• ; t,�.e,€` ',:.,,�-�• ��ytl 1 ;�•v /f�,�x�,`,.�•', �` 1.:�s i } { . . . . ::> _
<br /> �4 . '. �•��� -.�_ �`,''r.�`.�`. �`��1� , - ti � � v i. !1 !, ; . _ .
<br /> , �gy���.-. . e' •,�.,, i � � 1 ! _.�
<br /> .F . � �.''•, �. ..r�. 'r Fi' . . � ,�7 . t . . • i . . : . � . , . -
<br />. - _—" _— ,� 1 �1 �W�1=dM��. �� � , r.�.--n.'�'�.'.r�' t .:f.��. � . � � i .�..-...++��raY i'iF.t<:C.:m.�:::�iy 11�- h ..Y.��.�C.�L'� -- .. ..Y'C 4`_
<br />_ L .. �t iul�rv ..,7t C• �.... . r:sauai � ' �tT
<br /> l . . . �1 !.: `l t��} }u
<br /> ,- .. . ..... .(�:;� . ' ( . . � . . .`< - , •�e��p,�� . .Y� s r Ch .-__
<br /> �j ��
<br /> Tds3�.@�T1E� 8!E th� tmprovsment� rs�w ot, trrzx�s�tts ctectcd nn�th���estq: aad �tt ca�m�atei . , � ` � , ,:._
<br />- `�.,'�:�;:. :=:�� - apg�a�d:�zas:es a�w os h�res�ter a psrt oY the p.�ag�ty:AU mp2acemea�ead addsttana c�s1)atso b�covrred ��� 1-
<br /> 4i.:•cy..�:.. �.... 4�:r.' . J'�1�.
<br /> j<.�:.'�'r;;�-;` . • by th��ueit�faas�smaent.A1t ot tAa iQrego3ng i�retenre��ta 3t�thir�Se�rity ia�truaa�tas the+°Property:° „ � '.° .,
<br /> . ', .HOI3AOWL�C�V�NAN'ls tt►at�orrawer ts law�3fy s�ci�oi tAs,csteto Qore�y.aanv8y�ea�h�s tbr�r�ght to ':_-��<<,; .�"r° ��
<br /> ' . `,:�; ;: �t aa�oos�vey 38te�oi�eatY tad tAat the Prugertp ie�un�bera�eusgt tor vsasumbr�as a4 re4ord.Haewc�et :F � `
<br /> �; `. " w�naats end�sitfi defi�t�$�S?esallq t�e titte ro:��'i+o�ty ogniaat d!cl�im�md domess�sub�+et t4 e�ensu�nbzea�eo r ,,. a `:.,�
<br /> f <<'s r �:' y �c � O�l�C$!�. i� � ,,'.,"' • ` `.G�F xe` ` �,
<br /> � v , THL�SECiJItfiL`H•�I a��t11,�'cosnb�n-s unifomi oov+�tianta4os t�atIoaul us�a and aon-uniform wve,�eit'tev�tth '�t r:=:.°� � ��
<br /> ' TH
<br /> . : i ." �� : limia�variatioasb�' Qa,fra�coastituteauniiort��urityls�temteoveri�rcal progertp. .`:;s�:?", �.`'��..
<br /> .',. � '�;-.:�''� tJNIFOLRM Cfl�'�:��nu�ser nncf L�nder onva.ASat aad a�s��s eollasr� - --- ---_-_-_ -- -
<br /> : �.- . . . . :..,....;. .... �
<br /> _.�-. _:---=-_-_�-__-�_::. �.p�9m�t c��?s�`a�ai ead�Iatesesi:PrepaY�e�tt sn8 I.�ta Ct��sg��orrorrers d�il�aa�pilp P�Y�� � `-
<br /> ; , .: � __ ,. ---.--_—_—=
<br /> - .`. ,.. thsprincigal o�aa�La.�Qa thodeh;oviQr.ucad bytheNoteas►denY'Ps�!sym�mt�d latach�gr�dua undrr thsATata : , . .
<br /> _. , Z.Fmmdls�e$Tues na�I�suaaac�Sub�ect to applicst�:�e la�ar to a artitten aatves bp.Leuder.Barrarrer sh�ll - . -
<br /> �a to Len.der oa t�.e day aconti►Iy FsFments are due under tha NatR uati!tfie IQote is paid iA fu11,a sum('Fand�'}far. ;:�..,;<:���.,
<br /> . � to�YesrSyr t�ses aad�ta wtuch mag attaia priarity�.ovar this Sscvrity Iastr�meut as a lien oa ths Property;(b) .. . _ . _ � :"�'" ��
<br /> _ ; :.�. ynrly leasehetd paymeara cu grc�urr�reats oA the Properiy:it tinp:fc)Yeatly ha2psd or prpperty insuranca premiums -._°,:�._\._...,�
<br /> ` ' -��': � (d?Yearip ftood in�uteaca�mlWms.it riay;(�},yeaaiy mort��iasetraace premiwne,ii aqq;and(t?�Y��P3Y��� : . ,
<br /> : _ :� � bp Boreower tA Y,e�dQr.ia•ea�acd�in�with tbe grovisiflns of P�f�F��►ia lieu o!th�s paymet�t ot aaoptgag�i�suraax ; ; ..
