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<br /> .` ����� , . ' ' . .�i ' - - . • ' _ .—•___—��s��___
<br />_ - n . .5.:�arard.ne.gregartp I�sr�rana� Borro�rec sha11��D the imprcrvem�nis aow ex3s4ieg o;'�eat�er-e�c�d a�e th� '
<br /> - -- -- ---�------ Ptngerty is�sured agv3ns�iasa by�rre,�iards_iuctuded�vithin ihe teim°ext�nded�raveauge°and ua�p otRer iiazands.iucladin$ ,;�..;.
<br />_ ---- ` � � Eloads or 8oasliag.for.which t�ender.requires.tast�mnce.'i'0is insur,atice shall�ise m�� n;�+ed iii the.�stf�atus aaa foi the perioda.�.::;�:
<br /> =- _ --_- ,that Les�er reqaires..Tha insritaitoe carcigr providing ttte insuractce shalI 6e c�os�n 6y Bgtio�eir subiexi tn E.en�r's apptoval '.
<br />--- --__— ��which c�all aot be anneasoaatily 4vithb�id if Horrotver fai�9�to:tnaintaan oovcrag���crib�d,�ave. I.endEr may,at Y.ender's.: �'".
<br />._� —__— ' opteaa�obtaia rnverage to�Smtect Lender's�i�ts tn the Pr+�n�t�tp;itt�coordauae witb Q�b 7• . :. ` .
<br /> � .:�. iq�t��;4 , � ` Ali insuiance poticies aad renewaLs.atiaTil�b�aoceptable ut,Lender�nd ahal3 iactuito a staadar�martgagecisuse':L�ez� __ --
<br /> �''�.;• shall6ave the right to hoid the poticies si;d reazetvals.[B Ixnder rxquires.Borrower�i promptly giye tn Lender alt reoeipt�of
<br />-° �"�,. :. ��- � � d remiain�aad rene�val notioes.Tn.the event of tass,Brnrower si�all give prompt not�ae to th�insurnao�cairler uad Le�er. —_
<br /> � ����:�, P� P . . : . , .. :
<br /> �.: � � ��,,��;,�:�, I�nder may mate proof o�toxs if tttlt m�e promptiy by Borrawes. � • ,, - _ _ ---
<br /> � .���.� - • �Uaiess Leader and Bosrowe�,othe�wls�a�e�wri�iag,insvraace Pra�ssha3i bs appiied ta restot�tion or repair(�i tfie. _. ��__ - ---
<br /> _. .,;� ' �: - • - -.
<br /> �:.�;jr;a;;:,:' ;; � prapert3+damaged,if[he rescoration or�pair is eoonnmicatiy feasitite�d�eailer's sec�ri�}r i�aat te�ued:�If the sestordtion or - —_ _
<br /> .;r^:e;.;_._;� —
<br /> ;„�,.�w;•-:�_^,,.. ceRair is not eoonan^,;rpplly feasible or Lender's seeurity wouId be tcss�ued,the insurance pmeeads shati 6a applied to the snms
<br /> ..��,���,�.;;..-�.f :� ,
<br /> ; . :r �sesured by this Sec�itj;Insnument�:whether or not tQea due.with any excess paid to Bomnwer. If Homnwer ab�tdons the _.�_ ---
<br /> '?�'M�•��r.':'�% =:�.:�.
<br /> ,.;.•..�:r . T}a Picogerty.or daes ao6 aeswer��'�.�v.Zi:3Q�ays a no2ice f�:�„ader that the insuranoe cacrter�kas uffered to sei@e a daim.:titen
<br /> _ ''�` ��,"�; -`. 1.en��.may coltect the in.,^u.rastr.e pW�z�ec�!as. l.ender�
<br /> �r; :r-: . _ � •.1L9P':1�P.QtQC2EAS IO ICp3�f OE•ICSLOiC LI1P.PCO�iL}I Ol,I�C!P3Y SlW1S
<br />= secvred b�r this Secutiry instns.�r.�ula:p{�i:tx'�a;oa�nra3�d:�..:Tf�30-day period will begi.y;al6en tae aotice i�give� ___�__
<br /> �= - Untess Lender and�Borm�tirr��:�c�b�s�a�pe in�wvi8ing. anY eFPlication of p�s.W:P9:i�i�t shalt not extead or ---
<br /> �{ �' • - postpone�he due date of the aao�js:�g�sr.�.mferrec��W in paiagiaphs 1 and 2 or change,t���uux of the payments.If
<br /> ._ . =°.':=Fis uncler par�aph 21 the Pro�erty,is:ac�ir�6�.LEnd:t,`Sc�+nwer's right to any insu�acv�e palg.:i�s�:pruceeds resuiting from
<br /> . �::'s;t�f•>.
