Ei. ,,-.�.��i3"f� .� ti"!'!�''_�`"' :Y �. . �''1�. 1�4f . • . `; . . _. _
<br /> /;rtf � }�e 31s � :C:=.f�f!}, t -h'- . . . � . - � ... ��. ..tt' _-.-,.
<br /> ��� .f�.��s} S,I��y�tt;r'� {�f �t {' Y. ' . � :,'�t <_'-'� � -�- _.
<br /> c L �•��
<br /> r � t
<br /> 4 K . .1..:.}._, �fi�,t�j ...ti: :1] �� � ' ✓ " _ _
<br /> � ' '.:.n
<br /> -� . . . .. . _ ' ' .. ., --."".. -'_. .. ..
<br /> . �. . � t �i ��:.,T�.. .l�`. ?..1f" .�Yak-",.
<br /> ' � �
<br /> -�_ - -- • – - "" < - ' . . ..... _._.. ._ - . . _� __ —�.. –.
<br /> 1�'""" . . - ���L7 ���
<br /> �' � -� _ �t ::'': `:..e�at�t_martg�ge��ssiaa�ce.cav�ra�e�i�na�.auar�blc,�E,o�:uershaif pay io#�r;d�E;ea��;anaii�;a snm�to
<br /> z � , � ona�-�of afia,�4y aaa�ag��iecsrrauee Fr�n.�b�iuII Pai��y,$a���er tvhen th¢tasui�atice;c,pu�ge��+��c�a�i m �'�-- �.-�-- -
<br />_ y, 6e ir��f��,; ,:, r au�l�ccepk�'���ud retain t€se,scF?yfx�nta us,a.14as:mae�ve im tie� of mortgag��#n�u�.• �oss �esava ,�.,-
<br /> ` '� _ payl�iEsAtf� St�O t0l�er.I1�f uh�6:i�t th�ogt�oa QE I�nd�fi,if,�atastgag6 it"LsuTanOe oaverage(In the aatalr�:�if��oY ttze pet�,Qd • , _ __
<br /> . �� �
<br /> • _ :.° � �IS1t,�k;IlE�QLi' �Y�� tU!�llSt�[Ei Y2�� _ -
<br /> - ,s::�,. �l.�� ... Y �FAm S+�.I�end�r agai�becomes avaitabte and is obtatned.Borr4we�sball pay - - —
<br /> _ + �,�::, _- .. _..._. tfip���. to maia�tai�t martgage in�n„�itt e ffed,o�.ri�psovi d e n[oss c�esesve.u n a l t he require m e m f o r t�a s t�a g e ---
<br /> � _ izuurattioa eu�sE itif;�tNance with er►y.�vtitren agreement 6eiw�Bo�rowet and Lxnder ar agplicabte law.
<br /> � �9i!�1�q�[:}��e,nt!er or its ageut may ma�e reasu n a bts enRri�§.a�uu,and insp e c t�ics of the P r o p erty.L�der ah�fl give.• -
<br /> - � �orea�stid�iTt�rai�d. ,�:s��ospriorcoanins�xianspecityiugc�a'sonabl�caus�.fn�d�.irjspeetion. °� L-'��T = - - -
<br /> � . �Q: ��ttd�6�•:7"ne�zocee4s of any awprd or cl�im far damages;if'srr�ect.os,con.�enuat.-in conaecaion�vith any +; -_
<br /> _ y condemnptitm�cits etteex tahiug o ar�r part o€the Progerty,or for wrneyance in lieu o€,00adeimralion;are 4ereby�gssig�ed ar�d . �,:
<br /> - - - - - stit�i:h�p�id cn:�.ender. • � ,,�� `-
<br /> , .._ _:_�_=-_� Ip diQ euqut of a tota!t�idng of tlie Fraperiy,tbe Psoceeds si�a116z apptied ta�e snms secused by this Security Lastr�nart. � -- - -
<br /> ' ' whetheraaAOt t6en due.with�y e�ss�id to.Bouavrer.Ia the:event of a parha!taki��of.tbe Pt+operiSt in vrhich•thc fair �,. ..•:.. . �-_
<br /> � marlsatdvAtu�"af the Properiy immn�4iaLn-ty befare the taking-is eq�a1 to or geater than ttxe amoa�nt of.the.sums secuct�hgr.ihis. ;° " .- - �:;�., -
<br /> ` � Ses�uit+1-3iii�umer�t imrned'+airlY 6efore the taking,up€�SS Boirower and Lemder ot6envise agree irr arritulg.t�e tvans secured by `�, ° >y, _.
