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<br /> ' ��.:� x: ' �Y.Ta�ier of ttze�'ea � ar a�ea�ttal YaY�i fn l�arrasver. If�o�e�y p�'t of ths Pra�gerty ar st��fa�2r�t i�it. ------_._ _
<br /> _ �< i� . , -
<br />_ ` �. a _ . . .. is's41d oi transferred(oi if,��int�st in Lartoa�r is sfl2t��.aansfem�d aad Boaawer�s ana a��a�)'withant - . ., .
<br /> _.'�� -,�.� .� I�ti�r•s grior ariicen'wnsgnt, Leader may. at its,opiion, r�nne �m�iste�at�n full af all snms�ra�by.�is'��
<br />''� .�,;��;�.:;�`" � 8e�rity tnsuumen�K�ivever.this option shall aat b�.eaceacised try I.e�der if ese�se is prntu'bited hy f�da�tucv as of the date;;' . �.,,
<br />= ' � � of this Securiry Ins[taineai. -.. . � ----
<br /> ` •f�''" _ less tban 3fl days�the aze t E�:�d�ered or taaited vratbin whic3�Borr�vrer awst�p�su�ts s�by tbis i -
<br /> .;f� °' _ �
<br /> '� :..•'. � —
<br /> �cvaty Jnsuument.If Bouowez fa�s to pay thESe snms pr�or 4o t�e eapir�tion of.ihi�pr�a�..L�der.may-invokss az�y�reme�es - ----_--
<br /> " " geanitted by this�urity Iastwnent without fnrther aotioe or.de�naa�on$ornowe�. • : , _
<br /> f IS. �Dli066�'S �g�it M �2. If SOffOWCt fTICtJfS CCif2lR COAdIt301SSe fiar�atae� shai}: hav�1�.rigju to� lfaae� � • . .y,��. _a,o- _-
<br /> �s Cpf41I0�i Of U11S SBalTlt�t�GIIL 4IL406IItIAU�:8C 8If}(LJJf1G�IT1fOZ W.i��ICf O� (Sj�(�flStB(��1C"StIR��(7II1C� 'nd as „�1 � -
<br /> en �rr�.��,o�i.
<br /> — r �agpfccalite.Iaw maj+.speeii'y�•#'+dr teii�iefb�nt��efnr.��af:��L't�praty'�c Uo ar.►Y Pow�t�'�'s��m tlus . ��.�.,�;� -
<br /> �. '�{^ �e.��r+,;mE„r�ar(h1�+ofajudgme�s�mtnr.eiir�t�i��c?�ae�r��e.+��,r_1�+�EOadiauasarethu��:o�::(a1P$Yg - _-
<br /> . ' �}�,n��;�wUic�:�ire��rautd:6e d�uade�tiris St�'r,�:$�i�tod tt�h�as if ao xooeteratioa�::�;(b) ' " 1,'� �` - V _
<br /> ,�,,... ; c+u�s�t�j+'.it�faulc of au},r oiim�eovenanls aragt�s;��?��rs�al�.e��iatu�ia euforcing this Se�itje tu.�..,.:. , "' '° -----
<br /> �' 'K ''' ind�n�,;Iiut unt limit�c!'tu.reasonable attor�2ys'fees;aa�(d)takes suc&�acaon as Lender may reas4nably reqaiie to� " . _
<br /> : ��'.. .: . . . that tfre'iien bf this�ecarity lnstrum�nt,Lender's ri g h t s in ths P r o p�t y aYed Barrower's obliganon to pay the sums se�ured by _..:_.-=a-��____��
<br /> - � �ty rn�r.��m�,t sl�all oontiaue itachaz�gad. Upon �instate�nt by Bomotver. this Sacurity Inst�ument aad tme -- -----_--_-_
<br /> '•� 2°, '� � obligattons secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if ao aaxlerarion had occumad.I{oaever.tt�is right w zeinstate sBall ��_-_------ --
<br /> . � ;:,',-.. :. �'; not apply in the case of zoceleration under paragrapb 17. --- —
<br /> ! ��.;£.., �, . �. 19. Sale uT Not�Changr ot I.o�SeavFoer. 7tie N�te or a pattial interest in the Note(togeiher with tbis Securnty ��"'� -
<br /> .� ,».r;:,, �� _
<br />_+�-:; . '�'•I"�;`;;`:F Instnament)may be sotd orie or�no�ci��ithout prior uflriee to BoMOwe4.A sale may result in a chauge in the entity(krtown , �- -.-
<br /> --. • �r' "�•� �:'�:'` • as the'iJoan Servicer')that collec[s m.onthly payn[ents due uader the Note and th�s Secv►ity tnstrument.�4rere atso'may be one =---
<br /> . �t'�' � � or rrtore citanges of the Loan Servicsruntelated tu a s�1e of the Naie.if there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrnwer wiq be __--
<br /> � � given w•ritteh natire of the change in nccardance with paragraph 14 atrove and a�plicablc law.The notice will state the hame�nd , �'-.4___ ___._.
