� � ..'�°'�E� [ � : 1 : 1 t �'`��
<br /> � }",�-_lsr_ - Lriit��.�.s_..�i°����:`_�^'�L�`'E'Sa vY`� "�^-�'. � _ -_' . ... -__ ' .. F - _—_. .
<br /> -� - r"4'��Z�- w� . 'Tc'���R e,r.l j � ! u� T� I I...,.. _.��'..", ..,�_. .. �l.r ik`� � _ _
<br /> f �6 s.�:
<br /> ��..., �_tY �c^ `� 1.,�.�:na.�,�]Y„� . `' .. , . ( . ' �1.;.,� _ _ '
<br /> _ .:� ��.;,� _ . - - -- - - -- - . - � ���:����.. - - - - --- - .� - ---
<br /> ... � .;...:�:..: _. . . . . .� . =.: ., . _ ..,
<br /> � _ �,�,� � -, ; . :: } � . � . . ; , . .. . .. . ..
<br /> ��,a,� payra�tts�ray ast langet ir��ire�t,st the ogtiQn of i.e�i�t if ato�te�a�a It�uranca.savete�e(i�?tke,�o:t�i�3€Mt t� r���; __ - -
<br /> �
<br /> —_-- — --.: • � ft12t L+CII�GP 'IfQiiif'CS)PIOVI�{ay 8I1 iT,SQ[�1'.S�jfi�fYCt��Y I.�:S.�$8�bC�IIt�,4�S!fl3�3�l�B�O L�0�:,€3ar�aRrcF sh�ivajr:.,.,, � ;t;-�
<br />—_-�_:$���,,,� ttts prer�iuims r�qi�ired tv m.�ni�iuratar4a,�eanss�m�ia�ffcct�or to prdirtde a loss r.�ave.utm'I the;equii+e�itt gri�h�prtgage.,. :�.
<br /> - — ' ' insutance ends in�car�dts�se Ni''u�i sny,written agre�me�,t 6etwc�n��oTmwer ssn�Le�o�s�lIcable ta�v. ? ' � �. ' ,
<br /> ,,,,.
<br /> --_ = 4.Ia4pe�ttm5,Ler�der or its agent�may make reasonabf�euvi�s dpon and�ns of t1�e Pmpeft�!.Len�€er slsaif give .
<br /> - - -- •�� ,Borrowea�oda.�i t��cime of or prior w an iasp�tion sgecifs�ing reasanable cac�se for�lnspeCiion. . `_ . �: � : ,
<br />� v- - ' 10.�Cu�4�'s.Th�Proceeds of any�wtmd�or ctaiin fnr da�nages.�irect,pr rorrsEquentia�;�in aon�ion.with say.. � ',
<br /> -g�v � .F , ou�Qgmnatfa»03 ot�i�u ta&ing of cu►y pa�t�F[he Propesty,ar for conveyance in Ueu'of wn�e�nat�on.ate t�erzby asslgne,d,ead _
<br />� ;��:�v���T< ' s6a1#6epaisl W Lend�x. � . '�
<br /> � >`��=4�.�'y'�� ' ' I»t1�evcau af�tntal taking�f the Prap�ty�the ptu�s&l13U,be applied.Eo the stams se�uled�y�3 S�ity,?natn�me�+* __
<br /> ,
<br />-���:,''""r"`�, ,:���``i:+"* . whei�er or not thsa dae.svitt�.�y excess p�id ta Harrower. In t�he eve�t af a partial�of the L�mperty in whi�the fair' ---_--
<br /> �•����;��'��;''`��.s:, maricet vaI�e of tt�e Pmperty immediately before the taking is eqiFal w or gi+eater tban thx�r�nt of tBe silms§m�red by t�is.°• ..: .
<br /> -•; sa�
<br />_ � ..�'�'.�����;� �urlqr�immediately befo�the taking,un2ess Borrotiver a�LQadea ot&ernris�a�in writ�ng,the sums'sec�ued Dy
<br /> , ..,-,.:,,. .
<br /> �-�;� � this Sxurity Irrsunrasnt shall be reduoad hy ttce amouat of the prnozec)s muttiplied by t�e follotiving fc�c�io�:'(3)�tiz tatal
<br /> . J+.'�iyT:'" . -
<br /> - ,•: , attmnat of the sums secvnd immadfately 6efor�e the ta�ng,divided by(b)the fair markei value of ti�Pm�perty immadiately
<br /> - �� - '��� hefore the tatning.�iny balance sDall 6e paid to Eomowea. In the event of a p�tial mking of the Pmpe�ty in cvhich the fair
<br /> �<dJ:�,:��_: �„ � ,
<br /> - '��"'r`•=���;, ' ma�Icet value af the Property immediatety Ue�or�di�taki�g is tess than the aawunt of tiie Eums secured immzdiatety ir�fore the
<br /> _ ¢ :r r,.,.. ,.
