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<br /> ,ZM'^'- ,C� �.r i< < r ,�,= xr. "1- ;'"� �'i}j": -';'t,pl P` ,"f�,tilF, , �:Ci .?' , T�«<i•`�t„ ,�'�Sr �::,!-�r � t``br Fa °_
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<br /> . . _ ;.A,a.•xu.__-. _ . .. ;�y;,s�, ,
<br /> ��r'.. ��.F'Y.isN.D�1..�.-Y.:. .. . � � _ _ ::.--_.
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<br /> . . . " . � .MK� . ..._.- r.'I�. —.
<br /> • ' - '_-
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<br /> . �L....�r..�� ..
<br /> •,,�;•�2ik1c .,.e.aw�r.wi..._. � _cH'�ii/11�1�if�w.- • .-,—.m,
<br /> �f.__".___� __._...��.�._ . _ _ ...�.�, --_ ..
<br /> -__'�"`°�I �, "`.°'�: :��� 9�" 1O33Se �." '� -
<br /> ����"'`'"p� 4. Yhe 6orrawn aMil kap th�Prop�tty in pood�apsb�nd oh�il oot oamnit w�sU or p�rmit tmp�irm�nt or d�terloratk�n of th�Prope►ty. -----
<br /> __. .. �...�.� ..,��.�...-.--�----
<br /> -�-V Y�=� 5. if the Eanow�s hil�tos (U rrt�lntWn o�p�y th�pnmiums foi th�reyuir+d insuanc�of tM Propnty,o�(b)P�Y uxea bstaro delMquent,or
<br /> �; � �- tol psy�ny Mr►ount dus undn�pdo�moetp�g�or uu�t daad b�fo»d�linpu�►rt,or(d1 mJntdn the Pr�perty in aood tep�tr,or(o)Pedorm �°---
<br /> - : �:c. :, ..".;
<br /> - '�"•'' "°' • any ot th�aovon�nb or syre�m�nU ot tNs Tru�t Oa�d,then ths L�rdet m�y,at(ts oytion,pay woh insur�nc�pr�mturrts.�exes,mcrtQeQe
<br /> �`,��s� � , � o�truat Goed paymeat�,or make ropaire nnd dlzEuna suoh aum�snd atce�uob soUon as it deems rteo��tsry to proteot Ite inrorost without ���====--_—
<br /> x�,���.__�.___.
<br /> �.Y;.�,,._� v��:• welvinp a��tf�otlnp IU r1yM to deotare or defsutt�nd eacelerets ths debt e�ound h�aby bso�u:�ot any weA feilure of the 6onowou Any �.��:+�
<br /> ,�ty��'�:-��r.� emounNSOdisbun�dbythelendetaheticomdtut�eddidansltmlebtedn�s�oftMBonowsr�saur�dbytNtTn��tDeednndohslibae�inter�st --
<br /> ��� from tho aete pf diabursement et the rete p��eble under tha Note. Nothinp contained in thla par�preyA ehall teQuiro the Londer to msko nny ��=
<br /> suuA dieDurtem�nt�ot bke eny eotlon whatsowa►.
<br /> .a�� �....�...._�.�.-
<br /> "�-" � — �� 8. The LenCot mey rrteke or oause to be mad�roaaonabie entdes upo�and inep�oflon ot t�a P�operty. -- °�=��-- _ _--
<br /> Y.';-° _ --
<br /> �" F � „ 7. The proaeedt ot sny�werd or c�etm for damepq,direat or oonsecuent{�I,in eonneoBon with eny aondemrtation or other tekirtg at the ��+��,��
<br /> Property,or pnrt thoreof,o►for oonveysnae in Iteu of oor►demnetton,oro heroby�ipned o�d ohdl be patd to the Lande�to the extent of tha ,,_.....:�.��:�_-�
<br /> d�3'�.<:�;,�?
