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<br />` �;::� ;4�:_ , p: " , . '` � ` ` , � ' _ ' , < � . . . ::is. -_ �..e,
<br />_ � `�`� � ` ' • � � ,�-� � ' , . ` ` �'��rn= - _--- -
<br /> =`�aa�C a�s -... . � . � . . ` . �, �. , . 2 �—_ -----�
<br /> �a'`�`�`�`« �- ,. � � , � �_ . .. � , ' �—if"�. � . < ` � .�.---
<br /> �� �.��.� u �,> k . . , . _ , . � �,. , � 1��4�'� ., . � .
<br /> 0.'�,�%€�%`�re�n;`���`�r�,. ' 9. se�adiea tto� Sxa3aaive.` .:�tt►$ seee0f0a.psavideA in�t8le Agraasen� ehell ' ' , • �-
<br /> . '.1,�..
<br /> "v.., ,� � aat Oe eselualvo. Vpon tfta QcEanIC o! tha,�cuetas, Ehe Bane!iclaxy_asy eee�. ' _---
<br /> � `� ' ' . .fesUeE D any Yega� oz eQultable 'meana. Tt►o.Sene£ieiazy eay aeeR io anfasee tAo F: �. ` --
<br />= � ,. . - ". agxeoecn�a ha=e �m8o !n sueA o:des'anQ eanraas aa�Bene.Biciery aeoa B!e �to ' � -
<br /> �4 :�'� �.,,�;;,,`�. ' seua8y ig laten9oA tv E� oxc2ualve bat Qacb oAai3 bd, auaulaLlve. Bvasy doyas or � : ' ��; �? ---
<br /> _�;�' '`�y _ rena8y w�tes the oeea og 4ru80 to tn� 9tsua8ee+ oa.8enegicl�Ay oz..ta vi�lc0 el.�flar. ._ . � °� �
<br /> - - ---"�"�'.:, , o� then aay o�hesvlse 6a enti�led by lav ��y 0e eROSCioe6 eoncusran�ly oz • ���;.:�
<br /> Y.r ��,��:-�;� indepan8antly as ofLen ao eeoa:d neceaaaty by the. �eusteu oe the 8ene�icl�ry or � -
<br />"_ , elLhet of LAea and efther of then nay p�xaue lpcnnslstont zemediea. TAe • �__�,��Y�--=_- __�
<br /> . . • ' " _ Bonaflcla=y os Rtuntea r�ray p=ocee8 to puxsae a dQElciency iudgment aqai�a� the r �` 5='�''.y=-"-_�_"'___
<br /> . T�astoz to tdo estent such aatioa is pexattte9 by law. �°`"��` �-��-�--- -
<br /> � � � . . �� . 10. Rsansfer of tha.Psopertyf. Aesanptlo�: No part oE the propes�y os ` �:������..� __
<br /> , .' i�tesetst tAesein ctay be eo18 vitIIin 15 yeass of tAe date of thQ 8ee9, . " ' �� �� =
<br /> • t=anaEercea or otDeraise conveyed by RcaaEoz, nnless £oli paymen� ia ma�et.n�on �nf���.�— _
<br /> ., nole socnse8 by this DeeR o£ Tsast, esciadirtg (a1 the creatian afc a liea os, �. c� ���
<br /> :- . sncuebranee snbo=Aiaate to thla Deed o£ Tsuat; o; tb) a tsansges by Q�vlse, � , -_-
<br /> ,l ; � descent or b o aratioa of lav n on tAe 8e�th of the Trnatos� aucFi act�.on ie a � �'�r.' —
<br /> Y P 9 • r a -
<br /> •� � �Yz1:��s ,'rf�'• breach oE tl�la agreeaent, an8 BeneElciasy osay, at BeaeElciary's,.p�qtlon declare � ��Y�
<br /> ,f �, f � '��:. alt snms� secnxed by �hia DeeB a£ TrusY to be.lcwediately�8�te a�$ payable, or '� � -
<br /> �:t:•: •;�.2.;.,. .... - . ,_ ,�_
<br /> r ' ' caase the Txustee 4o fl]e a notice ofc defapit. � �~�'�`� } �
