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<br /> _ wcen_m' ��'P,r.�'°r. � � __—.
<br /> ;.i�E�F't33�,9-.-��u,,� y.� . . . . . � . . • .. .
<br />��i �E ���; � . � , � . . . . . . . ��� �� . . . � -�
<br />--- �� �� �fo�Ls cha►.�:en�er aeqa�u�s.,'Et�insurar�ce ca�€ier provi�th�in��uan�e nhe3t pe r�os�n by,B�rrac�ei sub'�s to L�ax�r`s:.��.;.�_.. <-:'Y
<br />�..���.�.; upysroyut whs,ch�halZ aut i�an�nubty witisheid. If.BaetowEr faits to rt�aininin cavera�e descn'bed a6ovc,l�r�e��a�+,et:.': � ;
<br /> �1r. j Lend�c�a o�aion,ob�sein cav�P r'�e w pr�tect I.endar's rigRts�n th$Peo�rty in uccardvtce wi1P�Q�,ca�rapb 7. •
<br />_ ! �ins�aase�soliciea end rene�,ls shalt be aeceprIIDle ta Leader and shall:u�.�ude a saand�rd m�t�age cG:us� g.e�r =--- --
<br />�,� sliall ha�re�ire rfigizt eo huld the policiesarsd reriews�is. if[e�des requBr�s.Bona�r•er sh�tl pr�mptlY Stve to LestcF�r aU receipts .
<br />�;�� of paid pma�iums�d a�euewal aotices. �the event of Ioss,Banuw�sIu�11 givo p�dmpt notive to the irisnruuca�rr�er�at�: •
<br />- "ti�;��_ � :`{' .: E,�ader Leader may,ma.ke p3aofaf ioss if aQt'mad8 pramptty by.$a:r+acv� � -
<br />_ .:�> ��E; ETIITCS9�,�CII�C!�11d BOP[OWCT O2J10RVISE 3�iCC!A WIItIII�,it�ar�..nce praceeds sha}t be s�pp}ied to r�santioa os rep��of .
<br /> '����' �'. • p � y ty is not tesseried. If,ttra. � —
<br /> ��,_ ' th�PmgeRy damaged. ff the restorattan or re air is econonaicaq feasih2�and Leader's securi
<br /> �' %��;.�.�f - restaratiun or�repaii.is aat economica3ly:feasible ot Lender�securi�y�vuWd 6e le�sened,the insu�.uce p�s sL�i:6e . ' � .- � . _
<br /> � �; �- �` 'apg�ic�to dxe sunns�secaied 6y dus 5ecurity Instiumenb whethes or nnt then due. with any eaoess paid to Bomaw�t If = ---
<br /> r �`��dR4 ' - ' Bomswer a�andons`the piroperty;or dues noi answer within 34 days a notice from txnder tliat the insum�ere ca�rier I�es . ---.._--- - -
<br /> '` °�-Y,'- _,`"�:� ` Y P� Y Pz'���o repair•ur.resto2e -_-_---
<br />= r.n ._,._ :., ,.,� offe�ect tn sPxtte a ctaun,tfien t.endrr ma coilect the insaiartce ceeds. Lender ma use the
<br />- ��`==�� '° � ttie Pmpetty or to pay s�s secured by.this S�rity Inswment,whethe�or no�then due. 't4te 30day period witl beg�n.w':�n,
<br />_ •o_,� .. ,� , --
<br /> � ..�'':�='�` ' ehe na�ice is vea -
<br />= z�.;.._.t��:.,..:, � gi -
<br /> �'�:-,s;'..: �� .... , Untess I�er aad Sorrower othetw�se agm,e m 1mtmS•�Y aPPticatFon of pmceeds to p:incipal.shall nfli exi,cnd or . --
<br /> ., ,: .,.'`;".�• � •. , F��ae the dus da.oe of the month�y paymenis refe�red ta in Pr.u�graPhs 1 artd 2 or change the amotutt of the payments. If --
<br />_7% ��''. . •" undec paragc�z�h 21 t6e Progerty is acquimd by,Lender.Borsower�right to any ins�uance policies and pmcee�s resulting
<br /> ':.-.1::;�: ; �
<br /> � -�. . •- ' from damuge to tl�ee Ptoperty prior to the acquisirion strr�ll pass ta Lender ta the eatent of the sa�ms sesured by this Secutity • �-° -
<br /> �'�� , � . Instrmnent imu�ediately prior to the acquisirion. -___--
<br /> � ' -. ' � t� Uccapancy. Preservat�va, MainteAance and PrateNbod► o� t6e �'rop�stq; Barnoiser's Laan Appll�afitm;
<br /> ���.;.;.'.�`,:°;'. ;- :: Leasetiotds. BormvKer.sbalt accupy.esta6lish.and uss the Propert�r as Borcoiver�s principal residenoe wiihin si�cty.days alter �
<br /> '} the e,xecation of Uus Sec�nity Instrument and shall�cflntinue to occupy the Property as Bosrotiver's prineipal.residenoe for at
<br /> �E, f � �;�}� least one year aftec Iha date of occupancy. unless i,ender othemise agrees m writing, which eonseni shall not tw_ • �i%z s, _..