<br />. - this.Sxvd1�,�In�trament shal!be red�ca�by.,the.a�r�t"of the pracee�s mnttiplied by the foldowing f�ca�:{a}the wtal �;r:• ,, -.��,
<br /> .- � ,;�;;.:' a m o n n t;o f�l s.s u m s s e c u r e d i�i a t e t g[�r�t i�t a k i n g, d 9 v i d e��b Y(b)t h e f a i r m m r k e t va��of the Pi��:imm_��'�. . . ;��"�.; 'f '".���:�, _
<br /> '`�;:�j befoie tha�tt�tit�. My balance shall be g�i.s�to Borrowe�. In t�e ei-�ni of s partial vf �io e ��:cAhicb '';'`.,=� c;'�''�'-'v
<br /> , tatdng �: P tcY, � �.=�<;;. "h?:':;..'r��f�;;a��.'ri _
<br /> ✓�={ mArlcst�valda'p'E'�t6e ProP�Y.����Y�fore dte taldrig is tess diais tbe amouat of We sums saeitred iumi�ly befoi�� . ''�fn:,;:��,<• � � :L��_
<br /> ,+�.?�i�,r•i: � �;; � un1�.Borrower antt Lender otherwise agcee isi writing os untess applicanle�aw�othernnise prov.ide'st�,�fiocegds s5�li �r P�`� �';r p�'
<br /> �;,y,,' ` 6 a p��l t v,d,t o t b e s a m s s e e+t�i a c l 6 y this Secw'i ry r�d•,�nr wheiher or aot the sutns r��en�up, .r;;...-,., � � .'�;�. �� ,
<br /> .f���rl � . - . k'
<br /> � `� :�, tifn.$f'rr�erty is a6�a9d by�ornaarer,or i��'.er notice by Lender to�mr��er ti�T?�etandemndF��is to make aa '��!'��;, � '���4 * �
<br /> �kf J �r 'F�r.�r � ;$n'�.or ���t�.c�sim far:ramages. Bo�6�s ta:tespond to Lender withid 3@ days�?..�<the data the notice is;��e�, ti�` `�. ,'�' . • ��-
<br /> t �.,,... " ai�its o ri eit6cr to restoration a���:i�the Property or to c�;�s ,-+�o�-
<br /> .���'�. � r ' �. � 3�e�dei'1�afii�F,�';.edwcoIIeetandapply,t���oee�s, P �n, .. . _ + t� s -
<br /> %g`' 1k" �L���'�;�iECIIIII�l�Tl-�iD1CIIt,W�I�..�P��ZY,a.i.'�*.�{ju8. , .•. .:.5:.., ' ..,�, ;. �`F���'#'r"`
<br /> ' t '
<br /> '�'���r� u,.• '�`� � ;�Gnless��.ender and-Sarrower othe�rs�-�u?.�iting, anX aPPlication o���g��s.�':7'�rt'ftcipa!<�?i not extend or ���, �_
<br /> 1,rf t''i � .,.��'r`' � > ;• .�e,-�fiode the due date�of.t(i��sionthlY P�Yments refer�i�i to in paragrapbs 1 and 2+or�zt�,�*�uht of sudxiiaYmenu,- .;: r.�' .
