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<br /> � ' . 7 "i . ti` . _ � . . . � .
<br /> � :� `^`7r
<br /> � �i' �JI . G . \ . \i ��4. tz f
<br /> - ' -5'..�� _ _ ...3T£:r� - �._.1S__�'".'�.v—
<br /> � . •�j -�l � �1�.. , , __...�..... t ?' _.
<br />_ y{ . .. �' . .
<br /> . �
<br /> .'__ " _______� .__. .... _-_ __.____—__' ..- ...... . .. '_ '. ..... . . "'___ ' . _ . .........._ " ' __'__"_—' "'_.—" _ _—_
<br /> � 2 `;��k;l� _. � � - � .. . . — '` _ ��u'�:3L'� -
<br /> , 2 .F S 3. .k`,; • . ' , _ ��(�i� �V - . }�`�.1'SUr��,� -- ;v�._
<br /> S. , �. ,� ,:�'�: • . . � . . _ . . �yt 11!Fr.�r'.¢�$ .. � c': .
<br /> � v. . . . . tth.'Ai�i7b - sa -_
<br /> i-c'
<br /> ,<: p'�•• ,'e . . . . . . �•��,.)�'1'�_�._.
<br /> :�V ,�. .`c. t..�,.�..,�u�<F . the Prop�icty i�a vialation of aay Iaw, oYdiaa�ce, or r�gulatLan,t , ` `"V�` `
<br /> ;..`-�•"`�:-•:F° � asta sha11 �a� aa8 pzomptly� di�charq� afi� 8orrav�er's coat and . � :'�.�:t�'... :r�. ��.. �-=:
<br /> ` �'`f expense all liens; enaumbrences and chasges levi�d, ia8posed ,or � �;.. ,.' `` f"�`.;_
<br /> _ , :����'�x��'- `. - asse8aerl �qa3i►st the Prop�arty ox any part thereofe _ � 4��-
<br /> ,F �,� `.. , . , ; _`
<br /> < <, �: �
<br /> �5` s : . �� � 6. �mine�� ommain. Leader- is bereb� assigned ai� �•�° -,,� � ,,
<br /> y� � ;'�` - -,=--r"=�` camg�en�tion, awax , �ages and a�ter pa�m�rits or seli�f , • .._° :' . ; '�`�-
<br /> " � ..�v-�_ : ., �,. .v�-=.
<br /> _ `. ;, -;`"..:� . .-.���;�.;, '� Ihereinafter °Proceedt�°1. in connection cvith con�emna�io�n ar other �. . ?:��, ��;--
<br /> • � taking of �he Praper�y �r pagt t.�sereo�, or f�� aoavepance in Iieu . � �-,'.�� :_:'�':;.�.. • .
<br /> � -° `�=�` � �` �� of condemnation. Leadere shall be en�itlec�, a� its optiom, to . __ � , _ ,
<br /> ..' t��,;.",. _ ���... ,,, ;ri... . :,.�
<br /> . - --� _::;; ..--:;r-,:. co�aence, appesr in aad prosecu�e in i��s: own wame any ac�ion or , , ;, :
<br /> _ �` ., _� �•-�,.'� f �..-.. :
<br /> ` : prvc��d£ngs. azad abt�11 also be entitl�8� tio make any co�promise or � ... . , � ,;:'°:
<br /> ';.`;:��. $e�t�em�n� i.n cor�c�ios� ceith such takiag or damaqe. In t�e . :���� �'° �E �'`«<``
<br />_ _ .. .,.�,,. . : . , ,
<br /> '��'�`' �� 2vent ars�r pos�a`:or�� of the Progertg is so taken or damaqed, Les�der �,€ ;.. �, � $ f ,.
<br />- �. �'-�' shall han� � o�tio�, ia its sole and absolute discretion to , •-;k <;. ` '
<br /> . ��`��: � ��
<br /> �� . apply a11 suc� 8soceeds, ag�er deciuctfnq tlierefrom aal cos�s and 1��°��. °� '' '�,
<br /> _:G , , ,. , _ .;:;,a:f
<br /> an�c�s incn�rred� b it fn connection witln such Proaeeds, upoa �x=-
<br /> . Pr�iQ F � �' ' t E,.r`��''���`...
<br /> . any i.tadobtedx:tess se�red hereby and in such order as Lender ma�r . �,�: ,..,�, ..;
<br /> determin� as tcr a 2 all such Proceeds, after such deductions. � �� �-`?�r�.
<br /> . . �� Y : .
