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<br /> ^�,'�'�t . . .�1� .. a3!'�i� . �---
<br /> v _
<br /> �'��`"� �. .. . � 9.��a�3o��R��it�T�uster shauK�p tfie pr�parc�tn com�pltartc�wttf�a�!ag�:tic�a t�are.ordtnn�ces arKi�agut�orse
<br /> - :� .. .4 �._. . .�ret�a�r�ta tndhntrtal h�tarze o�eim�nrnen��f P�o�(c�tl�ettaatY rete�rad fo he�etn es"�mr2nanmea�l Lawa'�.Yruatot�hafl . —
<br /> �. -.. .Ice�RaheRroP+rt� , �ro:esa►�eu�stancaa¢�td�tt►.6snas�ttafawortoxt�unQerarryF.nvtronmenosit�w�tcaltecttvelYraietfed� , ----_
<br />_ N ` `�,� '. .Os�r�ln aa"�9�.MatertaTs'�:huator Rerai�y warra�ta an4 i�preaants m 1.��that t�ers are no!#�zer¢oua�ltata�!s cnbr -
<br />-- 3 ��.� :�� .�,� �n�r�iePrope�t7(9�ua;torAer�sya�stolride►nNfy►ar�hRt�hamiesst�tder.ft�dtrector�a�t�ar8.empio�la�a�an�r,�and _-__---
<br /> . ._�.x• �`�::;-'.?> rinyguo_a�ois�L�tnder'siriteere�sttram�anda,getrislanyar¢daitcisims�Qamage�`ta�sa�ndt�bl3ttlesariair�gincs�nn�xNan�i� °-- __ _----
<br /> n n �
<br /> '� ` �•`;`,�r�•�;:,i.a ma pra'sencR�s�.dtapaaat or�tradsPrort ot ar►y Haaerdos�s l�datertata orb�nCer.trAm et�ut ilta Propet[y.TM�FEt��QC1xi� , w _
<br /> ,�k,�';` ' ' �'JARStAf�l'PI�SANDR�EPA£S�1TATt09�.ANlDTRilSTOfi'SOBLlflATiO�',SPIiRSIlAldTTOTHEFOREG01NGtND51tINR1f.�i1AL1. � = ----
<br /> -�- ' `�� FiEAilt11E E��CQNU�YANC�9�T�S l�_��A O F T R t 1 S T. . . • `� i
<br /> ��,", - t0 Assignmtri!o�R�Ys.Trtistor har¢Uy aas!gnn tfl l�adar the renm,[ssuo$pnd profits oitho Prage�y;pr�vlded that Trust�r ��� i � _- .-
<br /> ° s : shal►.uMitshpaccumeneeolanEvansofpainutit�arevnQer.havatnatfghttocoitadan�retatnsucA�e�tssuesendpro£dsas��yt --
<br /> _ ,�,<. �,.�'��., Decomo 0ue and payatil�Upan tT�e oaaurrenca A t an E von t o t Get eut L lender m a y.sitJter in peruan ot_Dy ager�v�tith or wftltaut �-�--^"x"4'-_---_-
<br /> ,..,; „ .,•e.K•; �, r = ------
<br /> - �:._;;;;s...,a;,,:- . -. bringi�a any&ction or preeeeding or by a receiver apao�rtted by a caurt aosd wtthout regas6 ta the adaqaaayt ot itsaecuruSr.entar o ----
<br /> f•.� •• ,;.., uponandt�kepessssstonofthePraperty.orenyperather�of,Initeaw�nazrtaorEe►sheaamaottheTRastea,a�Qoeisyactavihkhtt
<br /> ;� ,; �,..�-°;�;.. • " deemsnocessaryor.Qesitabtetopresenretitevafua,ma�(cett�ItityorrenfabiiiiyoffhePrcparry.orertypettUa�teatotinteres!!lierein, , ----
<br /> ��:,;- � �"�a.`�,�„ ° � tncraase Uee incame tRerdrom ar pr�tect the secu►ity hereof arid,�nrith or wNhout takirtg posssasion ot B�e ProPeRY.pua tor or —
<br /> �. s �.. -�%:• othetuyise cotlac!the rea18,issus9 and pto8t�thereaf,irtdudln�those past dus etjd unpatd.artd apP(y the tsama.t6s8 tosls and , -- -
<br /> � �:�:-�.��;1:,.- �.��
<br /> _ • ,•�.�.�-. . e�senseaofo�eration and cottactlon tnctuding attomoys fees.upon a�/IndabtednesssecuneB hereby,ali in sucb ord9rasLender
<br />- �''_ :,f,��;• ;,,. � may Qete�m3ne.The ernering apon and taidng passss�ian af the.Property,�►e colteatian ot suah renta issues ar�d profits ana the �u"�__�"
<br /> ; V��fi��ffE.i;t�..; _ r�esppon¢etusuchdeteuttor�urauanttosud��oUceawdeaui�tarted.�naiwithstandi gtliecon�nuance[npcinss�sTa olthePropeRye � r y=r=
<br /> �i •':-'�:'�.`Fr.�:'.'�:"'-��'r�, ffie cottectian,recaiAt ertd epuP1ia86pn of renis,issues or Orofi4e.and Tivsfee artd lender Shalt be entitled to exercise every dgM =-v
<br /> - ���- �' r � :•:,: � pravidedtcr(nar�yofthelaanDoCUmentsorbytawuponocxurrenceoiarryEveMofOafaut/.incWdirtgwilfiautGmita�ontltarigMto ���--
<br /> � • exercise the power of sata.Furthe►.Lertder's rights and r+emedtes unde�thfs paragrayh shall ba cumutativa with,8nd in no way e �-�- °- --
<br /> �.,;:.�:'>_._
<br /> � � �� ` limitationon.lemZersrighfsandremediesunderanyassigatnentattaasasandreniscecordedagainsltheRroperty.LSnder.Trustee �;v;_.r,.