<br /> ,;<t�.���`u,s�' • 11:,�nt;ov�Er Na�Re�eased;For6e�'ance By�der 1Voi a WaiVer.Exteasifln of���e for paymettt or madeficatioa . = L_�_�.t�.--
<br />_ -------,:.-�•,1.��`�.• . abamarti^�2iaq,ofthe�swnssecUred-isy-cisL�•$ecurity-Instr�mentgrantedby�i�endertoany�sucas�r.�:ia�interestaf.Boriower.shall. ,.... • ,''":' �,••`• :;_
<br /> - ���'��+: nat aperata tb•teleas�the liability of th�i�iginal Borrower or 8arrower's successots in interest:�iender shal!not be requiced to ��Y• L '. ¢•YJ'��,.-
<br /> � . ''.. commenCe pivdcaiings against any su�6essar in interest or refuse to eatend time for paymeAt or oWerwise modify amort�atton � -.;t:����- -_
<br /> � • oP,the sums s�cured by this Searrity Instrument by reason of any de�nand mnde by the ori�inal Bartower or Barrowe►'s :: .`'�-,,� �. ' _
<br /> succes3vts in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of�or pmciude the i';'":. �..,.,:u,.,4� =__
<br /> _ . �,..� _.�
<br /> `:. ._. .. , _ exensse q�af�y right or remedy. . . . _ �'�
<br /> � � 1Z:S3tc,tessors and Asstgns Boattd;doint and Severat �.3abfii¢y..Co-signe�. The coveuants and agrzements o��thEs � : '. .�:�" ,
<br />_ :,,::;-._ �,..... � . ,. ;
<br /> Sc�nit+t�T�iadi'v�itent sUa11 bind and 6enefit ttce successors and assigns of Gender�and Barcoiver.sabject to the provisiona uf , �`t ��:-; � �.
<br /> � ;r��ti;� pariigrnph�l7�`��arrower's wvenants and agreements shall be jvint and several. Any Hoirower wha co-signs this Secarity i '
<br /> rii
<br /> `�`i��`- 'r ''�`"a�� •!,` .�,' ,:Tn�pvmemt�bat�does noi execute the•Note: (a) is�ning this Security_Instrum�►t only to marigage. grant and convey that f � 3�.•�.
<br /> ' .1:�s:,7�:�.F,,�it;.4�i }Y, ' '.F3: .
<br /> .-.t`-<�33'�,,.,,;��,�:`�•Ji,,�r ��: '':r, •..%ifaimnivsr s imerest in the Pr+operty under the tem�s n�r�is Security Instrument;�bl:'rs not personally obl�$atad to pay the sums � : � �
<br /> 'yti�t�;`�.i«�'j;��`� �r�iired�b}ctisis`Secvrity instnimear and(�)agrees.�-,�t i.ender and any other Barr�;��may a g r e e to entend.modify.forbear or ; '' y, :
<br /> ..,r,,��,,!`.;1„��s�r' .• .' . � • "•�ake anyt'sccQmmodations with regarc!to tii:serms of this 5ecurity Instrument or tFe.�dte wi t hout that Burrower s consent. � �, r, ' ;.:� ,:
<br /> ;.;,,�.n.<�:�t•:;,>��s'�� _s� �': 13::•1(:aatl�Chaiges.If the loan s�by this Security Instrument is subject taa iau�•�;hi:;h sets maximum loan charges. , ,; .:':;. .;;, ,.4:.
<br /> ; rt„<;�f::?:=`;;,',•;;�i{"��j,.�.�""' and•thar taw is finall �nte reted so tful:sl;e interest or ot her loan c harges wltectedor to Qi�o�tTected in connection•w�th•[ha '•fi,�.;;::�;cr :•1A"'�
<br /> )S"J � '
<br /> ��}�tir �' y � . �r ��.5l+1%r;..`�,f4S, !
