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<br /> .z� . '"3a�uti�►ta��trume�t".at the,��t�e.cl�4e fl[�p�',ti�e und�r�i�Re9,here4ne�t�r:xofa��ct t��s 4hs.°go�ro►wer';tc�aacar�
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<br /> " _ �. S�AEit�E�CAtJ�,t�ritns4E�Eat�r��dtoa��h+e"Le�dg�°':atZhes�j�da,t��ct�c+�va�irt�#heprt�,pettYdescrt�Ql�tRSSera%�it�' . �� ��
<br />- tn�tNment a�d`iocatsd at: . � � � , � . � , . . . . . , , . ' .
<br /> �rV"��. �"' '�` ��f � ��17 N Ksoise �rand Islar�d, tVebraska �88Q3� ' . . ' � ---
<br />-:;c '�` ;.� , h <.-�. , - -- ��ertyA4dresa� '�' � • , ' ` � _---
<br /> -_ �.�.�.;-` .-�c� tfll"fg��: . _.. _ ,
<br /> � Y .,,..�:::�.5_ii_-�a�:S�.� � - � . . � �. . . • :. ... ,. ` ��.. , .- i —__ ___
<br /> .i. ��.�.- �. ... �F.C� . . . . . : , __-
<br /> _�;Y:.°-=:_�. � . . alH�t��@otrow�t�nd ILertde�h�va earcts9 4hat any rents and¢rofits gtMbutabie t�tho prap�rty s�►autd canstituto
<br />_ ;:�".":�s;:•=- -�=� ..,�' . • addit�anat�BacurIty!a th�Lensiet(ar 4ha paymani.ot tha Katn; � ` __
<br />- •.�-�:�:-•:-;*-� . �.. ` .
<br />-_ ���,'�;-£;'-��.�.` . - �; NO3N.TF1EitEFOFiE,Itlse�reeQ�►attheSecudtg�natrumer�tehattLeamendedt►ereb�anddoamedtpinotudethalmitnwtn�
<br /> ;, �-.�.:..f�i�,. < pravistan�: .
<br />-;... : ' =,;�:r:>.� .
<br />�. �"��:-`,t;i::_�'.'•. .
<br /> - �. •::,•,s:,:� t. �satcsnrr�ent of Rentt�Af�A L4►eAo �entnl�Ca4Em t]�an 4�taht�8anat�rer hemby+adsaiutefy and uncanditi0naitg assIgns�0#� - --
<br />- •`•" ` ` r@�ile� [ssue3&na p�otite ot the�StopBttyt to 8e�&flOttliy..Lend�r Shait have tflo�igfit, pot38F anQ authonty duti![g!he _-_.
<br /> � 4� . ����° � eaatinuancs ot the 3ecu8ty Insttument to ceitect the renta,lssusa artd prattts o!Rhe property srtd of any p9raonal propeRy , °---
<br /> • . • � tarated theraoro wttri or without iaktn�possessft�n of tha progorty atfect$d hereby.L�end�r,Rowevar,itere0y consents to =_
<br /> �arro�raPs cotteatlon anA retent[on of aucb�ts,tssue�aas protits as they accrue and�eco.n�payabte.so long ar�6arrowsF
<br /> �' : � .� is na�at such tima,tn detault wlth reSpact to p39�ment of any is�dsbte0r.ess seaure0 here�y��r In tha periormaace ot arN ��:�-;��-'
<br /> _ :: agse�msnt hsreunQar. `•. � - �_:�
<br />� �` '' 2. Aonatntrttent ot Receivaor.t}any ev�nt of defautt in r.eslrect to the$eicurity[r+strurnent shail have occucred and be
<br /> _ � .�( ; e.� , -
<br /> -- t.y�,z_,;;,;,: ' ,,;,;,; .__._....._....�cs�tinutng,-L�ender,-as-8�mflttorof tf�fit-artd-aflqQmut�to2ice�to-Bario�rer-or snyane-clalmiag unQe►-Barrowe►;and Wit9ttiut - �- - _-__
<br /> �� ± << `'�r ' ;� [egard to tfae value of the Uus!e�ta4e oc td�e ia�terestoi the Bortavror thereln,shatl Aave t�e�tgPt to appty to arry court t�aviag _
<br /> f�; � + } `� Jurisd[ction to appoint a receivar ot ttsa property. ' . • : o
<br /> � :z
<br /> ' `'"`�'-��"` 3. 4��to�mase ion.In case ot dofault in the payment ot the said principat Note or interesl,or any part thar�of,Fie��ft d-n-��-
<br /> : �.. �..;t;�.,;�
<br /> _ .f,�,rr,s ---
<br /> � ~-v--'~ ~~'~�• ° shafi nra4ure,or tn Me case of tatlu►e to keep ar pertom�any oi the covenants arepireemenCa contatned In the Security lnstar ---
<br /> - ' •• ., .'..�'`��`,, CttBnt�theR tQe LeDQ91', its successare or assigns,shall6e end isheteliy aut�iorized and-empowered to-take tmmediate -
<br /> :,� � ` possesston oi the satd premisas tAeretn desariEred and to coltect the rents thereirom,and to appiy the proaeeds thereof to N►e � __
<br /> paymeni of the Note: � -..-
<br /> �„�,{..�,��., .�A° :._"�:.,,:_.. �. AnaltcatfQn of RAnta Issaes an�1 P tc�.Att rents r,ollected by Lsnder or the recoivet ShBU b9 apptted first to payrtsent •
<br />- :r�}��,,:' . ' ' `.asf,ttte costs ot managame�it of the propsrty and celted;an of renta,incCuding,bui not limited to,reeeivars fess,premtums on
<br /> ,P7:<:c. ;;_
<br /> ,.:;��-,. �'�?id�tver's bonds and reasonabte ariomey's fees,artd Ph�n to the soma aecuc�d by the Security Inshvmeni.Lender anA 4ha _
<br /> � r=�' : � 'recel+ror shatl be ifable to accaunt onty fot those rertts:ectuattg recelve�. - °y°•
<br />� ..t_�_'�:.:_�r�'�}llx�.��� . ' . ��, � . 4.:
<br />_ . ,��, . 5. Ceri�truation of P►avisions.Each ot the pravisions�n4a7�rad tn fhis As..Fgnment oi Rents Rider and the 8ecurity inatru-
<br /> ,,, ,
<br /> .,:.. ,.
