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<br />-`—_—_ . � .'','�:-�;�t'P@'�Ei7�d��e' �OJf�1"f7�'�S 3� �!.Y+1$f.1IS��j07�IItCi1L�t�AW CJI15g1I�.t4T�I F►"�p�'�� .
<br />- --- " ". . .� '�059 �li@ �S� �' i�'�I�.B t�t�JDZ�frX�'�2�C6V �IIIZ{�.85 Q�ta1�782' "�ICIiT��B
<br />- - � Ft'mp�x�j�C� .'�'���'�r;G� �7► . ��'f"'�. �' � ,}4�,'►: . $� .
<br /> — ---- .:.fto�s�r"��;�`er whicb Leadei r�ires rnsura�t�*:�`i'hfs.Irsiusrt�e s�!]I 4�:�Ca%iita�9 ici the�P.��G€,,for!��'� ,
<br /> - -------------- . � ,�:[h3t�t re'�nir`�s.'�e insEnaracs carrle�p�o�diug Rits iasurer�.re sbstlk.$e c5,��ea bg:�zr�wer sai�ei:E:ei��n�'s appmiraf .
<br /> - - . wtwirh�hall�toa be dnreasonabiy;�lzEld:If Bo�w�r fails tu�ar,ze���boy�.�t,e�er�ay�aaz I�ader's �
<br /> iv_--p_� �ogtiocr.bfitsincaveragetoprotes�t`Rt�}i�er'sxigkts.�etIi��iapertyias�ar��rsru'��a*a�I��, , �� .; , , ,�
<br />_- -�_��_____�,- ' ° A�l jnsurance poiicies suid i�ewaEs stt3[3�ts��egtable tu Leader acr�sli�imcia�da s staadard mmr��e�tause. Lwtdex.;;;'��„�:;:
<br />�vs�a�e�;�,;. �La116mre the dghi w I�old tfie golides ahd r�ewaIs.��Lea+der rea�tIms Fr�n�suy 8i
<br />_ ��; , .P.orr��rst� ve;t�SL�ade�all�Sgapfs�
<br /> � , -_��.
<br /> � � ,��� • Paid pre�ums and renewai aotic�,.�Sa.tSte evenc af toss,?�6n+o�va�sHa19 give�sm�mpt aasice tn the.insuran�e ct#rr;CCirtiid Te°acder. �
<br />, --„�.�, �--.� .�; � , . I.�ni�'et,ii�y;i�Ce proof ofdoss�nar�de.pr�aat�sity Dy,�a�o�uer.. _ _ , _.. . . _....._. -- -
<br />�. - ' . ° "�Ti�3ess Ei�nder aud$a�wer c9ttermise ag�e in writing,i��e praa�eds shail fse appliad Lo restar�riaa or t�is of t$�
<br />- 'Prt��s•dt�mag�st,ef tfle.�iatoon or iegair.is ecanon�ir,alty f�as':Is2e ar�d Leatdea's security is not?essezr�.I�itte cest�rat3on or
<br /> u�
<br />- �ia aor�ouvmi�sity f�'bI�ar L�ader's s�uity.wou2�d he Ie,sscn�.the insutaace pt�icc�eds si�all he a�pl�ed to.t14e swsta
<br />- sec�tt�tD�tNi�.Seauity Lrsuu.*a��whethec ac aot t�sea due.witPt any raceess ga�d to B�onr�wea:.If Boimwer 8baas�ons.iks --
<br /> - Froge�2�:.Qr•dbes,aot ans�ver within 3S clsiys a rtotice f�om Leader that tite insurance cazsi�.t.has.offei�ta se[tte a ciaim,ihen
<br /> ' Lsad�*.maqs co!l�ct.tlte insu�aase g�oe�ds. lea�er may use ths pmceeds Go�gau as�stu�the L�ezty or to gay sums
<br /> .x � y • secu��Ety.ttiis S�.v�iiy Enstrument,whedtsr�r�the�due.The 3�day�ia�w7f begIn cdhsn the aoce2e is given.
