-'''��' � .�`'.�lY -�� r _ � � , .:� �'�""�'''C�' .. : 4; : _
<br />_-�. . . .. .. ?- :
<br />��1. '. S��-•-� : `� 1 J}_t.`�:'"�ca'�jo.''ar �"4�^y� � �;. : � � t<�:
<br /> �,.i ; �, !Y� 1 . ..S S3't. J9T�'1'`�-SG��f�'E� '�5'S3u�'1.�2u '�'.�`J � •, : 4 . . i.YtW - _ . __ -
<br /> . 6 M F
<br /> ''a_., u�:•:. • • hl _ �.�___r�—____ . , .. - __ — �..�.
<br /> .:' . , r - i . -
<br />- L . 4..� . ' ... . , _ . ��.'. � ��d . . � . . ��rw. - ••—'••�-�,� . .� — —
<br /> ..c t•
<br />�.,��.��'-� '� .. _..,. --— . . . - -�-;,��� - - — --— --- - __---- - _ -----
<br /> -- =��a�,'� .. ` � ' ,,,` �� , ' �°. ,. . , . ���� . ` . . . � t` --
<br /> _,,.:�'�""��" "� ' �. Ha����'ra� iasurur�. Sorro�srer.,��a!!ksegs ta��r�oveqt�urs i��n�v.�ssi�g aY:��rav�e�e�rtrs a�a � _ �_. --
<br /> - .. PraD'ert�r in,�urc�k�in�t$ttsg Esy�iie.ha�ards Iactu�l''�ivTthue��ierm°exttt�n�e�ca�ege`�uT.�ny�itt3r�b�stsds���e�dina, ' � -
<br />-_- =_- — .' �. � fl6ods�t fIAOd�g,fo"r abiah Lend�r raQta,;res insurtutce:'�f�is iirsuti�c�s�iali�A�iaed in,tt�s�ts�fos t1r peil�. . �
<br /> = � ti�t t.e�adac•�eq�ir�sr�TRe insmance cris.ta�r PmviBi�p tAe iri5uranc�.ss3��a14 6:chos�en Fiy B�rrovrer subject W,I.en�cr's.�F�tovat :.
<br /> - ==--_ — 'wfiicA vS�ali'no�'t�t�reasan�6Sy.�w��id�;tf-�a;timwer feits to ut�piain uaverage.de�cribed�abov��Lende�r aiay.at L�ttder�s . �; --
<br />_- .: option,o6tainoovgmg�toprocect.I�trde�sri��rithe-�ioP�rtgtirFaqoor8r�ce�t��3ra�aPh7: �� , : � �' �, ,., .
<br /> _- �Atl irisura�.ee polie�es arui rema�vats�all fi�fsoeeptable.tn.Len¢er aad shall Inc:tude a staactacd�xs.urtgsge�elaus2. I:ertder „ ;,.`�,
<br /> �.::::� shall h�ve ttse r'sght ta tiald the golictes aad oe+�ewals.If Lead�r nquires,Borrdiver shall PromptiY give to Lender aIl teceipt�of
<br /> r _,
<br /> . paid premiums and renewal natices.In the event of Ios�.8accowei siiall��iv�prompt aoNce�ltce irrsuraace c�aaigr�D.�der.
<br /> " � 4�'' ��"'-r' 1.��1+1y�i�pi�Df o€fflSS Jf�s4L�dQ i►I��Y l►Y�-$orl+D�e[: � . �' ' ` - _
<br /> ,a_ , ti _ . _
<br /> �:""': .- ;�'a. UNess LeasleP and�smwer othernrise agree im amf uiag,insuraAOe pi+oceeds s6a11 be�pli�d to resWtatfoa or regair of the.. __-----
<br />_ i�c °��:�_�;;._`;�°- � . —_
<br />- '-.Y�;F,._=�-• � ' PmFerty datn,�.:if�tt�r�swrdtion or m�ir.is eca�avmicaf�y feasib!e.ea�Ti.�cdeF's ser�uity�is not 1ess�.If ttas restoraotoa or.,
<br />_ �_--�:x:- �-,.
<br /> �_ - �:`� �:is.ao�economi�liy feasi'b!e or Lender's security w�►+I�d be lesseaed,ihe#nsurance p�aceeds shal�6e agpl�#to tha surns .
<br /> _ ::,,_;:-:..��. ' secured•by this Secarity I�nt:,wttedhCr or•aot thsn:du�: with;amt.exoess paic�to 8orrawer.If��orrower abaador�s the
<br /> ,< „�='��.�' �
<br /> � ,'*�'�'�`� �P��`l,ar do�s not auswer witlun 30�days a�otir.e fcoro I eicder that the insuranx.carrier 6as:offered to settte a ciafm.thrn
<br /> .�'•�-4.k"'�. .