<br /> � fuli emount of the romdninp unpaid indebtednets securs�by tl�la Triot Oeed. ' :�:-;; �.�---
<br /> _ .._.t:__�-° -
<br /> " If the Proparty it abandonal by the Eq►row�t,ot,it eft�t nodw by ths Londer to the 8orrower that ths oondemnor offere to rteeko eo eward �__��=�_-��-�-
<br /> or settie e datm tor dunapea,the Bonower feIls to teapord to the LenOor witNn 30 days after tha dete suah�oUoo la meilad,th9 Lordar •'_-�_°- _
<br /> � ls authorized to aolleot e�d npQty the proaeads to the sume secured by thio Teuat Desd. ,� f` ����'�-���`
<br /> n #.�':,+rc�u»��
<br /> • .�s
<br /> Condomnatbn proaeeda or ewaMs sheli be credited to the last met�.dnp fnetattmenta of the in4abtodnmsa aecurod end ahsl!not extertd or , `+`` ,�,t
<br /> poetpone the duo dete of tRe insteilmante rofened to in petegraph 1 Mroof ot ohenQe t?►s emount o!suoh inatatiments. ��I
<br /> 's.-..P.�-
<br /> .. ...i•,_�:.'���
<br /> 8. Ii the Lender issues e partlei rotease of thie Trust Deed,the p►ocoede ro¢eived therefor ehdi be nredited to tF.a last meturirtg lnstellments nf . :�;,.�'r----
<br /> the indebtedneeo s�auted he►eby. - .�s;���_
<br /> 9. tf the Lendereither vduntarily or inwluntetity becotrees u peRy to any+uit orieeai prooeedinp reieting to tM Property,Note or tFda Truat�eed. �`�_
<br /> then the Borrower wiU reimburse the Lender tor elt coats and,to thx exteM permitted by law,reasonabie ettor�eys'tees inaurred by the ,"`�`°
<br /> Lender reteting to suoh suit or lege�procoedinpe and said suma ehel{constituta edditional indebtednoss secured by thia Trust Qond nMl hoer �`'�'�
<br /> �ntorest at tha�ate peyable undar tha Nota,unti)paid. � -
<br /> ;�'iv:-vF-
<br /> 10. Aa eddidonel security,the Borrowor doea hareby asdgn, trensfer aoi ea�t ova�to the Lender,in oese of defeult in the performance oi eny f �-.---
<br /> ot tho terms o�condi8ons of this Trust Oeod,the Note or the terma of s�y iadebtednesa aecured hereby,aU of the�ente,revewes end erry ,, ..��i:
<br /> �ncome o�eny type whatsoever to be detived f�om the P�opetty,indudiRg land contraot payments. The Lender,in pe�sort,by agont or by
<br /> ' rocaiver.without rogard to the solveney or insolvency of the Borcowar or the valuo of the Property,ahell be enUUed to take poesaseion oi, _'�R�,.
<br /> � ropair,rant anct menape the Property end to colleet the rents,revenuec ersd income therefrom and it mey pay out of seid inaome oll exponses �ti*�^=
<br /> ot repair end aosts incuRed in rendnp and menagi�g the Ptoperty end edleoti�p rente end for payment ot insurerroe pramtuma with eny .�� v
<br /> nxnein(ny balance to be appiied to the last meturinp peyments of tha debt seourad hereby. Upon presonU�g a copy of thie Ttust Deed ond $
<br /> damand to any�essee,tenent or contract purchaser of ihe Propeny,such person shatl pay all rents,peyments and profite aacrued o�
<br /> _.___ thereaftet acaruing to the Lender until further notice from tha Lende�. -,
<br /> 11. tt ai or an Y Y V � �
<br /> y part of the Property o►any interest therein is deeded,solel b lend contrect or otherwiae eonva ad, elieneted or further
<br /> e�cumbered either votuntadty or invotuntar0y without the Lender's pdor written consent,excludin8 fe) a transter by oparation of taw upon =.�..;
<br /> 't; .- the death of a jolnt tenant or(bl tho gront of any Ieasehold interast rot containing en option to purchese with e Iease term of two yeare or
<br /> �! •�• Iass,or IoD ihe crsation of tho purcFwse mo�ey secu�lty interest in household appliancos,then the Lende�mey,at its option,deolare ett sums . ' ��, �.
<br /> ;;';;:�',. seaurad by this Trust Daed to be immediate�y due end payeble. '1.� ; ,�;�:
<br /> , ' 12. Upon the Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement of the Bo�rower in thie Trost Daed,including tha covenents to pay whon due any �.�:f''�. �i�� •
<br /> t �: � ' suma secured by tMs T�ust Deed,the Lender,at its opt�on,mey dec�ere ell of the sums seeured by ffiis Ttust Deed to be immndiately due � • ��
<br /> " ° �-^�� �' and pnyabie w�thout funhar demertd and mey invoko the�ower ot sale andlor eny othe�temedies pertnatted by eppiiaablo Ievi mciudinp tho �
<br /> �����'-'.: � ndht to fotxloas this Trust Deed in the manner provided by law fot the toreclosure of mortgegea on rea� estete.Tha Le�dar sholl be onGHod
<br /> ;i�;;`;:, to collect ed teasonaWe costs end expenaes incur►ed in pursu�ng sucb remedies inetuding,but�ot Iimited to,and to the extent pnmtitted by � �
<br /> �' Isw,reasonobte ettorneys'fees.
<br /> � H the power of se�e is invoked,the trustee ehall record a notice of defnult in each county m wh�cfi the Property or some pan thqreot ia locateQ � • � ��
<br /> �. and prohde notica thareof in tha manner prescribed by applicabte lew. Aher tha Iapse of such time es mey be required by applioeble taw, f i'�� '°
<br /> tha Truetea sheU give public notice ot sele to the persons and in the.nenner prescribed by appliceble�aw. The Trustea,or tRa attornny for �/.
<br /> :• the Trustee,without dama�d on the Borrower,shall sell tfia Property et public auction to the htflhest bicEder et the time and placo and undar '
<br /> •"�'�':..
