� `�Y'' �.C_ : � :,;Y`��rF< F ��i ;.• _S sr' .S'. . . . ��,; . —
<br /> �-+4 .i �.�it}a i� _ �°' � }r�"`•`•`. � ` � �.G�� �` r
<br /> .�(.� f - �r �� .. �� � t � [nS � '� - � �e: ._
<br /> ,ti. �[{�y.�+ . - . . t u ```�i,� �� �` �k-�`�. .,... _. . , , . 1, � .4., ,�`i�",i � _
<br /> 2t} "� .l . '� '. . t._"t�._M1 by-if_`� _� ?�tidd . . f� _ Di ._ F:. ' ' - "t .; .,���
<br /> i'
<br /> •. ..
<br /> �'; ., . ,. "'". _, , .. -
<br /> � $ �,t . h ': s)T i f '�'4(. �' F •,t F�alF:U+�- . ,`rU+, -�' }+nv.,�
<br /> �'• � l < t �.,4:. ~ .fii- �3�.� �)J..y..s'NC.�K� . ' � . " . ..>. �J/iv
<br /> �"�' L r ��:.5 - -f�� .� ,l� . 'ry^ �3.�.� S°'" 4 . Y r,� dc__w A C �- S 7 .
<br /> .�.�C:4. � -.
<br />� . . . . ��.�1�•�r.. V`K�: t a `i'��' 4 - _'_'�.�.� _ _ ' '_ __ Yi,�_ _ _ —
<br /> �.�� — _ __— — . _ _..
<br /> � —s .� . . . Y ._ " _ . . . ` �. ` ���.���� _C�—p0 q` * �� .:�u. .
<br /> ..y�Y G ^4 + . • . _ . . a. `` . , . i��y"lP'r�V����i }t�`� `z �P' aj� . -
<br /> � i .. ' , �Q�.'g��� � . . �e v.����� �.
<br /> ;��� ' .����`�,;.: ` ` . , . �D�iJS�A►�L�R�l'TE RID�Yt . ,... � ;,�r����f�5�,�-.�... -
<br /> .Q:�' �` "��.. P. ��• . . � (i'Yeas Tce�sary Index�-Rate Caps—Fixed R�te Coaeersi�u�ptito�) � ��,�� ,.�.�
<br /> :1 '.:7( �, �' `4. ' . ' �` . .�.in �C .,.. '.��~
<br /> -.K�� . . . ��. : . _ 22t�lD RPRI6 .19 44� - �aA�fa �t,4'�C1�.fY11 z�.,��� t .�.
<br /> '� ° THIS AD3�3STABLE RATE RIbEA is mad�this day of --
<br /> _ . .. F i �'.• '�•i.�.. . � �t.. ..,a i �.t_.
<br /> "`` �°��.���,:, �::� ..4 • � ittcorporated into and staall 6e deemed to amead and suppiement the Mortgsge.Deed of Trust or Sccurity Dee� � �='.;: � .
<br /> `��;;��-.;._
<br /> (the"Security Instrumeni")of the same date given by the undersigned(the"Bonower")to secure Borrower's � ;,��_;;.ef�,��;`<�°.,;�. f _
<br />- ` ' Adj�stable Rate Nate(t4e"Note")to NOR4JEST MORT6A6E, IHC. �', �� ;�
<br /> .. �; . `�: ' + `� `-
<br /> . . .
<br /> :, ,. �..
<br /> -� �- ,.�.. . �:- . .
<br />_ __� y,^�;^;. (the"Lender")of the same date and covering the property descri6ed in �:, . ,�
<br /> `' '���' the Security Instrument and lacated at: -
<br /> �:.
<br /> i r ,� , ._f-.
