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<br /> -- — S. Ht�.�urd or Propxiiy Iiuur�►�pe. AQ1TOYltx 1l�fllll I(OL'� tI1C IY!;�POYt1YECR[6 f10W a�!!/fj'ar���� dn the . —
<br /> � Pro�crty��sured agatnst loss by flre, ha�.axds lndudod within the te�z"eateaQcd cov�ga'and any aihrr hAr.�rdn. inoltxiin�
<br /> -_ floods or flooding, foa wh�cl�i�enckr re;quitcs tnsu�snce.'1'h!a insur�uce shall ba u�aintalnod in tt�amounta tu�d Ct+Y tf�e p�e�3�� ,
<br /> — that l.ender rG7uir�s.Ttta insuranca c�xd��pxovicliri�tt�Insurauco shsU tie choscn by Harrowor.aubJect ta l,rendtr's a�s}�xoval
<br /> _ which sha11 aot be unr�ason�bly wit3�held. If�trowe¢faijs to maintain coverage desrribcxl abuvv.6reixle.r xnay.at I,.atxitr'a
<br /> = option,obtaln coverago to proiect Lcuder's dghts In the Fraprray in aooardance w[th pagegxaph 7.
<br /> All insurunce policies and renewais shall bo acoeptable to Leader and shaU inctuda a stAndard mortga�go�lause. Ler�drr
<br /> �StrU�YC£T2:Yl��Q4 P��C�"r`�_°ti;���3���e.Lf i��-�,��re�,$A1IL1CJC3 B�S:.�L Q2+02IIptIy�bVE fn I�?��',T A1)it.'�!iptq c►f
<br /> =_——=— paid pzem:ums anl renewal nottcces.In the evcm of lass.�orrowex stt�q g�vc prom�t riotica to the insvrana earriar aad Lender. `—
<br /> ;'�� Lenster may maiw pmof of loss If not made pro�s,ptly by&sm►wer.
<br /> -- -- — Unless I.endes end Borrowe�attn�nvisa�gree in wrlting,izuivanse pxa�x�eds ahall ba appifed to tastorerion o.r repa'�of the
<br /> - =�-=� Pmperty damaged,if th�resiomtenn or nepair ia eooz�mirapy fr.ssibte and L.ender's svmuit�r is not tessened.I4 tha mstosatton or
<br /> =�=� mpair is aai e�oaoanieal{y feasib�s or I.entter's s�ctuity wauld be lessened,the insura�wo psoao9ds s�ll ba a.}�pliat ta tho sums
<br /> -�'°'—ID"`� secau+od by this Se�rity Iasuum�ni. �vhether ox not tLsn due. wIth any exocss paid ta 14ia1rower. If�3orenwer�t►�nslons the _.�,-..
<br /> }±,�-����.-+�� Pmperty,o:d9es�t aaswer�vithia 30 days a aotice from Le•ad..°r t�at the insura�noe carrler has offered to seqla a claim,then .
<br /> .�,:,��r.�,r .:.,:�.� . L�nder may colloct the insutatt�pnaoeads. Lender m�y uss the pmoeeda w repair or cesmre d�Property as to p�y �ums
<br /> ! ....�:.�..,+ �.:�
<br /> :-�r:-i��;,;,Y�:�`;�c ;s�ured by this Security Iastrum�nt,�vh�ther or aot then dite.T2�e 3U-ciay perlod wiit begln whem the afltiw fs given.
<br /> '�"� �'� ` lu�tion of
<br /> x�,;;:,;. . . :.,• Untess L�nd.er and Borrower aihenvise agrce in writ3nS. anY aPplu ti prooaeds to pxiucipal s,t�aU reu� exeend or
<br /> ,,;�-;-:�f s�f�'�.;�" �",, •� � postpana tha due date of the monthly pay�aents referred to in paragrapl�s 1 aad 2 or change the amo�nt of the paym�ts. If
<br /> :--;;�'����3?i:��� under para�qreph 21 ths Property is acquirEd by I�der.Bvnrower s siglst w any fasu�uce pollcies�nd pmo�eds resWting fra�
<br /> .,^ ,,:_,•r... —
<br /> :;:�;Xy�:.�:.x'�;: darpage w the Properry prior w the soquisidon Fhaif pa5s to Izn�der to lhe extent of ti�e�s socur8d by�is�erurity Ir�at ---
<br /> :_�3^+�:���;.,,,�.-. immadiately prinr to the acquisiuon.
