.ender may itnt�i�se any ... . ;.'�' r,..•. '
<br />__ " remedies permitted by this Sc�a�rty Instrumg:rt withoiit fu,�:4fer notice or demand on Borrower. '� • . •�,,�.�"':,,
<br /> • • � . • . .::;�;.,�,,%��'y..•.
<br /> � � '" 18. Bonm�t'er s Right�a Y�einstatr' '.tl��.Rorrower meets certain conditions, Borro�ver shall have the right to have �� �..��: =. ,.,�:�,,,��.
<br /> ;�. �.,', �� .�;, .�%:5;�;:+� enforcement of this Securiry [�s.rument di�aa�i;.l`"nued at any time prior ro the earlier of: (a)5 days(ur such othet period as . '.� . .. :: �. ��
<br /> • ' ', ir';:1,� ,
<br /> `��;���� .
<br /> ' � • �,.��j��.t,,, , r . Sin�� �.�:;il •�aanie3fae/PreQd�'r!i+� F 3t.1IAiSTRll�lEl� •U : ,'
<br /> �.F�j,.;r,° �il; y• .xc Util O t T• nifarm Covmants 9/9D IpaRed ojb pagal
<br /> ; '',,j't.,�'�?''r," ' ''t�'1t'�'' �
<br /> . �,r'ti'Sx;ti� • . .
<br /> �.[. ,r�, ' .',
<br /> �i��;'� ' � � •. ' . �� . . ��t O';
<br /> . <:- . . , .� � . . , �',:i{1..
<br /> `i'�. , �1�, .. . > ` ,i'n.i•_�f .
<br /> iY . . _ �__ -�,--,..,:,�_�° _--. ... _ .. '.n�'j.:(' � ,. � �:. . . ._.. . ,� ,}r.� . . .
<br /> .. .� .,{. . . . .� . . . � . . . 'i:;•�(r� � � , � ' . '- � . � ' �i;+ } �,�n' . - - , � .
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