<br /> ��+�AFC�_�r;,ti-.;.,�,,y3;,.n, 1dAn�exceed.tha permitted timits,then:Sa7 any such loan chazge stiaU 6e reduced 6y the amo�r.i necessary to reduce the chsuge � � ,.�,
<br /> tf��y�f;j;{3{;./::127,1�'����.��i � :,ar_ .t+' t?
<br /> "' �fi ' to tho permitted limit:and(bj ariy sums almady collected from Borrowerwhicb exceeded permitfed limits will 6e refunded to �,� � ���- '
<br /> f`.. .i�t,��,,:r�^��;...:.,'�F?�r � . il•�7.
<br /> _ ; .•�.,• , ;.SS�.yt;:� Ha�rower: Lender may choose to maKe this refund by reducing the principat owed under the Note or by making a dimct �,:E��;`, '���_;�,� '
<br />_ �� �' � :,Js�,�••,�Q payment to Sorrower. If a refund•caii.ces principal, the reduction will be treated as a �E+aal prepayment without•any ' �,�`•_.�� „.
<br /> ;-;�� ,�.;, ' ` ;;�,;;?'��F• prepaymenLCharge under the Nate. ' • . ',.''�
<br /> `''�'�"'" 14.Notfces.Any notice to Bemzs.�c provided for in this Security instrument shall be gi�i�i�r delivering it or by mnilin� ` '%
<br />:Li 'CU�t:�������.���.l:S>}�ii:�,;��� i, ( .' . �,�L
<br /> `' ;;;;;;;:;;:"�y,'%``.•rr;;;;�;`'�;t�� , :ii,�by first cias.s maii untes�..�pticati(�!`�:✓requims usr af another methiad:'fho notice shall be d:,.�ted to the Prnperty Atldcess �R.,:., • ;�_;;�,�:�
<br /> � ,�--��,::;.� �l,�tta� us° ,
<br /> r:.:,
<br /> ��,��r;r�`���„�{,e:��r3";;,:t:?r�,% �c:ny other address 8nirrsi;ar d�i_~i�es by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given•by first etsiss mail to ��. • �'••. ��.���
<br /> 'i����;tlrl)��;�:;��C�''f'a,+��s?,',�y` ,
<br /> � �;`% ) � . :G�..=�tder's address stated h.:�in or an';cFrzer addmss Lender designutes by notice ro Borrower. Any notice pnovidcd for in this �,� •
<br /> _.�i� 1��G77! t`:�J�.���1j;S;,+r9r:���+. - ���. � �:.��,� •
<br /> ,� i,;,r,�`,;•;r�;;�,�,;':,,,;�):��� �' ••�'� ,..':�ecunty Instrument shall be deemeb�i�s;e been given to Borrowcr ar Lender whun given as Ftrx�ded in this pumgraph. .
<br /> � , .t. �,���u� '� � �- I5.Gu��ing Law; Severati�itit�..This Se�vrity Instrument shull bo govemed �.:.t��rai law and the taw of the � � sy �� : _
<br /> � � �Y?��� , .� jurisdictio�.eii�'�vhich the Propefty is iocaied.In the event that any provisian or.clau�df r:t?is�.,curity Instrument or the Note t� �� -
<br /> r. ;,.;�;�}r ...� �,<�:,�;•.,.;,,�); t. � : ;;��. ., -
<br /> � ` �: � wnflicts witii applieable I�,tiv.such conflict shall not affect other provisions af this Security;;�tirr�ment ar the Note which e�an be
<br /> r ,....t.: i::r..'�•r�'�� :�:.; " .. ..
<br /> `If.'if,..,` . .'Z,:,..,', _ . s
<br /> : X�;:.,,���•/{.��� ' �• given effect w;thout the�licting provision. Ta[his end the provisions of this Ser.anzt�Sns�:�vment and the Nate are deciared �. .