<br />_ - �-I;�.�'•, : Uuicss L�ender a��aaower athernise a�r�in writing+anY app�ra�T�,*a of p�eeeds ta Pn�mh s}tafl nat e�end or
<br /> � d � � postpan�ttie due d�tt of fhe mom�iY Paym�ans refemed tQ in�phs 1�`and 2 or chan�e the�or�of the Ra.ymems.�
<br /> - utl¢��►`P�uragraAb 2�thz Piopeity is acqufred by ixnder,�orrm�'.9 tight to any insurance palicies an��racceds�taY'�e imm
<br />= �r..:-,. •.:..,:� ' damaga to tfia Ptngs:ity ptitir to the acqnisition shall pass to L�d�r'ta tiae eatent of the sums secured by tLis SecaritJo�at
<br /> . . --------.....
<br /> - s';,�'�K.•. '.;� irmn2diatelyprioriot�t�aa►uis'stion. . • :, � ,;;;s;;;:� t;� �- '-
<br />�,,, ' �` ''-��;,':.;�:L� 6.t?o�pauty,Pr�se�vaSon,Maintenance and Psnteetdan of the Prnperfy;Borrower's Loan Apg'firation;LeB���is. ;
<br /> - < '�`s-_" Bonrowet'shall • .
<br /> --
<br />-�xti-.::-.-;�-, ;�-- oo�py.establish�aM use t6e Psapeny as Bomower s.principaD residett�,oyiUva.sixty day�after the ex�c�rt�.�' .
<br />� r {•.,.._• --�---�-�-��tHis S�ty Instrament and s1iAU ca�tutue to occupy the Ptoperty as Borrower's pnnca�t;:residemce for a!least ona�te�caRer �-...------
<br /> �'�. �'``".. ; the d�t�af acc�pancy,untess Lcnys�er�athe�wise agrees in writIng, which consent shaU tr+�i��nnrea.SOnably withheld.oi antess ,. _---
<br /> ,4� � ':. .�.•.�d�� �___
<br /> ��:►,"�"�� ,:'::.`.> .,. '�.:"� ,., �er.�senu�tin$ cirrumstances exist which are beyond Bormwer's ooatml. E�arower shall�aut d�stroy�_.damage or impair the : `�
<br /> .!� . ��...
<br /> � °"��s � : ,,�, ,Property;allow dle�_�operty to deterioiate,oi a►minit waste on the Pro�aes�}�. Borrower shall be in�'qult if siry forfeiture;
<br /> _ �.
<br /> ., adion•prpmeeediiYg;`svhether civil ar criminal.is begun that in Lender's good fat�h jadgmcnt coulil�t�t in forfeitwe of the
<br /> - Proprcty�afatherwia�matesialty impair the li�n created�y this Security Insdument or Lender's security"imerest.Borrower may - -
<br /> , `:�-': :.: cuie suri`�;ri�defafiilt and neinstate.as provided in paragraph i$;:tiy.t�vsing the action or prooeeding to 6e dismissed cvith a ruling ----
<br /> , that� in i.enQes s ga�r#,taith detemnna�ian.p�beules forfeitc�a$the,Fcrcpwer's interest in the Ptop2rty or other material --
<br /> - • �� �`°�� impairmeat of th�i�R�n•�reated by this�ecurity Ynswment or l.ender'��f�tisy interest. Borrower sbml}'alao be in defanit if �'''� _-
<br /> t.:;.:',• -----
<br /> • '. '' � Borrower,during tli�ipan a�►plication process:gave�riaterially false or Ynsioalra�information or statect�nts to Lender(or failet� � ;�•• ---
<br /> . . . �p
<br /> � -.. ' to pro�•id�,°.Lender with a.hy ma�t�r,.fd.�information)in oonnection,wi;h the���it�-;�iidenced hy,the Nute,instuding,bnt ant liauted � �
<br /> .,,,.;.: ,`;'tq;t;.`��' to.r��senlations�oonceming B�+m�4s��er's occupancy of the Pr���as:��ari:!i�ipa!ress�a�:di this 5e�urity Instnu���k��on a �� _ `��.