<br /> '.. •.: :•,. ' . .
<br />-__ � • , 4.=``.e • and tho receiver s�aii he tfa6ie W accavM onty.thase�actaalty received. . �-'- __
<br /> :.:: ._.. �.., f�, . � � . -
<br />_ . . �_ �i�.-Eveitt$�f.ltefauSL The.tollowingshall.constihds.an_EYetlf.Qf.Oef.&uftunder Mi�s Oeed AtTn{st_.... ... . . . ._ .. __...---- .- .--..--E`=-;_;__,.
<br /> �,<`. �, G,•� (a)Faituie Gv pay any instalimant of principal.or inierest of any otfter sum secured hereby�vh�du� � __
<br /> � � (�)Ab�#t�eotordefayltunQeranyProvislpncontainedinthelYct�.tNtsDeedofTrust,anyoflheLaanOacumenls.orany � --
<br /> r�,i�,"� +, �%��, ' ather lien orenwm�rance upan the Pronertv; . . . _
<br />- ._��^�';;,�.�.,,:::,):•:,� (c)Awritofexecutlortarattaahmentaranysimitarprocessshaitbeeirteredag&Cn�Trustorwhlct�shaQbQCa�vaatienon l ---
<br /> • ��� Y :. ihe Rmpe�ty or ony.Rortian tltereot or interest therein; .:,; . '::--
<br />_ .r �. ;`,'!�, ,.'. l,..,`,;�.'; I�There��#tall be fi►ed by or again�t TriisWr ar Borrower an action undeu�}��esent or tuture tederal s't�s ar otfier � �" ;-
<br />_ •"�� '°�!:'':::�%': stat�Re.law arh�guiation refaBng to banicrupicy,insoivency or other re[i�f fa�de8tar�or there shall be appointed any trustse. ;; �x-
<br /> `.�'�.�:�;�.,':: •;.:•�.:. ., -_
<br /> :3 ��' .� • 4:; •��"` recei�rerorlt�+rJ�rofTrustoror8oaowerorofallorarrypartofthe�rc�t.�rtA�rents,issuesorprofitsthereof.�arTrustor :,���,•_':_ __
<br /> . '�":` ar Borroiyer�ti�it�imaice any general assignment tor the benefit of cred�ars: .� •� ,.�:. : �
<br /> ..- "' - .-,r.," -��� (e}'[E�e��l�Uartsfer.lease.assignmenL cornsyance or turther ertcumLrani�c�:r�il or any part ot or any miit�iost tn the �'-`'� .
<br /> �.,.�r'��, , ' • . . . :: ' Rraperty.e+Uter votuntarity or involuntarily,without the express written conse�;c17.l:ender,provlded that Tn:'sf�`shali be ' ' •�� r
<br />_ �.�<� permitted fo e�te a lease olthe Propereythat daes not cantain an aptianto pu�c�r�and theterm of which does notexceed •r,,,;��. �„
<br /> f". : one year; ;. . . , �,,�.
<br /> i. : � (fl Abandav�rstent of the Properly,or ,. , . :. ., . ;�.;� ,�
<br /> � ' (g)If Tntstc�s is nptan individual.the issuanc�saie,transter,asstgls�comreyance or encumt�°s,.xsrx3 of morethan a totat :%�'" a3{;
<br /> :: . � : i..� . ., ,�•
<br /> �. � '.s„' F.,,
<br /> .. '., - -�. �...:_ . � . ,�Jr;3;i.�•,'.