<br /> 'rX;;4�•'�'; �,; �„�•�_�� � to be severabte. ' ,.,", �.• �" . .'". �.,:�
<br /> � ',,, • •;`�:�;�� ' 16.&?�cr3,txer s GSjty.Borrower shall be given one canfarmed capy of the Notc and i:f,r_fii>,Security Instrument. „
<br /> � '". ' t7.Te:sz�'eT of t�:e Property or a Benef"sstal Inte�est in Burrower.if all or any par��.x�:.�:Properry or any intorest in•it '.. `'
<br /> � ` ' ;��� is sold or tr,�si�ierred�or.df a bcneficiaf intcrest in Sonawer i�sold or transfemed and Borra°.�;�i;sr not a natural personl withbut .. . ' •
<br /> �, �� I ����� � ��.,:� � •'.. Lender s pridr'wriuen o:+r�:nt. Lender mAy. at it5 o�*xion, require immediute �,ayment ia.i�"i�f all sums sccuntd by this !' ''�� �
<br /> � � •,•. _ .
<br /> r � , �.`r'�r�;:. : Secvriry instrument. t�i�,i�.:r��,this option shall nat be e��ercised by Lcndcr if exe�.~.':�:is pruhi�iteai by f.;��a[!�w as of the date � .:• • ::•
<br /> �- i , ::':{ � I of this 5ecurity lnstcun:;,:�:.. ' • . ; i.i;;• ;`;'. ' ' . .
<br /> a � . . .. , s:.� r.T � ,';1:''::.. , .
<br /> , �,�,�� . �If l.ender exerciscs[t:;s option. L�:ader shull�ive�urrower natire of acccteraei�� 'Ff:e�.:-_�shall pravide a period af not � .. ,,�;,:c �
<br /> ' " tess than 30 days from tr� date thc r,�tice is dcbvercd or maited within which W.r.U�xer :^;ss�+�ay all sums secured by this ,. �' ,��'_`�` ���
<br /> ,',;�' ,. .(�;. . ...
<br /> �'f,, , �.• ,��.•':•.,�, ;;:,L , Security Instrument. If�.rro';ver fails to pay these sums pric�r w the expiratiun�f�Liis r�er"��xt',L,;,.der may invoke any remedies � :;..�,,�t;:.:� .
<br /> = ; �,': � •9� peemitted by Ih'is SeCUrti'p �'nsatument without funher notice��r demand on&►aou�:;r.. • , ; ��• � .
<br /> �"�`' ' 18. Borrower's fi�J�t:eo ReEs�^te. If 6oaower mects certain conditF�cs: Sqrc�u�r sluill h�:�z �'�e right to have '�s`•�•:'•.� ' �
<br /> , ,��� .,;� '; � ' �. , ��'��• • _
<br /> •�`�''��•�'i"�" enforcement of thiz 5:,�,,.v.nr Lr.strur.+rnt disc��ntintted at an timc riur t�� thc ea;_.�F vf, a a1:� da S;.:�r:sdi.othcr eriod as , t:;h� +t;�' ' .
<br /> � i� . . .,:,��'� ':}'.%.;:; s Y P �" P ,:. .. � �. ;'
<br /> �• . FV � - , �-;;,,;.,;h;�. ,.;:t,;,.
<br /> ;'t��.:, . :.,��,.��,s;;,,,,;;,;,,;, applicab[e I�:c�, rnayr.��e.;i,j� r re:n�L•ilentenU (xtiirc �alc oP the Pniperty purruanf t;� a:t` �T,.�.�r •:f s��•contained in this (fl',,,�:,;;;,; ,s .
<br /> ...�:r;;Ik;,,.,r;:,.;, ,. . ,.;t.r.;r:. .�.�::�_••;
<br /> ' !' ' •�+, * �h:..: Security In�i�ums.cit:or Ib)entry ot a jud;;ment enforcing thiv 3ecurity in+�rument.Thuye a:�n��ttr°ns ar��tfll'LU`ffAWCC(31'f�j_S ,-...s .