<br /> � to the restoratiozx a� the Property upon such �onditiona as Lerad�� :�`.�°t�:•.��<`:�`.
<br /> '� ;" � , may determi.a�. An� apglication of Proceeds to indebteduess shal?� `��::�F':"'`:'.�:t'''K :'� �:
<br />_ ".';��- .t° ..,t �-
<br />- � , . . . �,,, not extend or post�or� the-due date of aap payments under ttcc� �� = :�e��l�,��
<br /> �?� � ;,:-;�;; , Note, o� cure anyr d�fa?.�2.t thereunder or hereunder. , `t���� ``'•
<br /> ' *�°�,r�'.
<br /> . <;������{'� ,. 7 Pe�fo�manc� � I,ender. In td�te. event of Borz��r's ' 4'F„ .: `��
<br /> � i�,-�, :�.;�. ,. � � .. , ".,'..:,,�
<br /> f a i l u r e t a p e r f o z m a n y o . s c o v e n a n t s h e r e i.n o r malte an y ��- .� ;f ;;���:
<br /> � ;<:.;� ��`�: '� � �¢ents requirec� hsrebyr, or if any act is taken or legal. proceedinc� �_,};��;,
<br /> :::;_. �� ��"� - ` co�er�ed cuhicFt matesfally affects Lender's in�esest in the - � ,.��.. � � . 4,:.
<br /> ��', ';,��;�_,;;;:�,;F:.;��'�• . � �: - Prop�rtg.. Lesid�r may� $n its o�m 8iscretion, bnt �oithout obliga- � ,,;�,� .` �..��:�- � .
<br /> f ���� amd u an Bo�rower ana �1 :tY;`�::��.. ,�� '.�,.;
<br /> ��' ;.�"`���n xs��t. � �; , ti.on tQ d� so. anc� w�.thout notice to or dem p . ����a:�{ _ �� ,�, _,
<br /> ���l ����;f-4�1,::��:..• � without releasin �or�ower from any obligation, �o any act which ���;-<<i,�.: ����s�: t
<br /> `.�� . :; �,e���,,�:� ,f,�<<. � . �t:', �,'t„��S' {.
<br /> �
<br /> �:�f..�,t c;�. x,.'� �>�,�y� the Borrower �as agresr� but fails to do and may also do any otTner ,�, 4;�:;,ti,..�>f � �
<br /> - . .. :� . �� ��T L.`.�: .,�.<<:����(� "�
<br /> �.�}+ ��'-:.• � :•'�e�'� . � �- S�iY.,r t�t�,�y y �7
<br /> _:i,, ; ; `tEy,y,,�.,, �,<<�t;. � act it deems n�cessa�rg�� to protect the securit he�eo� BorroV�er G x
<br /> <<.�<: �.: �.. ��
<br /> �,�'� � �''f��s;�^• � � : '" shall, immediately� upo� d�mand therefor by Lende�, pa3F to I,ende� ,,�q(j��,,,����: .:���_,.
<br /> ' ;'.��`.;Y.;�t��ii', • 4V�. �, i�.��;.�:
<br /> ,. ,..: ,.,�,,,�; all costs an8 expenses �m�red and sums expended by Lender. in �,:�;��r,;:` �.,�,,'��;
<br /> '(.'.{I �. .
<br /> Y � ���t;c:.: connection with �he exerc�se by Lender of �he foregoing riqhts, ;.�`•�'�.� .• ;�;��
<br /> . .<<,:.�� ;;. . , <
<br />_ ' together with interest thQreon at the default rate provided in j; .
<br /> ;_ ; ' � the Note, whfch sAalZ be added to �Ise nd �edness secured ! � ��
<br /> � ? ' • . hereby. Lender shall not incur any liability because of angth�ing E , � .�'1 �
<br /> ' ''`'``'� it may do or omit to dcr hereunder. :� '�:�f
<br /> ,r,.,.,•,,,. . . r��
<br /> ,�Y�.+,a� .. , � , ���.
<br /> " . :;ri.�:;�,�:�', . . ...'�.
<br /> � ' +"`���•: . ", �� 8. Ha�zard2�ns Materials. Borrower shall keep th� - �
<br /> -•,,... . , i:.