<br /> ; ,. .' address af the new t.oan Service�pnd the address tn whic�Qayments shauld be made.The nntice will also oontain arry ather •6,�-;.-:-..��-
<br /> . �,.,
<br /> '�; ,. infarmatiun required 6y appficabte law. . : . 4-�..,
<br /> � - . , ' 20. �n�ss SubsWitres. gonow�t st►all not cause ar pennit th�presence.usc.disposaJ,stosage,or retease of..aary ��.==;==
<br /> -� _ .,, . ,.,�..;�.,, . . �lr.:_:�.r-.
<br /> r,^�, - Hazsqrdnus�-Substansxs�on or irr ihc Pcoperty. Borruwer �ait n�t do.na�r allow anyane ctse-to-da,�an ag affectin� tho � -
<br /> f9�:' 1 1 t,y:., . .. r�,t! r
<br /> Yx ��.. Property that is in viotatinn of any Emironrt�ntal I.aw.The preoedi�g tvso sentences sha11 not apply tv pmsence.use.mr �.�
<br /> - �4.(,,a j;� � . - storage on the Property nf smali yt►antities of Hazardous 5ubstanres that are gerceeralty reiogiured to be apgmpriate to nom�al .rt;t,r�'�j;__
<br /> ra!
<br /> �' cesideatial usrs and ta mainteronce of the Pcaperty. '�;�
<br /> '' .•. Eorrower s1w11 promptly gice Lender written nnace of any imesdgation.ctaim. demanA,tawsuit or other action by any 5 ,� �, -
<br /> . .....:..... . .. . ... 4 at_i 1
<br />- - govemmenral or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pro�serty and eny Harardaus Su�tanse os F�vironmental Law •.�..-.;,.:.,=.
<br /> � � �� of which Borrower has ac[ual[mowledge_ if BorroR�r[eams.or is rrotified by any govemmentaf ar regulatory authority.that °•.'-;j;�.�<'�'j
<br /> ' -= any removal or other remediation of any Hazar�dous Suhstarooe affectiRg�e Property is necessary.Bonrower shall prompily taL'e ;:,..
<br /> ; .. :. - ail rtecessary rzmedial actions in acooTdance with Environnoental law. � :�;s-•;••'
<br /> '�; . AS used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardaas 5ubstam�s'an thase su�sstances defiaed as touc or hazas�daus s�l�stattces by "�•f;;k. ?:_
<br /> :- � � : Fnv�rr�nmental Law and the foltowing su6stances: gasolime. keros�, oticer flamma6le or toxic petroleum prnt{urts. to�c •,:.'r;;. .
<br /> ' �'"�� nesticides and her�icides,colatile soh�ents,materials containiag as6es3as oa farmatdehyde,and radioactive materia2s::11s used in ,: '��- •�.•-J
<br /> .`'::;• � :`?�' ' thi��paragraPh 20. 'Emiranmental Laa" means federal taas and taks oF the jurisdiction where the Pro�serty is tocated that y� .,.�,•;'".. ` '`:
<br />�_y.;�_ `y
<br /> �i�V �' �°�+ �� '����
<br />=:ti.,3} . ':•;;.� relate to health.5�@iJ/OtCi1VIfOJIfIK'tlt3�pTOifCtIOO. •t"ir.�-s,.:,..'
<br /> = . .:�:':r i NON-UMFORM COVEi�Al�1TS.Bonowes ar�d Ixmct�r further covertant and agres as fallows: ��Y��?�i�':'�.;;°
<br /> , " . 21.Acceleration;Reanedics..Lemder s6a1!_gire uat3ve.to Berrocser prfor to accelera8oa foIIowing Borro��•s 6reac6 �;,,;;N;, , , .
<br /> �::�'� f r^.-.. . . :;:�.�':;r.�";', ; .