<br /> : !. ; Y` f%�5 ��" � �1. BozLearance 6y Heneficiary an8 �alver. 21ny fozDeasance by.Beneficia=y to ,+""' ' -
<br /> � ,y t : '�znstee, Trustmc or anyone, in easscising aay sighE os =eme8yr l�;eutsder. or »j �' �' -
<br /> aC,,=
<br /> , ' `��� ����' Q�Rezvise affos8ed by agplicable 1av, steaii not be a waivex o$ oa�p=eclu8e the� • � � ' � ,�
<br /> i ;! � �< < �3 ,��t�,;� ¢uercise o¢ any sued rlght oz teae8y herennder. Likevise. ,th�!.a�ftres Sy . :'� '`'^'�-
<br /> .:. �kY,� ;;:�s::�a�'.r`v . Seneflclas to T=nstee of an defauit of Truator nrtdes EQts•�a��c�•: . ,•� -
<br /> � '' . :.� .�., F Y Tt�ntsR::shalY . . ...--- �- � ��;_-
<br /> aot-be deeued-.to�e a..vaives os a�►y�otAer or simiia�-B�iFaul4s����+1bvt�q�¢Q�t���- .��----
<br /> :`., -`-�;�:: -�r<<.:;,���. � - , ,.
<br /> ' r ' �y+,�€,=°�� : occussftcg. Ho vaiver ahail �e construed aqainst tQe IIartegie�8s]� tutl�a���#tfeh ` .� '-=_-
<br /> "� �, ?.,. ' vaiver sfsa2l tse exgsess end !o o�ritfng aiqned by tR4 IIea0fie38Ly� �• " �
<br /> s_:,. ...,�,.p ; �;.., . �� � . =';,,�.,,,. ... :�-_
<br /> - �:��.°�; - 12. Bereeficiarp's Bovers. TAe BeneEiciary viii caase to CQ�i�lease8,� tne r: .:=.
<br /> ��•���?"�{' `� • entire amoant secused by this DeeB of Trnat, after the y� yea�,f►'ezm has ex lte8,
<br /> ,"f1;• � •, _ P • ��__
<br /> '• r',�.�y� � , begianing fsom tbe 8ate of the Certiflcate of Hinal Inspectiea, pra41ae8 alI • . �
<br /> s4k F"�`fr� . . other terms an8 cam8iittons of tdis Oeed have been f�rl�lEieB: Beneflaiaty may, f . , �T�
<br /> '�r'� •���° lA its smle dlsc=etipn 1il ins ect the
<br /> p premisea at an�,. easonable tiae (111 " `� ' -' '�r--
<br /> . ,r,ryo,�. .t���- . `. � ,��:�' ' �: �_.-
<br /> " �. ��4 . require such addittc.zal secuslty as may be reasona3rYe�;-,��c�� fi!) anbstitute the � �`• ' `"�-'t-�i -
<br /> " . "'�`'`�;`�`• . y, ' �'r'"%''� ' i;.tr1•,�
<br /> " ��� uy�. , : :•:2rustee herein vlt�i:`tt�iyy person, entity� os corpora,.�t�i�;q�ai��le� so to act. The , , _____- --
<br /> , E'•. /�r��+� , ` � + .,�ttosneys of the E�+���clasy. os one oE Edrm may nov ar��s�t,�,ru�.stYy he • ^? --_
<br /> - '' �,�'��� • ��signate8 the Tru3�;.rerein an� may peiEor� fo= trie Banef�c�y 8uties as � :�'�;; , �
<br /> E'` � ` �f��:.�'«�^ `'�'�`��� � , � counael an8 Tsuste��".'�11 Trnstoss shall be �ointl �
<br /> . � �a}�;,.. . ,.., y�and seveialiy obligateA and ,:;::...��.� r'�f�/E —
<br /> _ <<,F�!L; ,�• ,. ;';:;,-;;.;�:�, 'boun8 by tAe actions«Y the Seneficia:y or the Trusto; as he=ein atated. ��r., '• . . ��<<,�' -