<br /> ` ;`; . premiuma.'Fi�es�i�ar�caJLtd"Faczocr Iteaa�'Lender may�at any time.collect aad h4id Funds ia an arAOVat uot '�� . . ..
<br /> ' to esceed�t6.e a�ssiatxat:m�cus��a t�rader fos a faterullp reieted mortg$ge taan may raquire far Earm�er's escto�r �� ,.; : ..
<br /> ': �. , eocount uadec R8c i.darei��l�ta 5et�ement Pmcedu�Act�t 197��s amended from time:tu ti�,I2 U.S G � ;;,-;��' . -
<br /> �' '�� � Sscdon 2601 et se��E°RESg�fl,"X;;eael�auothea Imv tbat applie�to 4tm Fuads eets o le�smo�au�.�so.Leader maq. '�'.;::;�: :- ..':
<br /> � •�'fi''��'�� . . ' .. - �� �
<br /> . 't ,`�J:'::l.�,.. ' ,. .
<br /> �';:- . . at as�y time.collccG and t�o�d Fuads ia eri amouat not w exce�d tha l�er.amoun�Leades may�sta'mffts the amouat oi ' -:,�.�,..-
<br /> � �..... .
<br /> "� .,�,` Fuads due o�t the basie oi�c�reut dats aud reasousb2e estimates ot eapaudit�u�es o 4 fut�ue B s a r aar L t�a n s or o t heswise iA
<br /> .' ' acoordance witls apptat;ab2e la�. . �. -
<br /> r...
<br /> ..` h , Th�Funda skali be Leld in eit:i�utlon wha�e deposits are iasured bp a federnl aSeueY.iaswmentality.ar eutitp f• � t
<br /> = � 4�a�ladiA�Leadetrif Leadec isstuc��oh��titution�.or.in ang Federal Hnma Loauu�auk,.Leudec s1�91�ePpig the.P1mds W i'.. �° _.' .
<br /> : :'�. ua =,�•,
<br /> . '�;. •. . . � PaY t1�a Fscrow Items.Y.ender snax ne�kharge�omnwer for holding sad applying the Fuads.saAe�aUp aaslyziag ths t, . � `',
<br /> :}'i;�..� � ,;:' `
<br /> ..�,` - ' . esctow acc�unt�at v�rsty�ag the Fsc�o�I�a�,vare�Lendet pays Bostower iuterest on ths F�ds�n�agpl�ca6le la� ���:• � � ':�<<;. -
<br /> y �;
<br /> '"� ;.�, . •� • • permits Lender to msYs�su�h a.etiarg�: Iio�:�e"r,I.eader may reqttim Borrovtes to p�y e or.�'tima char�e for su � �� ��,::'t; ,,
<br /> ?°� �_�, indegead�nt rea3 est�te tas re�ncti�g service c��sy I.ea�ec ifl coaaectioa witb this toan.untesi a�plicable law provides , � : r F�=�
<br /> ' ° �, �.;�>, othet�I1nteFS a�agcro�tenL tss�a�..or sppIicabl$Isw"sequires interesE to bC poid;I.eader eLall aot be requited ta• " , ' : =
<br /> � � Pag 8cr�c,�ver say int�s�ca.aarnir�on the FimBs.Borrm�,er aud Leader may agee�n writiag,h4�rever.thatsnte�st �� • : �.�:-
<br /> .. ;; . � .� � �a.
<br /> - s h a i t b e�d oa t h e F s t i r,d a.I�d e�s�a 1 1 g i v e.t�B o m o w e r.w i t h o u t c b a t�e.a n a n n u a l a o o o u a ti n g o i t h e F u a d s.s h oc�i n� , � a_
<br /> ��.. ,,� � � � crediLa aad deteiq�txi�i¢t�i�t�a�e�strsp�ei°ar whicD each debit t�sba Fvads was mad�Tjie Fuads are p2adged as � 9,;.
<br /> � -.., Er . � �,�,�.:�
<br /> ����, � ':� . �gaa���mcy.trx�3t�s��.�r���yi��s. � . . : ;; . _
<br /> ty � � '. .�;t..;
<br /> ". . . . ..� . '� 1�t�ic Funds he2d by Le�der.e�t�e��sounts pese���ted w bs liaid by appt�c�tale law Lerider shall�coa�mt ta : � � �;:� :: .: .�;;;. .
