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<br /> . 1 ..�.-..w =.Yw+rr'Yl1Yl tlNr.-r. . . vri. . .. . , . �. -�AF•:._-��
<br /> � '� '-+1M'4'i.�il[R\>a.• �.�. ' � ' . ..�•ry�'_'. `
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<br /> �:
<br /> �� ' 17.Tra�.sfer of the Property or e Nenencf�l Interest in Borrower.If all or any pnrt of the Propert,y or eny 3nterest in h
<br /> ';:;���� ��ot} � ls sold or smnsfern�d(or if a beneficial interest in 8arrower is aold ar trnnsferred ond Bormwer is not a naturn!person)wlthaut
<br /> =;,,,�,• ,,;� '" L.ender's prlor written consent, Lender muy. nt Its option� �equire immodlste payment in full of ell sums secwed by this
<br /> , Security instrumcnt.However, this option shall nat!sa exer�ised by Lender if exercise is prohiblted by fedcral luw as of the date
<br /> .y �• �•:1°�;`�; of thia Securlty Instrumcnt. -
<br /> � , ' ., "• If l.ender exereises this nptian.l.ender shall g!ve Borrower notice of uccelerntEon.'Che notice shnll provide a period of not
<br /> ;,� . le.ss than 30 dnyv fram the date tho natice Is dclivemd or mailed within which Borrawer must pay ull sums secural by this -- —
<br /> . � �`� Security Instrument.DF 8qrrowef.fqils to pay th�e suma prior to the expircittrn�of this period,L.ender may invake any rcmedies
<br /> ��;;., .,
<br /> " �.. permitted by thi4 Se�tr�ty Instsument�witi�oat turther rtotice ar demand an Harmwer. --�"'�'_"'�--_ _,
<br /> ' L=--�
<br /> ' , 18. Bore+owerjs Ri}�t to Itelnstate. If Borrower mects certain condition.a, 8�►rrawer shnll have the right ta have
<br /> .,...
<br /> � ��� enfarccment oF�his Secunty Ynstrument disoontinued at any timc pr�or to the eartier of: (a)5 days(or such other parlad as —
<br /> =•'`` = ' a liwble iaw mu a if for reinstutemenq befure sule of the Pro rt
<br /> PP Y t� Y pe Y Pu�uant tn uny power ot sale oontainod ist this ��-=-== -°
<br /> • Sexur�ty Instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Securlty lnstrument. Thaso mnditions are that�orrower:(a)puys
<br /> � [xnder all sums whkh then would be due under this Securfty Instrument nnd tho Note us ii na ncceleration had oceurred;(b) �p------------
<br /> -� cu� any default of any other covenants or ugreements; (c) pays ail expensas incurred I� enfoning this Security Instmment,
<br /> ° includfng,but not timited to, re�sonable attameys'fees: und td)taF:es such uciion us Ixnder may reasonubly cequire ta t�sure ��4;;._ _ ____
<br /> - �� � that the lien of this Security Inst�ument, I..ender's ri�hts in the Property and Borrawor's obligatlon to pay the sums secut+ed by —______- _-
<br /> ^ this Security Instrument shalt continue unchnnged. Upon rieinstatement by Baaower. this Secu�ity InsttumBnt and the =-_- =s
<br /> oblisations securod hereby shall remotn fully effective ai; if no acceleration hud cxcurced. However, this right to reinstate shall �,��,;r;
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under parugruph 17. �;:.�..
<br /> 19. Sale of Note;Change of Loan 3ervirer. The Note or a partiul interest in the Note(together with this Security ?�� -.��.____�__=<:
<br /> � � aun.cwment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Borrower.A sale rtuty result in a change in the entity(known — '�==T�� -
<br /> '':;�� �, .,;�_ as ihe"I.oan Servic�r")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.'There also may bP one o���
<br /> '•..'5;��.'<':tits�`:�:�, ,"•ty, oa more changes nf the Loan Servicer unrelate�to a sale of the Note.If there is a chan�e of tlie Loan Servicer. Borrower wiU be "�` � - _
<br /> �����'��"�Y��'�,z�` �� given wrltten notice of the change in accorclar.ce with paragraph l4 above and applicable Iaw.The notice will state the name and `'•'A'•-�
<br /> , ` ''''�� t address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also contain any other � '
<br /> ,s,;`�. ""
<br /> information required by applicable law. `"•' `r`_' :�,.,,��_
<br /> 20. Hezardous Substances. Bormwer shall not cuuse ar permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any - r==`_
<br /> ' :i'(i�: Haza��lous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyonc cise to do, anything affecting the � �-�" �:-'--- ..
