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<br /> - �►a��.��n�r��peN�r�a�neR 9'��' �,U�� � � �
<br /> , ,:
<br /> THI9 A8SIpNMCN`�tf�t�6N'�8�iIdEH Is m�de and exoaut4d fNia ��+� day of.,._�p�IL ,1��._._,sqd ta
<br /> --- Incorporated Into and�hait W d�smae!to r�mend ene6 supplon�ont tNo Moriflepe ar Dead of Trust,hareintxiter roturrod td a�thA
<br /> - _--_--° + "Seaurity InatrumenY', �f tha esma dste�piven by tho undoroldnad. hereirtatter retecred t�n�°�ti10 "Borrowar", to epaur�
<br /> --- — BorrAWeNs Indebtedneas,herelnafter refeKeB to ae�the"Noto",to IiOM&F�DERAL 8AVINaB A�ip�.nA�B ABSOCIqTtU1�OF
<br /> -- . ? � �R6►NU 1$f.�ND�hereinafter�eferred to ao the"Lendor",ot tho onmo dste and caverir,g the property d�s�ribed In 4he 8ecurlty.�
<br /> - Inatrument and looeted at:
<br /> �=�''��"-_�+� 1099 KENNEOY ORIUE, GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 �
<br /> =--
<br /> -=------ r- --- -
<br /> =_-�
<br /> -���W� - -
<br /> —- tFroaeRy adarosa) =°_"—_�
<br /> '='P"`T-�:�:�"� WITNE8SETM: _
<br /> ...r::' '�V(f:t , _. -
<br /> WHERFJ\3,Borrower and Lender have agreed that any rente and profits attdbutpble to tha property should constitute _
<br /> ��. ;`�`���`�-''� addtttonal seauHty to the Lender tor the payment oi the Note; :�-``--__
<br /> . , _ �:.:.;... r..:.�_-_--
<br /> _ �'L:ck{�::.,�i:.:#i :..:�.
<br /> 'z-�;:ff���:�' . NOW,THER�F�AE,it Is ag�eed that tho t3ecurity inatrum0nl shall bQ amanded hereby anE dsemed to includo tha fot�wuing � "=
<br /> �, t �..,.
<br /> --�::�:r��:�•:...,;,,"•: provislons• �..
<br /> ( S .,' ' �� • . [y�::.
<br /> r . �; t. Aasianment of Rente gnd LeR�e_SRentat(;oliectlon_Hi�hts.Borrower hep9by absolutety and unconditionafly asslgns ail }�4:�-----
<br /> '�r=���� �� �. rents� isaues a�d profits ot tho propeRy to Benetlolary. l.ender shall hava the right, power and autharity dur(ng the __
<br /> v"����� ,� � � � continuance of the Security Instrument to aaltect the rente,isauea a�d profita of the property and of any pereonal property -
<br /> _;h�;;:!'`. �..`w;;:�, '
<br /> - � • • tcaated thereon with or without taking poasession o}the property aftected hereby. Lender,however.hereby oonsents to
<br /> � = Bo�r4wer's colt'eCtton and retention af sueh rentu.issaes and profite ae they aoarue and become payabte,ao tong as Bonewer =___ _ ___ _._
<br /> ts not,at sucA tlm8,In defautt with respeat to payment o}any indebtedness secured he�eby,or in tNe performance cf any � yti.:�tl_--
<br /> agreement hereundar. .«�n=�-
<br /> � �• 2. A��olntment ot Recetver. If any event ot default in reapect to the Secudty Instrument shall have occurred and be �'r;;�= -
<br /> " � � continuing. Lender.as a matter of right and wlthout notice to Borrower or a�yone claiming under Borrawer, and without w---
<br /> regard to the value of the trust eatate or the intereat of the Borrower therein,shal�have the right to appty to any court ttaving ` -;�__
<br /> . jurisdtotian to appoint a�ecelver ot the property. ��µ'�;
<br /> 3. Blaht to Possession.in aase oi defautt in the payment of the sald prfnaipal Note or interest,or any paR thereof,as It -�,?,±,;-=•_
<br /> shatl mature,or in the case of failure to keep or peMorm any of the covenants or agreaments contained in the 3ecurity Instru• ,;?��:';��`,�,�,.-
<br /> ment.then the Lender, Its suacessors or asaigne, shali be and Is hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate '�«•���--
<br /> � posseasion of the said premises therein desaribed and to cotiect the rents thereirom,and toappty the proceeds thereof to the ,��;';_
<br /> payment of the Note. • '���'��":--
<br /> `� � 4. AanNcstion of Rents Issues and rofits.All�enta ool�ected by Lender or the recelver shali be appiled first to payment � �� .
<br /> ' ot the costs of management of the property and col lectlon of rents,inciuding,but not Ilmited to,receiver's feea,premlums on k•�� '' _�,;
<br /> receivePS bonds and reasonabte attomey's tees.and then to the sums secured by the 3ecurity Instrument.Lender and the ��1�,. :t�._
<br /> � . recefver shai�be iiabte to account on�y for those rents actualty�eceived. "'=�°-
<br /> 5. Const►uotion of Provisions.Each of the provislona contained In this Assignment of Rents Rider and the 8ecurity Instro• � -'��'
<br /> ment shail,uniess othervrfse specificai�y required,be construed in accordance w14h Nebraska law, and in the event any T„�''
<br /> ' provision herefn or therein contained shali be determined by a court of competent jur{sdiction to be u��er�farcenuiv,tt�a ew�iia � -,- —
<br /> shatl be construed as though such unenforceable provision were not a pa►t hereof or thereof. '�""
<br /> , ��:�}.�
<br /> 8. �ifect of Rider.Except as apeciffca�ly modlfied by or Inconsistent wi his Assignment of Rents Ride�or by any ather
<br /> applicabfe rider,ail of the terms and provisions contained in e Security rument shail aontinue in fuit force and efteot. '" �,r�
<br /> .,..
<br /> a;�, y;/-_
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Ass gn e t ts Ider on the date ffrst noted above. �;G ' .•�
<br /> �
<br /> . JOHN K EL orrower , •
<br /> �_ ! , ,
<br /> c� � �
<br /> I A. SELF eorrower
<br /> � I �
<br /> i
<br /> � STATE OF NESRASKA) �. . �
<br /> �s ��. (ss: i
<br /> �` ` COUN'IY OF HALL ) ;.�+,,
<br /> � � � ��t��g 14TH day of APRIL ,1g 94 ,before rtae,the underslgned,a Nota Pubtic duty commissioned and .
<br /> quaCf4ird 4or said county,personaily came JOHN K SELF �Nu 'ULIE A SELF. H�SBAND AND WIFE ___ -- (
<br /> ,to tre tne identical person�s)whose name(s)Is/are subsctlbed i
<br /> Eo 4ttom faregoing instrument,and helshelthey acknowledge the execuilon thereot to be hislhedthelr voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Noiarlal Seal at _ GR,4ND ISLAND, NEBRASKA ' .
<br /> rt-sa�d county,!he date afor a+d. •
<br /> 6�SIFAA116tAAr-S�te ot Qa� ; '� -,�, ` , (�, ',� � � ... .
<br /> DEBORAH L KIAi1Q1E - •
<br /> Iy����a K�.�.Iggs 4votary Publ�c
<br /> � iNy Commisston expires:
<br /> - --- - - --
<br /> ' .. NF 4030 p92�
<br /> �
<br /> ..
<br /> � ' - - ------- -- ..
<br />