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<br /> _ ~� t `' . . l�vBT�e: Davi9 �. IIevala, a eSngle gesaorr ' � . ' . . ' � ` . �� - _ ---
<br /> f� ADDAE88 s 1301 No=th E1ubx ` , , -- -���
<br /> 'f4��� � 88HSPIC111RY: Clty o! c18ana Ie1an0, S ttanicipal Cosposetioe , �`�L �
<br /> .F. " �'� ' .. � . _
<br /> . `�` aDDREaBs 100 �at Is4 StseeC, Qran6 Is�anA, HB. � `6ta' = --
<br /> :�• . , � - a_=_._�._._�
<br /> _ , 4&�i8�E8t City llttorney of !he CS4y ot L;san� Yelea� �-�'"���°==.
<br /> � ,. �'4..�'� _ �_.
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<br /> . _r r a�. :,: � � _ -
<br /> - . ' '�y�r=:.: • p0! valnab3e conaiae=etion, Rzuatos lrrevocabiy grauts, conveys, ana assigna ' -�
<br /> ` , ;�;�r ,• to 4suetee, Ifi TAUB?, BIRE! B0� OH 811L8, fos the beQefit and aecorit of `� �
<br /> •'�., � r ;� .� � banefielasy, unde: an8 avbiect to tAo tfqt►ts tesma end coaditions of tttis Dtm� �� --
<br /> ..
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<br />_ ;; ,,,. . �. '� of 4cast, tQte folloo�ing BQacribeB teei prape=ty 2oeated !n H1�4L COUtiT1t� � � ' . -
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<br /> . , . p�a�ta;'�iF eants Mso£its ro �tlea� firrouore;". benef i4a desived f:om � r : �`,�� �?� � .�, � --- _-_-
<br /> ' A C I � �5����.
<br /> � �.�: . .. tii� �3Cea�i�sesy ail•eaue�ents= iicensea, zic�Riti�'.�,.�.vray noer or hezeaftes acernfrtg ::�,�`::._. � ,� -- =r .�
<br /> � Qm i�¢•premiaa�� �rrc� arix�nd all aya:da rta�� ffti�r the taBing Dy eminent donain, , S�` ''��:s�
<br /> flrsar&ar�.ing psocaeds af �a�.�gree�te�tt de 5iti�T�t= thereof• and ' r'� ' •''�' �•�� `
<br /> • ,4 . .. �• :1F.�are collectivel caT:L�sL �l'h.���L't� ���,:.� , � �`? k = r�-�'�
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<br /> '•' �rt4" ' _;i , ,.. , . � " .. .,•�,,- •.� �,�
<br /> .;t��•� ��ia The payment of Ui�d'�tst !o the`,[��1}t#'�kir�ary evidence6 Dy tt}�:4'�t�stos+a note ,��,:,;��.`%P1.`�� �' �
<br /> .i+��; Q�;C-Itga saae date in L'11��gl�inciple aWn,o�;. r�'4R�V Thousand �jj, Dollaza. :i��+,.�±i7�fi�" ' �
<br /> � '� p�; vith no int�:�t, anA upon thg'� provi8ed.in:titj��{� and any � . ` ,� ;(,;'y,,:'��r,�
<br /> �:�� ��,.:;; `'. .�!i�`k • ,. i: � `�newais modifirationa an8 exte�tslo��_ oE the Ho�esy ;i,..: ,;... .
<br /> F�' � � �1lsl''PRe performance ofs each agree�sent beE'veen the firi�stoz and 73ett�fialar '"`�a �'
<br /> - �, ..,�.: .'.4��1( ' '" " ____
<br /> . ' ;~!•,.i:,��;�•i�'�;; � ; ' �Ife�;�overtants of the Trustor in this De�Q ai�.��t; yi ' '
<br /> ��.1,+�: �. . .
<br /> , • '::):y•:�.'�',�;��`.;,:.,,- %kek °Phe payment of any sum oz sams alth ln�eseat theseon vhfch � . ������ k
<br /> � . :1,'�r��� .�.•,•:� un�er�.Lhe tezms o# this Deed of T:ust or ma fi� advanceA to Ee se�xys9aby thisae .;,.. . ,
<br /> a ' •l_;�:;�}::,.:;�. }.'' • , :�-_
<br /> ;,,�.,, ,,-, pee���3f T:ust. Putuse advancements may not �eed a sum equal ta;�zee times ;'� ' ' .�:,��� �s
<br /> : • , C1';.�;�:siginai p=inciQaL amount of the above�r�cfited notea. � . •
<br /> , •+ ,;• .•_ , �� � ,_��
<br /> • Tt,!PROTECT TH8 BECURITY 09 THIS D88D O8 TtiV3Y� TRUSTOR HEHSITY COVENI�HT8 7lNn�•.:' , • .'�""��'��-W� �
<br /> � =iCl• =r�"'.-_y
<br /> „7; 'lE^�'SS8 AS POLLOpBs , � ..,,,,�,�.: : -
<br /> . .�«. � . ',�� . ' ...r� ti , '—
<br /> ; , . � Obliqation. TsasG�r shall psomptly �ny�:when due the princ��a7: of the � r l�r r' �
<br /> ..;t , , '�r,��bt�Anesa evidenaed �• the Notes, and ai�. a�her charqes and £e� �zovided in ,,� 6
<br />_, 4 . „ :��A��lz'tes oz secured by.;t�bis DeeB of Trust,,an� the princiyal oF rnri��lnte=eat on .',��t�"� � � ����
<br /> ' amy,.�u�Yuse �8yances sewwsea by tfiia Deed of Sr�t not to exceei9 t�,ee times the ' � � _� r''
<br />- '• . � '` ` ortg3�b'�a:i�=Q&al asaaunt o£ the above-secited' notes. . � � �`
<br /> � : . . .,, ,,., 2. ' �.eaanYX of Title. • . ' . �`';�,.�'-
<br /> ' ��� :r�%r�• ?•�'� TsuBt'or ia 2av£ully aeized and posses'�� of good and ind�feaslble title • . -�-
<br /> _, ,; :�.,�:..3�j�:";��� a,t�Q �tate to the psopetty hereby coaveyed a.n� �as the slght te grant and convey - . .� •
<br /> ..'.�i�Ffl�• �2t•_ �zopesty. .
