�e.. � r� .....:y,�, � -�. � r .y _ . �-
<br /> �[..;� � -��T '-T.....,,4 1' . rY�,a , `�ti � . �. �. -
<br /> � " `c a '. -�- - ��(A_s c . _ . . . . ~l --
<br /> �k''1" r ' . .- -
<br /> � : ��. t �
<br /> � r=, . ,i ' . � ; ,. •' ?� ,.._. ._ ,, . '.'... _ �.<.:,. �--� — -
<br /> ,F� � _ .(�h'i..Si✓ �3�.4,:6s'-zY`e` _ }CrJi���_1_v _ �v�YYb'jd�S��.0 " ___"_ "�" - -_ .—-�-_�.�.
<br /> :.n. � i. . . � .- .... � _.,. �..-�_-- - -�,�_ _
<br /> _ u_�;. _ ��._�....�, I.vr
<br /> .-a:i�� .
<br /> . - .)+ ' -.�_.-
<br /> -io. - - —Y"_z; ... :.� . . .. � � _ . . _ . ... _ . . .... . ... .. . _
<br /> � R ?��-1X'J1S�'�}tSY ___..._-_ - � _ _ . , ' ,.. � -. , _ _..' __ .��ry'- . t �� . � __-t _ . _-_
<br /> � '�`4 , ,•� TQt�ETt�€BR�'fi(�I.ail ct�irnpravetneats aaw o"r Qs�re�F�on t�e pmperty.annd a!1����Q�.and,' _ ----_
<br /> ����..�,� Sxtur�s uow ai h�eaRer a part of the property►. AlI replaoemeAts ttnQ t�i�ons shs31 also be oovet+� by this,S�ldtY� �_
<br /> - --�'—' Ins*rument.Alt of the faregain�is reFetrad to in this S�+uity I�strumen�as ihe°Pmge�y:" � . -
<br /> �;`� .�QR$OWER COYENANTS thnt Bomawer is lavr.t'ulfy seis�af the estate hereby canveycd anA has the right co g�unt ond -
<br /> _ �_=�`�-��.,;� oonvey tl�e Pr�ert�,r aad that 41e Fro3?crtY is uriencu�ted.ex�pt for eacuntbiances of re4o�. �orro�es tVSirmnts ansi will - - ==-
<br /> -°-�- ��;.����� defend get�l�y the titte to the PraperiY a�sinst al`I ctudms aad demanQs.stcbject to eny encumbranc�s of reoord. . ..
<br /> ��Y �� � �TH[S SECIJRITY INSFRl�1V1F1�I7'oombines uadti�tm covenants for natibnal use and nori-uniform covenants with limited � ' - _
<br /> �;�t��. ` a • �� '' variatians by jurisdistiacr'to cbnstitute a�wifor4n secuaet�r insuument coverin;real pmperty: . �s�.g,,���;,--_
<br /> ,'. ,� �.� ,`�` �IJNIFE9RIN COV��'k1.�1TS.Borrou�er and Lendes co�enant and a�cee as t'olto•,us: � - . . � `� �- ,�, _
<br /> �" . _ , --
<br /> � , , �� .. . . ... .
<br /> �� _.� ,� _.: � l. Fnyment of I�c1�a!and antet!�¢;Pe�+syffi�,nt and �.ate C�a:ges.Borra�ver sball pmmpUy p�y whcn due the =_.�L���-•��`---._:
<br /> z":�• 'j �• princip�al of and intetess on th�d'ebt evidenc�d 6y the Nate aad anY PrePayme�t and late ci�arges d�aad�r the Note. • �` <�K �- '�:_ a -
<br /> •'�•r��� .� � . J apPliwble tavr or to a written waiver 6 �.e�uter. Bomawer shal! a to .-:?-., `;��-��-.`�F�.
<br /> ,,r 2.Fnnds irtr TasFS and insnrauce.Su6'ect ta y P Y �; ` �'�,l�,�.a_.. .