<br /> � .;�'�,-`, ._•.�',,�"°. 13. �ttorney�s fees,.CCSts:�and Expenses. TsustR�;��cees to pay a21 �f�ea, . ..`�-',"t�-
<br /> ' e
<br /> ;., :��,4�r��. :,«r�� ,• , . costs, ana expenses includittq attosney's fee expende�T E� eAe een�flcla�y oz the . • ��'��•,%_,r,_:��_--- -
<br /> � � " �`� � Trustee to collect a��aums dae heseunaer or enforce ,t�il9'agr etaent. SucD sums :• ^"<'�'----
<br /> '�'' • � '�i� E� '�',- P4 ' �: .cr zri�r—.—:
<br /> _ � �h,�.�.q; .... shail be deeme8 aa �d73�cement to.psotect the secusitg �r�:e�r_�F� by the _ .��,ca�.:—
<br /> - ,;�=��.<.4,�. : BeneElclary. Provt�!e� further, Rovever, that thie sectioa:"a`;� not apply to the ::.",_-
<br /> ;�,�+''�;�Y?: � � Tsastee fee refezzed.to in paragsaph 8.1.8. :. � =� ' -_-
<br /> . ' � • �� ! • 14. Recur.r.°��eyance� by Trastee. Upon v=ltten reque�t a�.�he 'Be�eElelasy stating . . , _-
<br /> �* ` • tttat all..cas�iitions o£ this note Aave been met, and� u�are'snirende= of this DeeB ����:,_==�
<br /> • ' tr�%' �' '� of Trust ars:34 the �rc�es to the Rrustee fos eancellatfaa and reteetion anA u on
<br /> . .,';:'y�i::;,: : .• D . ,'�.:�:��.;:.'
<br /> � .,;'���;;1r,,.�•., :,', ...$ayment Q� !he Tru.ff*•ur of the Trnstee's fees, the Tsustee s�;iSl�seconvey to the . r, . .:��`�-
<br /> ��,.t�,�,, . , .^tustor, oz the gersco: cs pessan9 legaklg entitled tDereto, �tttiou! var=anty, '"4� +�-�_'-"-,--_--
<br /> .� : ,,�t,< ' aay po=tion o# the.'�ragezty �fl.en �e2d A.e�ec�nder. Rhe recital6 and such ' � ',i�1���`�_' -
<br /> � ; ' �eeonveyance of a!s�•,va�'ctess,�r [ac�s ahai� 6e conalusive psooE o£ the ' � ��' � �,�:.
<br /> �'� � . � � � •�Crnthfu�dps�s there��: �he t�ar��� iriany seconveyacice may be described as "the' °�� • ,r',":�-_-
<br /> � •• ' pecson.m� �easons leg�lly en*_4tI:�� thereto." '-
<br /> rr • '. . ':• ; , 15. �'o�.ices. '. , , �: ;'r•��:.::'.>
<br /> • . �t; � `�..:,. . • . ,. :''",.• . . :•�•::=
<br /> , :' .;,;z�;j,,. 15.1 teoty,ce ag rc-�ulzes by the Nebsaska Tcust IIeex3.� i►ct shall be glvan. ;? �,-.-;; n'�.-
<br /> I ••`'��'-�'`� p � permissible Cr� lav Trustors vafve notice. �r�,��'. • �_
<br /> �: , ..,.,,,,.:,... •. - Exce t as rovide� [rerein and vhereves �'+} . . :-
<br /> ,•"� - '' '���` � Notice may be sent to the pasties at their a88sess a�:. listed in this agreemer.t „;,}t;��Y�>�:�.�•� ' �`"
<br /> 7.`ii•��7 LsYii�i�,�' .
<br /> . ;a.•,;;,.f..�`,+..��� or aa othesrise ehaage8. All notices reQui:eB hea�ti�e shall be in vrlting. Any '•'���ff�'� r,., "•�' `:i�
<br /> ,,E�; , . patty may at any time change lt•s addsess for sucis nn�ices by delivering or '• �,r�l`%;till;,r. .
