• .c�j7:•:: . � t(}_n . . t t .. . S '�rt�'
<br /> � � r . . . . . ,. < r S�! �r�_ _
<br /> �}'. �` ��� . � — �� -- — . ,�, n __ �� — -- _
<br /> .t�.-t` r' �€ -�t� �f.-r----'r�
<br /> ,
<br /> � • � ' . �� � 4Sf!74y�- - -
<br /> -. " '� t,:r. _ ..^, � .
<br /> c � -.. - �.�� �V :a.�.'��iy:� ' � ,t., '� �='basrx!`al'�'� --'-=— .. . __ ..., _ __---
<br /> � f�� _ . _ _ _.� - .
<br /> .�5�`�` . . (�y` � �_', . — _ �_ �. a.. ~ . __.. '_' ' . �.���' ���� _ _ `�- �_= .n�_-- _—
<br /> u� �����?��`Y�` � �t�.Ft�ads:shal!•.be•'hr1��3n en insaa►tion cvLoss deposits �tra�lnsureA 6y s fe��ral �gency� instn��.ntality, ar e�4ity , - --.
<br /> ��; Qln�tuding Lender.if I.ender is sudh an instit�tIan?ar in cjny�od�t Hame i�an Bank.Leadxr sh�li p.�r th� � ----
<br /> � a�,:�s�,r#`� s�gRy t�s Feads to - - -
<br />- ,��,, �� �SCaw dtems.t.ecder ma�r aat cha�ge�orruu�rt for holdin8��P�Y�3 tha Fuads,aunnnity swnly�g tii�escrow i�o�tiszt,.���.
<br /> -�#� , :�4,.�. ' ve�i�ying the Fscrow Items,�nIess Lendt�p�ys Bar.ro�rer intcres3 on th�kl�stde�nnd Appllcabf�tasv pu�ut�l.�end�to raa�suctx' �.
<br /> .�;��:' �:�: ±���,��.�:��, , . ac�arge.liowever:�nder may ca�uir��IIorrower to pay a on�tlQn�cha�^ge�for an inde��rbdeait re�l est�te t�,x:r�9i�in�serv�re .
<br /> _ . �,�Y��`�� �. '�>.iued 6y' t�ea�der in ooncestion v�t�is loan. unleas.s�pppl�rabi�ttsv� prmrid�s othemnss. Untgsi;s�:'�`�"�tem rs �de ar� �
<br /> - �,� � . applicaHlc law r , p
<br /> equ�res�restio:fia paid I�adec stiat!cm4 6e�cd.to pay 8orrower aqy#,�teresf ar an the F�ands.
<br /> Borrbamr�i;eud�r ax�sy agree in wn���evrr.that intaest s�all be pai�a�i the�.u.�sis:�eadei'�e to Bort�wer.
<br /> .:`fi`�_,�t<���' i ` withwu c�ug�.at�an�u�i��ooanating of t�e�3�aads.,shawiug credIts aad-Q�its to the Funds aad ti�pa�sose for whish eac� " - -----
<br /> , .; ;,�� ,debtt to tlte Funds�tnade.Ttlz F�s$s ane pie�iged as addirioiial seau�ity fiar all sums sea�n�d 6y th3s Sesvrity inmums�t. . ' ' :
<br /> , + .:s � ; �" if t�Z F+m+ds hP�d by I.end.er eaa�d tbe aqwunts permittea ia 6e hetd by u.pp]irable 1aw.`Leader shaI!a.oca�at t�$ouut�^�r � _
<br /> -- � ,� � � for the e�cess.Fac+da in aooatd�nce iv3t�the remenu af.�ppplic�.ble ta�v.If tl�z amannt af th�Funds�eTd�6y.'L�ader aa r.�r =
<br /> , z
<br /> dme ls m�t sufficigait to gay tt�e Esccotv Iteais�dyte;�r may so notify Bomnw�-'rn writiag,aud.in saci�cas�c�orr��aea � _ --
<br /> �• �: s�A PaY co i.eailer the aaiount ne�ary to make�vp th�deficiency.�orrovrer sl�Il�up the defrctier�y in aa more thtue � _ - ---- --
<br /> .� :�� �velve manthlY PaYraena,at I.eader's soIe di�an. . : .. _____ ____ -
<br /> . UPon Paymeut in ful] of all s�s s�ured by this S�uity Instctmceat, Len�er s1�aU pmmptly refurcd to Hosr+awer. any =---
