j�rk�� . RR" .. .r� X3 _ .� � {Z 1 r . .. • . � 4i l.`��,. _. —'
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<br /> .J+c��.. t� �fl�rS°'„'x'6�Ft.4'+�t3�'�h , ;- . . . S'V.. . f .,. ' ��LS y .:t'
<br /> •.�� 1.... f .' . ,+.. {� S . 2 s` . .. "—--
<br /> . - t :i � ��...�. .. '.r�.Tl��`_]��- T.h. . ... ... . ...... ... .f. . _� �. _
<br /> ;_ ' : .. _ " ._. . .� _ '�a' Jw�' `/ •` �.M1du.'K'L+UJ..+vJwv...... `�.u.r..-�.. - — --� .
<br /> . .. .... ..:l�•.. L:.-: �. �M�
<br /> �'� . .:.4�...r " . . \� '; ,,�1 [� ! ���
<br /> . , t _ L
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<br /> � .v � ._' � � . .. - } . . l• ; � . _
<br /> ,iw�R f_ _R M .�5;� ' ' �t. �4� 'L`' � •1 r 'iF . .l �F\� � `C� i ' ._.. _... _ ._
<br /> — �X�9+J'it� ' , ',e��: . - ,S�.P]..:;:�`.ti.:•�`: . . , ` � , . r . •. . , . . . • . .. . . , i�' .. _. —
<br /> ..�s�nux _�n�-_.u-�-3ax� " ' ��;r..Gt�;a � . ,:a,...+_ . _ ' - . . • _ ` . . ' � w-_: __..�.� --_
<br /> �sa�__ ' iF ` ' , ' . . . . '1 '. < ' �� . :' .. , t `'_.._. __.
<br /> — ��,k� . . . � . . � ..�St.,:=
<br /> _ - : ,�,a , ' . . . `+ _ . � � � ��, ' ..'� . _ ,
<br /> � ,_ ��� ' ` ' ;.r.., �T8xF3'1` 'i`15�AlQC^l HAB�l�P�''�?s�`�. , , ` � < ' --
<br /> :�� ;: . . .,
<br /> �� -'��'?'6�,�`` �-� � , SMI�u S. �CH1�' a� ��T�Y� �. :5G�', 8ausband asid �cvi�re,; . .
<br /> � . � ,k . .. ��Fi�OR�; in c�t�i8eraefou o�' �,�m�� TBQ�#�3D At�l3 �IQli�Dt1 - -- -- .
<br /> � ��j �� �'' t;�0.4�8s00I Do�3.are. receipt of �hich fs her�b� a�Ecnowiedg�d. R 1�
<br />_ . �.���:��ti.::_�:-� � ��=�:_:T�. —
<br /> M�•:...��-:� �oYav�y to TY� Yt. �S aad �tJ�A�iI O: A�tBN�S, hns�and and wife, --__
<br /> .�.."��,�.::'":.:� ae joiat :teuant� and not ae tenanes in cammoa� GRAt3�BH�, CHe . __-=- ----
<br />�. �„
<br /> ���� :� � fol.lowiag d�scribed real. eatate ias deff.ned ia Neb.Rev.SY.at. 76- _
<br /> � ,
<br /> "� . .��Qa.� . , =-- ---
<br /> �- l.l 1- 1.:� �. .. . .. M. � __
<br />�;�'` .. '- P, tract of land c��r�r3�.isg a �S�c�' d� - the. Sou�easC ,�„9, -
<br /> �' ,� , �c�
<br /> ;,,; ._. ; ;;.:: � Q�ia:�.er (SS3f) of �ec.t�.vi% Y(?R �avm�it�La 20. �t"o�I�,:•J.tange 2.0 � __
<br /> _ � �`.��-r �%•";,:f � �tet��,,cs� the 6tli F.is2.., �SE C�un�y��-i��,8zras��cafi eai:8: �a.�t , �� "``_�`
<br />:�� �'� =,;'s bei.ng i�re �aar�fcularly d���bed•�as falYcir�: � , . �
<br /> �,..� , •;
<br /> _ '.- x �f f �:'�` � . �k°�; -
<br /> ,f,�,t . � ,. E�ith refei��� �c LPte Y�bQr�heast corner af $�s.td SBiS: . � _ -
<br /> .� �� , < � �. thence runn�� on a�a �s��ame8 �earing. og S 009 0o'-':E�O� � , �-5 ��
<br /> Y,� .� : .;..:� rr'�
<br /> -�,-�.-�= -,,-�::�;� " � on the Bast line of �afd �l� �for a distance of 5�5.Q0._, . �- ----
<br /> ;.-<_. , ..,,. . .:; ��-
<br /> . . ..:;;. ._._.. .
