- tr� '^,��i�i�,.�,.�: '.ti:�`,.'u. %i:: • v: ,t+ a . - '"i;i'�: r`-�k_'
<br /> \^' . ::�=,h_- . ,� _ ' �G . `:1 '. . . . �l _ '�t_-
<br /> _�7 ��!S ' � � � _� � ,' - 9y i . t .
<br /> .� . ,
<br /> :: . � .• - � tt s . . 1 ' .f ¢ y
<br /> ' � i ':} .� . : . , �� �a}{l S � � � Y Lk. t
<br /> � , . � .
<br /> ! �, :�Z _ J ; 's �.� . � j 0} ��r?�P 'r,r,J ��k�y\)n!i H� 4fViYk'tMi} S -`yj..�..' - _
<br /> f . . .__r- �V`�� .� �:.+:�n' - '��i:aww�..+..;� .�i' -. " ._. .�_ ,uY...h:.:S �. ...i.dazr i ;�� _. _, _
<br /> - . . . - - � � - - . � c � .. � . -� ' ,. • ..i .�k��'�'pi� 48...,.
<br /> '` `. � . . ,., . . � . ' . ,. 'Yb�` 1. � �`
<br /> ` s ` r� •�er,y�' � �Y���, � ` • � � �� t 6 W.���RV -_
<br /> : � _ . � . . � . y �. :ti4 --
<br /> _, " �"�, ,•' . 4. ��@�rw�nt ohan�teep tAa Pro�xzey�i,4ot1 cageeir aftd qtmff not co+rrrr�it weato ot betvilt l+npoltate�at dsta�oration at ttta�ny, `:;k� ,.
<br /> :� ` . , . :...; :. '. '`s• �
<br /> 4 j � � 1 ' �ns`�'
<br /> ^' ' ,s � , �,'�'t�}�`�, • 6. 1f th, Bqrwl�r!�'s to: (al mei►u�a or pay ttu pra�uma to�tho ra�trrwrince of tt�Prapoity,ai tDi Ray taxas 6otorn dYGnquanL or �� •
<br /> , T .,;.:. ,�����:i�.,; te1�iT fL`af�S+cui�dus u�er o�ttcr murtqaga o�tcuat Q,eed batoaa�a�¢c:sa�w td)cnetntatn iha Pi�aRy in 80¢��oIIa�r.or�o�ps+locm � k �
<br /> �r ,� � eny ottba wvan�er oYresmenta ot t�Fs Tiust Qees.tisen tha tenQar ms�.e0.tts aptio4 P�l s�eA(nsvreneo prerestums.toxas,mo��+ s, .` � `� �`
<br /> N� � `., or tneat deed paymsnts.w make reasTro artd diobuts�sueh ivms�nd�e swcl��t[on cs it daema neaeasary 4o protset its interest�vitlw�t �i��' ''
<br /> r� if{ �:..,'.; , ,'•:e�.','� • weiuin�o�atteedn�tte tigl�t m d�ctsro or Qetai6t ei�0 sCeeterats ttea daDt amctsra4 heraIIy�scausa of airy suaA t,e;ture ottAe�rromer. Any '��`k.. . .� � ;_k;
<br /> - , ,t.:�':r, :.=;!::.:.;:<r.'.�.;' mnauntssudro0u►csslEyUtetanderchsilcon3tituteeQd'itionai�rtdebtodrm�aalNeBorrowe�seeutedDyMieTnisfDaed�ndcAail6Qarintesaat <'���� ''
<br /> '. y.''..V� '.
<br /> u ",•��`� ��%�•i;'��'���' hom t1p date of dfs6tusemant et ths mte paycbto ure6or tho�!ote. NnttslnD cantrined in Wa pnrapraph er�i taquiro tRe W ndei to m,s4e arry � �
<br /> -� .'�J• tucA C,cDutsament�or tete erry ection wh�isaever. - �r°, --
<br /> �r5 k _- � r " _ 8.. Tho lcndor may mrJke or causo m Eo m�o reesots:.�te antrias upon end inspaction ot the Proparty. � i_� � _ �
<br /> f ..���,, , , _- __
<br /> ` �___ f':'����, T. TM proceods oi say eward or etsim tor Aamaga9.direct or coresatiuentiel.in eonnection�witA any cenQemnavan ur othe►takine n!ths
<br /> �. j�,_ • resa �-,-.:_--._Y -
<br />- . '� �� Property,ot part thareoi or tor conv0yance in&en of cartdemnstion,sre fe.ra�y essimsed entl shdl tre ptid w el�a Lender to ths exte:st of tM • ' <• _
<br /> _ .._ __.. _ tu�omount o!tRe tsmeining ur�aie iradebteQnssa eacumA Ey this Tr�st Oead. :;`x;�, � �•,�
<br /> .. ' _ t'" C..tel_sy :4..�. -
<br /> .. '.'�.'A",:``. ' ' �
<br /> "• ;-- --..`- ...,�:;. .. c rty ia ebandoried Ey tln Barrovyer.w.H eher�rotice Ey tlie Lender to tha Bortorver that tAs eondemaw oHers to mr.ke en arrord ...;':;��'w; -: .:.` ". .:=
<br /> If the Prope ro • ,.
