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<br /> _ . �" ..�. `. � _ t ' ' I ' _ " ' t6r-
<br /> . '` tl_ � � � ` _ . . _ _..
<br /> . � . - " --
<br /> 'N
<br /> .
<br /> _. ._ . _ •�-_ .. _ . __ -- .. -
<br /> -- _ _ .. : = -- - . ---
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<br /> �
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<br /> . . . :i` .. . � -� r .. ... . . ,;.� . � -._�. .--. ---�..T_ . _.
<br /> .... t+{�
<br /> . . . . l.� _ �.�.a `� �'t.1'` .. .
<br /> �� � �_ � ��i --_--_ ___ ' . ;..: . . . . � ,�� ������ . . _ _ . _ . . __ . -•� ._ ..�...—_____-�--
<br /> fi�c� -i; . � :
<br /> �1�� �=v � `:` ��i�es'o�th��p�or a$��'Idat Int�i��umt►tver.if el!,or,any paet of the Pc+operiy or aay iaterest.in it _ __ -
<br /> � �.o � n ���.
<br />-:,� t � is sold as ttaatsf�rrec2(or if a 1�fraa1 iute�in 8ona�ver is sofd or trsnst'e�red t�B�tivwer is ttot a aatura(pen�an)avithout _ _ .----_—
<br /> � f' Lender's p�ior svritten cat�eut.I�er may, at Its opt�on.<tetNire d m t n e da€�er paymeat in f u l l o f s i I sums secu r e d Dy t h i s - -
<br /> -� ���' '�i�"c,;�- Secarity InstsWRe�-However.this optian sball not be�xerclsed hy Lender if eaercis�is prohibitQd try federn!tac�as of the d�te -__-__
<br /> ��_ ��,�, .
<br />_ ;= 4;:,•r��:. �, , ofthisSewritYinst�men� � _-=-
<br /> ', �.: ' If Lemder eaeccises this ogti�,:L.ender sha11 give 8omovrer notice of aooeleration.T6e aotice sPmll pmvide a periad of Qot , ---
<br /> . �`�'.-,:R°.�
<br /> �,� •��_#�±�:� tess than 30 days.from the daie ttte cotice is dr,liv�.ur m��within which Bosm�ver must pay all�nns s�utecf by thLs —
<br />�'_,: ;.,�r.,F , �::�•:, _��:� 'Security ,m�►;If�Soimaer�ails to pay th�se.sums priar w the expiratiot�of this pe�iud,Lender may invok�e any remedies � �T---__.�___
<br /> pErmitt�d by this S�uiity Insuum�t without furth:c natioe or demand on Barros�er. ���_ --
<br /> , �, `���,�r: !8. Boreower's Itlg�t.to R *+�,tP_ If BoYCOwe,r meets certain aonditlons. Baaower sha11 have the right to have ' �� _
<br /> .,; '.` +• � � eaforcem�of ti�is Sewrity iasulia�ent discontimiad ac any;titne n�'or�t�the earlier of: <a)5 days(or such other peri�as �{z���ac -_-_
<br /> 1- _ � �-�-: appsit&6wA:t��a�y s�CiiY�far r�eli�tt�#=°=e�sse�e of:the puts�ar►t to any pnwer of.s�te contained in this, ' � ` �-�—
<br /> � `_ Securit}�tt�u�ni;or(b}enpY of a,}ud� � �` 4.� ` _ _
<br /> eaforcin�Wls S�curity Inssrumaa�Tftos$condiuons are that Bormwer:ta)�aYs � �,� ,��r
<br /> a
<br /> r`:y `� ' Lea�der all'av�s wl4isb.thtii.v¢oWd.�a dna ea th'ss Se�ity insuumtnt anad We Note as if no aooetecation had eeatrred;N) �` ���� _�.