<br /> ... . -'----.._: _...._.__.. . . .. . . . . _ . . ��
<br /> " of.�_psr�ent af(if�corporation)ite issued and outstanding stoC�c or(if ageitr�sship}a tofal of ` percent of �:;�:`:;��.;y���, •� �
<br /> .. � , ',�l�,f��.•�' . . .
<br /> � p8rtnersbip interns�dud,��ltre perto0 thia�eed of Trust remains a ti_��;,�ih.e�?rfif.�r�'�. r.�.,,,�
<br /> 'r} � 12.Remedte��CVeger��ara4dpon D�slauN.lnthe event of any Event oi��l:�u1�l:�r�c�'.�a�.without notice exceptas required by ":`t,%:�trt;.'�. Ff;
<br /> i . • �'�.'4:;:'.;:;•�
<br /> .'.,, iaw,declare eil�irtd@biedness Secured heretry.Oc be due and payable 2r:d i3sc-:.sacne stsall thereupon become due and payabt� , , .�,;,r;1�n .a�
<br /> �. � ' without any pres9ntment,demand,protest or taace of aay Idnd.Thereaf���+.'r:dei m2y:, � =- - ;: ' �n'� ��-
<br /> .:., ,,;.r��. .�
<br /> (ay Oemand that Trustae exercise the POWER OF SALE ranted hereln,arii�Yrustee shall thereafter causa 7ruscor's � ` 1�-• =='�"-
<br /> g ''� ;;?f':•y:+� ��:;.`.
<br /> interesl in the Property to be sotd and the proceeds ta fzaCisAibutecl.atl inthe m2�uscr provlded in the Nebrast�¢Tiust Qeeds , ; ••:•:/� �.-.
<br /> . . a ` ��,��1�:. ;:�: .
<br /> � : ct : ..
<br />_, � :::, �.; , . .. ' .
<br /> _ �.,,, (b)Exerciseanyandatlrightsprovided,`a�iet2�tG��.oanOecuenentsorbytawuponoccurre�;+�a�anyEs►entofDefaui� , ��, - � •
<br />�-�� ' � . :. . , ., . .. . . . , . , . . '�.. . �'�'�``����i
<br /> �s � � � �d(c)Commenceanactiontotoreciosettsis�ee�ct.�i�rstasamortcage,�ppointareCeiver,or�.�'�xii���fqenfcrceanyofthe �.•�f�`
<br /> �.': '�� .. , : ., . ;:. : , :. t.,, '��'{��n��'
<br /> . covenants hereot ' ' ' '
<br /> ����1.-F�' �� '��,�
<br /> . • Ho remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee a�-��nder is intended to be exzlustve of ar,y�'�:her remed�Ij�re(n,in the ::.�•i.;,�.;;�: . :• 1.�:•• '°•
<br /> • Loan Oocumenb or Dy law provided or permitted,but e2�'��7atl be cumulative,shail tr�i.ns additton to every other remedy given ������:• �. ��r:
<br /> � - hereunder.in the Loan DoCUmerns or now or h�reafter exis:�agat law or in equityr or by�?�::and may be exercised concuRently, �l.� �.,;, :- •: . %': '.
<br /> - � . • • • r ive . �' ' . :
<br />.rii:'.� ,',� :.;'•��..,. . ����.� indBponQerKty a S,:tcoess h/• ' . � .
<br /> � � � � -`' 13.�rustetr.•'Fiin Trustee may resign EY�rty tlme wit�c�t cause,and Lender may cZ�ny time a,�td'without causa appolnt�, . • S
<br /> �:, �;,:';;.�:,;"f.`F•,'.: ...: .•,:•: . • .
<br /> + fi�•�;��. ,� ,;.��'��, . successor or subsltiSa�eTrus2e�:Trustee shali notbe liabl�`fn�.y paRy,inciuding with��itlirr�fation Lender,BorrowerRT�stor or art�+.�:,�•,• �' ',`,, ' , ,
<br /> � `�`4�;#��"•� urchaser of the Rro�erty,tar r,,�+y�►oss or damage untess dtr.�hr.recktess or wititul miscasdu,rt,and shall not be requi;�it��)ce any � �`:�''f;j�;;;. '�
<br /> f '.;,;`;j�iii;;�i.l�r,s.,.•: f R r+ s�r;,: .
<br /> -_.,' :,.. ,.�;��,��;.;;.�;,, .. actir3�in Conn@C�tOn weth Ne�r,forcement of this Deed c.Trust unless Indemnitied,ia vuriiing.for ait costs,tcrr�Gr':�stion or ��:'t�;. ,'
<br />� i',.'.�.;,;�t ettpenses which�rray be associated therewith.in additlon,Trustee may become a purcTcaser at any sate o1 the Propesr�r�;idicial or s'� } '��'�' .