<br /> � ' Fu�tds 6eld 6y Leader.Yf,vuder paragraph 21.Le�dca sltall asqui�e or sell the Proge�ey,I�er,�noY to the at�uisit�rnr:er�al� ------
<br /> .. . .: of the Ptnperty,sbaU apPjY�3►Fands held hy Leader at the time of acqaisirion or sale s�s a ctx�t a�ainst�Tae sum�sesunod°6y. -_--_
<br /> .. tbis Secarity Insinyme�t. �. — --=
<br /> �- : -
<br /> 3.Apgiit�tioa of Playme�ts.Uales.s applicabte lavi provides othe�vise.e111?aY����r��F��� ,, ,� �
<br /> ±; � � 1 and 2 sball�applied:first,to aaY P�Y�t c�arges due aades the Nat�seat»trc�.t�atrmtmts�ayslsle:uader para�apft.2; a�E -
<br /> �:� . tbiid,ta inrere�due-fowth,to priacigal due�as�d.Iastt to a�r tate charges due ursdcrti�eNo[� • • . . . . . ....'',: . �'� --
<br /> r� � � -- , � � � � I t La2S1��'i���..
<br /> ,^ ,,� �:� A,.Clfarg�;,Ldm�..B�orcower s6alI pay.a11::�c,�:.assessments,drarges, �:�ui;` . :. t6sps�utatsie ta tiv�,Proge►�i rt�_ �; _
<br /> � ;5 4 , im�,f v�
<br /> ,rt��.�, �:,,r; � ��`'�,C wGich:ma;�at�ain�l�rlionty!rn�r.this:3�rity�I�,mnit;�.;uud�t�ar��td�Psryn?�ns ar�cui�:�;i�aay. $brra�ver.s�rl�r:pay�� 't��3� �- - ----
<br /> e `� `, t���. [�c��bJr�at3an�i»:t�e:m�nuer prav�ideid liz��sa�-:r�1r,�;�atzi+f-ut�{�rJi�in�rnantter;138nrn'u��F�ail PaY�n,o hirr�»��r�fy , .' Y� �
<br /> '� , �,;. , ; �,1n.1lt��r�vivtd pa.y,�fen1...R81��er,�?iail�..�rvm�1�!:fnrn�sh`t�i:.eud�atl mntic�s of agw,: �i��t 6e n�+d�puf��'s;. � ;�,r�.., � ��° __ =-
<br /> � ,`. ,�;� If�etiviu�er�iia1s�t3i�:jj3�yni�dii�cdY�:i��:�nallpromptlyfumishtp;�d�x'�1���,`-" ,ili�pay��. < <, ��E""
<br /> N '
<br /> y � �tr�� 4r;'y�,�ff�; r 'Bbtt�i��at�:�fals;� Y�di�rJliu�,i�n¢tiea'svHtc�n has priority over this�Ciii3l��i,w'�►?�u�l�.ss� '�� ea:(a)agees in ts � ��, = -_-
<br /> :: -....: � � . . ... ,
<br /> - .,�r���.��� : .. writit�,:iti:�iit�j�i���o4ili�ii'6ti:�tsy the fien in a manner acceptab�e:ftn��i����i)contests im goad faith the lia►:,�,t,��l'ti;t � �
<br /> �- '- ��`,� �', -. by.or tl����is�IIt(���ttt'o'�it���ifi t}ie lien in,�tegal�prvceeding"s whicft'iit�:�.�ful'4�'�,�priraa�a�nperate tor preve��� ;4't�'; � ; '�,.:ti _�
<br /> ' ,t` , �, ' enforce�t���'if���or(c�seEus�es from tde(wlder of the tien an agreemeni��.^ '�:��.ender subordinating the((�n�i4';r f .� �,, �,-��� �— -
<br /> � ,. th9s Secvrrtj7lhstsuai�;If Lender detemnrzes that any pazt of tke�roperty is��C��:�•L�n wLich may attain psiarity+a��er,J ,F, �f. r
<br /> - � �- thi.s Secusity�n�+*�»'•�.ender may give Bormwer a notioe identifying the lie�:�*rowrer shall salisfy the lien or take one dT:, � �.� '. }� =",`_—�__
<br /> + . :..: . �of the actioru set focth above withiA 10 days ot the giving of natice. �:`:'.;: • � . ;;,.�� � � i� :�
<br /> , : : 5. �aaasd or Property Insurartee. Borrower shall keep thg improver��s flow existing or hereafter erected on Ut�': L x�' �"= -