<br /> • . �'i.G^:f"-r r,i
<br /> - �'"�i• • ^ �yt Q'tp ��y �/�T! .t�R pp� �,t ' �`i.:t;�.,. t r - ,
<br /> .. I� _.,i . t 4 `':i!. . LL��+� Ut:�'� 47Yi�r��W.�.L {',�41i'SJ� �N.6�Ei�'� �ll`Y�q 4Y�. �+� � • . �j' _ -. ,'
<br /> .._ c � ' .. .:
<br /> S I��j j,rG, ���=',
<br /> :._ . [�r0}�t4�;1�d!iJL�s j e•.' ,,� ;�,•�'...:r.��r•�{�"F.,-
<br /> ".1 ` •:I.',' ,.A: r�t. 9�r`�'�:{se {y�1�p �/� 1 i:,iiY��d[-��!'¢_�1'.�L�37_h..i'_�._.`_�_
<br /> � ',i's j- �, � )'''`�:- +p�,{ (��f��(�(�� ITf.t��(�(��i�p��(y��/,�{) Y �y +��,{i� 'iV.+NRI�i�i ���,� ^11't'.[:'.�I:+i�7.i•;li,/�'�;-I,�r" ' . Q 4
<br /> �. ,
<br /> �. . . .,.
<br /> -`�i�.1�ff�� ` r' W.�if.L`IST1Yl�*E�L�lY.lf!/Y/G471 Y��1�..*!� .� r ��. �, '' �� ti t,si� �1j�`�ry' '-
<br /> v�3�v�d!'c �'f=�'�7 1 7 'J ;�% '•1 i:i.i�acY.',!"Y',i'f. ����.��` '�i� ! ��'. i �('1� �i;6��i.._
<br /> ���<s �j ,;, ;�f:�- /���j .�},�+x���rr:fL��r�wr�a.r.�:.I��(�:iu�(�r����,�[�,i�r��r��x:�c��,:t�fi�iiu��::;';-:���:�-:::;: ���.����-''. .tYp �',.,
<br /> -?tt•.. ;i'�G^5�.��SiFv '> .�111?R(�:):�19�:U� .���1.4 .�1 .Y �7 Y ir�!� . . =��r� 71 i S�..s�.���...
<br /> _ ,S f tn: �':f;:� �I�r, ;�.;:i.:`� f �v�r }� �c} �1� 1 �.Y � H, xi11T1�4! . � i�'!+:..:=:r.�cE,�;.).:' }5��.::':
<br /> •.� �r���.� ,:�, .�?� - ' e . � .�F:�'/�A'1�1�'� #i���1'111�1��AT!£t��'bP��:'T'�Ri���.fS'G�._!�t Y�➢` �;:!.;�.
<br /> - .i,yY.�-y�; ! y;�J; .' :' i � .: �;L1i, '�W.e�F+,�l33�'.�`��'� . 4r!, ., � . . . . . ;
<br /> �+�-� �`�;'�;: � � ,. t�Ff+�1`iil� T1�� f�(�i3'�:'GI�..fti�Li�r''sT t?�tslf:� YHE NOTE 6tL'��'�f�t�i'�Rit�bs"TH'L ,.
<br /> ,�;.�. �:s
<br /> _ �{:��F�.;`��'�i:!;,: . .� O�EBW 70 CONVEi�T T�1�ADJUSYABLE 6iATE TO A FlXED itATE.
<br /> y. ADDI�'IONAL COdENAN3'S.In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument. ::A;�� ': '�:
<br /> �t = .. . ;,.. ::
<br /> • Bono��er and Lender further covenant and agree as faftows: � : . ';:r,�t`
<br /> _ r' tf-
<br /> �;�. �
<br /> ,�,;". - �;;; :�.:. � � .A..ADdITSTABLE RA���ENA 14�ONTDiLY PAYMEMT CNANGF.S , ,°.�,,.;' -
<br /> --. .,::;-...,�,-•----.',. _. ---- - --� --
<br /> ''`'t"��'""�;F. ' ' The Note provides for an,initial interest rate af 6.SOO�/c.Thc Notc prnvide.thc changec in t6e ttdjustabte • •
<br /> . '�`.
<br /> � ' .. ' °' . interest rate and the montbly payments.as fnito�vs: , , '. , `. -
<br /> . • . � �.._ � �,;,` '�" :_.
<br /> -j;, �� , . , ' � 4.AIIJUSTA�LE INTE[t�i1'RA�'E AND MUNTlILY PAY;49i:NT 41#ANG!?S << � , , '' ;�`_�.
