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<br /> ` ., � _� The NostA Helf (Nh) of SeoCion 1wanEy (20), Toumt�hip �talve t12) Nortli� Rango
<br /> '� �- '. �y 21'iao i9). Wea! of the dth P.M., H�11 Couaty, Nebrnska, EXCEBTEI�iO TFiEFt£iRQ�i�
<br /> • . " �rr�,.--_
<br /> �-A "-��.��; T>,�4� A traot oF laad co�grie�nq a part af the Northwaat Quarter (NViti) oP oaid
<br /> _._.., -. ..�.� —
<br /> ' 3oatioa Trroaty t2U), �:oro purticu2arly doeoribed ao foilororat =,r;;=i�:;.�;
<br /> �t�.i�sW:_
<br /> _ --�— - -- S:tgtaal.stg at a paiat oa xho A*sst l±ne of naid Norchweat Quarter INGM)• F_=��_
<br /> . • eaid point beiug Four Hundrod Ni:►oty-8even and Threo Hundredtha t097.03) Feot ;:;.;,-�iY«���s"��_
<br /> - aort2► ot tho Southwes! aarnur of eaid Northrroet Quarter (NW�s)1 thoaco N BO ''�'�''�"'"
<br /> ...���;�"."-�"-.
<br /> � � degreoe 00•0" E (assumnd baaringl elong and upoa the Weat line of eaid North- �-••• � --__
<br /> �� � waot Quartor (Nt�b). a diatnnes o! Two Thousnnd Sixtr and Sevea TeAths =... _ _
<br /> , . , (2,060.7) Feet to a poiat on the South right-oP�way liae of the Couuty Road, ,': �". �"•t
<br /> ,.� t,{,:.
<br /> � • • said point beiag Fifty (50.0) Feet Soubh of the Northweet eoraer of aaid :5.rt�^��. •:i=.,�
<br /> � 3ectloa lwrenty t20)t thence S 89 degrees 47'24" E aloag aad upon said right- •.� �k"�:;,:
<br /> of-wuy line and baing parallel with the North line of said Northwest Quarter ��'}i� • _ _�
<br /> � . (NW►s), a diatance oE Eigt�t Hundred Seveaty-Five (875.0) Feetj thence N 00 '�� �:
<br /> . deqseea 12•3G" E alonq sad upoa said riqht-of•way liae a diatnace of F1ve ���;siJs;��,�tizP�
<br /> .. _ (5.0) FFekF thenco S 89 degreee 47'24" E alonq aad upon eaid right-of-�ray liae .'''«-�
<br /> '� . � ' and being Forty�-five �45.0) Feot South of and parallex with the North line of ;F_
<br /> said Northwast Quortor t1�)• a diataace of Five Huadrad Eiqhty-Seven artd �-
<br /> Eiqhty-Four HuadrodtIIs (587.84) Feetj thenco S 00 daqreea 12•36"W, a distaace ,. .t'
<br /> �� of Sevea Hundrod (700.0I Feett theace S 86 deqreea a7�24" E, a distaacu of .
<br /> Forty-Two (G2.0) Feet1 thence S 00 deqreea 07'24" E, a dlstance o£ One Hundrod �- �
<br /> Eighty-Sevea t187.0) Feett theace N 89 deqroea 52'36" E, a diatance of '±`
<br /> '{''.� Seventy-Seven (�7.0) Paatj theace S 00 deqrees 17'2a" E, a distence of Three __
<br /> ' '�' c�}'• Sundred Eighty-One C381.0) 8eett thence S 89 degrees 42'36"W, a dtatance of
<br /> ':•+���:1� . --
<br /> ' '±"• 1t�ro Huadred Sixty (260.�) Feet= thence S 00 deqreea 17'24" E, a d£stance of __
<br /> ' � Three Hundred Niaety-One (391.0) Feett thence S 57 deqrees 51'36° L�, a • .�.