<br /> . ,.._, ;� mailing to the othes pasties hereto, a notice of_=a.�v change. Any notice '?;;4�J,�i��y,s�� . ��
<br /> .• -ii?`�� " ' heseunder ahal2 F.e: dwemed to have been given vhett IIL�oed vitbin the U.B. Malls, , � }[^�?;���ft�y.;.,. '��'��
<br /> • :��: i�`: ' • i. ' r .
<br /> � ��.;,, �, poataqe prepaid, a�ddsessed to the adOsess n£ the �arty as listed hesein o: as � ;4;j�� �;
<br /> r . � h.��i�"'
<br /> �'�"'?rA��, � D 15.21y Tiust i, Eenef ielary, and TLUatee zeq�sest that a copy of any natice '� ti•r����;:i{�� {� .
<br /> ' , u 1t ���t, .;
<br /> ,�•:�...;y,j, provided heseunEes, �rovided accor8ing �o a�gaipbie lav oz psovieea by �re • , 1+<.
<br /> , . ;;s,.�,:;�,U, tesma oE any othet seru=fty agreement c4rrering the secu=ity he=e1n, be m.�t2ed to � ,.,;,
<br /> . ,. • ;yj�.' i them at the ad8ress �savided atrove. ��,.�•', � ,
<br /> � �.,;:�•,• 16. Nfscellaneaus. �.• :�fi,,�j;
<br /> ��� 16.1 TAia DeeA cC Yrcist shall be ,• ��+
<br /> '�'�����'.�'�� Nebcaska. 9overned by the lavs of the State of :,.•,y,;��,. :
<br /> S��i: ;. . ;.
<br /> �' �'��'� 16.2 Thio Deed af.Truat and all tesms, cond7tfona and obllgatlons he=efn, ' •4�'�:•r;�,. .
<br /> � , ' aDDly to an9 lnuze to the beneflt of and Alnd9 ail pa=tles he=eto, thei: helrs, '�."�.% . ;, �•
<br /> . 8evisees, pezsona2 sepresentative�, successors and aQSigna. The term � .. .
<br /> ^Seneficlacy" shall mean the ovne= and holder of the notes, vhethec or not named . .
<br /> '• aa a beaeflelasy herein. • .
<br /> • � 16.3 1111 covenants an0 eg=eemanta of Lhe Trustor shall be �oint an9 aeve:al. � - ' �
<br /> '� 16.4 in tRe event any one or mose provlelon of thi8 neee of Trnst aha11 be � . � „ �
<br /> ;�' he10 invaild, illeqal, or unenforceable. svrb p:ovfaion, at the optfon of the . , �
<br /> � �i : • . . Bene!!clasy, ahali not a£fert any othe: psovleion of this OeeO of T=ust but the I �
<br /> Deed o! Srust ehall be meant ana const:ved as ff aueh provfaion hae neva= 6een a f
<br /> ;; . �G � • past thereog. ff any postion of the oi6 debt baaomes unsecu:e9 tor any :eason, �
<br /> then at the option o! the SenePiciacy, any an8 all payments ma8e AezeunQes may �
<br /> '4 . ' be QeC18re4 to first apply to the po=tlons oE the debt L�at have become os are
<br /> �`} , - � nonaecute6.
<br /> �, �. �.
<br /> � .��• � . • T:�f shmllyb�a�aid��ii�aEie b=�ssustoi Edegeneifri�Y�sanB theessusteeishal�d o� � ,
<br /> 'x. ' • Y Y Y
<br /> � ; . ; .
<br /> . t� � �
<br /> ' �j. . ,
<br /> � : . �
<br />_--- -.�-;:-_-_=_ ==�i. _ . . .. .
<br /> ;' ' �.' ; .
<br /> ;� ;�
<br /> :� .
<br /> 5'
<br /> i ;
<br /> t .'r�r� r� -- ..._ __
<br />