<br /> " � or sottfe e cleim tor damn es,the Bnnawer te7a to�e � `�•";:Y`, ' `.'
<br /> . „ , "�t, :� II spard to tha Letodet witRirt 80 days etter tAa Qete sueh noUee is mcs'ted,ttw t.en6er . i. ,�
<br /> , .� " • .,r.' is euthorizad to eollaat and syyty the proeeads to ths sum�secure�dy tNa Trust Qe�d. ;�'�?; •; ,
<br />_- �;r .�,';:,�. . �;
<br />_ ., :;,,.'i:':;':�; .•.� . . +'' �. ,.
<br /> - _ ----.r=---" Condemnation proceeda or awarda shaD be aad'rted to tiie lestmatr.ring instaUmoaht of tha indcbtodnass seeured end stuil not entend ar �;;:<<�,.,e?==;.=•''_�`-'-`,`,�,�:.
<br /> ' ' >.� � OastDono tRe due date of ttie instettments roferted to in paragr�h t Reroof or cRertgo tho amaurtt of mu�h inste!traents. . ` ���`'
<br /> ..i�:
<br /> -- ' ` + ''�." 8. Ii tttQ lat�dut fstiurts a pmti�rolease of tAis T�ust Qead,the pracaeds recetvd tt�ttrefor sAe1t CQ credlmd to tho test meturing mstetlments ni •
<br /> - _ ;x-` ^'s��,'�•;r't tha trnie8tadn��aaurad MreLy. .
<br /> •�i''`.:,', . . - .� �J:�'
<br />- 9, IftheLon4eteitAervotuntar�yatinvoluntanlybecomesepartytcarrysuitotfegslpracoctdngreta6ngtotheProperty,fYnteorchisTrustQeed, ` ''�"'"'� '
<br /> ;t '
<br />- ':.�j;, . •- .. lhme tlra 6ercovter wiil cetmburca the Lender tor elt eosts and..co ttus exteM pemdtted by►aw,reasonahle uttmm�ys'fees irtcurred by tho � . ." ,A��'� -
<br /> _ ' Lendet tetating IDo s�ctt suit nr fagal pcaca�ngs artd said sums slurJl coastitute additional irtdebtedness siscurod 6y W�Tnist:[7eeQ e�l hear .. �:-:. �:
<br /> �•-� intentst at the tste paya8[e undor tttts tMate.unul patd. ,
<br /> :'t '': .'. . :r: . .,• �, •�-.. � • '4
<br /> . �.� ''i '` 18. As edditiona)6ac � - � > , '• , --
<br /> •-!r;,:� ::,,, . ' utiiy fire 8oirowivrdues herelry ttsei�►.trensfar en!set over�tifa.Lendar,in mse of dafieulf.ir.r.tlm.ptttfnrmanee ot any . . "� �
<br /> ;:��.�l f - • � . of the terms ar car.x4lSnria,af.dti�T�1si Deed,the lYata or t�a tomrs oi eny iccddiAmdheGs sacured hate6y,atl nf:tfm:r.mts,revptmes aM any ''#
<br /> :���:�{'';.�'-` '':��y5;'< < income oi any tyµ�saiji�Y�'�I:,tti•IY�;derived from the Piroperty,irtdending land cay?ftac!Payrrtertts. TIIie Lemt�r,i7A�o�.��nt ot by
<br /> . .�.; ��s•��!,,s�; {�•; :..`_�
<br /> �i,; , �;�;-r •..� �{%, receiver,withaut.rn�ui�tai;il�Q�tYeti(ey or insolvency of tha Ho�xcrwro�=or tho vatue of the ProQert�,�afi be en6tied to tafce nosavssion of. . 1-.�'
<br /> . r,�� ' air,rant and erd to colleet the rants,ravetwa�and income theretrorr►and�:rrrc��pay out of said incassia al!e�enses y'f`�•-
<br /> � feD ma�a8�the f�OCftt3[i�..