<br /> „ Prapert��that is in violation of any Environmental Law. 'The preceding two sentences shutl not appiy to the pr�esence,use,or :�g-:'�
<br /> , storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha7ardous Sub�tances that are generally recogniud to be appropriate to normal ° � '"-ti��,
<br /> residentiai uses and to rnaintenance of the Property. „ -
<br /> � Borrower shall pmmpdy give Lender written notice of any investigation. claim, demand. lawsuit or other action by any _
<br /> - governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any fiazardous Substance or Environmental Law •. "
<br /> '. of u•hich Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority. that . �
<br /> ,� � any removal��r other remediation of any Haaardous Substunce affecting the Pmperty is necessary.Bormwer shall promptly take '
<br /> ' all neee.s.tiarv remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. — _�'�`
<br /> , As used in thi>psiragraph 20. "Nazardous Substances" are those su�stances deftned as toxic or haaardous substances b�� ' f;`;'.
<br /> Environmentul La�i and the following substance�: gasoline, kerosene, c�ther flammable or toxic petrc�leum product., roxic t�;�:
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials cuntaining asbestos or tottnaldehyde.and radioactire materials. A�uu:d ia ��
<br /> this�aragraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcans federal In«� and laws of the jurisdiction whem the P�operq�is iocated that , -
<br /> , relatr tohealth,safety orenvironmental protcction. ��� ;;;'
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowrr anJ Lender further covenant und agree a�follows: , ,��
<br /> ' 21.Acceleratian;Remedies. I.ender sha�o give notice to Sorrower prior to acceleration follo��•ir�g Bnrrow•er's breach /'
<br /> • of any covenant or agreement in this Securit� instrument (but not prlor to acceleratton under �aragraph 17 unless " ��-��
<br /> - • appll�ble!aw provides otherwise).The notice shall specif��: (a)the default; (b)the action re�uired to cure the defuult;
<br /> • �.;;.;y„ (c)a a��'!e,not Iess than 30 da�•s fram the date the notice is Ricen to Borrower. by which the default must be cw�d;and �<�i�
<br /> � "' (d)tPo�� �ailure to cure the default on or f�efore the date specifed in the notice may result in acceleration of YP�e sums . ;.'� �
<br /> •�:.�.�.;',. securecH bv this Security Instrument and sale of the Propertv. The nottce shall further inform Borrox•er of the right to ;'.r ��_�_►-
<br /> ,, •;;;, relnstate after ac�eleaatie�n and the riRht to t�rin� a court action to s�sstrt the non-existence of a default or any other `;,j���
<br /> '.� defense of Sorro�ser to acceleration and sale. UP the default is not ciara�nn or before the date��cified in the notice, �.��' .
<br /> ' Lender.at iis option, ma�•reyuire immediate pa�•ment ire 6uGC�►f a11 sums secured bv this Securit?. Instrument wlthout
<br /> furlheu�demand and rna�• in�•oke the poH•er of wlc and aa�} u��aer remedtes perrnitted b� applicable Oaw. Lender shall be �.��- ' �-
<br /> emtiU�c�to coliect all expenses incurrcd in pursuin�;the rem4ilir.prnvided in thiz paragraph 21.inclmdinR,6u¢a�ot limited '.J;r:�".'% • •� ,
<br /> to,rc:�wnable attorneys'fecs und costs of tltle c�idence. ��''�'�''•'
<br /> ,,'rl:�_�
<br /> If the poµ�er of sale is im•aked, Trusted shall record a nutice��f default in each wunty� in �s�ich am• pArt of the , �' ;�':;�;•;•
<br /> Propertr• is I�xated and sfiull mait coptc+af tiuch notice in the manncr pr�:uribrd bc appltcable la�v to Eiorrnwer and to � •�'s�t' '�
<br /> the other persons pn�scribed b�applicable la�►. After the timc rcyuired hy applicuble IaH,Trustee shall give ublic notfce i. •%� ° .'�����.''�'
<br /> P �. ,r;�..�r;;
<br /> •, i;'.:;`:"', of sal�• to the persons and in the manner prescrihed b�• appltcuhle lae. Tru�tce,��•ithout demand on Bnrru�cer, shalt sell �'i'�:: �•,
<br /> �+,: . .:�: •�.
<br /> , .5,:.;, the PPCOprrty at publtc auciiuie to¢C�r hiRhest bidder at thr time und place und under the termx d�i�nated in the notice of ��:;E".l•„•:� '�
<br /> 'F°`•� " wle In one or more parcels and in an}•order Trutitee dete�minex. Trustee muy pustpone utle of all or an�� parce)of the '"�' ` . •
<br /> • . �:�-..
<br /> Propert�� b� puh9er umnouncement at the time und place of am pr.�rioiish schedulcd sule. Lender ur its deslgnee may �
<br /> purehase the Pro�i�t} at am sale. i � .
<br /> �
<br /> ,:, .
<br /> •, ��
<br /> Form 3028 9l90
<br /> . .��4
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