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<br /> - "�'t�`-" � . 7'0�3ETHERWITHnU�haira.psovemeatsnoworhereatRorerededanthoproperty�audaUoasementa�a�Durte��taiccs,and �—
<br /> � <r::-;�:-;�.*r :-r'. fiahtrea naw or haresliCr a part ot tho p�oporty.All replacemcnte and addltiona ahaU alao be covered by thia SecurIty �..-
<br /> � ��-"', `� ��� � Instrvment,�Ul of tho forcgoi�rg ia nfcrred to in thls Secucity InatrumcAt aa the"Pcoparty.• -------
<br /> " , BOIti�OWEPCOVENANI'SthatBarrowerial�whilfyseiacdottbaeatatohenbyoox�veyedan�dhaetherlg�►tto u-,=-����-----
<br /> - " ''';'`��4'""�` canv�ay t�e Ptoperiy and thnt tho Properiy Is uneneumbered.except fas ensumbrancesof reoord.Bonowar wurrant�dtv�W -
<br /> �::�.,:n�----.-_
<br /> � dsfead genernlly tha S�IIIa to tha Pea�Nsty�gatc�,i a1t caeirae aud der�aa eu ect to - _ _- ---- -
<br /> � � �, 6j any encumbraucea of record - _ ____
<br /> . ';, Tf�3 St�.t;u-R[t�lll�i5'i�tItMBN7'oomblaes nniforra o�venante for aational use aad nun-uniform covenanta wlth l�mtted �.�-- - --
<br /> • , .. v�uisdona by jurisdIctlon to cons�ttaerte a uniform eecurlty ir+atruanent cavering real properiy. =`:;�r�==-— - ---
<br /> �:�a�
<br /> �� UMFOItMCOVENANI'S.BonawesandLeadercovaaanteadegreeas followa: �;.^��•�%=SY�4�"=�=
<br /> i. Fayment oi Piiadp�!ared Iate�al� Pnep�yment �ad Late C t� P�Y P Y .' } `���'-��-
<br /> I�rga. Borrawer s6all m a ar�en daa the {,.: . - `A;^;�.._;�=�-
<br /> � principal of ead Iaterest on the dnht evideuced lsy the Note and any prepayment and late cbargea due under the Note. . -:.:�r�°t-�`�``
<br /> . ..`�. `�rlr':_'�°:._:-
<br /> 2. �'aad�[or 1�es un� Insara�ca. Snbjed to appl�Cable law or to a written waiver by Leader,Borrower shall pay W � ;. °:;.���•-.�--�
<br /> Lenderon the day monthly paymenteare due uaderthe Nota,uatll the Note is paid in full, a sum('Funds'� for.(a)yearly ta�es '• -; t_ •----- -
<br /> and assessaee�atawbich may ettaiaprios,ity over this Securlty Instrumentas a lten on the Pro �".:a� .=��
<br /> perty;(b)yearly leaseholdpaymr.ats � c�� ,��
<br /> oe g�ouad resal�oa the Property,if anY:(c)Yearly hazerdor praperiyinsarancepre�iums;(d)Yearly flood insurancepremiu�s, 'i:`.:..F�'�� ��'�`
<br /> ._,_��
<br /> . i f a n y; (e)Y e a�r l�r r m q i n sivaaco gremiuma,i f anY: a n d��aaY aums payable by Bonower W L.endet,ia acoordanaaitD -.:;_.�r�.�.
<br /> the provjsions of Pa�ra�8, in lieu of the payraent of mo�gage insuranca premiums.These Items arc called"Escrow Itams.• ;'�-;r.-—�_-----
<br /> �...�;.:.,�__...,�--
<br /> Lender m at an � ' ".��....��.---.