<br /> ,,.,.;; .. , ,. ., , of any covenant or agreeme�t in this 5ca�rits lnstrameaii (Du! nat pr�or to acceteratfon ura3ear paragrap6 17 anle� • ,.. •,
<br /> :` •�� • ��" '��-''�," ' a lirable Iaw ro�ides otAenrise 'i'he r�i�re s�afl s it�. a)the default• )the actton �7 to cune the de8as� �`�-'` ','
<br /> • <�;.:,;::;� ; >;,j;,t, K ; . PP P )• Pe� �' ( , (b � '�. . .,ti
<br />_,�•.�-, ?J:�•.{:�•:rr;�;,;. `' �.�:e::' • (c)a date. noi less than 30 days from ttrr da4e thr naa+�ce is gitien to Borro�rer,by which t�ie de�aWi must be cured;and ;. ;�;�'•
<br /> ;;�,:., .r;,•.. • (d)t6a1 tailan to ca�re the default on or be�oTe tta�.dlQi�t2 s�eciifed tn the not3ce may resvlt in ametefation�t;the surr� :��'��r` �
<br /> � 4;f%'''; Sr��ared b�r this S�cmity instrument and sale of tbe•�perty. 7'he no3ise shall iurlher inform Borro�er ai3+t�e a�gh't to �'. .• :° ' ���'
<br /> . ' s+ei�,�nte after asce�evation and the �ight to 6rinb�ea�rt action to assert the non�xtstence of a defacr�i:i►i�md aifier ,•,„-,:.,,_.����`
<br />- rl��ei�=e oY Bn���ve�to aeceieratton antD sate. If t6e=cn�iu�t is rnot cm�ct on or before the date speci�i�•��ttl�e�,a�`�',�r,. �
<br /> �� �, � y �v �y y -�y �'„r„ . ,:��;
<br />- �� tit 9'�s nn,ma uire immediate �iR �ul'D ri°aU sucns secured 6 this Secun Instt�eut�pc�� ' , ;:
<br /> -. : . .. � ,,�f� f�tss3fft�r:dess�an�A:sutO map invoke the po�rer of sale atidr am��o3hgi,q�e�dtes permitted by applicable taw.l:�isIIl�si1�.'�� :-.' . •.�:- ,�;-
<br /> e�AeG��Eo coltect ail expensec i►ncurred in parsuinb E�e�edies provided in thts paragraph 21,including.ibmat aot fimiteil � � °��= - -
<br /> ; • '� ta,Fe�asona6le attorncys'Pe�s siT►d costs of title ecideg:�.'.. � � �• +:'•°�:'`�''
<br /> !; IY the po�ver o8 sa�t..'i��insaked,Trustee shal�seoi�rd a notice of default in each munty in�c��y�part of the • :.'��_#:�,��t;_.•
<br /> � � ' :i;'}{. Prope�ty ts tocated and s7ra3�'mail copies o�P s�cb natite in thc manner prescribed by applicablz�4���,e�l�u:?�tiaer and to � .`',,:;;,�;>:f�•,,. :�
<br /> � •��° -'��A the other persoas prescribed by appl3cab�¢Faw.Atter tt�e time required by applicable la�v,Trme��e�trlb:�,tie public notice � ' . '���,;�`:;�'r;'',',�-
<br /> • ,v�. . .:'�:;�,ti�,.:��f�;�;
<br /> r;�����i>>�`��' - oYsate to the pe�sons and in the manner pr�cribed fi�•applica6le law.Trustee,�r•ithout demarisx;ort.F��a•er,shap seil .•.;r;���.s:;�jtt��-,�•:
<br /> � .� ;; :y.;'� ;,:�,. �e�roperty at public aaction to the high�s!bidder 2�:t¢�+t time and place and under the terms destgns`.��<�e notice at � ,`�;�?::(;}t„'.1.;+�ti.
<br /> • 't��,;;-,_� �in one or more parcels and in any order Trust�e df�p[r�amines. Trustcc may poslpone sate of all or���ce1 oY the • ;•.``.;',;;;a;;r�;;r?�.�:;.
<br /> - 1• ,;:�'�.f.�;, • ` Prope�ly by publ�c annourtcement at the time and'p7�rt�e c,Y any previously uheduled sate. I.ender or�tt:��d:�r„nee may '",".,;:`:j�,�.,,,,��,,�:.:
<br /> . • purchas�eG'}neFcoperty at any sale. ,• ;',, ,,;...,.c.,.,,,:r,,.
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