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<br /> °' . °��;"�i a Y.� �` �' � , . .�'l6QC��IER WI?�i all the�taaproveu�en�aow or tie�fter erected ar�'tiba B�'Pe�Y.and aU e�se�ne�t��FgiiutQraanances, .
<br /> , �; ' ,,{'� -� , •aEx�ff�t�fies nmw or it�e�eaftcr a:�azt o�t&�y�RY. All replacements�ai�d�r.►d�ib.ons�Da�4 a�so be covened��r this'Se�stty
<br /> : ..,...... �:
<br />_ '•',�';�.. . �`�• ,tnstrt.s,-�ai.�eW oi the fer in z�a�Ye�ed ta in tbis Seeurity Wsimment ss Uze"Pro�eRy" . ,
<br />_ ;��,��;,�': t�� , 8a �.. , � _
<br /> ��>�;`�,�i��w..:. •^� . ; ..BQ�@ROW�R COVENANI'IFS Y�Barmv�et is lai�rfully seised of the es�t.�heteby canveyed and b�ag the right to grent .
<br /> _ .,.:'`��"`���` ' .::�,;• �nd oanvey the Propesy andihactRe Aro�ercy€s��d.c�cept for e�nmbraYCces of teco:d: Boirower warraiib aad , , . --
<br />_. "#.. ::,� '*�.;`r;, ' . . . crnt de�end genelaliy the Htte ta the Pcopeny agaiasi all cEaims and demaads,�sriD.�et tst aay eacmmbr�s o$r�sa�.. , .
<br />_ - ��(`�,` .- :. < ` • THIS SECURI'PY.�ISTRUMENT oombi.n$s uaifatm.cavenants far �oaa1 nse and aaa-u�fa3m covenaats with . _ -----
<br /> ' °'� ',: liauted variatloas by jurisdictian to oons4itu4e a unifo�secnriry imstnfineai wvering real PmP�rtY� � : _`-----
<br /> ';� ": ��`'-`: �� � UNi�OItM C�OYE�tAt�'f5. �omower aact Le�cov�t aa�ag��s folta� � .. __—
<br /> � ' L Pb�rme�3a3Pdusi�D aa�l�ateaesS:Pre�ym�nt aa�p.ate� �amnwer s�li Pm�P�'Y Pay wlce�d�tt�x
<br /> b� ; ' gzincigal of aad mtetest on tt�deb�evideQced hy the Note an�l anY P�Y�at sud lat��arges due uad�r ths Noie. ----
<br /> :�� '.�','"� `' �. L Fatr3s[or'S�aQSS�Iasstsaao� Sub�ct ta applicable law or w a writte�vyaive�by Leader,BomQw4a s�ll pay to —
<br /> e
<br /> - . � - ::��,, i.ender on the day utonthiy paytae�are due urader the No�,euitil the Note is paid in fW1.a sum t"F�s")for.(a)YearIIY .
<br /> . � ; ,. taxes�d assessments which mny�astaiu prio�ity ov�er.i�his<S�curiry�. im nt as a 1�mt ttle P[opert3l;(i1)YeasTY Ieas�AOEd
<br /> ,.`�, ,,`�•'`.` c be�d iir�nce premiums:(d�yre�3Y flood
<br /> �;�_,� �_.,:; PaYments ar gtvuaa tcnts oti tbe.�r�tya it'anY:.��Y+�Y' or property,�Pa - --
<br /> -`` .�`.� °',�., -'�""��', msn�anse premiams,if any(eY Y�Y���c•�a�u�p�:.i�-anY+:and:(#�.aAy sums�pY?hle by Baaowet to
<br />_ . ` ; ,,,.
<br />-,� �;�`�A. .�� °� :.�;� Lendea,in acoondAni�.�vith thepmvisions q��gfap5f.8,inJiea�:b�jt�ie��sa.y,mesif:o�"morl8a�inSuranr,e-�niums- 'l�esc . _
<br />= °':r ,.�f i;.:f�".�%:<,. . . items are catle�•"F�w Items." �ende�may,at auy.tim��olleet aad tiaid Fi,ms�s itt en.amuuntnai ta eJCC�E t�uiaaim�un •
<br /> •:<::f d
<br />_ ;.:.`;', ..,i.er;:::f::.�; : .'
<br /> : , :_::•�f1r,<<�, amoant a leades far a fed�ally r�l`ateA martgage toan mag�:i�sgtnse fa�Baaovier's�cnaw a�L,ynder Pos&��[:Rea�,. ;
<br /> a�
<br /> : :�«:,�:'.•.:.-�. �t �,:.