<br /> � i fms�� NoN6 ope=ty ls fspe and clea: of a�,� 11ens and encumbranceo except • , ..
<br /> ; � ; .�, , • • . �. ltaintenance of Lhe 8ecuriry. � . ��
<br /> • 3.1 'Asuetoz uheii koeg tde sec�fi4p ira q;�aa conBitinn ana sepais� shaY2 nr.�7 , �.,
<br /> � tar�mit o: snites easte= at�ail nat do os a4T�� erytAing to be Qone vhlcn vilt
<br /> � 3�creaae the z19k of fire or othez casna2�.y,t� the premiaea or 8lminish the �
<br /> •! � , ve3:� of the aecu=fty except :easoaable ve�z a�^3 tear; and, ahall not altes the '`;`;'Z;,- • �
<br /> � •�!�L`�.� or elsuatural chastes o£ any buildfr.�ti� add any buiiGing vithin the "•:d�• . .
<br /> ' �:i�� Ee:_-�itiy v1E�.out !he vritten co�aenb og the �r;r.efieiaa � •• •
<br /> '�,?;:.' - •`.� ' '"3.Z i! ths securit o: an y� •
<br /> �;.r:�� �: y y part theremf'Ss damaqed by £ise os othez caus� 1,
<br /> ,ir.:`' .� . ���Ending eondomnation, Tru$tor ehall give fmrs��iate vritten notice ofc ttie v���ect E � ."
<br /> �,�-:• �� thd 8erteficfary. Truntior ahall usa any pe�,+�seds af compeneaCion Ecr the f� � �.
<br /> ��=�ged from the lnsurartce, condemna�ion av�zd or otherviae to restare or �� •
<br /> �- replace the proceeAs !o Che Henefiaiaay ab the option o£ the BHneficfary. If I'. � �t
<br /> i�. ' part of tRe aecusiEy i� dan�aqed, the Tru�t�or sN�ll =estore, rep�ir, or alter the ti
<br /> _ .�, , samelning psope=ty 1n a m�nnor eatisfactory o£ �he Beneficlasy. " -
<br /> ,., 3.3 The Benelleiary or it's repreaeetative 1s hereby authorizee to mnke or � • ' �;,�
<br /> _ t cause to be mada =easonable entsiea upon and lnepections of the ptemises.
<br /> ! � 3.0 The Rrustee aha111 psomptly comply vlEd al] present anA futu=e la�n,
<br /> � �; , ordinances, Ynlea and zegniations oE any gove:rtmental anthority affecting the �
<br /> ,�;: � . premlaea or any tiast thereof. This ahall apply to any const=uctloo upon tha � ' • .
<br /> . ;`' �� • premlaee ag�vtrii aa the oparation of eny bvgine�s upon the ptemiaes. f
<br />_ �`�,• � .. • 4. Ingurance. i . . 1
<br /> ��, 4.1 Trtlntior ahall keap thn BnCUrlty insuree againut: !i) loau by porils f
<br /> ry��•, coveree by atgndasA fire pniicy vith standard extenflad coverage en8oraonent, !n
<br /> f�! .: am aaount equal to 100� of the Eu11 replaaenanb volve of the senutlty vlthout �
<br /> �:����� ,,.."• 8eduabion for degraciaElan; lZ) liability inauYance for the beneEit of the '
<br /> �� �''' ,�t_t; �'' Bett!lfici8sy and Rruste� fiQ protect the 8eneficiary anA Trustee fsoA a�y anA all
<br /> .. ,.... "'."�',... .
<br /> � ,•. , � :!;�,��.��f; e��ims of peraonal inJuzy or property daBage arisinq from or out of the '
<br /> . gzemfaeg= and (31 other insnrance norma2 an8 customasy for bvners an8 of slmf]ar
<br /> � ' ' r1�, . �
<br /> :� - -._„�.£,:�
<br /> _... .?.�` �.;;,, ':—' . ..
<br /> � , .. . ,
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