<br /> `•' , �f�!}���.r� . of re{ir,�T and ccscs ing��red irl iretTiii�and managinp tfle Proparcy oY�wAecting rents end tocpu�r�ant of irtsurance premliurts wiih anY ' � •-�
<br /> } ��' " . iemaoluh' balanesm tse e lied�o tha tast maturin ` ` • -..���'�`'. °.
<br /> - , a� � 9 PD 8 Payments of tAe Qebt secured hereby. Upbn'yiasenting e copy af this Trust Deed and y o u •.
<br /> ' '� �_�' � delnaM to eny te�e,tonant or eontract purehaser o!the Prapany,such petson shetl pay efl rents,paymenis and profits accrued or f';�- ;
<br /> ,� , �' the�aa�te�accruing to ffis LenQer until further notice tram the Lertda:. '+�`
<br /> ' .�r�•�. �! ' ... _ .� , .�r�.�l.`f`�
<br /> :.S . �''���.:
<br /> ' .;.�:p;::�. .'� .11. IFs1l'�t.sn � • ;,`'",:� i,,c;t�.
<br /> .,�„ ��,. y part of ffia Property;as eny interest therein is dm¢dnd;unieiy 6y tand tontract or.�iqterwise aonvoyad,_alieneled.nr tunher ; �l��,
<br /> .`s'. � �C'r. ��-� endirifSYered eithar voNntan'ty orinv[ifuntarit wit�out the Lenda�3; nnt wriiten consent,exdudl f��y a panster b o erafiob oPlbtiu u on � ;• :
<br /> ;S,�t�����+�. , 7/ (�� tiR� V 0 V it.+..• ,`.
<br /> � • j�t;1,•�;:'�k;. the d'eath of a jaini tenant or 1b4i�p+�grant of eny leasehofd i�meg.t��sot:�onteining en opfion ta pu(rliuse with a lease term of fV{ti years o► ' ' a� :i:�
<br /> 'r.�,:-;,; : ; ' ;��tilaf�,-• tess,or(c1 the erestjmn o�the p��fi+�muney seeurity intemstln hi�•1p�mid eppfiances,then thaLetvler meY,at its a pon,deetare ell sums � ' �' r t+
<br /> r.•r :�� �k°er, r' . r. � '; :;'t. 'yq:� j•;.'.
<br /> � f,'�'.r�j>• ..��,� - �.. saeured by this Tnik.t:ne�r;o•Sr�Ifiisste�ately dua erv3 payebio: � _ . �- . ��'� ��;�;�t,!';�� _i 8 i�'%���
<br /> � •,.;�T,��;j '• r; ,tf��';, ; , •i,� F7.,.,{.. i..rj fl,��;:
<br /> �` ' r�•' ��, .. . �j.� . �� 3�� ;'t':il� "'"`-'
<br /> a r. - '��'t�:,:.•:�': 7 � �"p'i,=�` -�,,:
<br /> f" t . �-, ,�; ' 12. Upon the Borrower s����af r�t�hsvenant or agrosment ufihe�lia�th�rm ils�T,v_°s Oeed,i�+ctuding thb coY iurtn,s�to pay when due any �, •Y.+� � •; ',,. 'a�-''/�1 �z
<br /> c' �r<<Y"�'S�= sums secured bYthfs T'*ust :1li�tienQer,at Rs o 6on,m di:dtart eJl cf s,tms seeured b thia Ttust� ' � • ��. 1?-�-'� �
<br /> �'r� p ay' l�srt, ' Y �f�.tf'<o be immedtaiely Que
<br /> :••y; �. .; �r..y,fr. _, 1.