<br /> �fF�, ': i;4•,Y �- ESfBte Settlemeat�P�m�s Astuf 1974 as amended from u'iiae tn time.l2 US.C.§Z6(i�.al�a�'q.'("R�SI'/#�'");.�fri�ess aswt�r
<br /> _ �,�%,,,�.,,�i�''�-.., �.;. .° t�w that applies to the�nds sets a Iesser amaunti If so.Lender may,at any trme.collect aa`d hoId Fands ia a�'a1�aw�nnt ro
<br /> . ��� �� f,
<br /> , �.�• exceed the lesser amouat. l.ender ma esfimate t6e amount.of Funds due on the ba.sis of cunent data an�masonabTe �
<br /> .: t.. • . . Y ' .: �,< �- �_
<br /> :�° s,•� . . • estimates of expeaditures of futat�e Fscraiv Items or otheryrise in accordauce with app4icable!aw : � •-. - • . �,. �-
<br /> , f 7he fimds shall be 6eld tn an institution whose deposifs are ensuu'ed 6y a federal agency,ms�litY•:m':e�ptiry: ��` .. n�,g.-,:-
<br /> .: ° ;;• `.: .,' —
<br /> : f! ��> .:•_.; (u�T�iliaS Lender.if Lender is:�aa institution)or in any Federal Homs Loan Bank Lender shall apply the F�ttd's:ta. ---
<br /> . S � �.
<br /> _:. ,._.,- -����'� -_"--
<br /> -- �- � -- .- .-tT�:�SCrow�I�e���T:eaderroay-rtottfiarge�8orrowerfor-{mlding-sudapplyin$-the-�;-anauallY.analytit�g��rarz7at...__...-----.--Q
<br /> h .
<br /> ,f�. . �- . aec:aunt,or verifying the Escrow.-I�ems.unless I.ender pays Boat�wer intere.st oa tGe.I�uads and applicab2e law permits } _ :-
<br /> u
<br />-f• 4,. �� '� ' Lendee to make such a chargc:..�T£owever,Lender may iequire Sorrower ta pay a aue-tFme charge for an w�dependQnt teal S ., --.
<br /> '{ ��.•��: `; `` �. • es m t e t a x r e p o r ti n g s e n ri c e used b y Lender in oomiectioa wiW this loan,unless a�pli�able,law provides othezarise. Unless an —
<br /> �:
<br /> . � . agteement is made or applIcabte!aw req�ues inteiest to be paid_.Lender s l tall na[he'i e q u u e d W pay B o r r ower aay i n t e r e s t a r � � _
<br /> � S eE .
<br /> �azs eamings on the Funds. Bormwer and Lender may agnee in wnhng,however,.tha1:iniriiest sball be paid on th��ads. I.ender . - - ... -.�. :; ;
<br /> _,�> �3�.::t`��� s„,�.�, shall give to Borrower.wiihaut c�arge.an annual accfluntiisg of the Punds;shnwln�c�edits aad debits to the Fi�ads and Uie ,�.� �±
<br /> " � Puipose fur which.cach deliii to t3�e Funds was made. Thc Fvnds ae�e pledged°gs'addtianal security for all sums secur�ed by , '�.,;�,
<br /> i � l 1 Y t
<br /> °�. 'r.�` '''�Ii ttiis SeCarity'11�sttultib.ti. • �
<br /> ' T� r . , � ` , '.: IF.tite�bds;f,. d b l.ender eaceed tt� amounts ermitted to•6c I�:�:�Y aPplicable taw, Laider shall aa:ount to• ,�i_ ?
<br /> �. Y p 6
<br /> j'r .��..,, r, ,..' BorrnWer for Ih��s Fimds in accorda�e with the requiremeats of� )Ii�te law. tf the amonnt of the Tamds hEld 6y : �'�,•�°: `
<br /> -.;• %,..'• .. , >.n..•••�••.
<br /> Lender at any tIa�;�;��nat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items w hen dne.�er maY so no ti f y Bo�rower in aritin g.and.in • °��,;�: ;�,�,+;�,'���:
<br /> .;;;;;,,.,
<br /> � '. ,.> sach case$otroaer shaU pay to l.ender the amouat necessary to make up the deficiency_ Borrower shall make up the , , �,+�:. ,.•
<br /> ° ' e • :
<br /> � . - ��:'l;;,;: . '�;, .rx.`�-
<br /> - ,,...�� �,. . •...,;..., deficiency in no�n�bi�than tarelve monthlY PaSrmeAts.at l.ender s sole disaetioa ��,.,,�.,-�;t.
<br /> `�� �,,;:..r� .. . . , _„�r•r••r.`•.
<br /> : u.:.•:.-`.'.-..':�. ',°,•. .: :;- Upon payn�at w fiill of all sums secure�by this Security+Insuument,Leuder shall pcomptty refund to Borroiver any � .'' ,. r..'