<br /> ,. ..-.,,. -� <
<br /> 3r.;t;,;..;.,C�:`5:..� . ra�dng,unless Bormwer aad I.ender oiher.w�is�ag�iir.�ifing or uuless applicable laav oth�rwiss provides.the pmceeds shall:� ��. '
<br /> - �', �:;�,t�; ".;=' , 6e applied w the sums securest isy tbi��uxiiy�Tirsttum�w�tlter or noi the snms ate tE�a due. .' ' . ',':
<br />__ ':{?`� :. ��y"�l`•.� If dt2 Prop�t;rty'is abazidt�lled by HOi7owet,•p�if.
<br /> ,,.:,, •. r a�tei nodce by i.ender to Borinurer.i6�t ih�cot►�umur offets t��make an
<br />- -•- �`5���;:_,^� a�vazd or..settle a ctaim for fails to ond w Lender wit83ri 3Q�d'a�s.a{�t�ne datie tfie a�tice is v --
<br /> .�, � daiaages.Barrawer.. tesg y gi e�s,.
<br /> � `!%,,:�r,:: ��% lander;f�autfrarized m eaolleet and apgly the pmcceds;at its aptic►n,either to testnratinn orregait af We Propecisr ar ca f$e swns =____=-=- ----- _
<br />- +,- . '� . ';' "�` S������y rn.�cn��e�,r.�.vhetttet ar ttot thea due. , � . . --------
<br /> . • .
<br /> ;;.:. ---
<br /> �. .. _ , �
<br /> . y . .
<br /> �- . . - y� U�L.eu+der aad t3orrower tftec�w�se wn �ds r�n or
<br /> . :.;
<br /> . �_.._.._,�:{r'.�{�-
<br /> ys;,:ix, ...,,;t�: :�i, 4 _. ... ._ �scgonexhe�ue-date.afth�mos�rliiy.payments�ferred�o.in _ unt.cofp u� --
<br /> ... u�t .. g.an �• � . not extead
<br /> . . in 'n Y aPP2icatiott a. � ' to p
<br /> F,�.,. � ... � , �'�Phs..l.and2.o��esheamo �:_. .---�-----------._
<br /> �+"``,''�` ` ., ' ' �• ' 11.�ommar¢c N o t ReIeas2�;��a�e a,r�t�By L e n d�N o f a Wa6ue�E x t e n s io n of t h e t i m e for payme,nt or modificatic�in —
<br /> : ' ' ,``'i:;� of amartizatton ar*the snms secured by ti�s,�g:urity Instniment graiu��Sy Leuder to aay successor in interest of Eormwer�3haIE
<br /> � . , . not operate to release the Gability of the origuial Borrower or Bonawer's suao�sors in interest. I:ender shall not be reguire�.cd � —
<br /> .. �,.1,_,:�:..,-:::...,::��� oommence pmceedings against auy successor in interest os refiue w eaeend time for payrtient or otherwise modify amortvation —_�
<br /> � ���� �� � nf the sums secured by Q►is Security Ins�iument by reasan of a�r demand made by th� original Borrower or Boiiower's
<br /> . .:•,,' ..= .,.:': : �
<br /> = � � . `' � successors in intenst.Any forhearance t�w._fi�;er,der in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclttde the
<br /> ;:=
<br /> ',�..�:.`:_�:`, `.,.; exercise of any ert�ht or remedy. ; ` � ,�, , _•
<br />�,r�, .' ;,�;�� sl,F.ti lZ.5pc�s arid As�ars�o�$.�a�t and Severa!Uab��°:�o�fi�m.�ers '�'he covenants and agr+eeements of th%� '
<br /> � g eme �
<br /> i%�r !;,ri.,,.J, z ..�, ' i ��
<br /> ;f,°: ���� Tn t shalf b' ,�r�.bensf�f� uccessoas d o�I.ende�a�,�'ffiorrower, sub"ect fo the rovisions of
<br />�=�• {�k. ��� ,.J �� �� '�, . '�•'�':s � �S� �.. • J P •�� t:;;
<br /> Y,�' y. F�i�+�;.r�.r _., r. ' ;
<br /> �� .� �,
<br /> ��. �prrbwer's ��a.-its and agreements �k�U;.�se joint and several:F,�xrv�Borrower who co-signs this Security i�� f �; . ;;;
<br />=-�y '.�'j�`��y • ., I t i�f i i i,����a�'t.?:3��s not execute the Note:.(a l is ca�-s"i�%��j�1is Securi ty Inswment onl y to mort ga ge, g r a nt and conve y tYi�t . ::,,'. �wr:
<br />'� - Borroa�r's,��d�in the Property under the ierms of this�ecurity Insar�ment;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sttra��;:'.`� �"•
<br /> -�. _ �.`'�_��.'... secured by tiiis:�rity Instrument;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any oeiier Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear�r.='� �� '���E•?;�:
<br /> .. � make any accoriimodations with negard to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. .�`�:
<br /> . e. �.
