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<br /> _ >r:f`... .. �}:�L A��.:.� .,� F�k'ca�a ,iti..:..b� � -�. •_i�. - �+tr�x� :•r x'S� , i5'��. � iJ.�. ..
<br /> .. , .a. .. n.# c[ic�` . .. �M+..W�.�,...... - _..- _
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<br /> '•� •. ' payments may no longer 6e requfred,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insuranre coverage(in the amoant and far the padod
<br /> w�"{ '��' 1�� � thut I.end�r mquires)provided by an insuc+er uppraved by L,cnder ngain becomca uvailable and is obtairted. Borrovrer shull pay ,�,�,�.<,---_-
<br /> �' ° ^ ' the premiums required to muintein mart�ige insurnnce�n effect,or ta provide a loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage ���-_____
<br /> ' �`�� insurance ends in accordance with any wr�tten a�reement 6etween Bonower and Lender or applirable law.
<br /> ��, 9. Ins�ection. l.end�r or tts agent mny msike rcasansible enules upon aced inspetdons of the Property.Lender shatt give
<br /> Borrawer notice at the time of or prior to�n inspection specjfying reasonable cause for the inspection. ---
<br /> , !0. Condemruitton. The procerds of uny awnrd ar claim for damages, direct or consequentiai. in wnnectian with any ��`'�R-
<br /> , candemnation or other taking of any part of the Property,or far conveytutce in Iteu of condemnRtian, ar+e hemby assi�ned und --
<br /> . , shatt bc paid to Lender. �'""`.�:��-
<br /> � . In tha event of a total tukIng of the Property,the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this�ecurity Instrument.
<br /> , �vhether or not then due,with any exc�s paid ta Bomower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair -���������
<br /> ., market value of the Praperty immediately before the taking is equal ta nr greater than the amaunt of the snms secured by this :`'�:�r:'�
<br /> �_r.�.__
<br /> f.+•:,
<br /> , . , Security Instrumeat immodiately bcfore the taking,unless Borrower and I.eader otherwise agree in writing.the sums secured by , ::����-
<br /> •. this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the prm�eeds muitiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total '<�`-r
<br /> .C':�..'.�..�°,=.-.
<br /> amount of the sums se�ured immediately before the taking. divided by (b)the faic market value of tFee Property immediately '
<br /> ��i�,h:�%��.
<br /> before the taking. Any balance shull be paid ta Borrower. In the evertt of a �a►ec�rtaking of the Pzn�ray i�e wla.ich the fa�r �_ ;-• -�_
<br /> market value of the Propeny imtnediately before the takin�is less than eRe aanount crf¢he sums se�ure�l i�zne�iBage9�h�fore the -����:fi�?`
<br /> taking,unless Bormwer and l.ender otherwise agree in writing or untess a�plicable law otteervoise pn�.odes, tde�f:oceads s�r.all
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Seruriry Instrument whether or Rac the sums are then due. '"'"
<br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower that the eoedemnar�irffe�a tu malce an 1;`•,.'�':. :t'��'
<br /> awazd or settle a claim for dama�es. Borrower fails i�� respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the aecniEe is given, " �,
<br /> .:.,.:
<br /> .. 1Lee��der is autttonized to mllect and apply the proceeds,se its option,either to mstoraEeon or repair of the Propera�,*:to the sums ��;";,���. '�:'-
<br /> •• secured by chans Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. '�'"�+� �_.=`
<br /> Unles.s Q.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. ar.y a�plication o� procceds to principal shall not extend or --
<br /> postpone the�ue date af the monthly payments referred to in paragraph. :and 2 or c9�ange the amount of such payments. ' � ,
<br /> ,: ;1` 11.Borro��er:V�n4�t�7�;ased;Forbearance By I.ender Not a�ti'a8ver. Extens�a�, of the time for payment or modiFcation ' „ -
<br /> , ,.� of amonization uff th�s�m.+ecured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender t4T�:T� succrssor in interest of Borrower shall . ,� �'
<br /> not operate to re➢ca.e the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Bc�rrower'�successurs vn mterer,t. I.�nder shall not be required to . "
<br /> :`.�: commence prcxredings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ur otC�erwise modify amortization .r ���
<br /> '��� of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of an� d�zmand made by the origi�al Borrower or Borrower's �
<br /> ...��;�; _ _
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercesin�any right or ur�Pdy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. __
<br /> I2. su��,�a ��x�., a�,una; 3uinf and ��riai Liadniiidv: �o-sigaers. The covernani� und agreements of chis -
<br /> �.�`'; .,., • �,,
<br /> .:::i�• Security Inst�ment shall bind and benert the successors aad acs6gn, of L.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of .�..�
<br /> ';i,; paragraph 17_ ��rrower's covenants and agreement� �hall be joint and se�•eral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security `
<br /> i .,, ,�
<br /> , Instrument but da�es not execote the Note� la) is co-signing this Security Instrument only [o mortgage,grant and convey that ,�,.,,, -
<br /> , ,.� .�. ,
<br /> '�,,r�r B»rrv��•er's intcrest in the Property un�er the termti of this Sccurity Instrun�ent;(b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums •r�,j:.;�; ��v.