<br /> !.fa� �
<br />_ f �,.�=...�_._..._,,._.._�:_.-• �1:. . ��hetd by Lender. If.under paragrapb 21.Leader shall acquice or sell the�toperiy.Leader,prior to ti�e acquisition.or ;'::;;!;.;._::'��;
<br /> �..� ::', .;
<br /> . .. ,,,: sate of the Propeity,shall apply any Fvnds heid by l.ender at the time of acquisition or saIe as a credit aguinct the sums ,r..:'•. ,{::;; �
<br /> ,�«(s�.�� :, secared by this Security Insnvmen� 4: ��'��3`�`;;r� .`
<br />- `;ajr:.b:,�. �."t.?;,,.' �'"�
<br /> ';??.;,;r,,;,�{5�:;' ��� 3. Appf�cation of Payments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all payments�eceive�by i.endes ander ,,.:,:;�i r,;�: �
<br /> ` „ `;�;s��•�F;. . P�S�Phs 1 aud 2 shall be applied:first,�to anY P�Pal+ment charges due under the Note:second,w amounts payab2e ander �,s;:;:��::.•'•.;':_, �1-
<br /> ";ti f ��;; y "' p a i agrapb Z•th'u�,oA interest due;fourth,to gri�nt�pal due;artd last.to any late chazges due under the Note. r-,:•. � �:%�'"�.��=---°`
<br /> .. ' �� ��gc;�6,3�. Bomnwer shall pay aU taxes,assessmems,c t t�r ges.f ines an d imposi ti o n s a t t r i b u t a b l e t o t h C �` ::�,�-.,,e��__�
<br /> c,.� . � ��� �•,r� • '`'• ProPertY which���auain priority over this Sc.euriry Insaument.and lease�Sd paymeats or grpund seuts.if any. Borcower :��,.,:;,;�,..... ,��
<br /> .i✓1i.`.,. . :��;:�::; .r::,f , :
<br /> . •:.�>�'f},�� .� �� shall pay these obiigations in the manner provided In pazagrapb 2.or it n�+��+aid in ti�t manner,Borrower shall pay.�t�±on !;�;:,„+,,;': .�.;: .
<br /> . ,Y2�;;`{�''' ' , rime dcrecdy to the person owed payment. Borrower sha�t ?1 f�u�.i�i�x�a l.ender a�14�n�r�ces of umoants to be pu�ac�ua�3er.. ,;;'�,;�3i��j' �Y ,
<br /> ;f.�• �+���.> � I s!r' �-,. L
<br /> ,: •'fr`a'�• �his paragraph, �i Borrower makes these gay�nu direcf��r.l�o:ro�a•�r s'f�a�'i�romptty F�is�tt+nslh to Lender mceipis e�i�tcaidng .;{�����•�r _:, ,:�:
<br /> �,
<br /> ... • ,' � • ��I the paymen�c. ...., � ' �,:,;.•. • �...;• ',. ... ,•.;��'. :�.,`rr� ,
<br /> .. ,. : ,�.:
<br /> ' • Borrower�s�]:prompily discharge any�7��sa w�izh�ha.c p;i•srily`ov�er c,�:>Security lnstiument unless Eortower.(a)agrees . �:''!``"��
<br /> . •.�;�.�_.�.:.
<br /> '' ' • • in wridng to the,��anent of the obligation secaie�by Yh�.1i�d in a manne,i.ko:eptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the ;,�". . � .�•.
<br /> � • lien by.or defends�gainst enforrement of thc lien in,tz�•�!��ings wtiich in the Lender's opinion operate to preF ent the •.;.i�,,{., ,;�'; � •
<br /> � , • � ' enforcement of ihe lien;or(c)secures from the holder'of;�i:'f3zn an agreement saGsfactory to Lender su6ordinaUC�,�itlftr lien t�,<<•.•...: ��,
<br /> :•";a;:�;.. •
<br /> - - •'••°t%r`•�;� . to this Secufity lnstrument If Lender determ�Tx�ihat an};;F�ut of the Praperty is subject to a tien which may attai�,�ppority .',')����.;fi`.; . .
<br /> •' � -` � � � over this Secvria��Tnsaument.lxnder may gr�w idorrower a notice idend.�'i��the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ortake . ':i-. , •".,,
<br /> -��'ti, ;�.� � � ' ; �� one or more af tC�:actions set forth above wit�n 10 days of the giving��'��sc:r.e. • ; . .,;. ; �• �;�';i�;�L:�
<br /> . • .. ' `' �:• ' S. Hazar�9 or�roperty lnsuranc� Borrower shall keep the i�r:,vements now existing ar hereafcer erected on the , '
<br />_ . � • • Proi,rerty insured against loss by fire.hazards incladed withir`!.he term"extended covera e"and an other hazards,�.r�cL�din ''' '' '�i;~";:
<br /> re S Y 8 1n�:.:,",:� �.
<br /> .. ' 7!]fri'.Jf.
<br /> . . � . ft�or fiooding,for which Lender n�uires insurance.. 1'liis insurance shall 6e maintained i�the amounts r.�ri:far the ' ����1;;��,.,,•-
<br /> •��� : .. � . . ,;�;�;��'''�� ,{. '�,.
<br /> •.,•{�,�� '
<br /> );;;`,
<br /> ' � Porm302d 4/9D Ipage2oj6yog�sl , ::1�����';.
<br /> , ' �c. � , ; ' . `r�{',.,
<br /> , �. . . . , .. ,;,.�r�•.''
<br /> ' ' •. � �' - � ���' - � ' 4 ''�;,�r,:�•�� .
<br /> �. ,%'�i'st� ; , � i •r`j,:tyt;..�
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