<br /> �:-i,�� distance of Six Hundred Three 4G�3.0) Feet� thence 3 44 deqrees 02'09° E, a " '
<br /> � � distance of Four Hundred Three and Nine Tenths t403.9) Feett theace S 1G
<br /> � ', 4eqreea 27�18N W, a dis�ance of Two Hundred Ninety-Three and Eight Hundredths
<br /> � (293.08) Feet to a point on the South line of said Northwest Quarter tNWb)1 ' . „ -
<br /> thence N 90 dogrees 00'00" W along and upoa the South liae of said Northwest
<br /> Quarter tNW►s). a distance of 'lbro Hundred Eighty-Four and Thirty-Four "
<br /> �'cj;.', '� Hundredths (284.34) Feet to a point that is One Hundred Seventy-Five (175.0) �'—
<br /> � '�i• Feet East of the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW�s)f theace N 00
<br /> ,� deqrees 00'00' E, parallel with the West lir.o of said Northwest Quarter (NWk), -__
<br /> ;�� a distance of Four Hundred Ninet_:-Seven and Three Hundredths (497.03) Feet1 , '" _.
<br /> thence N 90 deqrees 00'00° W, oarallel with the South line of said Northwest - '�
<br /> ' Quarter (NFM). e distance o£ One 5undred Seventy-Five (175.0) Feet to the .,,• :.,°_-
<br /> point of beginninq, said exception containir.g 69.332 acres, mare or less, RLSO „�`;.:;��,;. �';
<br /> . ;�<.>_
<br /> �`• EXCEPTING from the Nort:. Nalf tNk) of said Section Twenty (20) the fallowinq: ..a>:;;:;i",:`.
<br /> A tract of �and comprising a part of the Northwest Quart�= (N[V�+) of Section
<br /> '11Jenty (20), Tormshin 7ti.�relve (12) North, Range Nine (9), Wesc of Yhe 6th P.M.. ,
<br /> in Hall County, NA'�TB:'K3� more particularly dascribed as follows: Bflginning • � .
<br /> '� � at the Southwest corr.a: of said Northwest Quar�er (NWK1, thence No:therly �;". ° ,
<br /> '.i�; •. �,�;,;,�;,,. .;
<br /> �•� along the West line oF said Norttwest Quarte: (NW�S), a distance of Four
<br /> fHundred Ninety-Seven and Three H:iadredths Feet (497.03'); thence Easterly ...
<br /> iparallel to the South Lfne of sai3 Northxest Quarter INW�s). a distance of One '
<br /> Hundred Seventy-Five Feet (175.0'); thence S;;therly parallel to the West line ,
<br /> � of said Northwest Quarter (NW�S), a distar.cE :` Four Hundred Ninety-Seven and
<br /> Three Hundredths Feet (497.03•); to the Scuth line o: said Northwest Quarter
<br /> (NW�c); ;::d:,=e Westerly alonq the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NWyI, a
<br /> distance c: One Hundred Seventy-Five Feet (175.0') to the placa of beginning,
<br /> . 'i � said exception cor.ta::.:ng 1.997 acre�, r..orz :: less, ALSO EXCEPTIVC tracts
<br /> � ronveyed to the S`.a•:c �` Nebraska, Cepari^�--c of Roads fcr high:��; __:poses by ��� �
<br /> Deeds filed Suly 24, :�5� in BocK 77 at Pa3as 57 and 58 ir. tY.e Cae:: records of ,
<br /> Hall Cou:t}, Plebrasica; A;.SC F.l!^i�:-�G tracts conveyei ', .:a C.�rt}� �f Hall, _ � � '
<br /> :•','_ - - v
<br /> ,,� . State of �:ebcaska, fcr road Fur::,;as by� Ceads filed n:�•_=� 2�, 19"3 i� B�cR � ,-
<br /> ' ' 172 at Page 343 ir, tta Ceed re�c:ds of Hs:: County, Nebra�k3, �r. �cvember 1", J`� ��
<br /> 1982 as Documer.t hc_ °?-004913, on Nc��sse- :9. :98� as Cocumer.t ho. 82-005025
<br /> • and 82-�C5026, and cr. July 24, 1992 a� :.c_.r.�r.t No. 5=-i�6a35, all ir. the
<br /> � Reccr3s of Hall County, hel>raska. � � =
<br /> . � c•� c� c•� rr-�
<br /> �.<�� ; � � _ -� �.' �
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