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<br /> ' ` : ` -``'°:` � � (tcstaivn.as tha."Loan.Servicer")that caUects uwntbly payu�ents�e cmder tas Note and tIIis S$eurity Tastrume�di. 'i�ere atso � --
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<br /> � i<�G:.:�'<..�� .� : ' al&o contain any ottt�infqrm�tion�eci�hY aPPlicab2e Iaw. --
<br /> �� �;.���� '� � ?A. Haza�lous�aDs�an�a Banuwer shall not�as permit the pmsence,use.dispasal.sto��or release a�aay _-_ ,
<br /> .. �.' :.� ',,;,:..,,'•,'`�: �iazatdous Substances on or.'sA the Ptaperty. Buaower shall not do.nor a12�w aayoae e1s�to do.anythFng affecting dte ----
<br /> � r �P�Y Qrai is in violation of stny EavuonmeatallLaw. 7�e pmeding taro ssntettoes shall aot apply to tke g�eseace.tt�e.or _ --
<br /> -;3: �� ., �� .- starage on the FmQe�ty of smafi quantiEies of Ha7ardnus Substances that are generally rerogniz�id to 6e appmpriate L�normat _�_ _= --
<br /> �'' .;: - � tesideatial uses and w maiatenanoe of t6e Pmogsrty. ---
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<br /> . ':.,- Bnrrower shall pmmptIy give Leader writteo notice of aay investigation.claim.damand,lawsuit or other actioa by aay
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