<br /> i.:�' r��r::.... .:.....•; , , �
<br /> •''�f � �����': ��. ���`;f,�,;`y`' Proge�ty in comp iarice rnr tb any and all federal state and local , ;
<br /> �,_ s � ;'tis;.`
<br />-f.,;%:, ;.•:;�:fr,i;y4:~t�;.,..��;;;,<;�';;k':� law�;`.ordinances ari3 reg�rlat�i.ons relating tio industria�l hygiena �. , � :��r;'
<br /> �, ;��{i f�i',
<br /> � ,,�;,��y,, , , or us' �nviroaunental condi�ions on, under or about �2�ic �roperty, r
<br /> � . ��r , �� '�" inc���.i.isg, b�t not �imit�d tv, soil and groundwater conc�x�fons. � �
<br /> � `�' �`'��' "'" � Trtnstas shall not use, generate, manufacture, store or di��a�� of �
<br /> • .j,i pt��(.;5,�.�.�` . `f•``;� •
<br /> ,: . 1�t���.t '. . .
<br /> :, �,•'`�r`•fl�fE��:�.� , � o�n, •u.n.cler or abont the Property or transpart to or grom t1�.� . , . . .
<br /> .:;.`;'� `'�;,�t;;;;;;�,..°.• � �, Proges�y ara�` �lammable explosives, ra8ioactf�e materials, hazardpn�
<br /> " � �•�:���+���?` � `'�'j '� wastes, to:�cic s�stances or related materials, includ3ng, without • . �
<br /> . �:2it�';�;{,. � ' ,
<br /> ;�,....;��ti�,,;;�.. • , �.��.j limitationr• �� su�stances aefined as or included in the defini- ��,:��;;,�;;.•, :
<br /> _ t.i. � tion of "1�2arc�ous su1�stances", "hazardous wastea", °hazardous . '�� ` ,
<br /> .. ��`�"}�:�
<br /> ' '�'+ matPrials" oz "�oa�ic substanceg° under any applicable laws, :' �`� �:!.:�.`.,
<br /> � •. '�STi' . � .
<br /> _"'� � � ��` . • os�'i�tasnces oz r�qtY�lations (collectively referred to hereinafter � � .�;�'�;:;;��
<br /> ��� �� '`k� ` ,�. a� , �azr�rdous Materfals ). Horrower hereby warrants and repre- � �� .
<br /> �r.�: t,..�}�,� q h
<br /> .,:, � ,f�}.�.,,. , ,
<br /> "•;- �`�-`-�%��'!��>;'`;i. ' sez��s to I�e�rder that there are no Hazardons Materials on or w.�der .
<br /> :'i,�f}��"'r'°��"� � tFce� �xoper�y. Borrowe� hereby agrees to indemnify and h�T�i , � ���"�"`"� .
<br /> ,.��;,..,;�. ,
<br /> ; �:�.:.::.-. '��r,:±:;.: . .
<br /> � �'��`�'? � harm�ess Lender, its d3rectors, officera, employees and agen�s, . � ,,.,..
<br /> � �'� '�'i;;'��� a�d ars� snccessors tio Lender'a interest, from and agai�st any ana� . . '�, .:�;r����?.;�
<br /> � : �. :�':-��� all c2aims, damaqea an8 liab�.lities arising in conne�tion witA ; � :
<br /> , the presence, use, atorage, d�.sposal or tranaport of any Hazardous � ''��
<br /> `' �� �' � ' � Materials o�, under, from or about the Property, including, ��ith-
<br /> �:� ;�;. , ,,:,.��;.� . .
<br /> { ���, . ; : � , out limi.tatian, �a) all damt►ges dgrectly or indirectly azising
<br /> - - out of the use, qeneration, �torage or disposal of Hazardous
<br /> ' 't•. . ' � M�terfals by Borrower or any prior o�mer or operator of the ,
<br /> =s. �: � Pzoperty. and Ib) all costs of any required or necessary repAfr, �
<br /> ' ` " . �� cleanup or detoxi£icatfon ana the preparation of any closure or .
<br /> 4' � �� . ' o�her required plans, whether suah ac�ion is required or neces- ..
<br /> ' �T �= • ' � � sary prior to ar fol2owing tranafer of titie ta the Property, to .
<br /> ' ;-:. , � - the full extent that such action is attributable, d3.rectly or
<br /> : � � � �� fn8irectly, tv the presence or nse, generation, stor�ge, Yelease,
<br /> . 9 ��
<br /> ; Y�� � � thseakened selease or disposal of Hazardans Ma�erials by any ,
<br /> -- =�.�._�_:-___.�:___ gersoa. on the Prope�ty psi�t to trans€er of title thereto by ' _
<br /> kr ' ' ' � ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ; . . i -3� !
<br /> .
<br /> . , �
<br /> , .
<br /> � , . �
<br /> .., .
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> ,N ... . .
<br />