<br /> n��c^nablq withtteld,or untess extenuating cincumstas�ces exist whflch are 6eyond Borrower�control. Horincver�skall nnt� �����,�_��._ --
<br /> ,,:. . . �.;,,: , ,
<br />- �...Fr . . - -
<br /> ., ti,��: :::�•�,.t: dqatroY,damaSe or im�rair the Property.allow ttte Property to deteriorate.or cotnmit waste on.the Property:.Bom}wer sball' —_-___
<br /> �. .
<br /> - , ,,.,
<br /> ��'';r�:�:�;�;<:`•. : ` Ge in defaWt if fotFeitmr acuon or cee�hn _whe3her_rivSl os mminal is 6e S �!.Sn!�it�..._. ._. °---__-
<br /> � . ���. `""',;>`���`;•.,•: - - �.conT��resuT�in fo�m�re of ttie��Prope y ar ot�ixise materiaUy impa►r the li���ted b�u Secu[3+�Instn�meett or • _°�_-
<br /> ;;,•v.., ,.r..�. '.ie�oa+—�--
<br /> ,` .,;��_:, ,.`` .•-�':. l.ender's security interes�. Bomower may cure xucb�default and ceinstate.as provided in paraglaph 18,d9 egusimg ths action . �=-'
<br />= r,:(a�,,,:.;^ ..,,•.r`,. or proceeding to be dismissed witti a mling that,in.Leader's gaod fai�h determination.prectudes forfeitiue of the Bmmtiver's -"
<br /> }�;;r',. . • Property i paimiens of the lien c�eated by this Security lnsuument or Lenders s�curi , .'�F��.
<br /> ,�.��, ;.;•. � °�: interest in:the or other material m ' �y,�
<br />- ;t•�;�'•:;_�:-::•.:.': _. intetest. �Btsaower sLall also 6e in default if Barrower. deuing t h e toan app liea tion process, gava mzt e t i a 1 1y�f u l ae ar, °"'.r� '�::_
<br /> �� " �`��`'`� � � iitactttmc�e aiformafion or statements to Lender(nr fuited tn pravide Lender with any material infortnation)in�oanneutia.q tv3#i�ii � . "'''�
<br /> "�•'��' the loan evictenoed b the Note. includin but�. �ic timited to,re entatians ooncemin Borrrnver�s aecu af�th� �'��'
<br /> -rr. ;�,��;:: Y 8• �i Pt'es 8 A3a1:y: .�R_.
<br /> ° ::,;.;�, •:,;..•�.� ProPerty as a principalr�sidence. If this Sec�uity tusfttseaent is on a leasehal�,Bmto�ver shatl somply wiih si11 tha prov'siams :;'��'�
<br /> �:: � :, :.;.' • ' . of the iease. df Borro�r ires f " :,•
<br /> ::,:1z; ,,,.:;�' . ; acqu ee rid$to the Piop:ny.the teasehaid and the fee title shall nat mer�e untass Le��ea,,rre��. , {�+n-
<br /> to the ;_�•"
<br /> '�.-`ff`�`< , mcrgeefii writing.• : .;. ,. . . . • �• .� :.��
<br /> , " �' ":''�`•'���F� 7. Frs�Yection of Lender's Rfgitfs in t6e PropestS If Borro�ver fails to prrfartn:lh��i:ovenxnts and agraem�u� :'�.� r�:;:`:
<br /> %:%'�,'��v:i�� • �',t::., •:,y:..
<br /> + ,�,�,•�:;:�:.:: ' ,,.,�.�,7� contained in this Security Instnsment:•os there is a Iegal proceeding that may signi6cantly;:nff� Lender's dg,3�ts in�the� f;:. :T,
<br /> ' �;i�s;i: • t`r Property(such as a pmceeding in bankruptcy,probate,fnr cond°mnation or fodeiture or ta enfori�e 1a�x or,rega�tt,�ioms),then r����:.:� '`
<br /> �,9 '''��:�'�' � Lender ma do and a for whatever is reecessa ta mtect the value of the Pra 1�`°� ' '
<br /> Y p Y nl P P�Y a�d Lender's•rig��..in th��'toperry. ; ���; . .