<br /> _ ,:.:., �•�:�_...�_�.._�.� Leudex may collect the in4wunce pmceEds:.Lender m�y. use the p�aceeds ta negaia:or reswze the PtopettSr,or.to pay sums
<br />- -��� `-,�`"""" secure�Oy ttns Security Insuuu�zat,whethcr or uot t1�e due.'Atc 34�day periad will.begin when the.natise is givaa.
<br /> _ �.,'�r°;�.z��_:
<br /> - •�`�s�;�^}��� . ..:.>:,_:'r � , Uviless Lertder anc! �rnrower athernise agre�in�wtldng:,ariY�:$PFiic�atioa af,proceeds to:Qriweigai,sha!! not e�ttend or
<br /> ` '�`. ' n,e th�due date of t6e moathty paym�ents refetred W in hs 1 and 2 or ch e the�amovnt of,the is. ff
<br />--1:�, ��..��%��•.,�.:,�.z:ai��•a P�P9 P�►� � PaY�
<br /> �:t<=:,.=�i����; ynder paiagfiaph 2I the Property is aa�i�by Leader,Borrovrer's right to any insuraace poli�ies end praoaeds resalting from
<br /> � - '"r:.� . ....'.,•�. ;:�aage w the Pruperty priur to the aoquisiteon shail psss W L�nder to the excent of d�°sums secured by t4i��suity Instnunent
<br /> � :�'�:;kN;S�,z?� � ��edi3tely p�eor to the a,cqqi�ition. � .= =:'. • ' _---
<br /> - ' �' �.6.��EY:P1tes.�batioa,MaintQaance an�I�roteciiora oP thY�rop�sty,Bosroweu's bo2�n Applic�fivn;Lease�b�s. --
<br /> `�,�°'. �`�f i N i'�
<br /> _ �' �,'`}' ',s.� ��'�oa'oweas�.�3i�accvpy,establish.and us��s e property as Sortowes'�:�rincipal sesdert�e wit��days after the,exetv3�;���af
<br /> . ,,...
<br /> .:;.._ •_;.,. ,
<br /> .' „• :�� ••�: `- - �- - �is S' `' t-andshali caa''�zo accup theFrape "ti��onower'-s riucipat t�sefora- : _ � �. . �----�-- - -
<br /> . „; �SA, .. ec�t�'�'ccstru�en �.,-s Y rirr. , . ��p : . . t leastong :��rer _
<br /> ° r `'� �.:s_ '••. .�e date o�`circuPancY>unless Leader a��iyise agre�s in vuriti�eg:"#<iich consent shall nat bes�.:.�easonabl�r,�.;�;�e1a:�o�'�less
<br /> - r : } � , ` ' ��'.ttenuating circurruutnces exist which are iieyond Hoirawer's co�mrol: Bomower shall a�ot desuny,'d��:�nr firipair tfte
<br /> . �..�., .:•; Property,atlow the Property ta deterid.�e;or.ce�-waste on.the Pcaperty. Earrower sh�.l.�e in,de{s�.�;�f ariy forfeiture . _—_
<br /> - _ �:r:::-;:�`r� action or pruaeedir�, whether civil or��ssi:�.is ii�giin that in T.�tMer's gaod faith judgnie�:is�8 resulf in forfeitur�:u�-the • ' ."
<br /> - r.;E t, ;;. �;...: _
<br /> '' „o Proper+ty or othernise tnaterially im��t;�.L�Cs��by this Security Instnunent or�"��.-�riry�imete�t.Borro�.�'tr�sy =
<br /> _ :,.t...' .•�;.., . . .... . . �
<br /> . `�:;�i:•<, cure such a defauft and re�state,as�:�'�.�u�te��,in��;,"$Ph 18.by cansing Ehe actioo or proc�'�,�c.�a Be dis��",�aitTi a:sr�,�tzsg '.'.�''`��:
<br /> , .`,;... .�.. „�r'•:; • �
<br /> r• tYiat. in l,ender's goad'faith determiEiation, ptec�;�s trorfeiture of the Borrower's interesf��i�e Pmpt�?or othe�tna�rial. ' -
<br /> --�.;: --
<br /> ., �`. .. ;�'``• � impairment a�f ihe lie�created by this Securicy Iisuument or Lender's secur'sty interest.�.aerci�rer shalf•a:so be in def�z'�if =
<br /> a • • >S#';:. ' _
<br /> . ���'t- Borrower,�•�$the loan application pnxess,gave materially false or inaccurate inforn�ativa��statements to l.ender(ar Casl!ed
<br /> � #�if.°;:;:. , �:�;,.
<br /> � � �'�-�•.,•... . to rovide�adet with an material in���rJation)in wru�eciion vdth the loan evidenced by 4�:t�+^te,in�cluding,6ut dot Fiir�eed •�;;�
<br /> - �;.�?}•.,.,:... p Y Qt'
<br /> , ��:�.. •.. �, ,,��;-' to.repeesentatios�s co�emie�g BurroweF;��aceupancy of ths Ptoperty as a principal residence.�€tfiis Security Instrumerrt is'on a _�::; �;}�t.!'. ;..