<br /> damag�to the Property prior ta tt�e a,e�cisiYinzn sball p�ss i.cr�:�arier to the extent of the su�"rrc6�sE�xtsptS b7/tfiis Sewrity Instrument
<br /> r ' , -".,�N._ , ' . emmed�atelygriortntltear,quisiti�a, n '".,.. ' '.'•':'•;;-:_"'•';, �,�'_?'._'.'--.Y
<br />�,. ;.,�;�� 6.Oocupansg,;Pncservatian,Ma3nY�vt�td Proi�cUon of tlnPro�.rty;Bn�o�er's'�Si�A�!tdtratlo�Leasc�ald'u;�_' �-=_ -
<br /> :�' -:s;s�<: - -- Bosmwer sha11 oes�r�y;�establish.and use th�Property 2s�Borrocver's paicxti�k�tesidence ti�ritiii�si�fy�>ci;i�t:tfat3er the exeaii�d[bA�L:=
<br /> na�srF�,.� �iFS SCC717Ity ..
<br /> .. . _..
<br />�� r,. ��": ��.� . ��,,•:l Ii�sni�menE aud shatl connriva to occs�py��T'iaperty�as 8-"cr.iayier's p�incdpp��ii�sidetts�"��t�-t�ra yeaY�ai�:i--;;...
<br />'��<- � - p. . .
<br />� :�;, ; -. • sh��tat�of oocupancy.uniess L�ender oths�rise a��im;u►,�g.which�consent sh311 ndG;b�unrrasona6lyv wit�k$tcf;`:�;unless
<br />� .. . � ; ext�a cirn��stances exist�whi��h,aze bcyutid Bmrti?titt's oontrol. Horrower sF�f?i�3.destroy, damag�iir�,itripair dte
<br /> ,., �� ,'<' �allow the to dzttaiasatP„,oa aommit�arasf�.on tlie Property. Borrov�er•sha!!°ye iiti:def3Wt if any�forfeitwe -
<br /> a� :.�,.-,��:'�;..`..�', _ ��P�Y �P�Y . _ --
<br /> ;:`..�
<br /> � . action or proceedin�;wt�thes c'svil.or�e�imi�ls;t��:be$nn that in lxnder`s gaod faith j�dgmerib eo�itfi;�tES�i�t�in fo:f'eituie of.ths -• ---
<br /> •-�.y •�,':v���(�S . . i. .
<br /> - • :�_�.:,;�,.��:.i��•:',. Pn°PertY or otherwise m�e�ially imp3"v t�:ii#F,<x�ited by�thns Security Instnunent or Leader's secuYi�y.�Cte�est.Borsnwer may: --.�_ �
<br /> x. ,
<br /> �`..,• c;�g�'��9�;��::- care such a default an�re3nstJ,�,:as pmvsi�'ii�.�iagrap�1i3.;bY.causing the action or�p-+n�eeding to 6e'a;csn;«t,vntLie ruling _-
<br /> �` �.f that,in Leader s good faith detemuteation;.:��tGes fosfeitur�of the Borrower's inteft�e;in'the Ptoperry or-otls�c'material
<br /> . ,7,Jds .�4a , _°
<br /> �,..�• � _--
<br />_ , � . � ��- •»� �t' impaimtent of the liea�created by this 5eciintg�T'r�ument��or.Ixnder's securiry interest. Botrowa.sTti�tt•:aJso be in defautYif _
<br /> _« •�° , . " • Borrower.during�he toan appiicarion prncess:.�•e;nmterially false or.iraocarate information or staLetisettL�to Iander(or failed ��°-_ ,-
<br /> ��� � � ta pmvide Lender with any material infonnatiarr).irt cor.r.action with the td�s evidenoed by the Nute,inernding,but not limited `°"
<br /> � �. , . to,re{ssesentations concerni:�Bomower's occupara.y ot tiie,prap�rty as a principal residence.If thts Security[nstn7rsent is on a �"``��"°���=�-
<br /> �,`�Y�� � leasel�ii�;.Borrower shall wra��ly with al1 the prnvisiurus nf tt}�e lease. if Borrower acquires fee title to the���*ro�rty. the ��-�° - -
<br /> ��--- _
<br /> `-`•'r �';.,-�;.;_,.;-...-� lease5r:�`5nd the f�title st�fl net meage un!�ss Lendre a�.�tn the mergcr in writing. . . .. =� .�-� —
<br /> .� .�,.,�;�� .