<br /> the terms designeted in the notice of sale in one or more pareets end in auch order es tha Trustee may de4em�ine. The Ttustee tney puatpone
<br /> ssale ot all a eny parcel of the PropeKy by public ennouncement et the time and place of eny ptewously scheduled sale. Tho londer or the {
<br /> �', � • Lender's deaignee may purchase the Property et any sete. �
<br /> i .
<br /> , { Upon reee�pt ot payment of the price bid,the Trustea shall dehver ro the putcheser a Trustee's Oeed,without wa�ranty,convaying the i�;..
<br /> . Property sold. The recitals m the Trustee's Oeed shall ba pnma facie evidence ot the truth of the statements meda tharem. 7ha 7rustee shall ;� :; ,.ti_.
<br /> apply the prooeede of the sale tn the followinp order. (a1 to aII reasoneble costs and expenses of the eote,mcluding,but not(irtuted to,tAe . •r: •
<br /> Tmstee's fees of not more than 5500.00 ptus.5%of the emount sacured hereby and remaininp unpaiit,a�d coFts of tftlo ewdenco;lb1 fo �-: �.jr;` .
<br /> � all sums secured by tNs Trust Daed:end(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persona tegally entitled thereto '.�,'�'',;'
<br /> • � 13. Any forbearance by the Lendar�n exercising any right or remedy hereurxfer,or otherwise afforded by appliceble law,shell not ba e weivor
<br /> ot ot precluda tha exerc�se oi eny such nght or remedy�n tha event of commwng ar future breachea by the Borrower.
<br /> i 14. AII remediet provided m th�s Truat OeeG are d�stinct end cumulative to any other right or remedy under this Trust Deed or afforded by taw
<br /> � or equity, and may be exercised concurrent�y,independently or succesa�vely.
<br /> 15. Upon payrnent of elt sums see4rad by th�s Trust Deed,tha Lender shxll requost the trustae to�aconvey the P�operty and ehall surrendor this � '
<br /> Trust Oeed end eN rtotes ev�dencmg�ndebtadness secured by this Truat Oeed to tM Trustee.The Trustee shell�econvey the Property without �"� •
<br /> warranry[o the person or persons te�ally entrttod thereto. Such per,on or persons shall pay alI costs ot recotdat�un.�f any. �
<br /> 1 6 The Le�dyr,eL IFe lendnr's npt�on,mey}ri m tLme to t�mo remove the Trustee ena!appo�nt n su�..ayso�Truatee tu any 7runtee appaintxa
<br /> , hereunder by an instrumont tecurCed��i tho county��wh�ch th�s Trust Doad is�ecordod. W�thc.ut conveyence of ttio Proporty,tho aucceasur .
<br /> ITrustee shaN succeed to ell atlo,power and dut�es confarred upon the T►ustee horein and by epDLceb10 lew. �� �
<br /> i 17 Except for eny noUCea,demonds,requests or othor commurxcations required u�der app�icable Iaw to be givan in another mannor,whenever
<br /> i the Lendet,the Bonower or tho Truscee g�ves or serves any not�co 6nclud�ng,without 6mitetion, notice of defeult and nouoo ot sa1e1,
<br /> damands,roQuesta or other commumceuon with respoct to th�s Trust Deed,each such notice,demand,reQuest or other commumcenon shu�l
<br /> ....l�I...�.�A�.....�........�t ....�.t�A A....�.��1.J�.J �..������.�..�.A ��w..�.���...•
<br /> . . . .. fu �.n�M.h�ll l.��ff� ..1...���.� .
<br /> ._ . . �� __..... -.._.___""._"_" ' _.... ... ...._........��.... . " _ ' .....� ..� ....... ,�.......y..�....�...... ..........�..
<br /> � roquas�od,eddressed to iho address set forth at tho bugmrnng ot th�s irust Oeed.A copy of any not�ce of default,eny nonce of sele,raqu�red
<br /> i or poirtutted to Ce g.von horeundor,shall be me4ed to eaeh person who�s e perty hareto et tho sddress set forth et the bogimm�p of tMs Trust
<br /> � I De¢d. Any pa�ty mey at eny t�me elw�ge�ts eddrass for such not�cos by delivenng ot mading to tho otho�pert�as thardtu.es atorese�d.e
<br /> nouce ot such changn. Any n.ihce horeunder sAall bo deomed to ha�e baen g�van io the Borrower or the Lendar. whon yrven�n tho mannor
<br /> j dos�gna�ed Aorom
<br /> � 1B The euvo�ent5 ans ogroemonts berem conta�t�ed shall b�nd. orW the ndhts herouodor she�l mure to the t9a(IYGLWP An�ro, parsonn'
<br /> � rapresentoUrea,wr.cossoro end esa�gna of tho pon�os A:J covon�nts end eproomome of the Borrower shall be imr�t and aevurat. Wh�rnv+�
<br /> � roferonco re mode to tbo sm�uler horaunCPr,�t shalt mdude tho{,wral end tho plurel sha11 mdude the s��gulur.
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> � —I
<br />