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<br /> � , _•• ��t f�.•fl �'l��,. r 1 f i�+-.,. ' r i,. f Q..W�. r }4 - f:r."{ v. YF f1�t�,r' j.t `•r �'
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<br /> s....yydyR�'N...ir.+A..• ,�'[ r.�.xY ��,.�,'� ' � Yi1MwM�M.:..+�h..... rrriwar:.r+rlw.r.:.4'�i++f{UYr..s�� . ,_-�
<br /> .._ <> . , r� .+I�YiaV�� ' ..{�s�paslWtr/�+e•h�'�1�� � :
<br /> .�k�� .cwW�•i�!R:.a.c�.�.���.... ;l.v.
<br /> ' �' y. •, - , -• .i . . ' n ' -.
<br /> �� �`. � !�� .. -- - ,
<br /> ! . . � ,
<br /> . ,:
<br /> . . . .� � .. --
<br /> _.-.�
<br /> . �. � ......__ �. .
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<br /> . _,1.�_�.. �. ._..---'--...._._•_...___...�.._..:__"-'•'---'. -'�_,-.'-- �--�---�---..._.................�.._.�_._._. . _.. .v<......� �-=_--� --
<br /> ♦ . ---
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<br /> -:i'V7..:1{�" . ��f�/�.R�� _—
<br /> 94�, ,�;�.,�
<br /> ..y;S�epyr;r�.
<br /> ' �' _� ar Beneficiary� anfl ei�her r�f �hem may pursuo fnaane�iatoat =----
<br /> . reme8les. Nathinq herein �h�ll ba aonstrued ae prnhibit�ng ne,no�- °�^=T°��--
<br /> •' fia�axy grom asekinq a defiaiency juagmon� ags�.n�tti Trustps� �o the ��,���"�,�-�-
<br /> �"°��'�� ' �"�" ex�ent euoh action is gerntitted by l�w. _
<br /> �. . . , `t� ,_ ..
<br /> � 14. Re uest for N�tiae. Truetor her�+k�y �er�uests a cony of �LL�`
<br /> � . � aay notias of efault an8 t�at any notiiae o� aale 2�tereu�der be �:�.• --
<br /> � maAled to Trustor at the addrees �et forth in the first paragraph '- :;.;;n�
<br /> .. pf thie Deed of Trast. �'�`'�'•``
<br /> , ;<<.
<br /> • 15. A oia�nent o� Successor Trustee. Hene�iciary may, ��"'':'��'�
<br /> from time to t e, y wr tten netrument exeauted and aeknowledged `��`�'��
<br /> b Heneficiar , mailed ta Trustor aad recorded i�n the County in ���
<br /> Y Y .a.,,;�:�;::
<br /> which the proper�y is locatied and by otherwise aomplyinq with the ���-_�=_;�--.
<br /> � provisiona of the applicable law of the State of Neb��ska, sub- � � �'��-
<br /> stitute a successor or successors to tihe Trustee named herein or ` ._-��'r'"
<br /> � acting hereunder. �����`-
<br /> ;•��r -
<br /> . . yii:a��
<br /> . . 16. Successors and Assi na. Thie Deed of Trust applies to, :��,�`�
<br /> ,:.,:�-
<br /> ' � : and inures to t e benefit of, and binds all partiea hereto, their �_�,.,.
<br /> heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representatives, sucaessors � ,�:�.
<br /> ' and assi ns. The term "Beneficia " shall mean the owner and �_--=+
<br /> holder of the note, whether or notrnamed as Beneficiary herein. �r�=�
<br /> �_.
<br /> . �3�s;�., .
<br /> 17. Beneficiar.y's Powers. Without affectinq the liability � +i�"y-
<br /> of any other person liable for the payment of any obligation �i�i;;��
<br /> � herein mentfoned, and without affectinq iche lien or charqe of -s=�'"='"
<br /> .�.:�..�-._
<br /> this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the property not then or =��-`
<br /> .r�...
<br /> -= thsret�fQ�e rele�sea ?s eec»r�ty f�r thp fu11 payment of ail �'��"
<br /> ---��r--- -.::_. --
<br /> � unpaid obligations, Beneficiary may, from time to tiane and . ����_�,
<br /> without notices � r�
<br /> ;.v��:��_
<br /> . !a) release any persons so liable= '`�{�`�.
<br /> r•
<br /> (b) extend the maturity or alter anZr �f � ��'
<br /> , the terms of any such obligation= .
<br /> (c) grant other indulgences; '�' �
<br /> '`'� , (d) rel�ase or re-convey or cause to Ibe
<br /> � released or xe-conveyed at any time at Be�e-
<br /> ficiary's op�.ion, any parcel, portion or all '
<br /> of the property;
<br /> (e) �ak� nr release any other or addi- '
<br /> tional s�cur:ty for any obligation hezein
<br /> mentianed; or �
<br /> � Ff) make compositions or other arxarge- I ,
<br /> ments with d�btors in relation thereto. i
<br /> IS. Governinc9 Laur. This Deed o: Trust shall be governed by ;
<br /> the Iaws of the State of Nebraska and, in the event any one o�c
<br /> more of the �Orovisions contained in this Deecz cf Trust, or th�
<br /> note or any c�ther security instrument giver. i:� connection with
<br /> this transaction sYaa12 be for any reason be held to bE invalid,
<br /> illegal or unenforceabl� in any respect, such invaZiui��y, ille-
<br /> :`� gality or un�nforceabiZity shall not affect ar.y oth�r provisions
<br /> ` �i of this Deed c`_ 'Trust, but the Deed o� Trust shall b� construed
<br /> " ����� as if such invalid , illegal or en forceable pres•rision had never
<br /> � . been cantained herein or therein.
<br /> 19. Effect of Forbearance. �►ny forbearance by Bene`iciary
<br /> or Trustee in ex�rcising any right or remedy hereunder, or other-
<br /> wise affordec� by applicable law, shalJ. not be a waiver of or pre-
<br /> clude the exercise of any sucll right or remedy hereunder. I,ike-
<br /> wise, the waiver by Beneficiary er Trustee of any default of the
<br /> � Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a
<br /> waiver of any other or similar default suhsequently occurring.
<br /> 20. Re-conveyance by Trustee. Upon written request of the
<br /> Beneficiary stating that all sums �ecured hereby have been paid,
<br /> . and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust and the note to the
<br /> Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon paym�nt by
<br /> � -5-
<br />