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<br /> ' _.W'��} �-� t ' 4 y o�' Y'4c`K�1� .r• ��� . . -- " [. . . . .
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<br /> � :
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<br /> r ___ ..
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<br /> ... ...
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<br /> , ,...; • -- _ __- _— - - ----- --
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<br /> � . ��
<br /> � .:f3.� �._ �.._, �.iRS� k=4`.
<br /> z � � . • . . . . _
<br /> 'M-'—.y�.t-�`� --"� •,�- .. Q� bC ' �Ilm ������� . : , . � ���R�;:a� .. _�_ -_----
<br /> �-�1 �c 9 :•_ ,. .._. ei�ii ����5.� .. ��� kSi�. .. , ' _--
<br /> �ca�w.a$ 1,�3 T�`,. . . � . .. . � ` � � � � . � �nY.pa�4 a�f the� --qs�n3r�?e�.ss ire is
<br /> ���'� . 17.�itaza���atsY�&'4� �y�r���f�1$������+�'.Ifaltcr � ' ------- -_.____ ___
<br /> ,
<br /> ----_— . ,is sq�ar�t�i�£o b���CSial iuterest�l�csca�v�r a���oa uo�r�a�d Bo��er is�eot�nat�9 pwr�n)c+'st�aat . • .
<br /> -- --- ---- . I�e�'s p7iar u�it�n can�, l�ffier may.'s��.o�6aa, �3s� im�e.paym�nt �n ft�l1 af a11 s�s� !,y lhis �
<br /> - - --- -- � 5�►rity�n3:i�awever;t�is optioa shafi u�t `�.�"`�x��sp I�emfer if exerci�e_is p�&Ibited by fc�cr�!E��r�oY'e�rs datc , '�
<br />-_ --------_= of t�a��eaa�aty�.�sEtivaten� • , , . , . .
<br />— i Ef I�4�s�cercises this option,Lettder shali give Barma�r ctati�of aooele�tion.�croti�ahell prmlrc�:a periaa-1 of uni r�, , .
<br /> �� �
<br /> _ .ti less tl�ats 3�d�s fmm th�ds►te th�aot�ee is cislive¢+ed or�ed withia w�icb Bomnwer mtiFt pay ai1 sua�s ac�e$dy tFris
<br /> ►
<br />-= Seaccity instru�nt.�f Barrawer faits tQ pay these sams prFos to the expiration of this period,Laader asay invoke r.ay�i�s
<br />-� �'�'��;`: ' '�_.:�.,;., pemritted 6y this So�ity Tnssrament�rithout Eu�tber�ottce or demaad on Bonnwer. . .
<br /> 0
<br /> , , �.? ����'�`>:: 18. �arr�er's Ri�ht�► RetasL92� If Borrot�ter meets ceitsin conditiaas, Bsmoc�er shal1 6ave ti� �I� ta 6ave
<br /> . '-�>::. ,�:'�•��;;�' �sforceatent of shis�Secviity.�rssW�ent dkoo�iuud at anq ti�prior to ti4e ea�iiet o� (a)S days(or sax�oi�:�riod as ------__-----
<br /> `Y`` "�`"' - Iicabte taw
<br /> . _ -� --
<br /> -,- -
<br /> .. a� maY SPe�dfY far ce�)�s3te`of the P'mpeafy t4 a�iy:pim�er of s�ao is _. _ ---
<br /> -�_ , - ..:;. S�,vrity Insnua�nt:or N)eaUY o£a jadgaicat enfotr.ing this Security Insorumea�se ound�►tioas tue th�t Bouour�:(a)QaYs '=`"' -- ------
<br /> ��::°� � �-` �" :. _. Leader all suas rxhich thea wa!�W�e due�ader this Security�nsunme�t and the 1►iote ms if nt►aoo�learatioa�lt�d oaur�d;(b)
<br /> ,�?j�::' `;.-�.:�' aues a�r def3ult of any other ooveaanis or.agr�ee�ents;(c)pays alI expeas�s incvmd in�f'o�rcing this S�curity Ias�a�eut. _ —
<br /> - -��- inctuding,6ut not Zimited w.reasonable attomeys'fees;.and.(�iakes snch at�ian�Lemder may reasn�rably req�ite to a�e --
<br />- =4'� �� ::'-:'; that tfle liea of tHis Ssauity r�nR�m��I.ender's righrs in the Prtspecty and Bonrower's obligation to p3y t�sums�unad by —
<br /> ��:�`:'' .•?.':Y;•;"r this Seauity Instrutaeat shal! coniimme��ged- ilpon re�tade� bp Bonower. this Secauity I�t aad the
<br /> ,f��'�.;:.:<;:,�.; .`%?;;. obiigatioa9 secared hereby shaU rimai;�faily ef�e�tive as if Qo aoc�Ieration had uavmed.Nocvevu.thi�rigbt tn reias�ate slrall