<br /> f � � •- � lA1 Chen��D�tes �..��;i� . ,•,,::-�-.,�N.._.
<br /> ' '''��;;,`;,�i���';�.:�-
<br /> . � The udjustabie interest rate t wifl pay may change on the first day nf M61'� . 19 95 • . :�:�'��`'
<br /> � - `' artd on that day every 12th inanth theceafter. Each date ort wbieh n�y adjustable interN�+e rate coald change is � ''�.�.�`�
<br /> ,�; ..
<br /> �„°`,"f'';':, catted a"Chan e Date.' ! �.:
<br /> �. ;:�.;-:�= g `:: _. : '.°�•
<br /> . (B)Th�[[udex � . � ;;� r
<br /> , Beginrning witb the�rst Change Date,my adjustab2e interest rate will be based on an Index.The"Index"is •`�%�' ;��'.;'
<br /> ,y the weekly average yield on United States Treasury securities adjusted to a canstant maturit of 1 ear,as made' '" � ''����r'
<br /> ;r Y Y �;;.. ;s'-: :;
<br /> � - : available by the Federul Reserve Board.The most recent Index_figure uvailable as of the date 45 days befor�e each :�;, ;_':�,' ^'! �
<br /> "'�r,s..
<br /> ' Chan e Date is called the"Current Index." f ' � ''�'°��
<br /> . $ �,�:.:n�.:' ._._,.::.;���: .
<br /> � If the index is no longer avaifabte.the Note Holder wi!I choose a new i¢�d�x that is based upon comparable , ,�:_ : r-;
<br /> ,. ic�f�rrt�ation.The Note Holder wi 1 I�ive me rtotice of tli is choice. '`�?., � ���`
<br /> .;:... .
<br /> �' . (C)C�IlcnQa4ion oP�tr:�.�ges � - � .
<br /> � Before eca:��Chan��.;�?%�:.,the A'���H�Ider k�:;;�cu�culate mg-newincerese race by adding 2•75fl �� ::�
<br /> ".'. ,:
<br /> . �. ' . ,�.!� s..-y���.
<br /> � � ,,
<br />_.,;,;s . • pe r c e n t ag e poe�GS f �•��'�lEb Tk:.�u,zent tndex. The Nos4.i�a_�.�r.vill�`�e�round the Tesult of this addition ,.,;• i :,. ,�. ,;-.r.
<br /> ��;,� '%��•��+�1��>� � r�t:�s nearest ane-eight�z.�s�c��:e percer.fa�e point(��•.t35�1,).SuL;::,�ra the tirnec�stated in Sectinn 4{D)betow.this �' `��"�;'
<br /> �•.�r `�t;=r:;Y:,;tf'�', � ..,�i:�i °.:�
<br /> =�;•� `�'��`t�p����'��'' � raa�.ded amoumt will be my�»ew interest rate untc�ba4�-:.xt Ch�n,��Date. ,. '';t'�'1�'���•,�. �'
<br /> t'•,S%�±;S;:c,q;J, . — . j.,.. .
<br /> ;�:,;� • .�,.:; . . ; �'he Note Hotder wiU then decermine tfie am�;�s��.f th:e tr�_a_zly payment that woutd be sufficient ao repay r �� .
<br /> �.�r: � ;:.;.� : t3�anpaiu r��'ri;cipal that[am expected to awe at ti��:ange Da:�in fuU on the Maturity Date at my new interesE ,
<br /> " . rzr�in substarrtially equal payments. The result '.:;c.:;s calrulatian witl be the new amount of my monthly pay- �- � �•`�
<br /> „- r-
<br /> ,.
<br /> , ' , . . r,�.�nt. ; . � .� - . • �:
<br /> ?, � (D)Limits on lnterest Rate Changes �' � ' ,��'^ �: `
<br /> . -r-:
<br /> - � . � The interest rate I am required te r:y at the firtit,Chunge Date will not be greater than e•��fl% or less ,•;` •.
<br /> . r .
<br /> . ' � than A.SC�O 90. Thereafter,my adj%:S:a�Ie interest rate will�eves br increased or decreated on any single Change Date � ' . ,
<br /> = r ' �. � • � by more than TWD percentage pointlsf!2.�/r)from the rate of inrc�*esrt have been paying for the preceding 12 months. ' .