<br /> ay, y dme, oollect and hold Fands in an s+mount not to exoeed the maaimum amount a lender for a fedetally '�
<br /> , -.,�.-�-�---
<br /> relatedmort�ageloan may requlre for Borrower's escrow socount underthe federalReal FstateSettlementProcedusesAd of -
<br /> 1974 as amendedsrom dme to time,l2 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et se�("RPSPA�. unless anotherlaw tLat applies to the Fucds =-°°,
<br /> sets a lesser amouaG If so,Lender may, at a�►y time, collect and hold Funds�n an amount noi to exceed the lesser amoun� ,.:. . •������":":t:f
<br /> Lendermay estimatethe amountof Pbnds due on the basis of current data andreasonableestimatesof e�cpendituresof future �.'`>, .��,�'�`-�
<br /> ce
<br /> E scrow Itcma or otherwise iu acoordance with applicablc law. `';r•,+, ` �,�„s�
<br /> The P1�ads shall be beld in an institudon whose de �!-��'�
<br /> posits are insured by a federal agency� instrumentality,or eatity ,�-
<br /> (inclnding Lender,if Leaderis such an institurion)or in auy Fedea�alHomeLoan Bank.I.endersball aPPtY the P�ads to pay the . ., F�
<br /> Fscrow Items.Lendar may not charge Borrower for holdiug and apptying the Funds,aanually analyang the escxow ac�count,m ' �'°==
<br /> verffying the EscrowIt,�ms,unlees Lenderpays Borrowerintereston the P�ndsandapplicablelaw permitsl,endcrW makesuch ;� �--
<br /> � a charge.However,Lendermay requireBorrower to pay a oae-timecharge for an indepeadentreal estatetax regorting seivice
<br /> " used by Lernder in co�ecaon wit�this loaa, ualess applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made ar �� �_,;�.�., s
<br /> _-° , � . - � igiplic�bt�iaw uires intezest to be ' -
<br /> �1 Paid,ieadershail not be requiredto pay Bonowerany iaterestor earniag�oa the FY�nds. •:•°:�!':�''' -
<br /> Bonower anc9 Lender may agree in writing, however,that interest shall be d on the Funds.Lender sh�ll � �� �' � ' �
<br /> without char � 8�W Borrower, •s,�, ' ". <s',- :_
<br /> , 8e,an anaua3 accountnng of the F�nds,showing credits aad debita to the Pl�nds and the purpose for ahieh each �;�., ;;
<br /> � debit to the�nds aras made.TLe Funds are pledged as additional security for ell sums secured by this Sectuity InstNment, '�� � .
<br /> ��_;: �
<br /> If the�ds held by Lenderexceed the amountspermittedto be held by applicable law,I.ender shall accouat to Bonower d�
<br /> for the excess Pl�ads ia accordance witla the requirementsof applicable law. If the amount of the Fuads held by I,ender at any '
<br /> time is noY sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,l.cnder may so notify Bonower in writing, and,in such case Borfower . •;��
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount neceasary to make up the deHaency.Borrower shall make up the deficienry in no more than •
<br /> twelve monWly payments�at L.ender's sole discretion. � � ��
<br /> :�� , L.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shaU prompdy refund to Bonowcr any �
<br /> • F�nds held I.ender.If, under '' ' " �
<br /> by paaagraph2l, I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,l,ender,prior to the acquisition or sale ';;�';���
<br /> , of the Property,shall apply any 1�5�nds held by L.ender at the tima of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by r. :�.-��• :.. �
<br /> this Security Instrument. ;:;
<br /> �•:�;
<br /> 3.AppUcatlon of Payaaents.Unlessapplicablelaw providrs otherwise,all paymentsreceivedby I.enderunderparagapbs �'�'.�,� ;,
<br /> " ' 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepaymentcharges due under tbe Note;second,to amounts payable under paragraph2; • �
<br /> third,to interest duc;fourth,to priaapal due;and last,to any Datc cD�argss due under the Note. �
<br /> 4.C6arges; Ldens.Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,chargas,fines and imposidoas attributableto the Property �
<br /> which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leaseboid payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay I �_
<br /> . these obligadons in the manuerprovided in paragraph2, or if not paid in that manner,Sorrowershall pay them on time directly �
<br /> to the person owed payment Boaower shaU prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amountsto be paid under this paragraph, I
<br /> , If Bonower makes these payments directly,Bonower shall promptly fiunis6 to l.ender receipts evidencing tlie payments. � ,
<br /> � 1�� Bonowershall promptly discharge any lien wluch has priority ov�r thls Security Instrumeatunless Borrower.(a)agrees in �
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the liea in a manneraooeptableto Lender;(b)contests in good faith the liea �
<br /> by, or defends against enforcemeat of the lien in, legal proceedings whic3� in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � enforcemeatof the lien; or(c)secureafrom the holder of the lien aa agreementsatisfactory to Lendersubordinatingthe lien to �'�
<br /> this Security Instrument.If I.eader determinesthat any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain ptiority over
<br /> this Security IInstrumeat,Lendermay give Bonower a aotice identifying the lien.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> . � Farm 3028 9150
<br /> �'BRIN�re2121 Pape 2 ot s --��// �`��JJ
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