<br /> Y'_;.: , . - :::!,�, not appiy in t6e c�se of a�eeleraYion aa�r"paiagraph 17. . .. � -" � . ------_-----
<br /> �':• •'" -;� � 19 Sale of Not� Change of Loan Servtser. The Note or a parteal interest in tf�e Idote{m�ether�srith thi��Sec�uity =__— ------
<br /> �-: ,:. . �,`'�;� [c�trautent)�naY be snfd one or nmore times witicout prior notice w Sornu«er.A sa2e may�remlE in a dran�e in.tbe eniity(�
<br /> . . .:�,;>,. rsxYenme..* �BIgR
<br /> � .::'�f° as the'L,�n S�YVicer")that cniiects momWy gaymenis due nnder'the Note and t�is�i� ma�r lae oa�
<br /> or more c3�ges of fhe Leaa Seivicer umetated to a sale of the Note.If theie i,s�a cbange ef Ehe�oaa Scrvicer,Bormwer vu�1.6e --
<br /> ,. . :` :'° giveai weitten ttntioe o€the c�an�°e uz atooidance with pazagraph 14 above and agpC�cabfe tavsr.�6e notiae wc�I slate dte�ams and �vt,.�.
<br /> '. '�`<; . ��`�,= address af dse IIew Laan Servicer and the address to which payments.shontd 6e made.lhe untice w�atsa wn3a3a zary ether , �`"�:K� -
<br /> � __ —
<br />__., �" iafom�ation reguiced Esy agplirable Iaw. .
<br /> ���-�:F..
<br /> u.,- �",�°�` �.ID�a�ndaE►s gs�hstanccs.Borrower s6alL,ii�[:;�cause or permit the pcese�oe.use,dis�osal,�rr�; �r cet�of anY �`��"-
<br />-=•`�«: . " ..<"- -Hazazdous Substances-0a�or in the �roperty.�7dqi��¢'r,shalf.qsot-do,-aor-altow anyone�cQ dt%�; l�ing-a�f'ecY�ag the--�---._ _��:==-
<br /> �`' ! Propetey that is in viotation of any Eavimnmenta��C�i�_:'I�gc�ar`�eding two sentenaes s6ali u�t a�i}�t���pmser�:use.or. � ��,�� _ -
<br /> -�. a . . � ' storage on the Property of small quantities of Haz�a�ri!��515�,���xs that are generally reoo$��tu�j�;1i��Yopriate�to nomral —�
<br /> , z°� .:;. , , 1 � -
<br /> ; � ;.:;r{?` .... cesidential uses and to maintenance of 1he Property:,;::•::::.:r<:�',;;.,:, . : .� r�,� ,.
<br /> . ... •. Boirower stiall prompdy give Lender writt�ss'qr.ss::�`1oi�2ny'imrestigation,claim,demaad,faw�.�t�sher action by anyr �rra .�
<br />_ °� - gaveramental or regutatory agency or private par�;u�;61ving.the Property and any Hazardaus Su6staii6�`���nviconmentat Law ::',-- t;
<br /> '� . �':'.'',-' '' of whicE�Bonower has uctual knowledge.If Barr�c;rv�r leams,or is notified by any goveru�eqzal ar�re�tatory suthonity.that .�' •t
<br /> - .;'1�:,�i�`,. �' . any r+e�n�aa�or other rerRediation af�;ry Ha�ardons�ubstance affecting the Property is n��v;Borrutirrer shall pmmptly take Yx� -
<br /> ' "•' :'_t;;... � all ne��remedial a�tions in a000i�G�:uce with Envimnmental Law. ,;',:';:. , • ,�,��:','
<br /> = r��.�f-�; � , :; As.��.d in this paragraph 1A:."i'�azardous,�siances"are tf�ose substanars defined a5 C�xie or�;�'c�3ous snbstances by .. ��='�;t "•.
<br /> ' �- '� •, Enviromnental Law artd the following substa�:-'y�soline, keiosene, of�s;,f�anunable or mxie p�iilA.n�n prodvcts. toaic ��, �t •
<br /> .. , nf
<br /> t ` „:I� �•,�':pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,�als,4^�ntaining asbestos or fr3mm�Idehyde,and radioa�i�i�msi��rials.As used in �r;:ti�!`��" '
<br /> �f' ,;:5:�• t ; :•this pac�zFaph�20, "Envinnnmental�;aw" mez�i5:'fr�l;.�dral laws and laws of,a�,�e��rrisdiction where the kii3�scsty is le�tt;c4 thai .�';2 `'' �+"
<br /> ����r.�� reta;,�tw�li�lth.safety or environt�i,uil:�isotectia:,:�' � " : . ;, . . �<
<br /> i� •:.�li�d7MFORM COVENAI�t'i:S.-Qurrowee and Leades fni17�;�ov�nanL and agree�+�tt�iws: � • '., ' ,;• •. � '
<br /> ' : Yr : . . + .. �.:. .