<br /> Instnu�
<br /> . , ��'�,r�-• � leasehdl' Borrower.� . , , . '' �..
<br /> �. . �'1; sball comply Wtth al{ tho provisions o�'.xl�'•i�:�:;L�.']r�"rrower acgziiies fee titje�p ths Prop�+iy,the ,. ,.x '�
<br /> _,- . � .�:.� ; feasehald and the fe�ti�shali not merge untess�Lrnd�r agroes ta t���e r�erY W u:i�wri[ing. ...:r _ . � , . ------�—.`r�_�:
<br /> . � .-? • 7.Profection of Eender's Rights in the Propxrty.If Barrower fa.4�us p�rfarm the covena��u arnc3 a;�reemenis oontained in � ,, ,� � ��`�,° -
<br /> � ' this Se�urity Instrument: or there is a(egal prom.eding that mav s�.,�rvf*..�,zt1y affect I.endei s rights in Ne Ptoperty(such•ag a �f fi:
<br /> _ ' ' �.. : :.' procees�i�in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or,forfe���.Cr,ao enforce laws or regulatior�),then Lendet may db and ���t"�� '� ��
<br /> .. �:;�.- �. _
<br /> . � • � pay faT��iatever is necessary to protect'the valae af�the Prug�y�aad.A.,�e-�,.der's rights in the Property. Lender's�ctions may � ' "� ._,_
<br /> , �� ,,�;,,_.
<br /> ; � . • inctude p�ayir.�;sn}�;��:ms secured by a lien which has priority over .dsis��Security Instrumen� ap�rarinS in court. PaYinS . �3'��
<br /> ,' ` ,. . . • reasonabf�a:tss�.iz+�.'.t;�s and entering on the Property to make repair�.Aitii+�ugh l.endet may take action under this paragraph � -� ''�'°`:;�£`�
<br /> � . , � T,Lxnd:z�is�z•3�ey°t to do so. ' ,
<br /> i ' �%" ��- '• A� ain�tt�rt�il�shurse�!bs:,�.*t¢er under this paragreph 7 shafl become additio::�l,debt af Borrower secured by this • `'.-�=-
<br /> .:.f-+r���. - - �` ' ` � ,�„'. _
<br /> •� `� ,�:��;;'.��������y.�.; . Securit��:xn�rt��s::LnIess Sw�+�W�and Lender agree ta othcr tcrms of payment.these�ounts shall bear interest from the •:::;. :>' ,.,;: :; .;,
<br /> .��.�yt�,
<br /> _�f �������,;" `�.;.•� date of disin:rs�inlrit�is�:�e Note tate and shall�be payable. with lnterest.,u�on notice from Lender�to $orrower requesting , _
<br /> ,. . . „ payment. . � ,;a:'�!�.�
<br /> '. �� S..D�nrtgage�ixsurance.if[.ender required'mortgage inwtanse as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Security ; �,. 'Y�.r�=<:=_=-
<br /> ' ' � � Instnrtn�*J:� Borrower shall pay the premiums requ;rod to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. /f, for any re��or�, the. `; ":� '°'° `�;'�-
<br /> • ' mo�tp,a;�e a�surance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums rey.pitra3,ta��,. ; . -
<br /> � obtain�+etage sabstantiaity equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalercc ta't�se: • . ��.,
<br />-��� :',' , cost to Sorrower of the mortgage insurance previausly in effect. from an aStemate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If : • '� -
<br /> -�..i ;�: . � • . . substantially equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bonower shatl pay to Lender each month a sum equal to : • � r-
<br /> `� ' -: �i one-tu:x;:th of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beifl�psid by Borroa•er when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased ta �,�� �
<br /> ,'?t�`>) �: � be iro cfii'�:t.Lender will ac t use and retain these a mer,�s;;s. a loss reserve in lieu of mort a e insurance. Loss reserve - .�-:�r` ` '�
<br /> ���•�� -`:���}�.. �P• P Y S S . i`- . - _
<br /> � ; ,,;..�? , :. •.. ,,cJ,;, ,•
<br /> ,
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<br /> �, r � , " PJgv3o16 . � - � �5�c it.
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