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<br /> 2lF.Ii�VLM�N.6Y"Y.In tM twnl Kny�n�►mCta oi 1ha prav��n�conitinad In lh:e TraRl pA�9,�ihe�NVt�a an"y�1�►e�tricw9tY(�►�t Oh�w+
<br /> -�--- in ccsnnacSlon u�lih thU t1�nbAet?on�hxll tor any te�t�ydn i;u t►et1A lo bA InvAlIA,tll�nl or unentnrce�►h!fa tn eny tst�cl,�uCh InvaNd?4y,11{n(�4ity,�v�w�r
<br /> MrewblGty�h�tl,�l ih�optlon el�Hcl�ry.nat�tt�ct snY othe provl�bn of lhlt"fruat O�W.but thi�7ru�t DNd�th�ll M CpnMrual t�If�uch t���NA,
<br /> _ Iitpt►6 or unentorceRMe prnvil�Ian hnd nev�r Finen contalnnd hMNn or thereln.II the Uen nl thn Trutit Dsed b irndid or un�ntorea�bM a�to�ny pMt ol
<br /> ----' fnM t�oui�c�r II t���41'va{i Ii�v.L'd w La:�iii:;w:.:.��ta to c.�'+y�:�t af th�Pre��fij.ths tsn:'cureA ct g^rtl�ity r.�r.,�►ne�on�isn o(the dewi ehpil Di+tx►rnpietery ,
<br /> _ __ —� �prksr to th�payment ot tht r�m�iNnp anA seeured a partl�l�y oecure0 paA!on ot the dubi,er.d�il paymenW m�ds ai tMr d�f,wh�ttMr vqluntar�
<br /> a involuntary,eheil be conatddecl to havs be�n ttret pntd on and�pplbd ro the hrn p�ymem o4 ihwt�wR1an a?tts d��t�r:sh i�rtttt eaeurea or sx�!�.�t; � -
<br /> weured by the lien ot thf9 Truat Deed.
<br /> 20,TRtS�?�E LiA6111TV.6o Iong sa tho T�uatee shatl ec!In good tallh und In rellanee upon�oticea�nd other IMo►mation r�hkh It.ln Iti�oi�6bee�tiat
<br /> may deem to bo reilabto,artd uo long ari Trustee ehall oxerclss resi�onedte prudertca and care fi Its admtnlatratlon hereunQer.Tnutw ahrll�t W Ii�bt�
<br /> tor eny Iets�or damapo euatalrted or Incurred by the Tneators�eny 6enaikiary a by�ny ather poraona whomsoever,it Qetn�exF►r�sty�tipulat�d th�t
<br /> � the Tru�ee ehail be Ilabla onty for Im ovm flross negligenca und willfui uaiault in 9he pte�nisea. --
<br /> 27.E�M�pAND(3ENDER.Wherreve►uaed heretn,thastngutaznumber shail inctudatheplura).andtheuseolanygealer aAaO be�Pplfe�bisWM y�nde►�.
<br /> 2g.ACCF.ATANCB Br TRUSTF.E.Trastee accopts thi�Tnrat when this Trust Daed,duly executed artd eckrtowtedged,is made a publlo tecord cs pravld�
<br /> od by law.
<br /> pg.WAFiRIIHM/lNOINDF.�ANIFICATtON REl�ARDlNO NuARD011S SU68TANCE3.Truata wartanta to 8eneftetary end Tcusta th�t ths Property _
<br /> la ftee end ciear ot atl hazardous subatartces or eiy ctafins or allegations ot the existence of suon harardoue euhsiance In or on tAs ptope�ty,�nd th�re
<br /> --- � doas�ot noy+�xl�t any dnlmII tor exRsnses.coste.dama4es.or tosses retetecl to sAtd hara�dous substance or the cleanuA of aucA ouBt�anoaa.Tniator _-
<br /> _� - epreea to indemnity and ho:d Yrustee and Beneflciary harmtess fram any and atl ctalms,suite,loss�s,damagea or e�onsea whataoer4r,on tccount
<br /> o!injuries or death of eny person,and ali loss or destntat�on o!,or damage to,property,and any end atl eoonomta losses,whetAer dlrect,indiroct a conas�
<br /> -�a•:�.:.a��_r.� quenUa�artsirtg or growing out of,or In er►y manner connected with,the presence ot kazardaus substances as deflned in thoCom{�ehenaive Envlronmert�
<br /> -"- -- - tet Response,Compensadon and Llabilily Aat,42 U.6.C..�9801 etseq.as amertded,ar�ny�ther smte or federal law rto�r tn axfstence or hereatter exi�tnp, •
<br />_ _ _���,� refaUng to the Pmporty.Trustot tuKFter agrees that it wlt0.appaar end detend,a4 its own ezpense,in the n@/fle and on behalf of the Truatee Or Bensticialy, �
<br /> �'`�` ail ctaims,acUons or suite in whatevor huum,in any malter arlsing or growing out of the alleged preaenaa of any hamrdata substance on ttle Property
<br /> "°`��`� referred to herein und tor which tha Truatee or Beneflclary.or either ot 4hem is atteged to be Ileble.
<br /> _,��
<br /> —�--�-- IH WITNESS WHEREOF,Trustor has exeCUted tAts Trus2 Deed as of t1re date and year abave wtiden.
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<br /> ` ' , " • The foregomg�nsirument was acknowledged hefore me on the._18th day of Aprfl �y�94 •
<br /> . , by LeVora E. Cook, Single __ _
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