<br /> .-. :�'�;� : IeASehotd. Borrower sh�il comply with`;u:f;the�p:ovisiona af the lease. It Bo�rower acgulres fee titte to the Prapetty. the ' ..-.. `+:�
<br /> �.'� _.•._�.yv,'_....._ leasehold arcd the fee tiue shall nat merge~�:�s Lertder age•ees to the merger in writing_ 3';;...ri,=,-_
<br /> �,.; : -� . t?'s` 7. Protect[on of Lensier's Rig6is isu°�[ae Property.If Bomawer fails to perform the rnvetr-�ts and agreements wntaiaed in "�;`'� '
<br /> ' ��.�.,:`:;�. this Security Instrnment.or there is�.�a:,-3i proceeding that may significandy affect[.ender'��s�his in the Property(sach as a ' ':,.
<br /> ` ;'� mceedi in bankru t , robate, fc�a a�ademnation or fadeiture or ta enforce taws or ations) then Lender ma do and "` '"`
<br />- :.,;1�'' _ _ P � P�5+ P � . Y ; , . .;, `�
<br /> � -;ti;;' �.- pay for whatever is neces.sary to prot�ct the va4ue of the Property and Lender's ri�ts in the Properiy. Ler:�er's actions may �;�r •�.�a;�
<br />- �,',�;'`v,�; inetude payin$ a�t sumv secured by a,tien wh'sch has prionty over [his Secu.�u� fc�.strument, appeariu; in court. paying � ���;.,• ��^
<br /> 3��_
<br /> ':���`��^f: , reasonabte attomcys'fees and entering c+cx:�.he Property to make repairs.Althou^�a��:t sr,:�.� r;�1ce action under ihis parzgraph --
<br /> - 7.Lendeo d:��oe have to do so. � -=--
<br /> � '�� '"'�' Any�.�munts disbursed by l.en�-u::�er this paragraph�7 shal!�bemme'�;ditional'�•�s,«,f BorroR�r secured�Sk tt�:� ��` `�`'��;�iY,�tu,:.-
<br />, '` � - �. -� . Securify Instrument. Unless Borrower ancE Len���,�e to other terms of payment,these 2a:-�a:.-�-rs�Shz1�b�:,.r es;erest frp�i the ' � � -� -
<br /> r„ -
<br /> - . ' d�te of disbursement at the Note rate and.s�:tr bz��•able, with interest, upon notice frc,r,�,t�r;tder Ea�-ri'ower reqaesting , ' �,�
<br /> . . .�-:�:;,-
<br /> . .. ' payment. ,� ; ,.•, .. , F,. _.: , . ,-;-:.
<br /> / ••.,f..'. .t.�
<br /> �: �. . : ,, 8.111�.��age Insurance. Iilxn�er run���rod s�:u�tgage insurance as a condition of makir•.��i.��:tean secured 6y this Security � ` • ��°
<br /> '" (nstrument� 8orrower shall pay the�r�riir.-:s rar:red to ma'intain the mortgage insurance irr effect. if, for any reason, the . "�"'�`r'����_:
<br /> • �• - ' ' ��F.�....�./:'.•;.1�_. � '•�aiF.�_.
<br /> � martgaga insurainnce mver�..,ge requircd �; �.en�ec�,�s or ccases to be in e(fect..Borrower shal!pay the t�:,:�iums required to . �
<br /> ..�::;_<
<br /> ::;�,:;;;:;: .;, obtain coverage substarr.:_i!:}•equiva}�-,:to the mcrr�L=c insurance previously in tffect,at a wst subslar.rrCl,�'�equivatent to the •X���;:, � �
<br /> . ;"``� � cogt to Bosrower oP the L�tI$�'C Sr���:ce previously in effeci, from an alternate maRg�e�asnrer a�n��od by Lender. If ��� '
<br /> :� � ���'`"',, substantiJt�� uivalent mort a�e ins:,�:r��covera e is not aYailable.Eonawer shal{ a tn�l�.r�ter eACh manth a sum ual to � . :
<br /> ,: .;%;;u;,; � ' �. E o S P Y e9
<br /> ,'•;;:>;�;;;��; one-twelh�h c3 tt��yearly mortgage ir.s::.c::�:ce premium being paid 5y Rnrrower when the insur.�-�caverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> ':T;{�1:;;:,'���`�;.f be in effea`.•1?.er.der will ac¢eQt,use and tetain these payments as a losc reserve in lieu of morigage ir�pran�;e. Loss rescrve ,' � • . . '
<br /> : :,f.. ,}., � • '
<br /> !, , ��'•i5�;�'�r:':� � . Form 3D28 9/90 ;' ..
<br /> , ;.�)j�i.';_. " ,
<br /> . G�,! ., .. . .,.
<br /> .i;utii{�r:�, . � Pa9n3o�6 . ,
<br /> - . . ,ii$::�.��.0 ._ . . -
<br /> �� yj':,;�k..•��l . .
<br /> ''j.. �t., -�� . • .
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