<br /> � : 2�i�cceteratton;Remedtes.GaiW�er shall gtc�nmtice Ro•Ti�ir�r,vet prSsr to accelera4Evb folfowt��a.'ra��l�reach :•<r.�. •
<br /> 4'� of any ooveuant or agreement ia� ifiis Seturifs�issfrurugat"'ilbit!'nqt Jir to acceieration�mder•��r,a,grapb 17 anless • "���2;
<br /> i`� �.rr,,;
<br /> � applicable taw provides otherwiseD.77ie notice shall speciffj: +;:�P�'he�;@)the adion require�t�a cure the tlefauit; :�;���-�;
<br /> �• • (e)a da4e,not tess than 30 days i'rom the date the nottce is g�i�to Bo�:+a*,irer,6y whid�the dePault m�st be cured;and � "i'?�:•::•�r' '
<br /> �• _ " . (�that faiture to cune t6e def�:on or 6efore the date s�c�#3�'ed in the notice ma�+resvlt in sooeieration of t�e sumc . � �����=�, ' {.
<br /> ,-. • Secused 6 th3s Secari Iast t • .:(:`'-.;''�'- =-•-
<br /> q ty n�.�and sale of the Propert�. The nottce shall further iaform Borrower of tice�h!to r�,��,:
<br /> ., . . �����_>�,
<br /> ,. reir�stute aRer arceleratton acod tice right to 6rf� a rnuti9 a�tion to ascert the non-ex6'steace of a defaWt os.t¢�3�oiher ��,�'"
<br /> ' • defense ot Borrower:C'u.acceleration and sate. If the default is aot cured on or be�ore the date spec3fied i�t�fre�notice� ' :�v;,,�-•':,
<br /> • ' � Leader, at(t4 opda�ns:,ia�ay rcquite immedtate payQnent in full oY all sums setvred by this Secusitsr!4�'.]�rse�f withont � :� r.-��z`a,�
<br /> z
<br /> ` , turther demaad un�i5;�invoke the po�rer of sate and any other remedtes permittq�6y.applirabte'.�as,.��shall be • •.=�'��`_ ::
<br /> ;_ __; �._:,, .: entitled to oallect aU expenses dasur�in pursuing the reme�acs provlded•in ihis para,�h Zl,inctud;�ag,4��nntt�Imited - . .
<br /> �. to,reasonable attorneys'fees srmi�•cu.�of title evidence. . • � ' "
<br /> . ' If the po�rer oY sale is im���i�a�, Tnutee sdall recard:��jtice ot deYsult in ea.��m,�aty tn wNch any¢�i�t of the . ' '<,.; •: ;::i_-;,�.=::��N;:'
<br /> •- . ' PropeRy is located arld s4�a11 citait��ibpies ot such notice in the manner prescribed by'a�j�7i�ablp lar+r.pi�•Borrower and 4a , . '`� .�:�:.:,y�,.,`.
<br /> the other persort9 prc���ed Dy appficable Iaw.After the tlme required by applicable law,'1'rustee sIDis�i:�ive public notice • . '` ::.��t°;i�:-
<br /> � • o!sale to the persons an�tn the manner pmsctt6ed by applicabie lativ.Tnistee. Hitho�!demand d:c�rrower,shall sell ; ':�`�` , . ' '�7'''
<br /> '-:. -. ,. . the Property at publtc aaction to�highest bidder at the time and place and,under tdt�terms desigaated in the no8ce of • ::;�,;;;�;;,:.�' •.`• � .-
<br /> sate in�e or morn parcets aad ia LLmy order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpor�sale of aIS�r any pa�+Cel ollhe " . ,.� i'��;r��°}��'�t•;';;' �.,`�. •
<br /> , . ,��;r,.
<br /> : � ,��t�_��� , ProP�y"liyr�n61tc announcem�t�.,ut r�ce t�c�.w znd pface of any pre�•io�sslv 5cheduled safe. l.et��ar.�r iu d�ignEe may '`�. :" ;,:`,�;�jb;��n!j,; ,� `,';
<br /> r y , pnrcl�t ti�e��rtvtc`;��any sale. • �Y,r. , ,�• '�;�' '
<br /> �1� ;�., . �� ;il f"j_
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