<br /> � �::;.- • . .... :.. .feet;---the�1��.. S_.73-0-- �13. ���c T� �for- 5t8:39� �ee� -�n���. . _=
<br /> �. . . . .. ............... . .
<br /> , . ;�, p�'�.::.:
<br /> : •�`:�s;��;�. actual POIrIT OF BSGII�I�� �hhence S 10° 46' 29" B �or ��,;,.-_ -
<br /> ��� � : uSV�-?. � 475.00 feet; theace S 98° �$` 33° W for 1190.53 feet; . ' . � �
<br /> `'° '�, ` ' :`'�,° � � thea�e N 01° 05' S8`� � for 3I7.OQ feet; thence N 83° 05' ;; �;_
<br /> - � �� .
<br /> f,'" `�' ��';: 58'�` � �or 634.75 fe�t� thenc�.i�T 7�a� ��! �54° B far 497.28
<br /> `�s, � ��'�ti. . �, � . fee� to th� POINT �F BEOINl��,. ����: tract containing ''f':�. ;�
<br /> �`� ?:%,<.r�'r!;`• .';:'�' .. '� . 1�.4 0 . . . .
<br /> ,,l{, '°-„�, �, i acres more or Iess. . . . , �,��'�, ,
<br /> ; ::r,;s,� �'¢. ;,. �.. ��';.�,k�'�:��
<br /> _ ,;:;+;:,..,�'r.? ;:,r � � . � • . ,; ,,F,,;ff��.>.
<br /> ,�. ; �fsf, + .�:. � . � � �;;�;t
<br /> � ,t, <'_ .,��� � ' ; � . . �, .� �•',.���tts-a.
<br /> =- _ -- ;y�. .:.��,:,:, . , :. . �-:�: -----'=._
<br /> �." ` � � � ` �'eas�me.nt tc� �a�eruct .:;;;� �E''�
<br /> , � ` r�;,;.:.� A ermar�e�t and perpetu�l?;���t•o�-way eiir� , ,r ;��;,,- �°��
<br /> P ; `'�;'
<br /> :,:..::: . :,�r`.;,. .�
<br />_ : t�,. ` �, og�rate and maintain a c�zt��ray ,�vr;ingress ancl egress to and from �:.r,r1'>•:�y
<br /> ;f.:�.,._.. ,
<br /> ��:,{:�;r?•>. ��:�� z���::tiver and across the foll000iag- :;,;�;,ti}'�� .
<br /> . ..,.;�,,,f,. � above-descrihed prem:is�e. uFo� � �`.:
<br />�- - �' - - --- "��- - de�cribs�d real eatate: �� :fr`',
<br /> : . , t,..
<br />_ '�" '`z�.; . ' �', �. :' , . �s•"
<br /> -};�';;1� . �;..�`:; - A tract of land ia t�e Southeast Quar�c�x (SB�) of Sectio� -� .;,,r :
<br /> -`� '�,�•d}�i�'`:�� " 10, Township 10 North Ran e 10 West of the 6th P.M. �`���'% ' �� ��` r
<br /> �•,;; . , g • , ;f,.::;i<kii -�, x.iA
<br /> `� ��k ;
<br /> ,.��:,.;t.t; :..t�k. ._� ,.� .
