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<br /> '-vr�.a�L�i:�;cL; � . --
<br /> `����;,�,� [P porrmeer psy�Fund:to L.enQar.tho Funds sf�ll b�heid 1���nstQtnHan the dtpasito ar�c�anett of+�hbch are
<br /> ,��--�-;�-;� ' insured ar guRr�ntcet by a Federal or at�.te s�cncy►(tnclu�ina Lensler if l.ender i�s�uh an InstitutionL d.ender sAa1�opplly _
<br /> . :�- -^r:e�----�� ehe Fuada to pay��id t��es,asse,ssments.iasurance premtuni�amd grounc!anu.I.endu mar not cri�rQe�cx a YwMin{
<br /> Y-r:=��;°A�., �nd appiytn�tho Bund�.attdyzia��ta1d account or retitylo��utd compllin��atA �stes:tnent�and bilh.uele�t Lendst
<br /> �. � r' ,.:"�� paya Banower interest an Rhe Fuh�and applicable larv permtta Lenderto mafce tuch a clur�o.Boiravef aaA 3ander
<br /> � m�y�gm la welNng at ttie time ote:xutlon oit�is Dted of 71ru�t tlaat interat on tha Fund�sbtll bo psid to Aorcower� _
<br /> - " ' � � and unlea s�trh ABe+eement is made or applicable iaw rtquins�usE�intesext te!so palsl.Lander shdl not be requle+ed
<br /> :='` '`r:'�':.-�"-�" ro p�y Boreaw�er any ittterest or amings oe tNe F�endi.�ender�ha11 tirre to dan+owcr.wlthout chu�.m annwi
<br /> 6� ascevn3inB�f tAs FnaAe shawing scedits and deblb to tieo Fuada aad tlte ptstpaao for which ttoh deblt to tha Funds wes L_�_ v
<br /> ----.- �; .;; � made.The�'undi are pledged as addiNoreal sxurlty for tb4 aums seeured by this Deal a?Teu.ti. __ -—- —---
<br /> �"'� lf the nmount of the Funds held by Leudu.teget7nr�nttA tha Poturro monthly instalimtttb a4'Fun ds p�yra b le p r ior to _,
<br /> the due dates of ta:ea�ar�essmeab,�nsurance prea�ium�snd gnnand renb.shatl exceed the�mount requtoed to p�y satd ---
<br /> � ta:es.assessments.insurance prtmiume aud gmund e+eab u they fill due.:ueh oaoeess shdl ba,at Eoaower's optlon, �.
<br /> � either�romptly�gai�to Bonower or crediteA to Borrowar on monthly iast�!lments of Bunds,If the�mount of the
<br /> Funds�te1s by 4.erzdeA�(2a11 not bo suffieient to tasd.assaartents.lusuance nmiums and und ror►ts u they fall ����-`�`'°°
<br /> � � PaY P 8�'o r��:.�_ _
<br /> � due.l�anra�mu she�(;ra�t�o���p�!�Y�ouat aecessaqr W meke up the deftciency in one or mon p�yment�es Lender _
<br /> ' � may��ui¢¢. ti�'-
<br /> � lPpoA pay�mec�u�a t&aii of aCi s�ncns seeured by thls Deod of Truat.Lender s1u11 pmmptly ntiiad to�ona►ver�ny -- _
<br /> a..'
<br /> � Funds bztd by l�eAdeQ Bf under pardgrapb nY�ereoY the Ptopetty is a�Ed�s tbe Pcopetty is olbet� ¢c��a�l Ay �:'
<br /> � � Iaandmr.Lemdea s�naCO�g�g►ly�no later than i�.�Ce�pr�or to t�sads cFtt�e I�,peety er ita sequlsitta�6,�4an�i¢r.�a�
<br /> " Fnerzds Q�ld by Lem�xr at the time of applicatd�rs os e ca�dit a��ir�B R4eo:�cua�s�ursd by thla Dad of 1Ya�t. �"�v:
<br /> w.��-.T.'_
<br /> ' . " �e A�'Jlsa9Ba�,�q PsYmenlo.Unless e��C�Pr Isw�es w�Caxmr�a.a9A psymenta ceoeWed k�►II�2a u+��ap ���:__--_
<br /> ;;�, tCee 1�w4¢Rnd p���p.hs 1 and 2 hereof ahati i�e a�n�9ted by Lender�Cest c'ha�eat of acnounts p�ag�bCm ttoLemdxr Aq :,,:;�v,_
<br /> ��w¢r umder ga4a�rAph 2 hee+eof.then to�i'c��payable on the Note,eurd 4k�za�to the principd a3elh�6��2e. '�'�'_^�-=
<br /> '��;:v�-�-
<br /> . „ 4. �etor Mort�es and Dos�ls of Tru�q�eQai Llea�. Borrnwer sh�91�rf�s�ra�l of�unnm�r'�cb9�gatio�s �';:... ~-;_-
<br /> a . ,S��k'�;�.•,,�,-._.