<br /> _;. ,.
<br /> :.
<br /> .. , ,
<br />`" . :":%�r`��'�i;;` • ,,�teat s?t2J1�unless o2herwls0 speciflaalty�equired.Oe cons4cuf�;la��accorQ�ce with NebPaska taw,and in the event�any
<br /> - ,�.,•,,: �' ��.'�-.';,. .` ���yravlsion'herein or therein cantatned shalt be determined by a cdiitY bt Compat�Y]uiisdicilon to be unentorceabte,the same
<br /> '�f' �' � " . . ••,�;� :�~.dii be constru@d as thougb such unentorceabte provisiort were not a paR tv3r�of or thereof. _
<br /> � •; � 51'� '. 8. Effeat of Rider.Except as apecifioaity modified by or irtconststent with ihis Assignment oi Rents Ri�ler or by any otper 4 --..
<br />_ . � �,�...� .
<br /> . . .. ,t., <<, �
<br /> • -,,,�p �7� , �pitCable rider,ail ot the terms and pravistons cantained in tiseSe�urity instrument shalt continue in tull force and eNect. r _
<br /> . � �i�1�1��1 ; � ---
<br /> . . . . � .�N WfTNIESS WHEREOF,Borrowet has ex�cutea th(s Assig �nt ot Rents Rider on the daYe ftrst noted abovs: �cr =_--
<br /> ',' ;. :�. , ,''' , . � .{y �'c�O �.�,-
<br /> ��.�vue�. ,
<br /> . _ - _ d �,k` 'a��.3 �T�nn � �
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<br /> . � .'�`'��r` . . , ., t�a�-�,t���.., 9l �Q an�.� , ; � .;�-;-
<br /> :.�r"',� 1,' `'�� �:" Glenn eorrovre►
<br /> • .•,. E�
<br /> y�.. • '+'�i`1.` � ' � . ' Y.' _
<br /> _ ,. . . ;,�Ui�s�� - : � �TATE OF NEBRASKA) � . ,'. :_
<br /> . -. , , . . . :� ���,�:; . . � , . ,-_
<br /> .:il�?,�.,. (88:
<br /> ,; .. :�;:.. �.4{:._:
<br /> . . . ;i•,';,;���-� � COUNTY OF HALL ) . • �.. . ..
<br /> - `,:;�i-�,;'.. ;.:�' Gn this �3� day oi Aoril ,1g q* ..:�7etore me.the undorslgned.a Notary PubHe datys iaommissEC�and ., �:,: �
<br /> t,;.y;'":•�;,' c�raatlitedforeaidcountY,pevsonaltycams_Qauiri i 1 nn anrl T r,ya,ca K Clc�en . �} . ..
<br /> �.��;tx:.,�,1i, . , . . , , . - :
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<br /> � �;i'c.i be the t�e+7ical person(s)whose nam�(�)ivarc��7Zl�d .`•::'.'6Vif.
<br /> .,_; ,
<br /> •..3".�,. � i�;�.
<br /> �;;, ; '. , to the to��f�tRg Instrumenf,and AelstspJfhey atk�o�o�eCge tFto�x:a�u4ion thereot to be hislherltheir voluntary aCt a�Q deG�. +• � -
<br /> ` • • Witness my hand and Nota�lat Seat 2t Grand Island ebraska �.
<br /> ,`" , , ���_ in id c dat af s 1 ��.•' . ,
<br /> � ' � � �:c;'v;�!' ' �`�,'�+ ' , -�C � ' •
<br /> : . ° � �, .:i,yY�i�f � • � . . .
<br /> ,•t�:� ��� � otary Public
<br /> - '��' � . � � `7 L•f
<br /> � � ?���"�;' `" EVfy Commisstan expires '` -
<br /> _ .; °i��'� . : Na.aioma�► �� • .
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