<br /> ;,�-?:^�'°�' �< 9.pro4�tiori•of Y.e�slc-�s Righis in t1e�Prog4rty.lf Borrower fails ta perform the cavenants ana a�r�eements containad in �,P �:�-
<br /> }`• '' � this Security Irigtrtmeni, os there is a te�ai pxnceedin�th�t�may sisnificantty affect Lender s rights F�t#.�Propetty(such as a `�°�-� ,���{.
<br /> • ' :;'�;,.;�.
<br /> ' procceding in bankruptcy.pmL^ate�for corademnatio�or�frnfeiturc or to enforce lav�s o,.re�ilatians),iPxn Lender•may do and ,�, ��-
<br /> � � ay for whazever is neces ta rotcct the valueof�the Pra and Lender's ri t3 fr t��ro Lender's actions ma �, :��;ti;�;��!�
<br /> p �Y P �rt5' �jc' .� VertY• Y „�,; -
<br /> �� • include a in an sums secured b a litrt wfiich has riori ovet th�:��Securi Irst:sprent, n in caurt. a n .•�=�::''i:I����'`F
<br /> P Y S Y • Y P fY n aFP� 8 P Y� $ : .,. ,�=-
<br /> ' � •� reasonabte attorneys'fees and entering on rth�pro�rtS•to make repairs..Alci��vgh.�I.ender may take a;i;ian e�nder this paragraph '" '"'`"`'-`�-�
<br />_ . n ,�. .:•' _._
<br /> ` � . �•'' .� . 7.I.ender does nmt have to do Eo. . . � -
<br />:�' �,: ..,.,:•-','•;...: �, '' Any amounts disburscd by Lender under t1�i� par�r�h 7 shall'become addi!ional debt of Bas�;�•r secuned by this r ` ,�;. �_ —
<br /> =r • ���`'�t:;'�'•.��= ' Socn�t:Instrument. Untess Borrou,er arnd�Lemdec aga�e ta;ptlu:r terms of a ment..th�se�amounts shall t�ear it.i�t f"r.�m ihe ;`�•'{.h,_.
<br /> :..,-.t„s., y P Y :. .
<br /> �� � • ' . '� date of•t�isbursement at the AJote rate ar.d shall�Ix uh•:a• �ai4h interest, upon natice from Lender to �orrouer estin " '�''•���':�.�
<br /> P'�y + raN � ; �;:; ;- _9
<br /> _ .. payrr�it. , �.� •�•-�:-. - --.,-
<br /> f,,,. ..�
<br /> � • . � � 8.Mortgage lnsuranse.lf Lend�r requered�roafl�$e insuran¢e as a condition af makin�ihe[ea»:secured by this Security � :,:` _
<br /> _ .. __ Instntment. Borrower shall pay the•pa�ttniur�ys rr�{uired�to maintain the mortgage insurance in cfti�, lf. for any reason. the �'� � .' �' "'�`'�^�:;•�:=�
<br /> 1'�I�'�'„ •.�.�r.• 'Rt, •".
<br /> •.c� rr�rtgage insurance coverage requir�d by.Lersder t�p:;cs or�c�es ta be in cffect. Borraa�r shall pay the premiums required to �
<br />- � �f ` -.
<br /> �ez�� ' obtain coverage substantialty equir�lent tu 4h�:rc�rt�agc�inaurarrce previously in effece,:��cost sebstantiully equivatent to the `� ' "�. .s
<br /> ... :,,,.. , :
<br /> . •�:�•�r��;, � mst to Barrowex of the mortgage insu�ance �r�.++iousl�,• irn effect, from�an.iltemate mortgage insur�;.�approved by Lender. lf , . �:�•..-. ....•.-�:,,- �_
<br /> . .;.s.: .=
<br /> ��. r•.,_.
<br /> _%�+ `. ���,��'�� � substantialty equi�•utent morlgage insnatucce cuverge�is nat availablc.Barm�ker shall Pay to I.endet e.�aafi month a sum equal to • , ..:.;y�.�. •�,, _
<br /> -'d' �' ' ,���tY��t,• ' oae-twelfth of t1:e5►�rly mongnge insur�.nee prerniur_�eir.���aid by Barrc�er when the insur�nce coverage lapsed or ceased to ' �
<br /> :' r�: ,.,,,`'r.�,',.;1;� � �e insurunce. l.ass reserve . .� - -
<br /> ;�a. :,�:'S`:•�i:'� ' be in.�Hect.l.ender will acce�r.�use arnd retain theae puymcnt:�as a�c�ys reserve in lieu i�f"mnrt�ab
<br /> .�a - , `'<{;`, � . Form 3078 9190 . � . � '
<br /> !(� (�- . � � .. � . Paqe 3 0l B . , . '
<br /> ,�t i: � ,��. . . ,.;,�.;;�(°.�_:
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