<br /> �� . ,i Lender on tlie�fay acontiily payments are due artder the Note.until the Note is paid in fu1i.a sum('Funds")for.(a)yeast}t taaes r�. z � i;q �' -_
<br /> ' °t•�� - -�•�� .� and assessments which may attain prioriry oves this Sectuity Insuument as a tieo on the Property;(b)Yeariy leas�!►o!d paj�ats "� 1 a � � -
<br /> ,t . .,t,. .. � Frl Yw�
<br /> s�j• or gmnad te�s on t$e Pmperty.ii any:(c)Yearly harard or pmperty ins�uance premiums:(d?Yeariy fl�d insurance preminms. Mr _._.
<br /> ��f� � r�� ---
<br /> ��� j'- if any:(e)Yea�iY�ao�tgage iasarance premiums. if.any:aad(�anY sums�aYable by Borrawer to I.emder.in a000rdaace�vitb ' ���'�;-� ; ..�
<br /> , .?S-:',:�`�'��-=--
<br /> ���.;. � , .. tha pmvisiona of pa�agraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranoe premiums.These iteu�s are cal2ed°Escmw Items." -,.��;s-;=`y`.�:_-_
<br /> ,��� �, ' � Leader may,at any time.cottect and haid.FuAds.in an amount not to exceed the maximnm amount a Iender for a feQeralty - ' ". �.-�;. - -
<br /> -- �,. . related mortgage loan may crqui,re for Borrower's escm�v a000unt under the faderat Reat Fsfate Setdement Fracedures Act of :���':-�;:. , �' �°,�--�-_
<br /> _'•� � 1974 as amendEd frotn time to time. 12 C1.�:C.�Ction:�601 et seq.("RFSP,4"),.unlcs.s.another.taw that appiies to the Funds �` �i .� _--
<br /> � i'� ,�C,�(ac,,,.:._._-`
<br /> �� .- . : ,<'.'1"�,. . r'
<br /> . , r� seis a tes�amount.!f so. l�er iriag, at a� time�,.i�ltect and hotd Fund�.in ars amount noi:ln exre�d.Ute te�ser amount. , „ J:'< --.--
<br /> i
<br /> ` •A�':%'�',r �� Lender may:�imate the aamwu of Fuads due an.t�e�'6aais of cunent data and m,asonable estimates of.experiditures of future �"'•:-.�.
<br /> �
<br /> � ,, ` ; �scrow Iterii's or otherwise in accordance with applic�hle.taw. � : , :f,�j=}, �7;°>y,�C".
<br /> > . ; t.,, lr�}s� , .�,.
<br /> ; r��,� �i' The Funds shaU be held in an institutioa who�de}sosirs ate insurrd bg a.federal agency. instnune,ntatitX,ar ead�y `�,�,r�(, . ;y�,�k.�c
<br /> .�,,,..af�.�r�_ ._.:` .. ' . �`�`��nctadin Len�r.if Lender ts such an insritutian or in Faderal Home Loart 13anlc.t.ender s6afl _..1 the Pui�ds:tn _ the ��r5,,t , ��L���( ,�t`
<br /> �:. C. b. ). �' aPP:Y . i�Y r , -:;-, F � -
<br /> ����r... •.,�,, • 'J„��t';!°3;�,.��, �`f
<br /> =Y�.••'.� , Fscrow Items. Lender may aot charge Borrower,f+orhnfding and applYiaS the Funds.annually anatyziaa tit�escrov�ai�cnunt;or � f:�,e,�,;��Fi�-;�Y,,;�
<br /> e zia �f
<br /> . �.• :� i f �'�;';; '
<br /> ..f7;';";`; verifying the Escrow Items.unless IRnder pays Barro�v�ihik'n�ina the Funds and applicable�luw permits I�ender to make such ,�;-:;.�i;:;y;� ,��.� —
<br /> _ ....-a.. ..; - _E.�� `�.,,,�Y1.�)j�r,�--
<br /> -- a charge.However. Le�►der may require Bnrrawer.ta�i a one-time charge for an independert real estate taz re�wrting service �f.�� , � ,��,o,
<br /> , rt�ed by Lender in conn�ection with this l�s, unl�applicable law provid� othenvise. Unl�s an agreement is made or ' �''+', ��,�"
<br /> app}icable taw requims interest to be paid,lx�r.�xTralY imt 6e required to pay Borcower any interest or eamings on the Funds. �, � 4 �' t
<br /> s��'��" , � Borcower and Lender may agr�ee in writing,rhq���r�.that interest shall Be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Barrower. • .,F, . , ��"
<br /> .' � , �
<br /> �i:Inl,i
<br /> .;`' .' :,.;:;;'``'':°�;;.;t��+ without cha.s$e.an annual aooaunting oC`ilir_=`�-��3!;..,�howing crediis and debiu to the Fur�ds and the purpose for which each • •
<br /> ,.;•.._';� ,;. .}�£..