<br /> ,. aM payable vruhout furtfiar derr.mnd:i�s3 may inwke the powe►uf'6t3m arsdloi eny otfiar remeQies pemdttod ti�e�i�licebie law inciuding Me �, � . . �"`j;t+�.,:;
<br /> ngbt to toreclose thi9 Trust Deed in 9�s^ri9nrter provrided by tew for t�e foroctosure of mortgagas on reai estbtv. �l?e Lender sAali be enUtled � � . •• �• �' � '
<br /> , • . to coSlect aSl teasonable cost�end eYpensos inctarrei in purstong sucA remedies ins+'sding,but not fimited tbj ahJ 16 the extent Oermitted Ay E' ' ' ' �
<br /> 1 ' . .. J' : larr.�easonabte etiorneys'I8@9. ,� , ' . {_ . •• .' �k'_ ,�
<br /> y•:.';,.. ,. ; . " .' i " . ''s ':;•-',��''`_°•
<br /> _. , 11 ihe powef o!sale is invokeQ,the trustee shall�ecor4 a�otice of det:�ult in each��sti^Ly m which tfie Properiy ot<.Tr:r y,art thereof is taceted ( . � �j//,:':�
<br /> ; • . an6;i,ruviQa notiee thereol in the�anne�presc�bed by applica6ta t�ws_ Aftor the fayse of such time as may ba ve��bed by apy�.�tbte law, i �6�/` . _
<br /> ' . , ,�, ' tfis'Tr�,sstee shali giva public notiva of•sele to the persons and in thri fi�zn.�er prascribed by aEpl��m Iaw. The Tnutee,ot the 6'�5rnay tor � ;;,,'� .'7(;r' `'` '
<br /> ; .;'...�, �;, thnT7�siea,without doman0 on 6?��tovower,eha0 seil the Propert`}ar y4�biic eucGOn to the t,iy't'.'vx,�6idQer a�the YrmO and plece ni+�urtdar :�'�i!`.?�'i��;5<•a:•,.• �
<br /> '., ,l°�'4',.' ° � the rerms Qesignated in tAe ootice o.sale in one or maro parcels and i�such order as the Ttusteo may determine. 7he Tcuste0 may pustpone � � • ;;i�;}�c�1�1;;•,,.,i��
<br /> j�y;':;�,,:,', t,:;,;:';,.'.'. • saia o1 all or any y.m'��t af tha�Prt¢erty by puCiia announcement at the time end piace of any prev�ous►y scheCutNd.'s��e. 7he lender or the � �:�{���r(;.e,.�.,.�;�,
<br /> If,:'.�;:.f,•r,,��� �ty t', Lender's designryt nnb��ju�:shaaa.4t�e Property at any eaie. ' � • ;,;�:'ti;':'' .•r:�
<br /> . 7,{'�;X�i_�y�?"•�..� •:,1�,�.1_�il.�. -.. , :: .. . ,,:�y;F��jSii;;'r':'�'�"�=r:�--
<br /> •• T ,r �r�� ,.• .. ,��+,,E>�,�r_ .,.� �.
<br /> `r�� ': � t�t�receipt oi payment o!tYe;:yrioa bid,tha 7rustea ahall Qeli�en to the purcheser a�rustee's Oeed, withaut warranty,conveyine the � • � �1�;�:;��,� �-`
<br /> ` � • "� 'j � Prc�patry sold.The recitals in tne:rj�-ree's�eed shall ba prima facia evideoce of the truth of ihe statements made there�n. The Trustee shall t `+ ;�/f"?s''�; '
<br /> �:i •.,,:�.' ' -
<br /> '. ' j epply the proeeeQ9 0!the sale in tAe fultowing order: (a)to el4 reasmzable costs and expensas ot the aete,ineluding,Eut not limfted to,the ;� ' �:.•s<'ci,:r<<• �
<br /> � Trustee's tees of not more than 5500.00 p(us.5°;h tt the amovnt secured hereby and remarning urtpeid,and costs of title svidence;(b1 to • _ �
<br /> ;.,�• = , �tl sums secureO by thle T�ust Oead;and(c)thn uxvass,it any,to tha person or persans tegally on�itSed thereto �; • ,
<br /> , 3 . ,.
<br /> , •;.; ,'. ' :� 43. Any Sorbe9rence by the Leader ir exerusing any ripfet or remady hereunder,or otherwise effur�fd by applicable IaN,ahall not he a waivar � � � �. '
<br /> � �; .�.����',:,• :� o!Gr�O�eclude tfie eYarcisa of ar.i��.l�t,b.nght ot remedy in the e�:tarr!of continwng or tuture broaclr.rsa by tho Borrowor. � � ''^;:'F�:'•'. ' ��.
<br /> �"r.:,
<br /> •1������t-:':! � ' '.�`�r(�;',:��`'.i � .
<br /> �.-...., 1 '. I, . ; /f�,:."
<br /> . ; , '^�����,�?' � 14. A1��gdies proHQed in this Trus�Ot�ad ara d�stind and ccrr�:ahvx�Va eny other rigfii or reme�i�4�'+s�t thi9 Tru.1 Oeod or aH6rded by law , �; .: •
<br /> •�• ���:.t� � or oquity,and m8y be oxerciseQ eoncurrgntty,ir!Qepandent►y cc si�cessively. • �
<br /> ��.'��r'..,.' , �,. • '- , � .
