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<br /> ----- -- = condemnatian or other taking of nny part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnntion,nrc he�cby z�sy3gned und
<br /> ___..,.,. shnll bs patd to I.Qnder.
<br /> � -- In the event of a total tuking of the Property, che proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums secured by this Sccur�ty ----
<br /> `��� Insm►ment,whether or not then duc,witb nny excesa paid to Barrower. In the event of a partial tukinQ uf th�Property In
<br /> - � which the fnir m:ukct v�lue of the Piroperty Immediately before the tnking is equ�l to or�reater chan the amauat of the�ums
<br /> '``'�•"'� `� • secured by this Security tnst:ument imrr�ediately before the talcin�,unless Borrower and Lender othenvise a�nee in wddng, ,�-
<br /> °��0� the sums secured by this Secuaty lnswment shull be redused by the amaunt of thB proceeds multiplted by the following ��
<br /> °�_'.a;,�� fiaction: (a)the total amaunt of the sums secured immedlately before the taking,divided by(b)the faSr mnrket value of the _ _
<br /> :_���;;� Propetty immediatcly 6cFom thc tuking. My balance shall 6�paid to Botrower. Tn the eve�t of e partial takinE of thc ,=
<br /> _-_-.�-�� Qroperty in which the feir market value of tt�e Ptoperry immediately befar�e the talc�ng is less U�n the umount of th�sums -_ ,
<br /> °�'�='�'-`�° '„ secured immed[ately before the taking. tudess Bomawer and Lender otAenyise a�[+ee in wtitira�ar unless appltcuble luw � __
<br /> �.,;�'�:ti'?���"'� otherwise provides,the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Security Inatrum4nG�ih�ther or not the sums are =--
<br /> ' ;+- ,=•�:� - then due. _�_
<br /> ' T - If the Piroperty is abandoned by Bottower,or if,after nottce by Lender to Borrower that tt.,e c�vledemnor offers ta mnke ____
<br /> - an award or settla a claim far dnmages.Borrower fails to respond to Lender witQiin 30 days after the date the natice is given, �
<br /> Lender is authorized w collect und apply the proceeds,at ita option,either w reswration or mpair of the Property or ro the .-
<br /> . � � , sums secured by this Security Instrumen�whether or nat then due.
<br /> Unless Lender sind Bamawer otherwIse agree in wdting.any applicaaon of p�c+ceed�to principa!shall not extend or
<br /> : postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in paragcaphs 1 and 2 or ch.an�¢d�a amount of such paymen4s. _--
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wairer. �xten,si�of the time for payment or =_
<br /> modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Secttriry Instrument grant¢d by l.ender to any successor in inter�est .__..___...
<br /> ' . of Barnower shall not operate to nelease the liabiliry af the original Bmrower or Barro��ers successors in interest. Lender
<br /> ° shall not be cequired ta commence proceedings against any successor in interest oa refu9e to extend ume for payment or ___
<br /> � athenvise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security[nswmen[by reason of ar�y demand made by the original =
<br /> 8orrower or Borrowert successors in interest. Any forhearance by I..ender in eaercigin�wa.y right or mmedy shall not be a _
<br /> �'�`„� waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or c+emedy.
<br /> ' ~:.5•� 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liabliity;Cast�e�ers. The covenanGc and agreements of this F==--
<br /> �, . Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender ari�b Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> � paragraph 17.Borrower� covenants nnd ugreements shail be joint and several.Any Barrower who co-sigr�s this Securiry �r�
<br /> E9`a�'
<br /> :.;,' . Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-�igning this Security Insuurnen�only to mortgage,grant and convey that r„__,.
<br /> ° 8orrower's intec�st in the Property under the tertns of ihis Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums =_
<br /> ,� � secured by this Securiry Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agme to extend,modify,fofiear
<br /> ;� � ' or make any accommodations with regazd to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note without that Borrowe�'s �.._
<br /> �. � consent. S
<br /> ; � 13. Loan Cha�ges. !f the loan secured by this Security Instrurnent is subject to a law which sets maximum loan �
<br /> _ _ , _ ��argec,and thet law ic finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callected in connection [I' '–
<br /> with the loan exceed the pertnitted limit�,then; (a1 any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to teduce 1;;;.'.�:'"
<br /> ����t`= the charge to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums atready collected from Barower which exceeded permitted IimiGt will be ""�'="�`
<br /> M1:'s;.:..
<br /> • refunded to Borrower. Lender ma choose to make this tefund b reducin the rinci al owed under the Note or b makin a '''"'"�'
<br /> y Y S P P Y g ,�-:��.
<br /> '�"': direct payment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces principal, the mduction will be Ireated as a partial prepayment without any yt;�;;�N:�
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. '�� �
<br /> 14. Nofices. Any notice to Borrow•er provided for in this Securiry Instrument�hr�ll be given by delivering it or by �,l��;� '
<br /> mailing it by fint class mail unletis applicable law neyuires use af unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> Addtess or any othcr address Borrow•er designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender+hall be given by first class =
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or:u�y other adJre+s Lender deyignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have hecn given to Borro«er or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> ,' :r. paragraph.
<br /> ' 15. Governing Law•; Secerability. Thiti Security In+trument ,hafl be Leo�•erned by federal la«• and the law of the
<br /> � � ' jurisdiction in which the Property iti located. In the event that uny provi.iun or ciautie of thiti Security In+trument or the Note
<br /> ; conflicts with applicable law•.such conflirt tihali not affect other prrn•ision. of thi�Security imtrument or the Note w�hich can
<br /> � � � be given effect withom the conflicting provi�ion. To thi� end the provi.icm+af thi,Security Instrament and the Note are
<br /> " declared to be severable.
<br /> _.' 16. Borro�+•er's Copv Borrnaer.hall be given one confurmrd rop�•of the Note and of thix Security Instrument. ��?���
<br /> ��'�"• 17. 7lransfer of the Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Borrow er. If al I or any part of the Property or any interest in i?>'���.
<br /> it i,sold or transferced tor if a bcneficial interc,t in Burco��er i� .old or tran�ferred and Bonower i.not a natural personl
<br /> a•ithout Lenderti prior w•rittrn cun�ent. LenJer ma�,at it.opti��n.rcquim irnmediatc payment in full of all sums tiecured b}•
<br /> •� � this Security Imtniment. Howrver,thi,option,hall nut tk cxerciud h�•Lender if exerciti�i.prohibited by federnl laa�ati of
<br /> =.�� the date of thi.Securin in,trument. ,,
<br /> .:;..� If Lender exerci,r.thi�option.Lender+hall gi�e Borro�ver notire of atcel:ration. Thr notice.hall provide a period of
<br />,,:`;: not les+than 30 da�•+from the date thc notirc i+dcli�ered��r mailed within�ahi.fi Burnraer mu.t pay all.um.�ecured by thi,
<br /> Security Imtrument. If Born�uer fail. u� pa� thr.r .um. prior to thc txpiratinn of thi, prriexi. Lcnder may invoke:u�y
<br /> remedie�permitted by thiti Securitv In,trument u ithout funher notic�i�r demand on Bumo��er.
<br /> � 18. Borrow�er's Right to Reinstate. If Borruaer meet+ccrtain rimditi<�n.. Burro��rr�halt ha��c the right to havc
<br /> enforcement of thi�Serurit� In.trument di.runtinueJ at am time priur a�tht earlirr ot: lal 5 da�� ror wrh other pc:riod a, � �
<br /> ..
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