<br /> �',.;t;,. .,� ,: , •. . . . .
<br /> �,,'ur<<;{•,':... I�, ; debit to[he Funds was made.The Fw�ds;�e,p:��i�,additional sei.�urity for all sums secured 6y this Security InstrumenG '� � ;.
<br /> ��l��:�y�'`:';s�',����v , . If the Funds held bc Elender exceed tlie asc�;�rtL4�+armitted ta be hetd by applicabte law.[.ender shall acm�nt to Barrower �}�� - ° •�'Y�;.` -
<br /> �>+��t'�=�`{'���;;,�r,���''� ,;.for the exass Funds in aoourdance witb the requi.~g..,:.,,^�ncs of applicable law.If the arnount of the Funds hetdl�roy l.ender at any �:� • � '�
<br /> ,�,�� ��fLa, . : j. .. ,} ... .•.,•• c.r �. -
<br /> ,.... . . :,.„�;.t, „TY� ,rme is nnt sufRcient ta pay the Escrow Items when d•4a°.;Lender may so notify Borro�ver in writing,and.in suc�n ca+e Barrow�er �, • : „ . ,�,�^::
<br /> .,����,�f.� �'�sbal! � , . . •. ..
<br /> �y. ;dy�J� � pay.�em"I.eader the amount aeces.s�c��W make up the deficiea�:y_�orcower shall make up the deficiency in no raore ahan •, r;�j�y �� _
<br /> yt!(Jfi�'� � " _. ' -r,-� 1 Yn`rr ,. '
<br /> � �',,��,,�r�r �. `civetve monYhly pa}ments.at Lender's�►9�discreti�nl, ., " r",=:�� � s :
<br /> --�" � . , Upon pay�inenC in full of all suin.+secvied.a�-y'tJa�s Sc�carity bnstiument. T�t�er s6a11 p[omplly refdnd to Borrower a,ny` p': � ''=f j v s% '.
<br /> -- +��
<br /> ,. . l�• ;;,,�;
<br /> ' ' ',. Funds held 6y Lender.Ii under paragraph 2!.I.�;9�r_�Y�aik acquire or setl the���PCCy.Lender,priar to the acquisition or sate � • -,�y
<br /> �;�.;, '. .. .., 1, . .. . y+- .. i1:115 `�Y � .:jfj�.'.if �f .
<br /> •�.. , . • of the Property,sha11 apply any Fundc held by I.en� af the time af acquisition or safe as a credit against the sumc secured b� ;,..,;,;;, .:'. ,,,, ,„
<br /> ;,: - .. this Security Instrument. . %''�, ` :�":i.. '���'�
<br /> �'.:.�' ` . . •,'r:`'' . ��i.:'��
<br /> °_� 3.Application of Peyments.Unless applicable law pro�ides othencise.all payments r��ccived by l.ender under paragca� �:..,.� ., a. ,.`i•� :�',-_
<br /> ;r-..`:;':.. �": r ,'���.
<br /> T� . :' � :' I .�.� ':%�� �, � .
<br /> �'�'��,,,,:,_, , 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepaymcnt cf�irges due undcr the Notc: sccond,ta a�nnuntc payable under paragrap�a�.: ' �f,:-%,� ��� -
<br /> ,t. ,. :< r f.n!�'•°
<br /> � t����r third,to interest due:fourth,to prinripal due:and lavt:to any late charees dae under the Nc�te. ��� .� ,;:.