<br /> � � �orra�.frYr the esaess Funds in accordan��:th the sequic�ments oi agplicable I��FP the amovnt of th�Fuud's t�eld E'.. , "';,';;:;Rs;:::;:�.,.<
<br /> , f ;rr4��i.%r.�.•...>��;,.,
<br /> � bq E�.�t sny tiius ia not sufCcient to pF.�s�ta Fscrow Items whea due.Lender may so nfltify Bosmvrer iu.cuzizaag, , ;:..; -
<br /> . -- � , . . aad,i�t�ach case I�arr��er shall pay to L��tt�e amow►t nea�ary to make up the de�ic�ency.�arrower s2�a11 maJie ` ', ',. ;�:,r=',' ,:
<br /> up thc�ieiencp'ia��rore than tarelve ma�.dsT9 PaYments.at Lender°s ma2�discretion. � . ' : _�=�4i;;'::
<br /> ` ment��fu11 of a11 sums secure�:B this Secwitq Iassru�nes�t.t.ender�s.fl pram�rIg,i�f�n�m Banower . . ;; :,,�r:E;;�-.;�s t
<br /> ;�. � [J1�Pay Y ��, .�'".�,'<.�`i;,'
<br /> '�` . ' ang P�ud�held by Lender.I��t:uder ParagraPh 21, Lender shall acquire or se21 t$e Property. Leader. Psior w tha ,,, . . �:���.:�.�.:.� . ..
<br /> ':; '. acquisition or sale of the Ptoperr�Y shall apply aay Funds held by Leades at the time oi acquisition or sale as a credit ;;�:�t , . ;
<br /> ag,ainst the sum.a sacured by ttais Security Iasuument. ' '�'�' = . '
<br /> 'i % '.�:, :� : . . , ', ����.
<br /> ;. :.,�..:�..' 3.Applicagic.m o$Papments.Unless applicable law provides or�6.es�is�.a11 payments received by Lendes under ; �.i .. ;�,)�'
<br /> � ,,: , pataBraPhs 1 and�2 ffi�ali be ap$li�d:Grst.to aaY P�Yment charges��r,sder the Note;seuo�t�amounts payable � �: �� ..r
<br /> ,����� ,. undet Pa*aBtaPh�third►to�ir�tarest du�fourth.w prins�pal du�end las`�,t�a�y late cf�arges due���the Nat� � "��''�"�- �
<br /> ,, ��.. ,
<br /> :;� ;. � . ; � 4. C6uges:Liena BarrQwsr shall pay all taxes.assessments.cbarges,�n�a d impositions attributatsa'e�tu the � ' : �
<br /> Property cvhic� map attai�e priority over this Security Ir�sttument.aad teaseho's���inents or�ound re��<.�`any. ; �
<br /> ,','�� ��t . . . r, .;'' Bortower sLall�Fag th�e obli�tions ia the cnanner provided ia P�B�Ph x os i►�t paid in t'�t maaner,Borrower ' � - . :�;�;;;;.
<br /> �':. shall pay 4hem�cA��ittie directly to the persan a.�=ed paymen�Borrower shsll promptly furnish t�F.;ender all notices of i � ,�r,�`
<br /> `.�.� � : az;. ;
<br /> _ `.;'.:� , . amounffi to be�sia�oadar this.�ragraPh.Ii Basrower makes the�payments di�y�,Borrower ahall promptly furnish ti' ....;; ,'_° .�f��,
<br /> � r' to Le�fdet receipts evidencing th�payments. �:,�. �•:�.;:�'��!;;. ' ' ..
<br /> � � .: r:�''��� � � �rrower sha11 promptty discharge any lien which has priority over this Sec�.iriry Instrument ualess Bnsr�s�rer:(e) . ,
<br /> � ''` agees in writia4�to the paytaent of the obligation secured by tha tien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)xntests in � �
<br /> ".,;.;i� 4;'•�.,.' .,. ` . ' good ie�th the l�i by.or defends against enfonxrnent oi tDe lien in.l�sl proceedings which in tha Lendec's opiruon , � . ,
<br /> ���r..t ,,:,',� , � _ o ta to revsnti the enfotcemeat of the tiea;�ar(c)secv.res irom tttcl�lder of the lien an a eement sstistactory to , • ���'�
<br /> PCfB P � i ...: ..ct>;:':
<br /> « Lender subordinatin�the liem to this Se�urity.fnstr�snii�s.��.�1Lender detecmiaes t�::�r..ny part of th�Pmpert�i'��y.:bject , ;;�l��:,. . , .
<br /> �' ,t i, ��,y:;:;:'.�.,:.
<br /> .� � '.;;.;�'::;�' W u tian which may attain�priari'�over tfiis�ecurity f;L,t�uraent.Lender m$y s�:r�l�rrower a notioe id�if#Ing the �.:..,si.: .
<br /> �� :''.;`°�+�`• lien.Borrower shall satisty tFie lieu.os take c{�e or more of tha actioas set fortl�Yl��v withirt 10 days of th�r�+�'sng ot . �`!;����?'�� ,
<br /> ; �. . ,
<br /> ' • � twtice. . �
<br /> ¢:,� . ��,";
<br /> ,i� ;,;:..,, � , .
<br /> �;�" �� Form 80�� 9/80 �
<br /> ' ;�;'�?•.r'• • • ,;��9i0'J101 � Vay�1 e!6 init�a(z
<br /> • �t.1' � ' .� . .
<br /> r ;x�i±''tir: . .
<br /> ,�• � �'�%j�.: � . .. � ' -
<br /> i. : ' i � , ' . . .
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