<br />' ,_ • _ 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured bv this Security instrument is subject to a law which sets maximam�loan charges. , •
<br /> ` • � and that taw is,��alty interpreted so that the interest or other loan char�eF coltected or to 6e colletted in cannection with the ,. : ; :+-
<br /> -• , ,; .
<br /> y,� -� . : � , loan exceed Lse ya�.litted limits.then:(a)any such toan charge shal!t+;�.!�a39y��by the amount necessary to rednce the chaa�e�, . � � �;..���
<br /> _> �`� .: • � to ehe pesmitf�.r���:and(b)any surtu already collected from Borrar.;�a�,;�i'yi�i���ceeded permitted limiu will be r�efunded ta:: .� . • :�-�.��
<br /> :�J �, • . ' Horrower. l.en��i..?'say chonse,to make this refund by reducing the g�r��1�.a�:�-,s���under the Note or by making a direct " .� �' '—��= —
<br /> 1 f �,. . . •.,• �-��*-�at to Bp*�i�er. If�'cei:�nd reduces principal. t�e reduction will be tc..-+�^,�Jf�� .as a partial prepayment without any . ��;�;f�¢},.: —
<br /> .,;� '`��;"�'`� �" iPi'��:y+��.�t c,ts�.�',:v.nder,the':Y�o+�:: . �•..�` ' .,,: . . , �., =-
<br /> � � ' ����'�l•.
<br />-r?,, --• �` .---� � ':':i1�:l�iot��.;r�ry notice to Borrower provided far in this Scturity Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar 6y maiT�i���� �:;. • ;�._:__4_,���_
<br />�:;f . ' `;� �� 'i��y fint class��e�:vnless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property AQ�'a�.,:•�� ' . =--_--
<br /> _ . ., , cr.��wy ather adar�s Borrower designates by notice to i,ender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by first class maf{�r��'`� ' . -;','�.::;,�.�.y.
<br /> - • , � �. � f�{n�address state�herein or any other address Lendcr designates by notice to Bonower.Any notice pro�v�ai.�.for in this � ���r. ` . . -
<br /> Q �..( , ..� ,�... �. .�"
<br /> - � , � �41�Q�L1'�yf[nstrument sha116e deemed to have 6een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this p2r�,�h. � .� ;�u�: .��� �
<br />= """'-� . '�"` � li.e.�St�v-�� l.aw; Severability. 7'.+.;'ss Security Instrument sti:�t•�be govemed by fede�,3�.-.qs�tu� and�t;i�E !aw ofthe;. . •�
<br /> r �f. , '�f'. � . • .,. .. . - `•; •. . _
<br /> ° ;icnq�:���ktin,;F��7�:,�r."ii� Property is IocaWd�.t�r the event that�ny pnTw•��,�a�or clause uP this Sa.ti�3�-CiZStrument br the Nst9:,'
<br /> ,.
<br /> =�,t:, • , ' � ` :�uuJ9��.y t��:�Yn���I�ta;1��Sxw.usch conilict st.:r:i"not affect ather provi;i�s,,r,,;:x'�p115 S�+a).iri]!y�fl5li11111G��C b"r the Not�;sxi�ich can!,^�::. •� , . . . .
<br /> ��
<br />� 4i: . .. . . • . . . . ,
<br /> � . . •. i�',npT;�;��rs��i A't1."�r�;;a,�.�;s1�sU�jifiaa?n�provision. To this end the provisio2� aft?�:s�r:�a:v-.�'��strument and the ruii:�.�i:declared ' • � � .
<br /> . . i4:ihe y:as�.a?�3e:� . . . � ; �
<br />;=�1: `.}; ''i�:;�orm��4�.var._r-Co{iy,IIarrower shall be given ane confarmed a?�r�x'�i?�;Nott and of this S�ah�ty lnstruirii�:�sis.:. � ' ;•:A,;�;�y�,,,�,'
<br />;t�,r, . � ' �: �'. : � �, ," Fe�e 3028 9/�0 , � �� ��lf�r���4`,
<br /> s�l`f� • . . vase�c.�r�� . • . �i.., . � •, i`f�tj5'
<br /> tf�, '.f��r'iAl��i1'., • ,1 . - , - , � J' , -5:.f
<br /> �, ,,2,y�,�„ . . , � ' ,.,� , � , . .
<br />.t4J ��f {tt;`��j� . , i . ��`'�., '.` . , .. : . .. ;,�.. „ � . ....� .
<br />�:j.r` r' . �t . . . . , . . •r r: . . . , • � �i_
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<br /> � � , �� ,;ay,c,,���r,r�, �� . . , ,�.<-��.,�
<br /> � '�' , �„r• t•., ,��,�r�sal, . , • E• � . ,
<br /> , • . • .1,;,��q�,�tir ,,,. ,,
<br /> '� . , . . I1n,;`..r��;,ti .;, t;.
<br /> �` . ,. � . - � ' - ' . '� ' ' a' '�'1!!}�t';i•.. . ,}'` . . - - • - . .
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