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<br /> ` :'y.'`�C- -�� - - - .- t � - , ----- - � - --- �. - ��-- � - -- ---- —� -� �� -..--
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<br />.��. ..;'�y�t�_ .yY _' __ � . .. . ������ �Sp1Yvb��_ ____�
<br />- �t qa,� '` '� ' � . TO�GETHER 1�VITH all tke i�npr�veao�nts notiv ar�eafter ere�xad on[�pm�erip�a.ud�!!e�em�t►Ls,SpptuTe�xs,8ad ____--�._-__=—=__.
<br />-� �� - _' fxt8res_ rtow ds hereatter a pa�e oF th� paoperty. AU cep�!€se�s and oddidc►ns sball aiso be covere�t by Nis Seourity ==_- --- _
<br /> . � ` .,:�.. .,�I�stiv�ttet�t,AII�f tAe fongo�is regerr�to Sn this Secviity Irs�u�eai as tRe'Pm�h►-" �" - -
<br /> �°` 3�s . ,.1 �,..,._,�� —
<br /> .. ._ .; ,�. ` , BaRRQ�COVENAN'TS th�t 8arraurer is lavrtu}1 seised of tTe�te�aeb con�re ed ansl�as the ri to rcnt atrd —
<br /> s: Y Y 3� S� 6 ��..��___� _ . _
<br />=�r� canv�y ihe Propeny and tt�3 t��Frope�y is unem,�unbened.exce�a foz e�cumbiss�ces of reooiQ. Bosrowez tivareants aad wiU =_—_=.�=-:.�_--
<br /> . �
<br /> �,, � ., . defead�,�rally th�tide to the Fcop�sty agamst a!1 ctaim4 a�d d�aa�ds.sublea to any emcumbraa�es of ieoord. :=
<br /> _` , � Yw,,�� �M �;;�` 77fIS SECURYrY iNSTRUI+�IEt�cocni�inea e�niform oovemnss fo:aatioaal use ar��n-uaifomi covs:nnas.TES�Yith Eimited `r T`= :�,
<br /> _ �` ��,�� 4# ,i;���;1'�' vgrintians by juris�lctian to oorstias�te a anifoim secisri�t insuu�oovering real pmpert�r. �' �'�� y�,.�`���r,�'�`
<br /> �'. �,F ,�,,'':'��`,r ,* ,�` UNIFORM COYF.111t�N'i'S.Borrower aad Lender c�xenant and+agre��.s toltotivs: y} �r r';�'it:��`�� Y, _.
<br /> :;
<br /> r�';��,� ,, ' � ? 1. i'�ym2�o�,��sta�ipat snd Inter�t; FrepaY�`t au�d L�te C�.Earraa�er sPta)�Pro�tY ya.g �r6�ctue E� , ,, . .-
<br /> �ti�"�'`,l,�$�";��;� ptter�ipal of amd inte�est on the debt evidenced by tf�e Nate a�.�nY p�raY�en!a�d tate c�arge:s dw�under tbe Note. � � . :.
<br />_ ��•."`•� ,;r>. •.`.�•,,,� rn �mn yt BOYNV�rei ShalF�tSg tQ �: :
<br /> .`�.•.,: 2. �uads�atr Teues attd � �s Snbje�to applicab��tat.3r os to a�r�ritten�xaiver h I�ader.
<br /> �x
<br /> . ;�,�~�';;�`-.`��:�.,t'��: Lec►der on the d�monthty payments are due under the Note,unti!t�ASote is paid'm fi�lf,a sum�"Funds")for.(a)yeasIy taxes (:,;� •�':'�..: � .: .`�
<br /> t° `o-.;;:,��f,�,.��r; and t�ssessntetug which ma y attain priori t y over this Securaty[nstrurQeaE a5 a tiea oa t&e Fro�ty:(D)Yeaziy[easetwIQ payments `.'� ? ��.`f:
<br /> ��.�.�y,:��;-��,'?r• ';�f. or gmund ren�s on ths Property.if any:(C)Y2a�lY h�cd oF pTOperty i�lra�ee ptemiu�ss,:(d)Ii�arly flaad inc�trancr piC��**±�- . •
<br /> , µf, ��1yf,1�,S ; if any:te)ge�riy m�rtgage insurance premiums.if any:and(�any s�ns paYabte by Sonrow�r to L�dec,in a�cordance with " :r,::��`.