<br /> en�Qec a�r�r mortgage.deed of trust or alhet s�urlty ageceatent with a Ilen whic4n hns�Sims��y over t�QP�c9�ff 7ka�sL �� ��,t--`.�
<br /> � • � n��^c��3v�g Borrower's covenants to make paymeats whea dae. Bortawtt sha11 pay or �ut�te ta be p�afl tas2a, `'J�v:__-
<br /> ' assessments and other charges,liaes and impositlona attrlbutable to the Property whteh may attain a�ri�rhy ovu t�i� ��5 M_`-`�—
<br /> � � Deed of Trust.and ieasehold a ents or und rents.if an . �`�:�"```
<br /> P Ym � Y �.t'%�;•s,��•—
<br /> 5. Hwrd Insnr�nce.Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereaRer e�ecttd on the Property I ,
<br /> insured against loss by tire.hazards inciuded within the tatn'•exteadcd coverage",and such other hasards as IaAala `'"�°�`=- . -
<br /> . may require and fn such amounts aod for such periads as Lender may nquire. x�`�"'��Ax�+��•
<br /> The insurance camer providing the insurance ahal!be ehosen by Bortower subf eM to approval by L�ender;pro fd�, �..�,
<br /> - � that sueh appmvat shaH not be uareasonabiy witbheid.Ail insurance policies and ranawaia ti�ei�oiaizail ife Ir.� c. a:__::_��° -
<br /> acceptable to Lsnder and shall include a standard mortgage cfause in favor off and in a form acceptabte to Lender. �`;;:�':='--
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the poltcies and renewals therEOf.subject to the tetms of any mortgagt,daA oih�ust ��'' � -
<br /> .°;,':_..
<br /> ;;;,:;1,•ru;
<br /> or other secur�ty agreement with a lien which has prlortty over this Dced of 1'rust. ',51�:%s•�-��
<br /> • � In the event of loss.Borrower shaii give prompt nottce to the insurance carrler and T.ender.Lender�nay make praof �,T�;>-•j;";,��''
<br /> . . � of lass if not made promptly by Bomowea `�:.,`;r.' �=�-
<br /> ;' ��,;..
<br /> _ .r�_j , If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower fails to rapond to I.ender withi�30 days from the date �`:t.-;:�.' ' �_-_.
<br /> , '`�"`''' .
<br /> �. � �otice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the Insurance carrjer offers to settle a clalm for insuranae bencfits,Lcndep is ���
<br /> authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lend�r's option either to restoratton or repatr of the , �',��
<br /> • ' I Propetty or to the sums secured by this Dced of Trust. ° �i3t`��
<br /> 6. Peeaervatton �u►d M+�intenonce of Property; LeaseholdsR Condoentntua��Pl�ned Unit De�elopmenb.Bor• � ��=`_��__.
<br /> • rower shall kcep the Property tn goad repair and shall not cornmit waste or permit Impairment or detedoratlon of the %��.':>;,, � �y��--
<br /> Pro rt and shail com 1 with the rovisions of an lease if this•Deed of Trus4 is on a leasehold.lf this Deed of Trust is �.�"•%f � • ; �� `
<br /> Pe Y P Y P Y i;.r}., : /�.�..