<br /> , ,r�;. ,,.. , �
<br /> . 't � �,��;2�;,;.,',s; ' 15. Upon peVmoM o!all eums soc�red by tlu9 Trust Deed;the ler.tei ahell re�uasF the+f:,;.atee ta taCCts:rey the Proporty and ehatl surrendor thls • �'� ,�•'•
<br />- „', 1 �"}•�i 14•1J�"t��-'}-;' Tn+ST Deeaend ell noies evidencinp ir.debtedr.ass secured 6y th�s Tnst�.'Oeod to tl:e�'r;st9e.The 4ieUv ae ehall recanvey the Proper•��whhout �' ���'I.•e!:<;•
<br /> 1�1i.:}. •.�,5�r�f�t,r;,;,. .
<br /> ;t •i';�•:�'+����,�r�?�d,f'tJ��r,� warrai�"y to tho pe�son ot persor.a luyally e�,titted ikerato. Sat13�rnra,,a a�persona shal�pay e1 G:��i;,cf recordation,rt any. ' ;��;.;5��;:.7�
<br /> •�'ti' '>`";�i��E%�(4�'l.,i��I,`•., � ' : � . 1
<br /> �Y�,{'''"' .YIk�"� ,.�.,.
<br /> �,t'�;rv}��;li�,){�,1�i;?i i' , t6. 7Ao Lr.�der,at Mo Lender's opticr.,M�u�p t�am tirne L:Emo re-x�.�s�:tq Truateo ertd eppumt a sur.c��e-ti«t Truata.s t,;eny Trusr.'r q;�;�inteu ,:;�:, •
<br /> , (y,,;t;t ti;�•, � � hc:wnder b/en instrument tecordeC m thu aa�nry,in..ul,•L;;ic R•.:S Tc1t:.t Oood ia rocordod. W�thuut convoyanex aN�>>�i pr:p�rty,tka 6UCC85sor • ,'
<br /> ' �r:�,'�•� TNSt00 9h811 SUCC88d t0 811688,powor artd dutian emtit�zeQ�;1.r.tho Trustoo horein and by apyl�cablo lew_ . � �
<br /> ('�;.;i�.' , �
<br /> ��i''r�;'i .�,"•.• • 17. �cept for eny�eoti¢ea,dnmurtds,raGuoat�or other ccmtr.un'ic�tluisv�o�ulted unQcr appticabfe taw to ba given in e�ieU:tlr mannor,whenever
<br /> � .,r�;',, •,
<br /> ""�%,`'�v�,�'•' ihe Lender,the Burrower or the Ttuetee�vos ar serves sny nutlL•n llrtcluding,writhout limitation,notice of dufgult anC noHca�of ealel, ' �
<br /> . i k>S�:;:}t�c��r:.- .. ' .
<br /> � ,�„�,:; - . demande,ra4uaste or athereommutti�sntiun with respect to this 7n�t Oeod,oachsuch notice,domond,roquost or other commdrutnnan shetl "
<br /> ' ho in wriung artd shell 6n effeativo onty it the eame is detivered by�oreonsl serace or meiled by ee►ritiod meil,pasrage prap+ild,retum tocoipt
<br /> ��}� f'�� raQuosted,sddras8ad Yu the addtess set taAh at fhs ttaginnlnp of thla Trust Oood.A aopy of n�y notice of QofmAt,an�r nodao oi selo,�oquirod :�
<br /> _ . }' 1Y�'", '�'•� .
<br /> • .'�' or potmittad ta ho�lven heraunde►.shalt bemailud tu eoch porson whois a pe►ty hereto at tho addrass sot forth et rhebug�nnfng u1 this Truat ��
<br /> � 3;�"• ,., Oeod. Any pariy maµet any time chunge its addtass,fur such noticus by dnlivodng�or�muil»g to the othet pa�tras fhoreto,es afureseid,u
<br /> }• ` •. aotiao of suah ahnttga. Any amice hareunde�aU�AI bo daunrod tu havo been givomtn tHa Bnrrowe+o►tha Lender,whan yivan in tbe menner
<br /> • �•" dosigttat�d hatoln:
<br /> j •'_t..�, . ,
<br /> 3�, • 18. Thu covonnnta and aµroemonte herein carttained s1�a11 biud. end the nghts haroandar she11 tnure to the �ospactive haire, porson�J ,
<br /> . ,�=•: . . �f rnptosentativen,succossors and ossign9 0l thm pb►tios. AII cuvvnants end egreomont9 of tho 6orrowet shall be yaiM nnd sevorN. Whenevor • ,
<br /> �'}' , t rofnronco i�mudq tu the smgutm hereunder,it shtd)include the ptutal end the ptwal sha11 mctuCe the singular. .
<br /> , ���:. . .
<br /> _._ - � ..._..____.___.:� .
<br /> ;} , , ' 's
<br /> ;� �
<br /> t . , �
<br /> • , ' .
<br /> . s.•�, ., � . . ._.
<br />