<br /> . � €. � �� _
<br /> • cures any�efanit of,any,•Albait asveoants or.agreem.etns;(c)PaYs all expea�es incurrad in enfon�ing dus Seauity Iastn�utent. f • � r.F --
<br /> j + `'-�.� inctu�ing.bun nnt EitAite�to.��easaaa.ble�tomeys' fees;aad(d}takes sucb action as Lender may reasonably mquire to assvre x.� -=
<br /> `'� � that the fien of this�rlt}e Jpsaume�t,�.ender's rig6u in the Prope�ty�a�d Borrawer's obliga�ion to pay the swns secured by 'l;,'-, _
<br /> Y.;.,
<br /> ��,. ;�'E�"'' t1�is Saurity Insun�ment shait�;continue:undranged. Upon ieiastazem�t by Borrower, this Security Instcumeat and the ,,Nrt i} � _
<br /> � ab�igatioffi secured het�y shatlitemapn fully effective as if no acc�teration had oocumad. Howeves,this rigftt to reinstate shaU �'�`�"�
<br /> ��� ' `Y , not a�sply in the rass of acoelera�iom u�e�t P�S�P�!7. . • � �` -
<br /> . trR " � ' 19. SaEe of Not� C4ange af.a.az:n,Sesvieer.T1te 1�Iote or a partiaS irrteres[in the l�iote(together with tfiis 3ecurity 4 '�"? _
<br /> ...�,�: Ic�sttnmQni)may 6e sold one or mntc times Nit3coui�rior notice ta Borrower.A safe may resalt in a change in the eatity(imowu �f � _
<br /> .�.:
<br /> �;.�.': `" . .r:.,S?��' �'� ` as tit�,".E�an Servioer"�that oollerts monthly paymenu d�e nnder the Note and this Secunty Instmment.There atso may be one ;; :. --_ ---
<br />�� � y •: or.Ino�e&�nges of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sat�of the Note.if iheie is a c6amge of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be "
<br /> . give�,�xittean notice of the c6ange in auoondanoe with parasJaph 14 above and applic�ble lanr_.71se notice will state the name aitd f `;�,
<br /> - �•:�} address of ttee nevr Loan Servicer and the address ta which paym�nts should be made.The notice wID also oontain any ott►er . . ..�� �YS�x: t •_
<br /> ` ��' • '• infonnadon licahIe law. � ��'
<br /> .�;.' requir�.tiy'�P ����_ -
<br /> '��� 1A. Ha�ar�oa��caB�tanoes. Bamuwer shali not cause or permit th�pieseuce.u�e, dispasal, storage�or retease of any �'"�- -
<br /> �'=��;:•�,..:�;',..: �._ _: � ��ous Substances.�s:�or.,in thC Praperty. Bonower siu�lt a�at do; nor aliow anyobe else to da,anything aft'ettiag the - - �`.- :'-'`°�
<br /> �:a:.=;:.::-���; ! . ; ��:_
<br /> ��t �'7:�.:•t . . Pcoperty that is in viotation of r�ca�,Emmm�mental Laa. '[fie p�ng two sentei�es shal[aot apply to Zite�eriee,us8.or � �-,�=r>•���'?'�-"-� -
<br /> - ' smrage ou the Property of smatl�quan!ities of Nazardous Substances that are generally rooa�izedw be appropriate to normal '`�?`"��:'•`.=`--°
<br /> ��.-.. ' -'iF . "
<br /> �s . �: residentiai uses and to rnaintenance of the Prnpgrty. . �;; -.�
<br /> ��r , '�'>:, Bormwer sh-►t��promptly give Lender wntten,noace of any investigation,claim.demand. lawsuiYor other ac4ion by any ,. _ __
<br /> � ` govemmental or�--��ry agency or private�party invoI�ing the Property aud any Hazatdous SuDs�or Envimnme�ial Law ,�... ��
<br /> �4 , � � ,,� y� � of whish Borro�ver�.s acttial knowtedge_If Horraw�cr teams.ar is notifiad by any govemmenta!or tegulazory authoi�ty. tttat . H � �"'
<br /> ,;i�",��;;�, any,ra�m��or othe�remediauoa of any�lar�rdous Substance affecting the Property is nece.ssary.Barrower shall prornq�Uy take �,,,� :�;�.
<br /> � ^�,��t�,�j;�j'"' all ae�s.�remedial aaions in,z�:vrdance.with Envimnmetual i.aw. '�' �;::
<br /> �ff�r��i�,`� � i�;aised in•tIr�i•�a�ra�fi 2'J:"Hazaidous SuBstances" are thosesubstances defined as toxic or hazardous s�cb�r,r.es by • :"«, , .r, ���;
<br /> ,
<br /> - •.�u.,.•,:%'s,Yr„•.;.,:.....�.,. Environmental Im`cc�:a���`fef�follo�wing svbstances: gasoline. kerosene o[her..flammable or toxir peuoleum produc�s, toxic _ s ji �`r,;
<br /> ��;;,�r:: ;t,; ��� pesticides and herba�ae�.;±�alatile solvents,materials containing asbestos ar t�r�aldehyde,and radioactive materiails.As used in . �i ;��
<br /> {��1�� ;;';!!`tt,r::��'� ttiis paragraph 20.`°�m+>ir��l Law" means federal laws and larrs of��;x iilrisdittion where the Praperty is lorated that f�.: .' �
<br /> :��,��� �•,t.. ,,� �'/'Cy�!�[t
<br /> �}.,;i,.;,�,;,a:..u• relate to health.safery'os��''�v:��a:ta1 prntect�on. ; � .. �"'�'��r;,' .