<br /> � , Lender's actions may include paying any sums secuted by a lien which has priority over this Saturity.Inst�w�et�ti.2g�e�ering ,l�:,._ . :: �
<br /> ' - � " -- - in cou ayin teasonab[e attoine .s'fees artd enierin" on the ta make re �r�_AitHnv l:ers�t��in �ial�d a�iaa:' � �"`�:�
<br /> . �"p � Y S ProPefi+ P� �€,f� �.. ,rr,: ":
<br /> ' . ' under ttus��,s�agrapSi 7,L,ender does nnt h�ve ta do w. ,
<br /> ; ���° `:
<br /> : '.` `�,' Any:cu�nunts disbursed by Lender under this parngraph 7 shatl becorroe additional detsE:of�Bcttrm��s�secure.�by thi� �� ��.;
<br /> • • < ' '� Security[s►sttument Uni�ss Borrower and Lender agrare.co attoer terms af payment;ttc�se aenounts shs.11•�S:an�in*�:�est from the �' ,'� , `� '�
<br /> � ' y - -� � �''=^� date of disbursement at tta:Note mte and shall be p,yat�le.with.intemst,u pon natie�fmm Le��es�ta;•Sairavser r e qaestin g (" '"—r�-
<br /> " payment �, ` ; .
<br /> "�!z .�¢�
<br />- . . ' :-i .. 8. htorlgage Insuraace. If Lettd�required mart�ag;.insuctu�ce a�a canciilicm nf�ma�eing the loan secured by this �y:`'; , .. -----
<br /> ' `'ff:�'.. Security fnsjnmem, Borrower shalPp-i}�t1i�premiums roquired[a maintain th:mnnsa�a lnsurr�ce in effec� If,for any s;'� ____ _
<br /> - - f�. `'�':��r5-. teason. th�:�nortgage insurance co�ca:��:;.tpqairc�tiy Lerxler la�ses ona:a,r; tu bi �n��ffd:t:.Borrower shall Qtty the f;••;';:'::, '°�""=
<br /> n�•„ - -..
<br /> - _ , _. . premiums recjuired to obtain.caverage:e�ubstantir.Il}�•cyuivale�t.in the mnn��.ipvumnce prt�s.yusly in effect. at a cost , y�; ' 4 �"'��" _
<br /> ' ' � substantiafly equivalent to the cost to Born�wer orf-tiv�martgs�v�insuru.*�:e p�evtu�.�ly•in effe�x:,Crom an altemato mortgage �'��`� , ,, _-
<br /> �`s ` •� :���.��n:i •insurer�'r,ved by Len�et. If substantially eyuivalen.�mnrtg:.s�insurun:��crn�asip�i�not„��ii:�ble.Sorrower shall pay to y�'i� • ��,.r-�.
<br /> J� , l.ender��:ls'rn,�nth a sum equal to otte�ta•elith of th.yea9ly rtnnq��insurnn:c:premium bcin��azd by Borrower when the . • ' ,'�,., �--��
<br /> , . ,1l�, , insursiiv;.���v�-s�e tapsed or ceasvd ta b:in effoct. l:err;laz ti�•iIl.acscnt;i,ue and re:ain these paym'en�ati a lo.s reserve in lieu �'� ' L '
<br /> , . ti
<br /> � �•. � a••��: of mort�.'snsurance. Loss reserve paymentc m�.}�na ftmpe•�%b:r t�ited,at the o ption of Lender.if mort ga ge insurartce • ,�,� •���:�.�� . � '� ° �.�,•`
<br /> � � t;�,1{��f�,;f�f.�- . ' coverage!in the amouat ar,�for the periad that�Lcnitr�r�win:+�:�ru�;ded by an in�urcr approved by L.endera�,in 6ecomcs y��E: , . �. �, . ,
<br /> f`•�ti� . . . available and is obtain�ii.Birrrower shall pay tf►+:pzrrniurns sa.Z�tited'sa maintain n��:rtgage insurance in effecr:.«rn provide a � ' • �.. r
<br /> '`�'�� . ,`' •, ' � loss reserve.until the reyu:rement for mortgage inzaton:u ern���ir�.accardance wit6�any�r•ritten agreement b�'�:�aa.�Borrower � � �
<br /> � `�>`�l . and Lender or applicable faw. �
<br /> - ' ' �"' yl��`�`{t' 9 Ins ectian. Lendcr or its a �n• ma �.mati��+fa:�x�r,�rble entric�.u on:uid ins ection�ot'�the Pro ert Lendcr shall � � • � �
<br /> ' f s' S' • y P P P Y•
<br /> :<,t:;r.�;. pcc , " 'R
<br /> : '";y; , give Borrower notiee at the time of or prlr.�tu an art��v:c:tir.sn hpecify;ng reatonable canse for the inspeetion. ��
<br /> � ''� . ' : 10 Condemnation. The prc�ceedv nf�arry�:3��:a r�!urttaim for damages,dire�n or conseyuential,in conne:tian with any '�,,. ' . '
<br /> �:�. .:, , � :. ,;- .
<br /> . . ' ' Single Frmily-•F3�dnte'�dadGnsi�lld�tae Ii�IFOIi�f I�STRL'�tE'�T•-L'niform Covrn:mcv 9,'90 gr.^ge 3�J6 pagesl r,-• •
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