<br /> �`�' �����' ,. . L i the provi�io:�of Qaragraph S.in lieu of the pay�nt of mortgage insur�oe p.-��'ceirr�s.�se items are rn1[ed"Fscrow Items." � .f'
<br /> � ��� 4,;��. I�tder ma ,at an time, collect and huld Funds in an amount not t�eaa�d ctta„rm�imcros amnunt a tendep for a fedeiafly •..
<br /> �,.. lz ��::.:�� ; � y f .,; . : ._ _,
<br /> - y �i1.,�-:, � _; telntod Rto�tgage loan may tequire for Borrower's essrow aeoount�d�c t1�fede�ai Rea�Estate Settlemens Proceduns Act of � ,:;-:-- :' =;•:,� �.-
<br /> f:1`•�•�. � -,':';i�.'..
<br /> .. � ._-f�... f�.^.._.'_i;,.
<br /> ' <.�tic.�i�';`.,: t974 as at�nded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.S�tion 2601 et seq.(*iRFSPA"},antess ano�i�taw tliat apQfies ta the Funds .•�.:,:t:'?;,;;;;`;;%,F�x;:F,`..:,�-,_{.::
<br /> F:'.�"i �a.�L .�t�: �.'1`
<br /> ....:,��,_. , z �,, , x;
<br /> s2ix a tesser amount. If so. l.ender may, at any tim� cofiect and ho2��unds in aa a�unt not to exceed the [esser aniouat. • $
<br /> ' ' '�;;:;; - Leteder m�y estimate the.amou�of Fands du�on the 6asis af curtent da3a and reaso�-''_s estimates of exnenditures of�nue :.*.'� ,f���T,.f;',, "• ``-_�
<br /> , ;Y,.. i -
<br /> • �,1 �F.�. ! Eumw If�ms or otherwise in arcordan�ee with applicable law. J ` �'J�';;
<br /> � � �:r,�.�� - • ; Tft�Funds shaN 6e hctd.in at�institution whase deposits are ias�c�by a fed�1 agetuy. instruurrn�taliry.or entitY �' :��°.<.� ` � ,
<br /> . ; ,:,,�;;,,:�_:_.-..----..... , . . . . � -- , ..
<br /> .,r..:,". I (ittC�IUA�R�LRRQCf.�T Lertder is such an ins�etution)or in arfy FeQeral Horr�laan Bank.Lender shal!appty the Funds to pay the �.-'•��=;:i%?�'t.;.:,'':,�«;'"
<br /> w �
<br /> :. ,�,,,,.,,; ... �. :-t:�::�;�+�%.,
<br /> - ti.F� k;,;. Escrow Itrms.L.ertder may nat charge�ortower for holding and applying tYre Funds,annuatly anaiyzing tfle esccaw acoo�mt.or :. .':;��:;'' ^
<br /> ` �•'�'�� � ��� vcrif in th¢Escrow items,unless Lender a s Borrower i�terest an the Funds and a tcrabTe[aw ecrtrits ixnder to make such t.: �.��`'�� • ����'�;
<br /> . y � p y PD� P . ,./i .`..<;� .•.