<br /> ' , on a u�it in a condominium or a planned unit development,Borrower shalf perform all of Borrower's obligatioas undet !�s':`� "
<br /> ". � the declarattan or covenants crcating or governing the condominium or planned unit development. the bylawt and '
<br /> regulations of the rondominium or planned unit development,and constituent documents. ,
<br /> 7. Protectlon of Leader's Security.If Borrower fails to perform the covenaats and agreements contained in this :���. • ..
<br /> Deed of Trust.or if any action or proceeding is commenced whtch materially affects I.ender's interest in the Property. '
<br /> then IJender,at I.ender's option.upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearances,disbutse such sum:,inciuding .
<br /> rcasonable attorneys'fees.and take such action as is necessary to protect Lender's interest.lf L.ender requlred mortgage � •
<br /> insu�ance as a conditton of making tbe loan secured by this Dced of Trust.Borrower shall pay the pnmiums cequired to ,
<br /> maintain such insu�ance ia ePfect until such time as the requitement fa such insurance terminates in accordance with �
<br /> Borrowcr's and I.ender's whnen agreement or applicable law.
<br /> � Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7,with intetest thereon,at the Note rate,shalt ,
<br /> bec�me additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Botrower and Lender agree to
<br /> � other terms of payment, such amounts �hall be payable upon aotice from I.ender to Bonower tequesting panrtent .
<br /> . thereof.Nothing rnntained in this paragraph 7 shall require[.ender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder.
<br /> 8. Inspectton. 'irmder may make or caus2 IIo be made reasonable eniri�s upoa and inspections of the Property, •}
<br /> , prrnided that Lendee shall give Borrower n3i::a peior to any such lnsgnecenon specifying reasonable cause thenefor '.�
<br /> � related to Lender's interest in tC:z Pcoperty.
<br /> 4�. Coaderunatlon.The p�x¢a�s of any award or cDacca Ge+r damages.direct or consequentiai,in connccCean��:itn
<br /> :;:. � " any eandemnatiose ar other ta�ue�g of the Property,or paet c�uwcemf,or ffor conveyartce em lieu of condeannaac�a. z,re
<br /> . hereby assigrs¢A ac�d s?�all be paid to I,ende�,sral�rxct to the tsress of aeey r V:.:�gage,deed of trust or o2C�er securi¢p agmxe-
<br /> ' ntent with a liPm arCro;�e F�as priority over this�d af Trust.
<br /> IlQ Bor�t+craa Not Rdeasa�; Forbearana By I.ends� Ri�Y • �arv¢r. Factension of tP�e ter�� �`ur payumertC or
<br /> _.
<br /> QRCIdHffCCdhOA 018fIlOttiZ3i101168 Q¢f:SUtt15 SCCUTCO Oy tttu ia�+.�u�7 i ia:st gr�:�tea oy uacic�dv any sccc�csivr ii�dccai�ai vi
<br /> Ba�re�.,rrs�shall not operate to e�iease,in aay manner,the lua6a164y of tLkao`ey nal Borroarer and�offvaw¢r's successors in
<br /> interest.I.ender sQ�a;i noi be required to com�se�ce praceedings aganecst sr�c4 successor or refuse to ucend time for pay
<br /> ment or otherwisre madiiy areeartization of elke sums secured by this�d of Tvust by reason of any demand made by the
<br /> � �riginal Borrower aad Borcuwer's suecessors in inter¢st.Any forbearaec�Dy Lender in ezercising any right or nmedy
<br /> � h¢reundcr,or otherwise a�'orde�3 by applicabte law,sgall nnt be a waiver of or preclude the ezenise of any such right or
<br /> remedy.
<br /> I D. Succeuoea and Aai� Bonnd; Iolnt and �ec¢ual lil�^�:�:�q; Co-sig�ers. The covenants and agreements
<br /> herein contained shatl bind,and the rights hereunder shatt inure W.Yh�c�spective successors and assigns of Lender and
<br /> Borcower,subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 heceof.All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and
<br /> , several.Any Borrower who co•signs this Deed of Trust,bat does not eaecute the Note.(a)is co•signing this Ueed of Trust
<br /> only to grant and rnnvey that Born►wer's iotecest in the Property to T�ustee under the tetms of this Reed of Trust,(b)is
<br />