<br /> l.i,;:�' � • xrrurecl by thix Security lnstrument;and(c):�grees that Lender and any othtr Bc�rrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or ��t�` ;�--
<br /> :h,.:,i., :��'+ k;`t�.
<br /> •• . . ,,,!;�'�iy make any acrummodations with regani to the tern�s of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. • • •`'
<br /> . . ; �,,,,.•; :i ;``,;;,•:;'-
<br /> 13. Loa�Charges.[f ttic loun�ecurrJ hy d�i,Sexu�ity i��strument i,subje�t w a law which s�t� maximum loan eharges, ,�-:
<br /> . ;, s i�'::.'.:� - -
<br /> `���� ' '�:, 't� and that law� is tinally interpreted so that the intem,t or other loan charges callected or to be collected in connectian with the "���
<br /> �:�':4 �.�'�;��{i, ..
<br /> • ,f, _ ,':. 3.�an exceed the pertnitteei limits, then: (a)uny �uch loan churge shall be mdacod by the amount ncxessary to reduce the charge -
<br /> �i�::.: 1�• •• '•;.� to the pern�itted limit: and (b)any wtns already rnllected from Born�wer whirh excceded permitted limits will be r+efunded to
<br /> ..���.,?:�,' .�,i�.:,��, , . . .
<br /> •ti.,;`;,,.� • .•.ft�:;;.i Bc�rrower. L.endzr may chcx�se to make this rcfund by reducing the principal awed under the Note or by making a dircet -
<br /> '1` payment to Borrowec If a refund reduce� principal, the reduction ��•ill be treated ati a partinl pmpayment without any
<br /> ;;;�:; ' prcpayment charce under the Note.
<br /> . ;,��ut�...
<br /> � 14. Notices.Any nnticc to&�rruwcr procided ti�r in thi>Serurity Instrumen[shall he given by delivering it or by mailing r.>�,y.
<br /> ,�'�' et b�� first clas�mail unless apFlicuble laa•reyuireti uu uf another n�ethixi. The natice shall tx:directed to the Property Address '�`� .
<br /> ��r any other addmtis Borccn�er dr.ign�te. h� noticr to Lender. Am notice to Le�nder shull be given by fint ciass mail to
<br /> ,,�.,y L.ender's addre.� .tatc�i hcrcin or um uthcr addre>� l.�nder Je.ignate>h� iiotirc to &uro��er. An} nutice providecl fi►r in this .
<br /> ��yt�; Securiq•In�trument tihall be d«m�tii t��ha�•e bc�cn gi��en t��&�rcu�►er��r I.ender ahen gi�•en a�provided in this paragraph.
<br /> , 15.Gocerning La��; Sererabilit�. Thi. Se.urih• In,trunxnt .hall he g����erncd by f��ier�l 13��• and the law of the �..
<br /> iunsdiction in�ti�hi�h the Pmpem• i.l�xat�tii. In th�evrnt th•rt am• prrn•i�iun or rlau+c uf thiti Scturit�� Instrument or the Note
<br /> �;;'�'. �ronflicts w�ith applicahl�law, such�untli�t.hsll nut affcrt ottkr pr�i�i.i��n.uf thi+Sc�urit� In.trumem ur thc Note whinc�an bc '
<br /> t� : given effect w•ithout thc�Y�nflictin�;pro�i..iun. Tu thi.rnJ the pr���i.�,+r,�of thi>Srrur�h !n>trunk nt and the Note are derlared
<br /> `� ' tu tx>everable.
<br /> ,�� , l6. Borro��•er s Cupe,[��rru��cr.hall hr�:i�rn unr ranfurnicd cup�nf Ihe Votr and ut thi.S��curit�•imtram�nt. �_
<br /> '!�• Form 3028 9I90 i
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<br /> �'
<br /> ��_i. �, a�.
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