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<br /> _� ;�:���._� 'TO(iB17iER WiTH all tho improvementa now or hereat3er erected on the prnperty.and nll ettsement».nppuctenance�,
<br /> --���;�-� und fixtum.s no�v orhereafter a pFUt of the property. All repincemen�s ansl uddidona ehnll ctleo be cover�d by thie Securlry --____
<br /> "�;-."',�,u;���°=-- Insm�.enG All of tha fomgoinA ie refemed to in this Security Insaument ns tha"Propeny."
<br /> ,.i-�,: ,.�.•....:
<br /> �;��n;,;t�,>�.i s��.,M BORROWBI�COVENANTS that HosrowEr is Iav�fuUy selsed of the eatate hereby conveyed autd has the r�ght to ga�unt �__
<br /> " `�+ ,: �"�''•":ri end convey the Property ead that the Property is unencumbered,except for encua�tsmnces of rACOrd Borrovs+er warcants and --------
<br /> ;,.. •,. will defend generully the title to the Ptnperty aga�nst silt claims and demnads.subject ta any en�umbzanc�s of record. _ ____ :.��
<br /> '�`"°"='�"�`�� THIS SECURITSf WSTIdUMENT combines unifora� covenents for aational use ead non-uniform wvennnta wi�6 -
<br /> limited variadons by juris�iotion to wnatitute a unlform sPcurity insWment covering real pmperiy. � ��.1 " -- _
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANITS. Bomower attd Leader coveaant aad agree as follows: �'�"—- ��
<br /> . - - - - 1. P�ymeut of E►ri►tc�tittl tutd lnterest;Prepayment au�Lnte Chat�ges. Borrower shall prompuy pay when due the F':'-�- --
<br /> - �" prLrclpal of and tnterost on tha debt evIdenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargea due under the Note. �.��;�-�:-��=�-�--'
<br /> � 2. �ads[or'I�tes and Iusuru�ae. Sub�set to appllcabla!aw or to a written waiver by Leader.Boaower shall pay W .��xr�';_
<br /> . Leader on the day montlily paym�t�an�dua und�r d�s Note.undl the Note is patd In full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly ,;;�:��::°
<br /> •.� ta�ces and assessmenrs whlah msy attain prior[ty over thia Secudty Iastrument as a lien on the Praperty;(b)yeariy leasehold , ;-=�-----_-
<br /> payments ar gmund rents on the Property, if atty: (c) Yearly hazard or ProPcrtY iasurance premiums: (d)Yearly tlood f. ::.'`:���,�'�°�-�--
<br /> ` .,c��• . Insurance premiuma�IIf an�+t(Q)Yearly mortgage insutance premiums. if any;end(� eny sums payable by Bortawer to f:?�r"�--=°_�
<br /> , Leader.in eccocdancc with �he provisiona of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortga�e inswance pzemiw�u. These �±�" ""' °`-
<br /> �:;._�.---.-�—�.
<br /> items are cailied"Escrow Items." I.endec may,at any time.collect and hold Fm►ds in an amount not to exceed the maxImum � "'�"``�-----�
<br /> amount a tender for a fcderally related mortgege loan may require for Bomower's escraw account nnder the federai Real ='=�k=:`-'------�-
<br /> . Estate Seulement F�ucedums Act of 1974 as ameaded fi+om time to time.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless anotl�er t..:`�.,_�`�"y'=-,.�'�
<br /> , faw that applies to the F�nds seu a lesser amoun� If s4,I.eader may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount aot to �'•;��::;_-_i
<br /> • exceed the lesser amount I.ender ma.r estimatc the amount of Funds due on the basis of cwRent data and reasonable ��.��`�°
<br /> estiraates of enpendip�t�es of future ficcrow items or otherwise in accordance with applicable Iaw. � ; ,�:,,��.`-
<br /> ' . � The l�nds shall be held in an ins�tution whose deposits are insurecl by a federal agency, insuumentality,or entity . �
<br />