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<br /> S. Hesard or Property Iasarance. �rrocvcr shall koep tho improvementa now ex[sting on c�reaRer eroctu�e�tho
<br /> _'�'�'�*�''�� Property liuu�d aguinst loss by tiro.hazards lncludc�!�v1Qd�th3 te�m °extended caverage"and any other hnzard9, incfuflin$
<br /> -.�_.="-.'_r�'3 floais or fioodi�ig. for whteh I.Ender eujuires insurance. 'i7�is insurance chAl1 be maintairted in tho amount�und far tho pasiods
<br /> �,;:�-. � that Len�cr re�u3reg.Tho Insurance carrFcr provlding thc insurartse shntl b�chosen by Borrower eubject to Lender's apprrovel �
<br /> ����. which shnll hot be unreasonably �vlthhetd. If Borrower fails to muintnin cavemge descetb�d.:bove. I.ender may. at I.ender's
<br /> _"�'�"'�' ; y� optiort.obtain wvemge tn prosect i.cnder's�ights in the Pmperty in uccordnace with pam,,mph 7.
<br /> -#-���Si{��'' � Ail insurnnoe policies und renewals shail be ucceptnble to I.ender and shal! Includo a standarct mortgage clause.ixnder
<br /> ���p''�`� '' shall huve the tight tn hold the policles and cene�vals. If I.endsr requires.B+orrower ehull prampily gtve to Lender nll reeeipts of _ _
<br /> � � �� paid premiumg ur�d reaawal nodces.In the event of iciss,Borrower ahntt give prompt nouce to the insumace carrIer aac9l,e�nder. �- --__
<br /> : - -� `. L.,-n�cr ma-f r,��CO pronY aYlass i.a;,t made psamptlY by Borrovrer. -_ _ _ -
<br /> � . Usdess Lend$r and Homnwer otkerwiss agree in wridng.inswaace procxrds ehalt bs applied to restoration ar rcp�ir of the ---�
<br /> .• Prope�ty damaged.if the restoration or r�pair is ecoaomically feasibie and I.ender's secvrity is not lesscned.If the restorad�n or
<br /> repair is not econamtcally feasibte or Lender's secucity woald be tessened.the jnsuranoe pmooeda shaA be agpliad to the sums _._
<br /> secured by this SeQUity Inswment, wkethsr or not then due, wlth aay excess paid to Sflrrower. If Bareower abaadons the
<br /> � Property.or does not t�nswer within 30 days a notice fcom Lender that tha insurance carrier has offered to settle o claim, then �
<br /> Lender may oollect the insurance pmceeds. I.ender may use tke proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Seradty Insuvment,whether or aot then due.'It�e 30-day pedod wiU bsgin when the notice is gtven. _ __ _
<br /> . UNess Lender tu�d Aorrower othenvise agc+ee in writing, any applicadon of proc�cis w principal sball not extend or ����-=-_---
<br /> ;,, � � . pc�stpone the due date of the monthty payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of tbe paysnents. If =�"��----�
<br /> �.t �4=
<br />