<br /> �.�,�izi;:ti:,�•�'���`��;>''i'"�;:::i� a char e. Hawever.Lender ma uire Barrower to a one-time ch for an i ent rea�estace tax ortin service ? . ' �`�' •,` `.`:.':
<br /> . t�%:��Fb,.:�.,.�:.,-���•�r�::i�s�: 8 Y�4 PaY � ��� reP g . . ,. ) �•�;.,
<br /> ' _ .o::.•�.V . .�,"3�5.:.�..--•.3�a.i�..:
<br /> _ � . � .,. � , used by �nder in connectian with this loas�. unless applicable law psovides otherwise. Untess an agreearent is m�de ar _ ;:,r;,��,�,�-:=:-
<br /> �.. . ��;;°� ,':::: ,t;,�, applfcable taw requires interest ta be paid,Lender shall not be required w pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the�wzds. �•�'��;'��"`�;�;�
<br /> , u.;:..,�;.9, :�, s�-r
<br /> r��',r � ;f.:
<br /> • ,•. �rrower ai�t Lcndcr may agree in writing.Fiowever.tiut interest shalt be paid on the Funds. Lendes shali give w BarroK•er, �,�a?i
<br /> s�•:-� . '��rn
<br /> -� - — ua! tcrnunt'tnv oF the Fundc,showin credits arsd debits w the Funds.and the parQose for which eacb ��'�''
<br /> - wtthnut ch an ann t . �':
<br /> �,—'. ,; ar�e• _ o g , - -
<br />- ••� - --�•d debit to the Fueds�vas tfiade.The Funds are led ecl as additional secun for all sums seca�mcl6 thia 5ecai tnstnttnent. . •;:'+:'�.
<br /> - . P S �tY Y � ,� '• "�`':,�;,t,�t�.. �•<:
<br /> � ` '" ' �" [f the Auads held b i.cnder eaceed the amounts ermitted to be heid b a licable law„I,endn st�ai�abcount w Borrower >�� < ���4°•..�'�� t�°
<br /> � •,4, Y P Y PP . � ,� ,..i,r : .
<br /> :4i;,:•• :� �w ,
<br /> •-i . � �� ` for the excess�unds in accordance�vith the requirements of applica�ble law. If the amount of�the Funds held by Lender at any �'� ;,.���,,k;F,,,::,,,;;; ,
<br /> � "� • � � � ' � lirttr iti nnt+ui'Bcient.ta pay the Escro�v Items when due.Lender may sa notify Bomnw�er i�q writif►g.and,in such case BarroRer " ''�`+;��;';�`��,;"��%
<br /> ,.�. ,. .. .. t,` �. `.:'-:� ��
<br /> - . . . tihail pay to[,ertder di��unount rteozssary to make up the defioiency. Borrower-sha]1 m�ke;:ap the deficiency in no rtu�re than ,r!,,`,�y���:'���
<br /> _ ,-�::�,r�,_...f..
<br /> . . . _..._ . twcivc mnnthly payme��t4..a!L,xzder s so4e discretimn.� ' . .. ...:. ��T'
<br /> , ` , �r�,,�`�`'',:��
<br /> �• Upon paymcnt uf fiJ{f of all��-�.;s securad bj this ���iry�dmsirument, [.ender shal}prompdy refund to Botrower any :: � ;
<br /> ' � � Fuads held hy l.cnder.tf, u�lyder p:��.r��ir.��C}LCad�sha31 aWpit�:�Jr.�el!the Property.I.ender.prior to the acyuisition or sale ��`'°+;���,�+�s;�`:�:'t a:�
<br /> , , af the Prnpeny.�ha11��ply:uiy Eurai:�.F��d 6S•L,°.ii�f�x at ds,:i�Tn:•�1;u:!{ui4iiii�ii nr sate a�a c�dit a ainst the sums secured b '"" '
<br /> '� g Y •�.;:%1��d�(,;:%�,;i�.,; ''.4,
<br /> •^ ' ' Ihiti Sccuriry(nctrununc. • - , • ! s'.;;. .`:
<br /> . . . .�:i:.'hi!(;+l''."';p... ��'hi�tf'w
<br /> � 'f� . . ` : :...:: . .:. ..: _'.., . ., if...
<br /> : ^o{A�/1,�y';�� ,ty,.�,
<br /> ' � t 3.Apptleuttnro eiUl�}����.fJntc�+s spplie.rJ�Cc1L,.-���-cr,��ir,a �t�tt'i�c.;�i1:��3��nra�ls,�ix?:c�eA by�2dx under paragraphs ' �. • . '�.:-,�.;.,Ci✓;;;,�5
<br /> �, • . : �,,�;; ;:`. . l and 2,hall he appiic�ii; tir4t.tu an}prepayrne«c�'iarZ����,::e uiL�r�^.�:'a.,te��^�ia�i3J..t���:uiiisturs pa�+ab9�:-+serdrr paragraph 2: � :,:,;.,•`.;:�.-���..<.�
<br />. = �;�;'r• � third.to intcrest dur:fhurtl�,t�t�nR4-iaat due:artd tast.to:t�:�:2.�zcr���uri:3a�i�ic�V;;�t�_; . y+..t"�:",�,`'`" ����•;;r:.