<br /> � • ProPerty insured against loss by fire.hazards included within she term "exteaded cove+�'�r"and any other hataid�.iacl�ur�ing ';"`'`'� �:.�;�ttir��-
<br /> � floods or flaoding,for which L.ender r�equires insurance. This insurance shall be mainta�t�.�the amounts and for"Ui�'pt��s` r
<br /> ��n
<br /> � .' ._ . that Leader requires.TAe insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by�+�aier subjed to Lender's' . �� , t ���
<br /> • which shall nat be unreasonabty withheld. If Borcower fails to maintain caver�ge descn`bed a6ove, I�r�r may.ac � r's �r,.;, f �'• ��`���
<br /> �r��:;,-.:�•�.� `,;` option.obtain coverage to protect Le:ider's rigt�����the Property in aocordanc�att:'�paragraph�. :.;t� . . ,,� � _—� ;
<br /> �,;:.r.' •'- All insurance policies und r�tsewa[s shail���:aptable to I.ender and s'�L include a standani r:��ge clause. Ixndu .,<<;..` �y. •`'`' ,,��""""�i��;`;:"
<br /> � ,;,r. `� �' �:,%;';..�: :' shall have the right to hold the pulici�s a.�d rea���•�u.If I.ender requires,Barrawer shall p*;r;�tly give to Lender all receipu of �. -.;`:'f�
<br /> „ 1 . ;3�.y, �
<br /> � :� ,;;'� ' j� .:� paid piemiums and renewa!notices_f.r.t��event of loss.Sorrower shall give prompt nouar,an�e insurance r¢rrier and l.ender. • z fc��u
<br /> • ;:- � ; �.:'tj�4..� `,�' Lender may make proof af loss if r�ccr.:�:e promptly by Borrower_ "� ` •`td.s,
<br /> �.y, . :.ill�'.����E�:�.L ' �� _
<br /> -� �.::,;::.��:.".';.;--;:::;,�-. Untess Lender and�'orrower ar�.'°:wise agree m wnung,insurance p r a x e ds s l n a l l be agp li e�to restora t io»or repair o f t he _ : 1 _
<br /> �"� f'•�`�.' '•� �•it Property damaged,if ttie r�swration or repair is econamically feasible and LeRde�'s secnriry is not lessened.If the restorauon or .� :
<br /> ��� �`"��"i����•i`•.��.,�. ` repair is not economically feasible or Lender's se�ity would be lessenvd.the insurance praceeds shall be applieA to,the sums ' �� ��
<br /> ` f:•'s'<"'"'•"� �� '" � �t secured b this Securit instnunec�r_a�hether or rtot then due, with an eacess aid to Borrower. If Borrower abaqdons dte � �� '�
<br /> ):�r.., ''.;�- �; � .. Y Y Y P � . ��,,. -
<br /> f •-.� , : � Property:or does not answer witDiin 3i�days a notice from Le•,-�that the insurance carrier has affered to settle a claim:•then ' p�a
<br /> '; '„�; • ��� �`> '• � Lender ma co1lect the insutance sn.�eds. Lend�r ma usP tf� raeeeds to air or restore the I'ro e ar to a sums . ,�y�''�� �
<br /> .�,..,;.:::: Y F Y P �P P rtS', P Y -
<br /> ; ;°:,;;,:�.,;,°, :;.-.. • •`„ secured by this Securiry Instrument.whether or^:x:rJti.�due. 'i'Fti 3�-duy period wiU begin when the notice ts gtven. `'`1�`"�,��
<br /> {,.sy; , Udess Yxnder and Barrower othenvise ap�3e-u� writin�, an y a p plicaiion of proceeds to printi�a�i:dtaU�not extend or � •"l�,a��.� �
<br /> ,}� .•• postpone the due date of the monthiy paymenu z7�'�ed to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the am�ccnr of the payments. If � ; � r1
<br /> ` �i� 1 r ��,;,.;, ���•.� � under paragraph Zl the Property is acqu�red by Leniler.Borrower's right to any insurance pvli�ies and'p�viceeds resalting from ',�,�1.r�,�:.��� -
<br /> �'�"'� `"�'�����i�`''i��'•_:' dama�e to tt�e Pro rior to the aa*�u�sit'son shall ass to Lender to the extens of the sums s�tcd by this Security Insdument ;;�''��""� ��=�
<br /> :� •hi:; �.,'vl,�:'�iF'' �i�,. F�Y P Y , P . (::r;;'TMs: ._. �..;i -
<br /> ', E;,'{,� � � ,., E� ar,,i,:.-� imma��rdy.�dortoiheacquisiticsct- ;�•�1��d �r --
<br /> ����? � 6.Q� an P��ervatlon,���r�ntenaace and Protectian ot the Pro �'� ���`"''"�" j �
<br /> ,. a.,:.,:.., pesiy+Borrower's Loan Appltcattow;I.easeholds. �
<br /> •y��• • � . ' Boaowar s�a 1 ocycu�y,�es�blish,and use the Propeny as Borrower s princi�tesidence within sixty days after the eaecution of • : '';,;-� "'•.'-'%.°=_
<br /> r
<br /> . �`;•" �: . ' this Sec:�;r� Instru���at and shall continue ta occupy the Property as Horro:z�es's principal residence for at least one year after •: '�.:,�.��'T - : "�'
<br /> � the dat�e r��ccupan:.5,,u�less Lender atherwise agrees in wr�ting, whinc�onsent shsill not be unreasonably withheld.or uniess ` � . ��',.,�,jfc�;" .
<br /> . � ' , eatenu�:`eng circum�:a..-s;�s eaist a"tich are beyond Borrower's eontro). Bo�rower shall not destroy, damage or irnptic the ;(�����;�. . ��. �
<br /> ;;,�eol,.
<br /> .; Property,allow the F:R1*.erty to d�etiorate, or commit waste ori�the Property. Barrower shall be in defauit ii a!:•; �fr��:`'�:ture . ' ' r.
<br /> � �� �` , action or praceeding,x<.t��.ther civil or criminal.is begun that in Lender's gond faith judgment a�u1d resiltt in farf�i�t:��f the ' ; , . •,:•,;t;:;
<br /> . P riY Y � P Y tY t}•,• " + y "���,:,;;..;
<br /> Pro e or otherwe�:yw�::riall �m air the lien erc,�ated b [his Securi Instrument ar l.ender's•securi sr..�•::'�_3�:�'qker ma � • ��,3•,,,r;:
<br /> ° ` • � • • � '� , eure such a default ana reinstate.as pravided in pzrugraph l8,by causing the action nr pruceeding to be c�wm3a��+•a�..�a ruliug ' . °''������`�`°:,
<br /> �� '�� �•�•,. .
<br /> ' that, in l.ender's good faith detemvnation, preclades farfeiture of the B��nower's interest in the Prc+�:y ot ���i:YC material � ..;;;;;'�;,:;' '� �..•
<br /> ;�'F : ;,'.i������'�,,: impairment of the lien created�_,•��'�is Security instrument or Lender's �ecurity intercwt..��rrawer shaJ also be�m��tault if ,a���t.;:`; •'. ' •
<br /> ,; �,.