<br /> i i :';;}';,';;i',;',":•,:r';;;:;,'` � ; .,,_,�� ,, % �fb:.;�,;��,;,,`.�;;':;,.: .
<br /> �,y � r�. d.ender all s�.s w4sich•cfcec� uculd ne Jue under thiti Security Inatrumem and the:���te as i. rcr ac:e e,w_ c�i7a�occi;rra...+?» , �;� !
<br /> f;; . `�,#,,,, cares any Gefanit of r.n,��t1�er eoven:u�ts or a�reementx:1c)pays all expen�s inear.��d in enforcing [:ce�55�risy Instruinc-tt. � ,,,,,, �,'
<br /> � includins.but not Hn�uu�i t�.teasnnnblc atmmcyti fee+:and(cf) takcs such ac[iurt�ss Lender may re�na`�ly;equire to:usun ',r;, , .
<br /> '�',� �,,,� . . , �'•�;'', '`:,: '�
<br /> _ : �;,,,,,,;;:. . that the lien of this Secnri�� Instrament, l.cndcr's righty in tho Propeny and B��m.�:�x;;r:.ohfieatinn ni pay t7�c sums secured bv ,
<br />-- ;�;�:�, thjA Security Ins?rament �[�all conti�ue unchmtged. Upon rein�t�tement by 6�rn;��er: ��ii�+ Sccurity Instrument a:rd the �4r...' ''; .' '
<br /> obligations sesun:d hcreby sl�a(L rcntairo furfy effective+�s if nu arcetdratiun hud oc�;urrcd. !-Cowever;this right tn rcinst�tc�shall ` ��•'�=;`'
<br /> ; ;; ' ' . • . :. not apply in tho case of ac�:eratiare uader puragraph 17. �: '
<br /> ,` � 19. Sate of Nate; �6a�e of i.oan Sen�icer. 'fhc Nate or a partiul inten.�t in thc Noto(together with lhis 5ecurity
<br /> - =. . • � Insttument)may be sold onr ar morc timts wilhaut prie�r n�+tire to&►tr�+u�er.A,alo may rewll in�change in!he entity 1 knm��n ;:' .
<br /> `•' � • as the"Loun Servicer")thut collec�s monthly payntcnts duc undcr tho Nntn and this Security instrument. There also may be one i
<br /> � _ •_ • or more changes of iho Loun Servicer unrelated t�a sale of tha l�Tote. ti'thrre is�change of tha L.nan 5crvicer, Borm�cer�rill he i • , ,
<br /> �� , '+ : given written notice of the change in sca�rdance a�ith puragraph 14 abnve ancl appliwblv law.TPip notiee aill stato the namr and , . .
<br /> � �-. . � • . • addnss of the new Lo;ut 5ervirer and thc address to whicb payments shnuld be mada The nnti��e will al.u�contain uny ofher � .
<br /> • infdrtnutiun required by applicable la�v. '•
<br /> . _,• ' . Z0. Harardous Substane�w. Borrower�hall nM rause or pem�it thc presrnce, u�e. di�puwl. �toragc, ur mlcase ��f any � '
<br />_ -. -�.----�-_------�--__ Harantmts Suhstanccs on �r in thc i'mpcity. Bnno�ver stwll �mt dn. nnr a11nw unynne el�e to d��, anything affecting the . !� , _
<br /> ' , , Prupeny thnt is in vic,lation of any Environmental law. The prececiing tw���entrnces tihall nnt apply tn thr presence, u.e. nr
<br /> '� , stun►ge�n�hc Pwperiy nf small yuuntitics of Harardnus 5ubsi:utccx that arc gencrally rc�y�gniccd to bc apptopriatc to n��rma! � _
<br />- , residcntial uses and to maintenance c�f the Pmperty. �. .
<br /> , .. , . v,�,3�+a Form 3028 9190
<br /> ' �,
<br /> � , �
<br /> ' „
<br /> : .. _ J-
<br />