<br /> '�,�.5;:: ' " � • �,�vf,�. ,._<.,.,.,
<br /> . ..�t�; ..�...;-: ,, �,�
<br />. ;;,-:;,i'•4;. 0.C hAr�;c!�:I,Ecttv. fi��rr�zw.er tihsll pay at!tasc�.�.:a5e.ssrc��.��'��s�;�:::�t:��is�:i�*i3;�ii�ih+,��i�tr+�sutable to t6e.Prnpeny . �;J,;�����`��'�+,,x:r;:::;`;..�"
<br /> :i�. e . _. . : ,:. `'�:.(�,.,�'����'���5'�:2���
<br /> •. � , wbich may su�;�in priarita• a��cr eiii�5uu�ity (n�[r�mc�t. :��dv°.a�:7?�ii?1:p.::�r,a as;*_h.n�rri rrat�t�r ii:•rs.y. �orrower sheli pay :±rtsr.;,:;;:,�;,.,,
<br /> ' • • the+o ublig�+tiun,in�Ir��jTUnrter�r��v i�feA;n pacagra�g�h_.t�r c�erur.�i�:���m:�nrcr. �;s':.^.��:r��taf�;;�;`ehem on time directly •:"`;•� ';+.'... :
<br /> , ,.,
<br /> • � ' (II II11'�)Ct+(t11(�VI"lVI rS;►ynTent. Eturroucr sh:dt pre�mptty fa�isZ�a�;,e�ic��!:i�nti��:s of amnunts to 6e paid under this paragraph. • , .'_
<br /> . � , (f l�uu�►tver utake+thctic payrncnv,devutly.Barroaer shafk�rocr�;lg 3'u���s1a��;�L.,:nder meeipts evidencing the payments.. " �''-
<br />_ • ' . �. Ik�r�a�cer tih.dl prumt�U�•di�rhurze any licn ufnicE�ka�pri�Rierj.:�+c�ri[ti�.��urity Instrumcnt unle+s Borrou•er:lal��*r�s sn ;',r: .'`'.:.:',
<br /> • ,. � � .. ti�nun�u�Ihe paymc�U uf U�c.�h[ieatiun�ecurcd B} thc iic�nn a man�u•r scu�:c;}�1c to L.ender: Ib)contests in gaud I:u�b ti�e d6eo •.';:(il�!�.'•;;..::: . �
<br /> �, , , � hy. ur �icfenA. :i�uin�1 cnti�rccnicnt uf�t�4 {icn nr. tegal procc�ding� ahr�h;:n Ihc Lendcr's apinion aperate to prevttit the ''"�'�'•,�� '�� .. ��:.
<br /> ' . � . cnfi�r.rm��nl��! Ih�Iic1�:nr��1�ecurc�fu�n�shc h��lder ni the lien an agr��erFr.r�tiafiyfactury tn Lender�ubordinating Uie lien tn . .. ."�` ,�'� ��.•:.�.t�;:
<br /> . • . • � 16i�ticunify�Inrlrunirnt. fi IAndrr drtcnnin��that any pnrl��f Ihe Prnperty i:�uhject to a lien w6ich may atlain priority over _ .��:,�.;��,�• � �
<br /> - ib�.Sccuri�) In.u��oieut. I,�t►d�r u�ay gi��e liorrua•cr a nntice idcmifying thc li:n. Borr„a•er�hall satisfy Ihe lien or take one or • • ''�`f``�;'���.
<br /> �� � . , �. � mnre ul Ih4 urli���r��LI tntth ahm•�a ithin Iff d.ryr uf thc Eiving of noticc. .
<br /> • � . . , . ,,� ' Form 30�8 8l'3d'. , . .
<br /> i�. . � .
<br /> • ' vn�v7W6 � .
<br /> .. . .. t �7, -.�,' -
<br /> „ , �;,�. ` C';F;;r� .
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