<br />- ;��,,;;:�:';;.�;,�c��,;y�x; : . Hall County, Nebraslca; safd tract being more particularly . , .�
<br /> ,; :'� �� descrfhed as follows: � ��,.���'���r�Y�
<br /> 'P• ,:{,' � ,.f'. ,. �;r:�' ,•'�.
<br /> �� • Wfth reference to .�Ls�. Northeast corner of said SBi6; . � �`_ '
<br /> ,,, ;,;!�t�;•.._ Chence running on an'•-�sumed bearing of S 00� 00' 00" B
<br /> ; ,�� �� , . , on the Bast line af, ���t� ,��,for a distance of 525.00 � '�� ` �
<br /> = ��°"'"' . feet to the Actual Pa�*� a� IIc-�linning; thence S 73° 13' ;;y�,;'•
<br /> - ; ;•, ' ?,'` .':,;' . � � 3nt;, t3r.ence running S�+izr.in � ., " ;:;�;-
<br /> _.,.: � � 31 W for 568.39 fee1,: to"'�,:�� ; ��'''<`;.;?".:
<br /> �r;'� � ... � . �� , � and parallel to the East line of �L�uc� Southeast Qua��:ryr ` `;:,�'`'� . .
<br /> .,�..,.:'.�
<br /> .;::, �; i��ance af 20 f��'t .. ������ �"' . ,
<br /> - (SB�) of sa3d Sectfon 10 for a a : �;:�:'��' `
<br /> ' � "' „ ' �� thence runr.:�.r� Northeasterl� � and parallel ttcr• the North ° "�''�:� '` �
<br /> 3 .� " �
<br /> ���� , � � " line of sa�d easement for a ��stance of 558.��9 feet to a . `������,�'.: � .
<br />_ ���� � point on the East larte of tls� Southeast Quarter (SB�b?., of � :- �
<br /> Y� '<<, � said Section 10; thea��e running North on the East lir�� �f
<br /> ��`+'�.�. . � � f said Section 10 fo� a �
<br /> s�.,. ' . . the Southeast Quarte�, {S8=.�F., o ( .
<br /> ; } � � dfstance of 20 feet to t1a4� g��nC of beginning. ' . , �
<br /> . . . � . ,
<br /> � �aid easement to be used by the Grantees and their invitees as a � �' �
<br /> ' .I` � non-exclus�ive drfveway �ta the 10.010 a�r� tract of Iand first � � , � � ' �
<br /> ' � ' @escribed above; .togethc�r v�ith the fol4oi��.ng rights: .
<br /> t , y t . , .. ` p:,. , •:� ,.
<br /> ' i Jl�� , , � ''.r;i;�;':t,
<br /> ,� . � (1) UnreatricL-ed ;ingress and egres� thra��h an8 across .th� t�, "�'��-:;.����.::�•� - �• �,
<br /> :�r{. '.:, �.�'.��?�,;?': �:,: ' � easement area �or the }?urpose of exercising the righ�s I'E2r�111 � �' '��s��'�
<br />�;�, :ti� .. �:�; . granted. ` : i! �
<br />— ;�' ,.,, i; . ,;:
<br /> .: ' ':�%. . � �r
<br /> �.:,;: � .. (Z) The Gra»tees covenant that they shall p1aCe na��. ; . .
<br /> ' � . '.� `;.��'; improvemente on the easement area, except for gravel or othex� ; . .
<br /> � 4 �� � ;�`•� .surfacing, without the �rritten consent o� the Grantors, their heirs :
<br /> i , . ..��. � . '.
<br /> i;. ';,,,,, and assigns.
<br /> :� . . .. .:.,, , . : , .
<br /> . �,� ,,: (3) TP�fs easemeu��,.ahall be non-e�tclusive and may be used by , . �
<br /> �� ., � Che Grantors, Cheir. 1't��.,rs, invitees and assigns. ; �
<br />" ' ? �,::�.:. . . , `•} ' .
<br /> : r�� . . . �
<br /> ."__�..__ ' •
<br /> ' . � _
<br />