<br /> . :���?„�.•��� Borrower.during the loan app'.:�1:��n process,gave materially false or inaccurate infurrte�:2ee�R or statemeats to LenQer�or failed ,����;�; (.
<br /> . � to provide Lender with��y mat��'snfonnation)in cannection�vith thh taan evidenced by tL�e Nnte. ir�c1.���ng,but not limited :;-��;tc':+ •
<br /> ; � ',, . ,a,,,,..
<br /> '�� °•• .. to.representations a��ia�a�^.ing Borrotiver s accupancy of�he Property ac a priacipal residence. If this S�:::n��Insuument is an a ,
<br /> . J': .' leasehotd, Bormu��i�:��t compty aith all the provisic�ns uf the lease. [f �i�rru�ver scquires fee titPe ca•the Property. the ; • � ,. , ,
<br /> " • lraseho2d and the fc�uil�:sl�all act!rrcrgc untess Lrnder agrc�.�;ta the merger in writing. `� ' �; ;; �
<br /> ? �' ' , 7.�tseNon mP�.etat�er's�i�ii�in the Property.lt 6arrou�er fuiis ta peTfarm the mvc�nants aad agr�r:tents�xrn�:3ined in �°�:''��� :
<br /> � � this Sav:r�ity Instrurrr.�. cr tt�e+,r.i�a legal proceeding that ma.y sig�ificantly affcrt Lrnder's rights in tDa�'topeny tjucfs as a �-:
<br /> °•..� � praceed'ar�g in banta��r��y.�Srub�c: (or wndemnatian ar forfeiture ar to enfonr laws or rcgulatiuns). then Lxnder ensy dc�and �',�°�� ���� '� �t'
<br /> 2�'_ • pay for wRatever is a�:r:k:�ry to protect the vatue of�he Properey and Lender's rights in the Property. �nder's actians rt�y �, �� ` . !:
<br /> : !,�,; , _ mctade paying any sbms secured by a lien which hati priority ovcr this Sctiuvity instrumeat. ap�iRa im m�rt, paying � • ��
<br /> reasonabte attomeys'fc�s and entering on the Property�to malce repairv. Althougt►L;.nder ma}•taAe aetinn undes this paragr,�ph t.
<br /> ;` �= . 7.l.enQ'er daes rcat Aa��e c�da sa, '
<br /> � . Any amounts disbunee by Lenaler under this paragraph 7 shall become addiuon�il d�bt of Bnrrnwer �ecureci by this � ;
<br /> : 5ecurity lnstrument. tJntess Borrower:uid l.ender agrcc to�.thcr tcrms of p��yment,thesc amounts shall bear intere�t from thc � ``�'. `
<br /> � ; , • date of disbursement at the Note rnte and tihall hc payabte. «itb intcrc�t. up�rr notice from I,endrr tn Bormwcr rcqucsting E •
<br /> ��'` .: �. , payment. �
<br /> � . , • 8.Mortgage IIt�;�ra�e.if l.ender required mortgage insur.uue as;�conditian of m•rking the lu�n�ecureJ by thi�5ccuriry �.' �
<br /> ' � •. lnsttument. Borrawer sh�ll pay the premium� reyuircd tu maintain the mnrtgage inrurancc in cffcct. If, f��r any rcawn, thc ;
<br /> • '��� ` •1 mortgage insucance mverage cequired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in etfect.Borrouer tih�ill pa} the premiums reyuire�i t�� �
<br /> ` 3 . ,� ulstai�coverage substantially equivalent tn the mnrtgage insurance previousty in effect,at a wst sub~tantially eyuirat�nc a�the i ' '
<br /> mst to Botrow:r of the tnortgage insurance previuusty in effect. from:us altemate m��rt�ce intiurer appr�vcd by Lend.r. If
<br /> :r =___°—___� i- ... . . ..
<br /> • ' o,,,�,2 o+e Form 30Y$ 9��lO i
<br /> . , +� .
<br /> ; � � �1 _�.J
<br /> .. - -
<br /> ; �� t;'., ;, .. - — -- _ - -- --- -- _
<br />