<br /> � '� �'f r�� �.C6a Liens.Borrawer s6a11 a all taaes,asscssments,char es,fines and im ositions attributable to the Pro .0� ' �-t'�' ,'''�" �•��"• � •�
<br /> .r ��.3.,., . .. �+ PY S P P�-*: ..:.��.�. ,�.....�-.
<br /> , . ... .! ��.1 . ' t ' .'. .f..H . ..: ..vt-`_
<br /> �i•,,r� w•hich may aUaiif priority over this Sca�ity Instrument.und teasehald payments or gmund rzats, if any. Borrower sha�G�y �� ;e.,;•.:.: �
<br /> i. '. , b"�! P � P" S P it�' �.� �,hall pay them an Iimc c���:y .. ''f; ;����.;.`:;•,�:;::
<br /> '��•' �• these obli �m�+in the manner rovid�J�i:n ara ra h 2,ar ii'nof s�in�hat manner.Borro��;^�_ t� ��Y•t,.,. . ..
<br /> �. ::;,.:`..• .._ ;'�:. :
<br /> .;;:•r,�:.: .,;`;�x,.'�,.�s4'{°;`,;::..: �
<br /> � ,_. _ : to the person owed payment. Bormn•cie��:�l pramptly fumitih t�?P�,ciier ail n�tic��of smou��:�v�.be paid.undcr this parag'raph. . .Y�s:
<br /> ' •• " If Borrower makes these payments directiy.Bonower shaU prumptly fumitih to L��,�cr rccciptti�vidcncing the paymcnts. . �����f.�� ,:,;;;�;�_r�
<br /> � • , . Borrower sh;�ll promptly discharge any lien which hac priority m•er thiti Secutity ln+trum;nt unless Barrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> ,_ writing ro the paymem of the obligation,secure.d by the lien i�t a manner ucceptable to Lender.(b►conte+ts in gutxt faith the lien • ��;1i;k;'; �-.:���''t ;'
<br /> " � ' .•.�t�Qi;�l�J=S':;- ..
<br /> , ' by, or defends sgainst enforecment c�l'ilie lien in, legal pruceedingt uhich in the Lrnder..apininn ope.rste to prevent the ,, �,z,��ti;j,,,...
<br /> '� � • enfnrcement of ihe tien:or(c)secures fium the halder��f thc licn an agrccment�atitifactor�•to I.endcr�ub��rdinating the lien to � :�;;,:,,t.: . ' � _
<br /> _ �:�t� .. . • •:I. . '..;,:
<br /> ;� � � this Security instrument. If Lender detem�ine.that any part oP the Propeny i�+ubject to a lien�tihich may.�ttain priarity uver � �- •
<br /> :� ! .- • •: �# , .
<br /> :;,,,07,.'�;;� . � this Security In�trumcnt,Lender may give Borro�vcr a noticc idcntifying thc lica.Burro«•er.hall satitify Urr'Ifen or take une or fi• .
<br /> �.-.fK�Filiri 3I!. 1 ' . . . l;� . • .•
<br /> _: (��� ��.� :' �,.' more of the actions set forth above within IU days of the giving of nrnice. �. , � •• .•� �
<br /> t,�'�, , :.,r,'t. , ' ',� •
<br /> , �, .�;:,.••
<br /> ' } i� �� ����+�`/j�i?, , Form 30�#i' BtpA ; ;;�i��f,.
<br /> �.�_1?'`�., ,•r;�t1�tP�Tiy'ik. . ., � • , . :�• . � .I#• . � , , �� , , �?��i'��ril/c. .
<br /> t�rF; '���{ • . P.qr'l.ufG' � . �. .�' - 1{�. .ii�t�i�,i t,
<br /> �. S . , ..I. ` (•if � ��
<br /> �.�� : ��q, i . � ' + I( . ' � �
<br /> ,i�,� :4, ."5,,,., .'.,; . �. . ' ' , ,i . . , t�"
<br /> i � s��j9�fr �< , • � . . . �'
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