<br /> '�"a��•,'`- .-� p�y;Borrower's Loan Appltcattoni�olrls. '�";'_
<br /> '�� � ,� . 6.Oocup�ncy,Pr�sWon,Malatemattoe and 1ProterUua of tbe Pro
<br /> , -� '•�:�, B�rrower sha1Q occupy.e,stablish, and use the Property ac Borrower's principal residence alttiln sixty deys at�er tha execution of
<br /> .`'`..= `° �,'�si,` this Secudty Ia�strument a�d shall wntinue to oocupy the Peopeity as Bomnwer's prIncipal residence for at teast one year after
<br /> � • . the date of occupancy,untess Lender olherv�Ise agrees in wrldng.whlch oonsem shaU not be unreasouably withl�eld, or unleas
<br /> er
<br /> extenuating circumstaaoes exist whic� are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Bomower shall �ot destroy, damage nr impait the �`�?
<br /> � �� Property, allaw the Property to deterIorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> acHon or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,Is begun that an Lendor's good faith judganeat could result in forfeltaue of the
<br /> . Property or oUhenvise materially impair the lien c�eated by this �ecudty Instrument or Leader's secudty iatex+eat.Bomower may
<br /> . cvre snch a default aad r�instate. as pruvided in paragraph 18,by cavsing the action or pmoeeding w be dismisssd wIth a rulIag
<br /> . ��;� `� chai. in I.endar s gaod faiil�Jricmunaiiu�i. ptei:ludes t�rfeiture of tite I6atr�ssr��r's ini�eresi ia ihc I'to�i� aT aihtx ma�ial �:;;�`.
<br /> " �'Af�`.�e�`��t�„� impairment of tAe lien created by this Sswrity Insavment or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall atso be in default if �.';'�'�
<br /> .. ,;;'Y�7�I•i�1,7....,.. ncax
<br /> � ��,, Horrower.during the loan applic�tion prnoess,gave materlally false or inaocurate inforn�ation or statements to Lender(or failed - -
<br /> ;,�;:•'�`��'�; w provide I,ender with atry tnaterial infom�ation)in oonnection with the loan evIdenced by the Note.fncluding.but not IImttad ---
<br /> :' w.repres�ntatioas conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If t1�is Socurity Iustmment is on a -�:;;;.ry
<br /> � leasehold. Borrower shall oomply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee Htlo to the Ptopecty, the ;';;;
<br /> �,
<br /> '��, leasehold and the fee title shall noi merge unless Lendcr agrces to the merger in writing. _���
<br /> ",:,.�.;� 7.Pc+oteciton of Lender's Rights id the Property.If Borrower fai{s to perform the covenants and ag�eements oontained in g=�
<br /> ;�'�ti;;,�� this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect I.eader's rights in the Property(such as a �;•'�
<br /> prooeeding in bankruptcy, prubate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguiations),then L.encler may do aad �=:-
<br /> � ' � pay for whatever is neoessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.Lender's ections may _•'���
<br /> � `� inclnde paying any sums savred by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument, appearing in oourt, payiug ;i,i�
<br /> . . .: �;;, .
<br /> �� . ,�,#;;;.., . reasonable attarneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although L.ender may take acdon under this paragraph �,;�?
<br /> ' . .. `�;,1�:,.•�:;;: 7,Lender does not have to do so. ;,
<br /> ,.:e '' •'��';``�+'�;• . Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pa►ugraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �"
<br /> ,
<br /> �';:�X '; �� Securiry Instrument.Unless Bomower and I.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the ��.1;�
<br /> °'-" • date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon natice from Lender to Borrower requesting ���
<br /> payment.
<br /> �" S.IMe�e xnsurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> � _ [nsuumertt. L'�rrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insusance m�u�zsa�required by L.ender lapses or cea.ses to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> obtain coverage substartnzl'[�r equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> , . oost to Sonv�aer of th�mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. If
<br /> �� substantia[ly��ivalent mortgage insurattce mverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> ' one-twelftfl oC�he yearl5 mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �. , . ,.:,
<br /> ' ►.�:in effect.Lender wi[!.zs�pc,use and retain thc�:payments as a loss resen•e in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> , °�
<br /> ' •,,�'ir Form 30T8 9/80
<br /> - .. ,1��
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<br /> ,��.i:',�: ape 3 0�6 i
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