<br />�t`� ���,� ' urtder the poca��sats granted herein);postpone the sate of all or any portion o1 the Properry.as�:revided by law:or sell thm • .
<br />-:Ys� , .
<br />-�F ;'}., ; ; property as a wi�a(rr.or in separate parcets or lots at Trustee's discreGon: : ' . . :.
<br /> 14,�t=pe���penses.tn the event Trustee selis the PropeAy by exercise of power ot safe,Tn;�s-�si�all be ertii�d to appty '
<br /> '-�� �� ... eny r�atp�1�uceeC;a�f r�f to payment oi a11 costs and expense9 oi exercising power ot Saic�.+R:tuding a?i'ru§tee s tee�r�d LenQora
<br /> -' ' endTirustee's attomey'siees,achially incuned to extent permitted by appticabfe law.�msfiu e�-ent Borra�r or Trustor exercisesany �
<br /> � �...c;..�..
<br /> � . , right provid�Q by taw to cure an Event of Oeisutf,Lendar shat!be entitted to recover,trcm Trustor�;t i:oats and expanses actuaity �� '�;!;,r;;.
<br /> ,�.�;..,.:.
<br /> �;, ' incurted es a r�(t ot Truators detault,incEuding wiUtout timitetion all Trustee'S 2rtdatfG!�ey�s tE�,1b the extent permitted by :,i,;,;..;,�,
<br />-:;,;, �' , aPPlicabtela�v. ' ;���'{S'i: _
<br /> 4•�- �, ' 15.Fuffire lld�nneos.Upon request of Borcowet, Lender may,at its:option,make�¢dQitt9nal and Suture advances artd re- :;,r,:;t�,-
<br /> � advances to Borrcwer.Such advances and readvartces,with interest ther�on,sha11 be se�ured by this Deed of Trust At no tlme sha0 � '^��++..
<br /> '^� � �e principal amount oltha indebtedness secured bythis OeEd of Trust,not including sum3 advanced to protectthe securit�of thia �, •��'����-
<br /> �� '4' •��' Qeed of TrusR exceed fhe original principat amount stated herein,or w h i c hever 1s grea t er.
<br />__�+ �':. :' •
<br />�,?:; �:=y 18.IY(tseeMneous FroWsion�. �`
<br />;�:�.. . � • � (a)BorrOtver Nat Retea�ed.Extensiort of the Ume tor payme�t or modiflcatton of amortlzaUon of the sums secured by this F ..
<br /> 1�i ,r �,: '� � Oeed olTrustgranled by Lender to any suecessor in interest ol Borroarar shail not operate to reteas9,in any manner.the Uabitiry ,
<br /> � :��i��1�;�,•, ` of ihe odginal 8orrowe�and BarrowePs SucCessora in interest Lender shaSl not be required to commence proceedinga agalnst `
<br /> ' �,.`�;�i�;' �� suChsuceesscrerrefusgtoextenddmaforpaymenterotherwlsgmodityamortlzatianofthesumssacuredbythls.QeedofTrusl } � �
<br /> �t� -?', ' : by rea5on of any QemanQs made by fhe original Bonower end Borrower's successors in lnterest � ,
<br /> � (b)L�enQaP�Rowers.Without aNecting the liability of any other person Ilable(or the payment o1 any oLtigation herein .
<br /> ''. � mentioned,end withouteRBCtirtg the lien or cha�geotthis Oeed of TrustUpon any poRton otthe PropeRy notthen orfheretotore �
<br /> ��'•�'•� releasedassecuritytorthefullamountotailunpaidobtigation9,�endermay.tromdmetotimeandwithoutnottce(i)reteaseany '
<br /> � � �'• '. ' personsotiabto.(i7exfendthert�tudtyoraiteranyofthetermsofanysuehobiigations.(iii)grantotnerindutgences.(i��eteass `
<br /> - � � • or recomrey,ot Cau3e to bD reteas�d or reoonveyed at arry rme at Lender'a option at►y pareel,portion ar ap ot the Property. �
<br />-- _'_ ___ (il)mke or retease any ather ar additiana!secudN�ar any o6ligadon herHn.mentiorte0.or(vi)make cempor,itlons or ot1►er � '_ _
<br /> � • ' � . arrangemenb witl�deLtors in retatlon tT�ereto. _ __. ._----- - -
<br /> • . ' , � ?.�:y' . .
<br /> :; • �
<br /> �T � . � . . _..�� _ . -
<br />