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<br /> - --_ ' A�9�QNMENT OF R�N'P�RIAER
<br /> .���� TNI8 dISSIQNMENT�F RENTS RIDER la mnde artd exeauted thi� �8� dayof ���1 ,14�� ,and�ia,
<br /> _,__:_-�.�� Inaorposatad Into And C►hall be deemed to amend ar►d auppfement the Mortga�s or Deed of T►uet�herelnAftdr referred to�sa t1�e� ��Y_
<br /> ,��" "SeouriYy Inatrumdat". of ths eame date piven by the underetpned, heretnatter�eterred to as the"Rcrrowor", tp t380UYA:
<br /> '���s� • Borrower'a lndebtednase,heretnafter roferred to ae the"Note"�to HOME FHOERAI.3AVIN�SANO LO�iQot A�380�tAYlaN.Q�
<br /> -^��,Ll��y;;:��b� ORAND ISLAND,herolnatter referred to ao the"Lendor",ot the oamedate and cavertrtp tho pao�►aAy deaa�ihed Jn iha 89BU�ftyt - —
<br /> -�;,��,.�.} ..., Instrument and looated�!:
<br /> ��,.�.�,.�.-- •
<br /> •�n.�*����.�,� 3931 Dcver �ourt, Grand Is].and, Nebraska 68801 _
<br /> `�-, - � (Property Add�easy � -
<br /> �'.'�;�:,°;,:��'�,Ef��� WITNESSETH:
<br /> -- -;� . . -- _ -
<br /> WF��REA8,Borrower and Lertdor have apreed that any rents and profito ariributaato to th�proporty ohouE¢1:oa�n�titute
<br /> ., , additlonal seourity to the Lender tor the payment of the Note; __
<br /> NOW.THCREFOAE.it la e reed that the Security instrumont shaU bo amondad h�roby and de�med to Ic�ato��i�the toltowing -°�.'�"'
<br /> 8 E�.,��
<br /> : : provietona: _ -
<br /> , _ . �:. -°-
<br /> � ' 1. E\sslanment of Rents and Lender Rental CQ�tontion Riphts.Borrowor hsraby abaolut8lY an�ua��onalitionalty asslgna ali �:'���_�
<br /> renta, isauas and profite ot the property to Benoflolary. Lender shall haro th� right, powar and �iuthorfty duNnfl the ���,.�_.
<br /> � oontinuance of the 8ecurity Onstrument to aoilect tho ronte,issues and profita of the property and of any personai propetty ��_—_
<br /> � '� located thareon with or without takUg posaeasion of tha property afioot�d hereby. L.ender,however. hereby consents to -------
<br /> ' '�' BorraweP�colteation and retention of suoh rents.Issuos and proft4s as thsy acoruo anrl bscame payable,so long as Borrower �,::__:
<br /> � w�_''=�%�` is not,at auah time,fn detauit with reapeat to pAymont of any ind�bteda�vsa secured hereby,or In the pe�tormanae af any •-�,.�`�,,-
<br /> ..la: ,,
<br /> ,�: • agreement hereunder. �`-
<br /> � '_A.'�:.--
<br /> 2. Aooaln4m�nt of Receiver. if any event of dafautt in rospect ta th��,ca�rity Instrument ehalt have occurred and be '•����
<br /> � �e��?,�< ° continuing, Lender,as n matter ot right and wi4hout notice to Borrower or anyone alalmi�g under Borrower. and without �•;;�: �--.
<br /> � ° � '��'�`' regard to the vaiue of the trust estato or tho int�reat oi thq Bor►rnver thereln,shali have the right to apply to any cou�t having ���:�-
<br /> t_,
<br /> . Jurisdiction to appoint a receiver of the pioporty. ��; � `-
<br /> •��' ! 3. Hfnht to Possesalon.ln caso of defau{t in tho payrmont of the said principal Note or intereat,or any part thereof,as It �'�` -_
<br /> � . shall mature,or in the case of failure to keep or porf�rm any o!the covenants or agreements contained in the Securiry Instn� � . ,�,,�
<br /> � �• ment, then the Lender,its successors or assigns, sh�ib be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take tmmediate • F ,� _.
<br /> possession of the sald premises therein described and to col��ect the rents therefrom,and to apply the proceeds thereof to the ,, °�
<br /> • ���•" payment of the Note. . �•�•., �� �-
<br /> - , �� 4. �aaltaaltan af R�::s.lssuss art!S'rof::a.�!;rEnfs ao!!ealc�d by lentl�r or the racalver shatl be appffed firat to payment __ -
<br /> of the costs of management of the p�operty and collection of rents,inciuding,but nat Iimited to.receiver's fess,premiums on ' _
<br /> , ' recelveNs bonds and reasonable attorney's tees,and then to the sums secured by the SecuBty Instrument.Lender and the . -
<br /> recelver ahall be Ifable to account oniy for those rents actually recelved. • <
<br /> S. Construction of Provisions.Each ot the provisions contained in this Asaignment of Rents Rider and 2he Security Instru• ; _
<br /> � ment shall, uniess otherwise specificalty�equired, be conatrued in accordance wfth Neb�aeka law,and in the event any
<br /> • p�ovision herein or therein contained shali be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceabie,the same
<br /> shail be construed as though such unenforceabte provision were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> . 6. �ifect of Rider.Except es speciticaily modified by or inaonsistent with this Assignment of Rents Rider or by any other '. . _
<br /> '� ` • applloabie rider,aIi of the terrns and provisfons contalned In the Security Instrument shal� continue in full force and eHect.
<br /> . ,�� . .
<br /> �� IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thla A �ment of Rents Rider on the date rst noted above. �.'
<br /> � �/✓ •
<br /> Borrower
<br /> � l��-A.�J"�/ ,-`.
<br /> ,.
<br /> Borrower �.
<br /> , _�•�'•, . STATE OP NEBRASKA) ,,. '`"`•`
<br /> ,.,., , .., .
<br /> ... (ss: - ,,-,::<:'"
<br /> � ''•",� • COUNTY OF HALL ) ." . '��1"��.
<br /> On this�.$Y�.day of Anril ,1924—_,betore me,the undersigned,a Notary Public duly commissloned and
<br /> quatified for saitl county, personaity came nai p c'. rt ar �,IG1r�.�I�cZY'IS�.J3UShafY3 arx9 Wi fp
<br /> ,to be the identical person(s)whose name(s)istare subscribed
<br /> to the foregoing instrument,and he/she/they acknow�edge the execution thereof to be hls/her/their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Wltness my hand and Notarlai Seai at Grand Island, Nebraska _ � .
<br /> i
<br /> in sai� ounty,the d ar a�d. � i
<br /> : �', i
<br /> • � s���Y���' tary Pubtic �
<br /> My Commission expires ��'���
<br /> .
<br /> ue um n�a
<br /> ;
<br /> - -- -'-' _.-� -. ""'- ". .
<br />