<br /> :; • •�;>;:��,f� �,':": ' NQN-UIJIFORM CO��'.v".? � ..,�F;
<br /> ' •'s-�.,�-,!�,.��,�u�.��. ��"�.Borrowerand Lender funheccover.ti�c�.�:; �..�:t'o�lows: �: � '
<br /> .. ) .�r.:�a:t•�4�N:d'•:.••:.•• .. . , �',.:_
<br /> :;Ni F��'''« F:�,j �:� 21.Acceterat�on;Reme�;ff,eader s6aL1 gi�•e notice to Barrowes�inv�io aaad'es,�.4uon falimsing Borro�er's 6reacb . `.;':,;� . y :,L�`,1,
<br /> TM,� �k --- - -- of uny ooven�est•vx�ent,in�t6is Sec�u4ty� Imtrumeat Nut aoS�.��.to acceteratiwn uadelr Ra.�aFh 17 anless . �
<br /> � , `,";:
<br /> t� ti�. . applIcable faN�i�es otder�ise). The ttatioe shall specify: (a)the d��n,}�(b)the actton requi�t�r wre the defaWt;• • �� r �,}�.
<br /> _f�� . � (c)a da8e.nai lrss 8�30 d�ys Prom tke date the notioe is gicen to Ba�tiver,6y whtcQ�the defaal't.pu;�st 6e csc�ecl;and ;::� ,. �,
<br /> :,� (� t�s3.f�aitutse to�w�e the deJ�lt on or before the daYo s�ed in the nottce mpy result in aaeelxration ef't�.snms . :�,�'.� t ?
<br /> - - s+ec�n�3.�n}+thls S�ri�y bnst�vmemt and sale of the Prog��.��i�e notice shall further infarm Borrower oY t�cf g i�t to s,:.,;•.��:= �
<br /> . . s _ �
<br /> .�.:E ;::.. ' � ` reimtate s�ter.�n�6��ian and the rigtit to bring a court ad�•it.t��ert the non�existence of a defautt os any other � i'�•—
<br /> � � �,�� • defetue o!Borran+�$o.�cceteradan and sate.IY the defaalt is nW s�+����os beforn the date s�ci�ed in the notice, `�-� ,, : .
<br /> Y{."i -.. • , • ���—
<br /> !:�'°:,,.. '��•: _ Lender.at its��ian.unay require immediate payment in full of ai,�s���rem tay this Security Instrumcnt witho� �:�. : y• _
<br /> further demaad ax��l.u�3.inv�pke the pa���er of sale and any othec re�r��r.i���3tte��5��applira6le la�v.Leader shall be . t _
<br /> r� �'!� entitled to co llect a G l¢�:��u;ut�t r e d in pursu ing t he rem e d tes prati cd�t�,"a�s t�ns p��a.�(i Zl,includi n g,but aat lim[ted . �1 �:,�,�';cc , .� ;_
<br /> c . : ,;,.��f. --.' .� ' ' � '' � � '•1��{���I�i�,�.. -�--
<br /> - ;.;..?��` ... to,reasonable attori�e��s•fe�a�iab m�s t s o f t i t t e e r i d e n c e. �._ {p,
<br /> ',� .:`�• • �1. ' '� , If the p�wer aifi r,ate is in�WXed,Trustee shall record a notice�ff�Q�apft in eacb county in.which any part of the . '��% ' '��:� 'r,�..,.. ��
<br /> , . ., ,.. �� . ,:�4f:.;;�'.�r.:��:�.-�.
<br /> ,� ;.,:..` ; . P roperty is tocaE e�and)shall mai!co pies of.aa,�s aotice in the mannc-n�es.-ribed 6y applicabl�Ca�'tv Borro�rer and to , . .:;�.
<br /> d)
<br /> the other e�som �m�is�ibcW b a ficaDle ta�t��.�±!"ter the time uirc��r� 1Icable la��.Tn�stee�� ive ablic notice ��;'.'•';'„���"+��-
<br />_ ::�• , �, .. . .. . P !� Y PP �► �i?P S P �.a�:.e=
<br /> - o!sa.'k�to the pe.�r.�and in the manner presrribed b�•�p�b1e faa�. �e�rstee,a•ithout demand r,rc gorroicer,sha11 seU ��`t"'�
<br /> � • • the lPrh�rty at pabltc auctton ta the highest bidd�r at ih�t�aaa�and place and under the terms d�stgnated in the notice of , •
<br /> � , sale fo one or mon parcels�and in any order Trustee detc�-.d�e.s.Trustee may post�e+►ne sale of a!1 or ady patce!oY We • � � '
<br /> � ' ' Property by pu6lte announcement at the time and place ol a»y pre�iouisty scheduted sale. Lender or i�s desfgrtee may •• •
<br /> : '':,:: pprchase the Prope�ty at any sate. � ' . `�
<br /> �•Y '
<br /> �: . .
<br /> r,,•.�� ' ' . ' . . " . .
<br /> _ ! ` . .�.��ft��'f� " - , . , .
<br /> • •�'' • Farm 3028 9/90
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