<br /> � '�.� •- . My interest rate wiU n���'i�e greater thar�2.500��,which i�catl�d the"b���c�mum Rate." €"
<br /> ;. �:� ' " • � . (E)Eifecttve Date cvi���nges .
<br /> � � My new inicrestrat��w�ill become effective an each Chamic Date. 1 will pay the amount of my new monthly �- '
<br /> � ; y � payment begi»ning on the first manthly payment datc after st+e Change Date until thc amnunt of my monthly
<br /> �; � ��yment changes agaln.
<br /> ' � + �� (�)Nottce of Changes �;
<br /> The Note Holdet will deliver or mail to me a ne�dce of any chr�nges in my adJustuble interest rnte attd the �'
<br /> •• amount af my monthly payment before the ef'fectivr dute of uny change. The nntice will include infatmalion �� .
<br /> ` t�'�,��� ' , required by law to be given me and alsa the tlde and tetephone numher nf a per��m who wil)antwer any yuestion � • , �
<br /> S ' � • , '` I may have reg:�rding the natice. i . .
<br /> I:-,: � B.FIXED lNTERFSf RATE UP7'[UN �
<br />- � `;•� : .� The Ntute provides for thc Borrower y aptinn to convert fram an adjustable interest rate «�ith interest rate ;
<br /> ,. �'° � � . � limits ta a fized intenest rate.as fallo�vti: � � •
<br /> � < !,,.
<br /> ���' ,s.. • :' ; . . 5.FIX�ll INTERESf RAT�CUNVER510N OP1'ION i .
<br /> �� ' ' � - � ' - (A)Option to Comert to Fixed Rate �
<br /> „ ,. � �
<br /> � ' �.<` � . ,.'.,,�^`.�� I have a Conversion Optlon that 1 can exerc;se u�i.ss i�rrti in default a�this 5ectian 5�A)w a9�n;�t permic
<br /> �.`s.: � ,� �r�� � . . irie to do so.The "Conversion Optic�n' is my opiio�s ta r.r��•era t'�: i�terest rate 1 am req�'ss�c�ta pa� b� this tio*.e
<br /> � • � !�� � � ,"�''- " . �tom aut adjustuble rate w;th interest r��L�i�niis tn th:fixed rat:a:Icui�t�r)un�er Sectian 5!B�b.}��+ �,;, .,
<br /> ,_�;,`�.�°;���� �•F ` ' • ..The r�;��tsEon cz,.:z�fly take place on a da*.e�sf�p.eifiec!b'y th�'.Ve.se�-i��s�e�`de�ring tt,�pe{rind.be�'�r.r.drg arj . "`''
<br /> - '.I..i.11ft��A�l! J A - . . h 1 (� tP t]I.�_ �1 }«�I I �. ,.'��1,i'� ."�•� .. .
<br /> rr , � '' t�ic��;=�;�:���te a;,3 cnding on she�ftEe C}�:.:g�i?a.e.Ea�t�._�� . �r��y<�y t<h e ir�t_- n�rh!�cxr� •
<br /> � _
<br /> ,S ��s�
<br /> ! i � �;,jl! ' •. ..,.�`�' y�( �.C��iIYG�a E�D�.tP,:r�ew fixed rate is called the'•Convennon tY�te." � �
<br /> � i a:'s`', �..EJ�t�-'�,�i� ..�, �'� � ',_,..�.
<br /> t �;�7::•:;.�7 '.
<br /> :�:v}... :,. �,.�: _'` f
<br /> ,.�.t,s�?�;:�. � .
<br /> ,!.�c:: tAUiTISTAT¢CONVEH71BlEAWUSTAgIERATERfOEH—MMVLAN67—SmgleFamity-1YearTroaaurytnQe:•FanNoAtaoUnifarmtnabumor.tWrm3i18U89 �„
<br /> r, NNIFt#0883A90 �pu1;r 1�4:/x(cr.v ;1'
<br /> j:
<br /> ' - �'1
<br /> .,.�.
<br /> .
<br /> , �,. .
<br />